Every day, every person, everywhere- has daily tasks they complete. Many of these are repetitive tasks and they don’t discriminate. Laundry, dishes, picking up toys, making meals- those kind of mundane items that come and go each day and we don’t give a lot of thought to them. But what if we did? What if we took those everyday tasks and turned them into something intentional? Instead of just going through the motions, we could make the most of these moments in the best way!
Touchpoints! That’s what I like to call them. And the idea behind the name is that when you are touching something related to someone, you use that opportunity to think of them and pray for them. It doesn’t have to be deep and it doesn’t have to be perfect; it’s simply taking the opportunity of a mundane task and using it intentionally.
Want an example? Let’s say I’m folding laundry for the boys. Well, when I’m folding Crew’s laundry I would spend a minute or two (or even less) praying over Crew. Thanking the Lord for him, speaking life and joy and peace over him, asking God to move in his life and help him grow big and strong. They are almost like “popcorn prayers” if you will. Quick yet intentional prayers over a specific person.
Or maybe you are in a season of life where you don’t have kids. How does that work with touchpoints? Well, maybe you are working on a project to submit to a co-worker. Or signing off on team member evaluations. Or grading papers for students. Or you bake cakes for clients. Whatever it is, it can still be a touchpoint for you to speak and pray over that other person you are connected with through that task.
Two of my favorite Proverbs in the Bible are the following:
“Kind words are like honey- sweet to the soul and healthy to the body.” Proverbs 16:24
“Words satisfy the soul as food satisfies the stomach; the right words on a person’s lips bring satisfaction.” Proverbs 18:20
To me, the cool thing about these verses and this whole idea of touchpoints is that it holds a double blessing. 1) It blesses those that you are thinking of without them even knowing it. It turns the focus off of ourselves and it turns our minds to others and thinking of others needs. Which is always a good thing. 2) It blesses YOU! Having a rough day? Praying for someone else, thinking about who they are to you and speaking life over them is surely to turn any attitude around and bring you joy which in turn blesses your day in the best way.
In my humble opinion, these touchpoints are a win-win. They turn daily tasks into intentional times thinking of others. And they have the power to change the atmosphere and attitudes of our days as well. So next time you are dishing up a plate of food for your little one, folding your spouse’s laundry, evaluating a co-worker’s proposal or shoveling snow off a neighbor’s driveway, remember touchpoints and take a moment or more to pray over that person and just speak kind words over them even without them knowing. And then let me know how it’s making your days better and making those tasks something you actually start looking forward to.
I’m going to be working on this too and I hope you join me!
Laura Crane
I absolutely love touch points and every positive thing you say . Ty Sarah
Laura CraneThank you so much for saying that Laura – that is so kind!
Devereaux Manuel
I started doing this when you shared the encouragement on Instagram and wow, I could have never fathomed how it would change my outlook on life! It really trains your brain to do things (even those you don’t want to do) out of love and to see it as a privilege rather than a burden! Thank you!
Devereaux ManuelWow I love hearing that! It’s so cool to hear how it has made such a big impact for you- even something so small! Thanks so much for sharing that- so encouraging to me!
Nice one mommy will be working on this two… Thank u😘
VeronicaLove it Veronica! Thanks for joining me on it!
Cassondra anderson
Love this so much!
Amber A
Your Ana amazing encouragement and I am literally waiting for your book to come out.
Thank you again for sharing this reminder. Love it
Amber AAmber- thank you so much! That means a lot to me to hear you’re excited to read my book!