The family that plays games together…..
- Has fun
- Enjoys each other
- Laughs hard and often
- Builds a respect for healthy competition, and
- Learns about navigating life situations
All while playing a game together!
I grew up playing games and still love playing with kids and adults alike, and want to pass on that tradition to my children! I remember as a young girl, every time we visited my grandparents across town someone would pull out the Trouble game because we knew my Grandpa would always say YES to playing it with us! It built great memories and made for healthy family time.
My parents were avid Pinochle players and to this day I’ll grab any chance I can to play it with them! While the game takes place, it’s more than just a game. I know it sounds cliche but it’s true. Much rich conversation and sharing of life and our lives always happens during the game. Plus a little healthy, lighthearted competition never hurt anyone.
Because of these wonderful memories, I want to share with you our family game list, specifically our favorite kid’s games (and I’ll probably follow this up with another blog post for adult games!). My list isn’t all-inclusive but it includes games that to me, offer challenging, interactive, and engaging fun time and time again.
Here are our favorites for kid’s games and a few that our extended family loves too. Click the text below the image to get a closer look or shop each game.
Kids Games (Ages 3-5)

Connect 4 // Trouble // Hungry Hungry Hippos // Candy Land // Guess Who // Sequence for kids // Gobble Gobble // Sneaky Snacky Squirrel
Kids Card Games (ages 3-5)

UNO // Memory Match // Spot it! // Go Fish // Skip-Bo Junior
Kids Games (Ages 6-12)

Rubiks Race // Monopoly // Racko // Left Right Center // Sequence // Mastermind // Mouse Trap // Outfoxed // Battleship // Farkle // Yahtzee // Stratego // Sorry! // Chess
Kids Card Games (ages 6-12)

