Let’s start off with our BIG news since that’s what you came here for: OUR SWEET BABY IS A BOY!!!!!!!
Oh my lands we are just so SO thrilled as you can imagine!! We are thrilled that God has gifted us with a healthy 6th child and we are thrilled that God has gifted us with another sweet little boy to raise in this world!
His big brothers are really excited and I can’t wait to once again see them love on a new little brother. It’s the sweetest thing to witness as a mother. We are honestly so humbled and honored that God would gift us these boys to raise. Boys who will grow to be wonderful men that this world absolutely needs. Compassionate, kind, caring, strong, others-oriented, willing to serve, hospitable, kind, joyful and gentle men of God.
Thank you so much for sharing in our joy with your kindness and love over our family. We are soaking it all in and can’t wait for this sweet little one to arrive come August and to continue to share in each moment!
xo, Sarah
For those of you that asked – here’s what we used this week for our gender reveal!
Congratulations from Portugal!
Congrats from Portugal
Hannah Gray
Congratulations!! This new little baby boy is blessed with such great big brothers (and parents)! I can’t wait to see how Beck will be with a new sibling.
Kathryn Ebdrup
Hannah GrayCongratulations to you and your family!💙💙
That’s wonderful!!! Congratulations!! So much fun with 6 little boys! Wish you all the best 💙💙💙💙💙💙
Lesley Koehn
I knew it!! Congratulations!!
Lesley KoehnOh my goodness boy was my gut feeling wrong. Lol! Huge congratulations this is so wonderful for your boys and for you both. So so happy for you 💙💙💙💙💙💙
Patrice Masters
Lesley KoehnOh sweet precious Sarah!! May God bless you as you settle in with this news. Are you ready for this:
My mom had seven girls, I was the last! That’s a lot of emotion! But, remember, you will have six daughter’s or more if they marry! But here is the real situation: I am going to pray that you feel so incredibly blessed supernaturally. May the Lord lift you totally.
Mareena Binu
So happy to hear this. God bless.
Claire C
Congratulations! Six sweet precious boys!
Hailey R.
So excited for your entire family! I have a feeling the boys are thrilled to keep their brotherly bond going strong.
Suzanne LaVon
A huge CONGRATULATIONS you you all!! What a lucky little boy he will be with lots of brothers! 💙💙💙💙💙💙❣️
Martha Fisher
Congratulations!! Your family is beautiful and you all look so happy!! And yes this world needs more good strong godly leaders,May God walk with you you as you raise an army for Him!!
Emily Wickey
Ahhhhhh!!! I couldn’t be more excited for you guys and your 6th little boy!! You are an amazing boy mom Sarah and I love your heart in raising all your boys!! 💙 Congrats!!!! 🎉
Yay!!! Another precious boy! Congratulations!!! ❤
Jennifer J. Whitmer
Congratulations on your new little blessing of a baby boy!!!! How wonderful!!!! That is one lucky little boy!!! 💙💙💙💙💙
Hooray! How exciting!
Sending the biggest congratulations to your family.
Jeanine Mergen
Sooo happy for you guys!! You already are doing such a great job raising such beautiful boys and God has blessed you with another one! Congratulations! 💙
Yay! So happy for you and your sweet family! 💙
Jamie Oosterkamp
Wow, Congratulations! So special to be raising good And Godly men for this world! God has blessed you greatly!
Congratulations on boy number 6. I am so excited for your family to grow by one. Your boys are all so precious. Thanks so much for taking us all along on your journey.
Ahhhhh so happy for you all! Another darling little boy, oh my! Can’t wait to meet him and watch his brothers love on him!
Melanie Kamenik
Yay! Congrats!!! I guessed correctly lol!
Kelly M OBrien
Congratulations! So excited for you and your family.
Praise God for His abundant blessings! Congratulations! What wonderful, God fearing men they will be. ❤️
Simone Friesen
Yay!! Congratulations on your sweet boy!!!
Congratulations! I’m an all-boy mama also and it is everything I’ve ever dreamed of ❤️
Mary Jane
Congratulations 🎊 your family will embrace this baby 💙As a boy Mom myself ( and Grammie of a 3 year old boy ) nothing could be sweeter- God bless all of you
Yay! So excited! I guessed a girl, because it’s bound to happen sometime, but I’m just as excited you are having another boy. Little boys are so much fun!
Lindsey Barth
Congratulations on your sweet baby boy! I’m a boy mom too and there’s such a sweet and unconditional love between brothers. I’m so happy for your family. ❤️ – Lindsey
Congratulations.🎉 This is so exciting and to have such strong parents raising men of God! 💙
Congratulations!! 💙💙 How amazing is that!? 6 wonderful little boys!!
