Our family loves to play games! Card games, board games, group games…we love it all! In a previous blog post I shared ALL of our favorite kid’s games (find it here) and now I’m following up with our favorite games for adults! I mentioned in my kids games blog that I grew up watching my parents play pinochle with lots of other couples! I remember hearing lots of conversation and tons of laughter as they played. All of us kids couldn’t wait until we were old enough to be taught that game and I still love it to this day! I hope you enjoy this Family Game list we put together.
It’s not so much about the game as it is ‘playing a game’ together that I love! The togetherness!
This game list includes favorites that Tim and I, and my immediate family, love to play! I know there are thousands of games on the market and everyone has a favorite or two but maybe you’ll see something on our list that intrigues you and you want to give it a try.
I’ve categorized between card games, board games, and group game lists! A lot of these games are played with our older kids in the family as well.
Check them out below and tap any link to find the game.
Card Games

Pinochle // Hearts (directions here) // Casino (directions here) // Cribbage // Dutch Blitz
Board Games

Codenames // Chess // Scrabble // Sequence // Hues and Cues
Group Games

Pictionary // Think N’Sync // Scattegories // Taboo // MadGab // Quixx // Farkle // Yahtzee // Accentuate
I hope this family game list gives you even more ideas of fun games to play together as a family or with a group of friends. Don’t forget to check out our Top Games for Kids Blog Post also. Leave us a comment with your favorite game below! We are always looking for new ones to play!
xo, Sarah
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We love the game, Mexican Train and Clue! Fun family games. Thanks for your list. We will be looking into them.
DebbieOh yes! Both those are great too!
Ticket to ride regular version and the junior one is so much fun!
I love games! You have some very good games on this blog post and a few I will have to look into!
Connie Meyerink
We live codenames! For Christmas, my mother-in-law gifted us the codenames “duet” version. It’s so fun but such a challenge! I like it because you and your spouse (or whoever you’re playing it with) work together and not against.
Connie MeyerinkOh yes- Caitlin has the Duet version. She doesn’t like it as much, but it’s a great option for 2 people I’ve heard! That’s great you love it!
Five Crowns – like Rummy but better!
AngelaYes, I have that one on my Kids game list!
We play many of the same games. You should check out the card game “Push”. It’s fun and the older boys would like it as well. You might want to get two of them. One deck seems to be good for four players. We play with two decks.
Jo king
You need to try the card game Skip-Bo it is a great game to play the whole family can play. One of our favorites.
Jo kingOh yes we LOVE skip-bo too! I need to make a bigger list!
Jackie Marin
I’ll definitely check some of these out! Have you played the game called Cards Christians Like? It’s so much fun!!
Michelle Albert
Uno Flip. Yet another twist on Uno , but so much fun ! Everyone I have introduced it to lives it
Shelby Seaton
I love this post! I remember playing Farkle with my family many years ago and totally forgot about it-we have to break this out again!
Our family has fallen in love with board games in the last several years. The Crew is a 10/10 recommend for you to try for card games! My personal favorite board game is called Century. It has beautiful little gems and is simple enough my big kiddo can play with us.
Allie (alliekristian.f)
We love Ticket to Ride and Scrabble. This Christmas we got a large Scrabble board that rotates and it’s the best!
Those look fun! Im sure my mom and dad would like to play them!!😊
I had seen a game that was recommended by you that l don’t see in your list. And of course I don’t know the name. I’ll try to describe it. Hopefully that will help.
It was a square wooden board that has numbers on all four sides. The numbers look like they flip. I think you said it was a fast pace game. No worries if l didn’t jog your memory. My description is quite vague. Thank you.
Betty Kreviazuk
NancyI think you mean Shut the Box.
10+ of the Best Family card games - Modern Farmhouse Family
[…] we love them all here! We have done some different round-ups of family games, check out our adult game list and our favorite kids games. For this one- I wanted to focus solely on card games. These are the […]
Carrie Thompson
I love games!!
A few to add:
TRUMPS (any version)
Backgammon (love way better than chess or checkers)
Love Letters (similar to Coup)
Phase 10 (alternative phases you can find online)
Jaipur 2 player but fun!
Lost Cities 2 player but fun!!!
Pandemic (littles couldn’t play but losers could with help starting) (great for geography!)
Patchwork (any version- same minus artwork) 2 player but SO much and teaches time management, money management, logic for fitting spaces… etc
I second Uno Flip! Dinner than reg!
Sequence is the best- new sequence dice is good too
Banana grams!
CTL -hard if a piece falls off but very fun!!
So many!!! I love them!
Carrie ThompsonI love all these! Yes to Payday- we love that one so much, I’m going to need to check out some of your other recs!