So incredibly excited for you and your sweet family!!! Congratulations ❤
Congratulations! You are wonderful boy parents and the world will be blessed by men that you have trained to love Jesus. I’m a boy mom and it has been so wonderful to see our guys grow into good men.
Congratulations 🎉 to your lovely family! X
Lauren Cordova
Congratulations!! I thought girl, but deep down I knew it was a boy. So exciting!!! ☺️😉💙🥳🥳🥳
Tamera Bihlmaier
I just wanted to say what an encouraging couple you are both. I’m a mother of 7 sons and can relate to many of your articles. I really enjoy watching your family on Instagram and looking forward to watching your family grow! Congratulations on your new blessing!
Kendra Andersen
Praise God for a precious boy to add to your other little blessings!!!!
Oh my word!!!! How EXCITING!!!! Can’t wait to get to see who this new precious boy is! 💙
Antoinette Adams
Praise God for a new life! Continued prayers for healthy pregnancy and baby. We have 4 boys here. It’s an important job we’ve been given🙏🏼💙
Oh my goodness CONGRATULATIONS!! Can’t wait to watch your 6th boy grow up. Lots of love to you and your family
My husband is the oldest of 7 boys. That’s exactly what his mom wanted. Congratulations!
Melissa Layman
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! 💙💙💙 SO blessed by you and your family! May God continue to bless you and give you courage to stand for truth and for HIM! And for being a light 💡 in this dark world! The girls who marry your boys will be so blessed as well! Again…CONGRATULATIONS 🎉🎉🎉
Congrats from Canada 🙂 what great news to wake up too 🙂 I guessed girl this time but I am not surprised I was wrong 🙂 you are an amazing mom and you got being a boy mom down to a tee 💜 congrats again to the whole family
Shaun Paulsen
Congratulations! Love the reactions from the big brothers.
Ericka Keator
Gah! I’m so excited your boys are the sweetest! I can’t wait to see what he looks like and what you’ll name him! 🥰😘
Congratulations!! What an honor indeed!
Congratulations!! I am so excited for y’all and for sweet baby boy! And so thankful God has blessed you with this opportunity to raise great, godly men!! I just love your family so much! 💙
Praise God!! A baby boy!!! He is so good!
Congratulations from Italy!!💙💙
Wowser! So very excited for you ALL. Love you guys, Sarah. 👵💜🛐📖💪🇺🇸⛾
Congratulations from Germany. Another healthy baby boy.
So awesome! A beautiful boy. Huge congratulations to all the family 💙💙💙
Jean Wright
Congratulations! This is SO exciting. Our world does need more Christian men. Glad you will be raising them 🙂 I am so happy for your beautiful family! You ALL bring joy to everyone who knows you.
So exciting!! So many amazing sweet boys 💙💙💙
Dafne Quagliarello
I knew it! But voted for a girl 😅 how fun! a 6th boy! Sarah, you are the best boy mom ever! You inspire me everyday! May God continue to bless you and your beautiful family! 💙
Absolutely wonderful news!!!!!! Congratulations to your darling family! 💙💙💙💙💙💙
Congratulations!! What a blessing for your family! Another healthy baby to enjoy! ❤️❤️
Tara McLaughlin
Congratulations! Boys are so awesome! How exciting for you guys to be raising up some godly little men!
What a blessing! 6 healthy and loving little boys! God is good! Congratulations to you all! 💙
CONGRATS! I can’t wait to see him and know his name! Truly wonderful knowing he will have 5 older brothers to look up to!
So exciting!! I’m sure the boys were also excited!! A baby is such a precious miracle regardless the gender!!🥰
Cassy Wilkins
Congrats on another BOY!! So exciting!!
Rebecca Martin
Boys are SO special!! I have 4 myself and wouldn’t change a thing. Congratulations on a Healthy Baby!!❤️
CONGRATULATIONS!!! What a blessing from God another beautiful miracle. So happy for all of you.
SOOOOO excited for you all. God gives us the perfect children that we are meant to have! CONGRATULATIONS!
Maddy L Spranger
SO EXCITED! I LOVE THIS! This made my day! I can’t wait to tell my husband.. hahaha I keep him informed. I am a young boy mom and love watching you guys grow and share your wisdom. I DEFINITELY NEED ALL THE WISDOM! Thank you for inviting us all in to your life!
Maddy L SprangerYou are so sweet Maddy, thanks for being so excited for us!
Lindsey Williams
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! Another amazing little gentleman 💙💙 praying for a safe rest of pregnancy and delivery!
You both sure make the cutest baby boys there are ! Congratulations 🎉
Christine Phillips
Congratulations!!! Another sweet boy! Can’t wait to learn his name and how he fits into the family once he’s here!💙
Claudia Mclaurin
Congratulations from the McLaurin family in Midland NC!
Emma wolpert
Yay congrats!! So excited for you!! Something about a house full to boys with a good momma gets me in the feels!
Tears!!! So so thrilled for you all!
My dad is 1 of 11 boys. And now my brother and his wife have 4 boys. With more to come I’m sure.. and I couldn’t be more excited about it! Congratulations on your 6th bundle of love and joy!!
This is wonderful news. God will continue to bless your family as you honor Him. You do boys well, congratulations on bringing up the whole team!
Congrats!!!! So exciting!!!
Congratulations I new it was a boy💙💙💙💙💙💙
Congratulations! He is going to be beautiful addition to your family.
Congratulations!!! So happy for all of you!
Crystal Aguilar
Congratulations!! I’m so excited for another boy!!
I’m partial to boy.. my sister and I are the oldest out of 7. My parents have 2 girls and then 5 boys. I love having 5 brothers. I also have 2 boys. Needless to say I was team boy 😊
Ahhhh. Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉. 6 sweet boys! I have 3 😃. It’s 1am in Australia – I stayed up to find out 🙈
Karey Eastburn
SarahCongratulations!!! Such an honor to be raising men of God! 💙💙💙💙💙💙
Amy French
Oh my gosh, congratulations!! So happy for you guys and these sweet blessing! 💙
Isabel Madueno
Congratulations 🎊🎉🎈 What a surprise!! He is a blessing ! 💙💙💙💙💙💙
Congratulations! As a Mom to all boys myself, I can tell you boys have a loyalty to their Mamas as they get older that is strong, fierce, protective, and endearing. Blessings to you and your beautiful family!
Oh I love it!! Congratulations on a sweet little boy!
Amy Goodermote
Congratulations! Blessings to your adorable family 💙
Deborah Shank
Congratulations 🎊- so excited for you
Mary Oestrike
Yeah! So excited for you, Tim and all the “BIG” brothers!
Congratulations! You are raising such kind and wonderful sons! And it just means lots of daughter in laws in your future 💙
Rebecca McReynolds
Awww…💙💙💙💙💙💙Congrats on sweet boy#6!! You are such a beautiful family!! I’m so happy for you!! God bless all of you!!! Thanks for sharing!! Love, Rebecca McReynolds 😊🙏🏻
Sara G
Raising little boys to become strong men in Christ is a joy and such an amazing calling that you and Tim are doing with excellence! So excited for you and the family!!
Oh my goodness..congrats 💙
My grandmother had 6 boys before having 2 girls.
Love following you and your sweet family.
Congratulations 💙 so happy for you guys!! Little boys are so much fun!
So excited for you all!!! 💙💙💙💙💙💙
Jennifer Anderson
Congratulations!!! I’m a boy mom too!
Congratulations!!! Such a blessing!!
Alejandra G
Yay!!! I vote b o y 💙 on your Instagram page. Congratulations! Many blessing to your family!
Rakeisha Westfield
Congrats you guys I’m so excited. What a blessing.
A gift of love and absolute joy, brings you this beautiful baby boy, two people as one created a son, to cherish for everyone, take care of this boy he’s precious and new, and has been left in the care and protection of you.
Boys – A gift of love and absolute joy, brings you this beautiful baby boy, two people as one created a son, to cherish for everyone, take care of this boy he’s precious and new, and has been left in the care and protection of you.
This sweet baby boy could not be in better hands – so exciting – 💙
Congratulations!!! So excited for you all. Babies are such a blessing!
Sarah H
Yay!!! How exciting!! Congratulations on another sweet boy!
Congrats! What a blessing! You have the sweetest, most respectful boys and this baby boy has such wonderful older brothers and role models. Prayers for everything to continue to be smooth and healthy.
Melissa Krause
Wahooo!! Congrats you guys!!! 💙💙💙💙💙💙
Love that you shared the news first this way 🥳
Martha Piccinich
Congratulations!!!💙💙💙💙💙💙I’m so excited for all of you. Yeah!!!!!!
Eugenette morin
Wow a boy 😄Congratulations 💙💚💙💚💙💚
Shanna Machamer
Aww yay! Congrats!!
Congratulations 💙💙💙💙💙💙
So happy for you! God has truly blessed your family! Keep shining for Jesus!! ☀️
Julie krommendyk
I just love this!! Raising up Godly men is such an important responsibility in today’s world-and you guys are awesome. God has gifted parents like you for “such a time as this!”
Lyndsay Veck
Congrats! So beyond happy for you guys. Another sweet baby boy coming into the world. You were meant to raise beautiful boys. Sending you guys all the love from the Veck family.
Congratulations on your sweet new bundle of joy! Such a blessing! Wishing you all the best and sending lots of love, happiness, and prayer to you all!
So happy for your family!!!!
Congratulations!! So excited for you!
Yay!! I’m expecting my first baby boy this July 💙 such a blessing! I’m so happy for your family. Congratulations!!!!
Congratulations for this new Baby boy. He will be as loved as the others !!!
Great News
That was my guess!! You are so lucky!! That is awesome
Congratulations! I’m so excited you’ll be adding another adorable boy to the family.
Sharon Stutzman
Congratulations 👏
Such a blessing! Congratulations!! 💙💙💙💙💙💙
Chrissy B.
Man,I was so so wrong! God must know that you were meant to put more good men on this earth. Congratulations on your healthy little guy.
Congratulations 🎊🎈🎉!!!
Congratulations we are so happy for your family. God Bless you in this pregnancy and the baby. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us. Much love from Idaho.
Amy M
Brittany Malone
Praise Jesus! The world needs parents like you and Tim to raise godly men who are leaders and world changers!!!
A huge congratulations on your new bundle of joy and your growing family💙
Yayyyy! Six sweet boys!!! Congratulations!
How exciting! Congratulations to your precious family!!!
Stephanie Gross
I am so thrilled for you! This is definitely God’s plan and what he wants for you and it’s so encouraging to see you embrace that. Congratulations!!
Oh Sarah I am so thrilled for your growing family!! Look at that pride already on big brother Jude’s face!!! Continual prayers for a smooth and restful second half of your pregnancy 💙💙💙💙
Chelsey Washington
So sweet! Congratulations!! 💙
Congrats from Germany! 💙💙💙
Ruth Wigham
Wonderful you are nurturing the next generation of boys/men/fathers. congratulations you are both doing an amazing job to continue with your 6th ! Xx
This is just wonderful. May God bless your amazing family. 💙
Marnette Sprouse
Your family….these beautiful captures of the moment….I love each one of you so very, very, very much! 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘💙
Marnette SprouseWe all love you!! Thank you Mrs. Sprouse!
Wendy Devers
The sweetest of congratulations! God knew that the world needed more Godly men brought into this world… and he has blessed you & the fam with that precious honor! You’re a great boy-mom, there is NOTHING like the relationship between a boy and his mama!! (All Boys, mom here too) Just think one day you will inherit 6 wonderful daughter-in-loves!!
Yay!! Boymom all the way!!!! Congratulations guys.
Diane Milani
Congratulations!!! God is so glorious and great! Your sweet son is such a lucky little guy to join such a beautiful family. God bless you all.
Congratulations!!! I guessed it!! God bless!
Helen Boyf
I’m so very excited for you all. Six Godly boys to lead in this world.
Kasey Kauffman
I knew it! Congratulations you two!
Congratulations?! God knows exactly what He’s doing! ❤️❤️
Told my husband last night that I am so excited about this gender reveal same as you are the part of the family 🙈 so involved and couldn’t wait to find out. Been here since you were pregnant with Beck and just love love following you and your family.
Congratulations and God chose perfect parents and family to send another boy into
Woohoo! As a mom of 3 boys (now grown men),I wouldn’t change a thing. I have two beautiful DILs who I love like they are my own and my first grandchild is a girl. She is my heart and soul. Her brother was born on her birthday March 7th of this year. He’s absolutely precious! I’m incredibly blessed and God is so good. Congratulations on your new bundle of joy.
Morgan Chipurnoi
Yayyyy!! Congratulations 🎉💙
Cindy Reilly
Congratulations!!! How awesome!!! So excited for you all!! 😍. Looks like the gender reveal was a blast, too!!!
Congratulations! How wonderful! I’m so excited for you all! 💙
Diane M
Congratulations!!!!! So excited for your sweet family 😊
LaLas Blessings
God chose you to raise these wonderful young men! Congratulations on your next blessing❤️🥰
Congratulations! I’m a boy momma x2 so I’m biased when I say it’s the best! I was due this May with our 3rd but unfortunately I lost him this winter. Seeing your families joy and positive energy everyday puts me in a such a good mood. And the Bible giveaway came at the time I needed it most as well. Sending love to you and ALL your boys💙
ArielHi Ariel! I am so sorry to hear about your little one you lost! My heart goes out to you!
Joy P
I am so excited for your family to have another sweet boy!!! The world keeps getting better and better with each young man God is giving you and I couldn’t be more thrilled!!
Anne Wenschkewitz
Congratulations from Germany!
You are a wonderful mother, Sarah!!
And, of course, you are wonderful parents, and soo sweet, caring big brothers for the sixth little boy.
Ich also have five sons (between 13 and 21 years old) and I will continue to follow you on Instagram and on your webside.
Good luck for the further pregnancy!
Congratulations!!! 🥰🥰🥰
Congratulations!! Such exciting and wonderful news, you make the most handsome boys!! 💙
Congratulations 💙💙💙💙💙💙
Bless your family!!!
So happy for you all!!! I love watching you raise those precious boys <3
What a blessing! Not many people can say they are raising a team of 6 boys! Congratulations!🦕
Elizabeth Merchant
Congratulations!!! So very happy for you and your family! ❤️
Kimberly Dunn
I LOVE being a boy mom (X3) & I can tell you do too! Congratulations from Colorado!!
Wendy Webb
How wonderful!!! 💙 This world needs an abundance of the godly men you are raising! Congratulations!!!
This absolutely wonderful! So happy for you and the boys 💙💙💙
Kathleen Murray
Hugh congrats 💙
Amazing! 6 boys! Such a blessing! Congratulations!!!
Uncle G
-Uncle G
Uncle GYou’re the best!
Vicki VanOverloop
So happy for you all!! My husband is one of 6 boys and they are very close even now! My in laws did a wonderful job raising them and you will too! This world needs more godly men 😊 Don’t know why I guessed girl! Lol
Maria Andress
Oooo! So exciting! I love seeing families of all boys- it reminds me of my dad’s -7 brothers. :)) congratulations and God’s blessings on your family! 💙💙💙💙💙💙
So excited for this sweet little blessing to join your beautiful family! God has abundantly blessed you with all these healthy precious boys!! I have five grandchildren who are all boys and there’s nothing better!! Congratulations to all of you Sarah!!
Oh my what a joy it will be to have another beautiful baby boy! So happy for your sweet family. May God continue to bless you all!
Kayla Thompson
Hooray! Six of my boys were born right in a row, it is so much fun. (My kids came girl, boy, girl, boy ,boy ,boy ,boy ,boy ,boy, girl).
TristanWow! That is amazing!!
What a wonderful surprise! Congratulations!
Cassie G
Oh my heart! I am so thrilled for you friends! What a treasure he will be!!!! Cannot wait to see his tiny face!!
Melanie Lichty
Congratulations! I have six older brothers and I’ve never really thought about my parents being in your exact situation. How wonderful it is for them and you to have a beautiful family of boys.
Mary Haight
Yay! Congratulations to you and your beautiful family Sarah! Can’t wait to see the boy’s love on their new brother. You are so blessed. 💙💙💙💙💙💙
Congratulations to the big brothers and you too-mom and dad.
Congratulations!!!! How exciting another little boy!!! Best wishes to you and your family!!!
Lindsay Beal
Yay!!! I’m so excited!! Congratulations!! 💙💙💙
I’m excited for you all what a blessing!! Can’t wait to see who he will look more like and his name!!
Jeanne Ford
Rejoicing with you!💙💙💙💙💙💙
Cynthia Gylov
You all look so wonderfully happy, congratulations! And you are SO right, we do need more good boys and men in the world. I have three daughters and was raised in a family and extended family of mostly women. However, we were always taught that little girls are to be seen, not heard and don’t speak until spoken to. I know little boys are also taught beliefs that have crippled them emotionally, socially and mentally. I don’t know if you’ve seen this video of a speech by Emily Watson at the United Nations about ending gender inequality but it beautifully states what I’m trying to express. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkjW9PZBRfk&t=272s
Hug those beautiful and loving children you are raising!
Jen B
Congratulations! I love following your journey!
Dorrae Ferris
So so exciting!!!
Very very exciting! Another boy! Praise the Lord!
Congratulations to all of you! A large family, boys and/or girls, is the best! Boys have a special place in a mama’s heart. Praying for a happy healthy baby!
Congrats from the bottom of my heart! This world needs godly men and you and Tim are such wonderful examples! What a sweet dear baby boy he will be!
Congratulations! 💙💙💙
Jacqueline Chavez
Congrats to the family 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💜
Melinda Barnard
Congratulations on your sweet baby boy. He’s such a lucky little guy to be blessed with five big brothers. You are raising amazing young men and just like you said, our world needs those exact qualities in our future generation. Thanks for sharing your lives with all of us. I look forward to your posts and stories each day and can’t wait to meet the newest member of your family.