Sleeping Queens // Five Crowns // Skip-Bo // Monopoly Deal // Phase 10
I hope this family game list gives some new inspiration for fresh games in your home that your kids will love. If you have any others- please share them in the comments below! We are always up for more fun!
xo, Sarah
Shop the Post (Games):
Shop the Post (Card Games):
Elisa Ford
Large print UNO
Elisa FordUno at home and at school
Elisa FordMy daughter favorite game is go fish and my son’s favorite game is battle ship my favorite games is monopoly
Elisa FordHow fun! We are loving Connect 4, Guess Who and UNO (Avengers version) right now!
We love Machi Koro 😊
Lindsay B
MaraleeUs too!!
MaraleeCandy Land when the children were young and Battleship when they were a little older.
MaraleeMy three year old granddaughter always wants me to play Don’t Break the Ice and Lucky Duck. 😁
Haley Whiteley
My family absolutely loves uno! Always had uno “tournament” with my six siblings as a kid and we can’t wait to carry on the tradition with our own families once the babies get bigger
Lindsay U.
Sleeping Queens, Ticket to Ride, Tenzi and Skip-Bo are all favorites around here!
Patty Reed
Lindsay U.My family loves family game time and your recommendations I will keep handy for remembering when I am looking to add games for my grandkids (ages 5 – 9).
Patty Reed
Patty ReedCharades for Kids is a great game for all three grandkids. My granddaughter, who was 5 yrs old at the time, loved playing Tenzi over Zoom while they lived across country from us a few years ago.
Marlene Ash
Patty ReedMonopoly and 31 with my 7 year old grandson.
Dawn Bouton
My girls loved “Guess Who”!
Madison Devino
Dawn BoutonMy youngest loves candy land and my oldest loves uno!
Dawn BoutonGo nuts for donuts
Jamie Meskin
We love love loveeee playing Payday and Money Matters!! My husband and I just got married and honestly don’t have either of our own yet, but they are so fun. His little siblings love when we play them with them and they learn life lessons! If you haven’t heard of Money Matters i highly recommend it!! It’s similar to pay day but with a Christian twist!
Bettie Birch
Uno always a number one!
Candy Land!
Shanna Allen
Ticket to Ride and Sequence (Junior options as well!)
Marcia Carr
Shanna AllenMy grand kids like to play chutes and ladders
We enjoy Throw Throw Burrito!
MarisaWe love Uno here too!!
Amy Brumfield
Zingo! And Spot!
Ooo Five Crowns is on my list to get! My current favorite game is Azul! Definitely not as well known but really cool!
Joey Bulloch
AmyWe love azul as well!
Bethany Lotulelei
We love Qwirkle!
We love sleeping queens!
Jessica Viers
Oh man! I forgot about trouble! Might have to get that one for my little!
Heather Sizemore
My son and I love so many games but have thouroughly enjoyed star realms and carcassonne.
Lindsay M
My favorite is Monopoly or Sorry
My 3 year old and I have been loving Crazy 8’s lately! It’s also been a fun way to teach numbers.
Beth Chernick
We love guess who and connect 4!
Hannah B
We love sleeping queens!
Jessica Meschke
Thanks for sharing game suggestions. My kids love board games and we love adding new ones to our collection!
Maya Getz
My daughter is very young but she likes to play with connect 4!
My 4 year old loves playing Monopoly Jr and Zingo as a family!
Hello! My husband and I love to play Sequence and Card Games with our friends and family!
I used to teach first grade and one of their favorite “games” was actually custom puzzles of a photo of our class! They loved seeing themselves and their friends come together and they always worked really well together on them.
Space escape from mindware
Lisa Gilman
I can remember playing Trouble as a kid at my grandma’s house
Kanoodle is the most amazing game ever!
Caroline McCoy
Our favorite family game is Uno Flip or Quixx! We love the both for all ages of our kids!
Jessica Meschke
We love Trash Pandas!
Stacey Webb
Keys to the ice castle is a favourite
Emily Janning.
We love racko and pretty pretty princess.
celeste nelson
Emily Janning.Pretty pretty princess was my Childrens favorite and now my granddaughter too.
Chantelle voth
Ticket to ride is a favourite here
Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza!
Noelle Vernoy
Uno, Mancala, and Skull King are some of our favorites (my kids are 8 & 10 yr old) right now.
I love to play Risk and Phase 10!
Jill Searle
Blokus is a favorite right now!
Chelsey Coggins
Go fish because it brings back so many memories with my Grammi who has recently passed. ❤️
Skyjo 🙂
Melissa Shoup
My almost 3 year old is loving the memory game!
Marissa Davis
Our family loves uno always gets competitive
Holly Tuinstra
We love Qwirkle, Banagrams and when my kids were younger-Doodle dice.
It’s all about Uno in our home with the grandkids.
We love to play Wild Kratts Race Around The World board game and the Family Feud Kids Version trivia game.
Madison Hollabaugh
Our favorite is Uno!
Cortney Yount
We love games! We definitely hop around on our favorite but current most loved/played game is Picture apples to apples
Heather Schultheis
Cortney YountWe love skip Bo over here!! 🙂
We enjoy uno flip, rack-o, skip-bo, to name a few. 😁
Our favorite is ice breaker
Kimry Kopp
Uno, Skip-Bo and Gobble Gobble
Chutes and ladders is my go to my girls are 5,5,4, and almost 3 and were playing on a daily but I’m totally gonna check out some of your games as well!
When my sons were young, we loved playing Guess Who. We also love playing UNO, Phase 10, Yahtzee. We had game night during Christmas when both of them were home for the holidays.
We love Sorry!, Yahtzee, Guess Who? (except that we bought the newer edition and the faces are smaller and harder to see!), Old Maid, Go Fish, Connect Four and many more! 😊
I just played Uno Dare with a couple of my grands on Sat. It was great fun.
Sara Morrow
Kelli Mcconnell
Snakes and ladders
Our favorite kids games are battleship and the card game war!
Rebecca Hofer
We love Uno and Connect Four!
Karysa Luckow
We like old maid and sequence!
Kathy Beasley
Sequence has always been a family favorite! We still play with adult children. Older kids and adults will love the card game Five Crowns! Again a fam fav!
Bronwyn Signes
Skull King, SkyJo, Clue
April Thropay
Hey Sarah! My kids LOVE to play Ark & Noah!!! My oldest (7 years) loves to play Star Wars LIFE! We are a huge gaming family! My husband and I love to play Wingspan (a beautifully artistic game, too!) and Civilization, and of course, Settlers of Catan!!
-April T
We LOVE hungry hippos and shark bite!! It’s our favorite thing to do as a family! We love playing games with the whole family!
My kids loving playing Zingo and Tickets to ride Jr.
Shelley Underhill
We still love Operation
Kara Howard
Definitely uno! It’s a classic.
Jillian Schroeder
Our favorite game is Codenames, Disney Version!
Diana Lee
Emily Hall
We love Uno and Clue in our house!
that’s a really great list! thanks for putting together
Monopoly or sequence or Uno
We love Hoot Owl Hoot, Survive, Chomping Charlie, and Don’t Rock the Boat
Miriam reyes
We love playing UNO
We have an 18 month old so we haven’t quite started family game nights but my husband and I love to play the card game Nertz! We can’t wait to teach our little guy to play with us!!
Tsarina Metker
We have been having fun with Pizza Party Dice Game. Great for kids to play together that aren’t reading yet.
Teal Payonk
We’re a Uno family but recently discovered Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza card game and that’s a huge hit. I would recommend it for any family 😊
Denise Candler
My little guy when he was 3 had to go to the Bob Costas Cancer center for treatments. They had a game called Zingo that all the kids loved. We have it at home & still play it occasionally even though that was 16 years ago.
So many great classics in here! I want to try the gobble gobble with my kids!
Jodi Keller
The grandbabies love playing Shelby’s Snack Shack Game!
We’ve been loving Tiny Polka Dot – so many options in one small box !!
Emily Jochim
We love all of the different spot it games! That is such a fun game and it is easy to learn and for all ages to play!
Rat a Tat Cat card game was always a favorite with my youngest.
Tia Meerbergen
My oldest turns 3 next week so we haven’t gotten into family games just yet but I can’t wait until we do. For now just playing tag or peek a boo is fun for my little ones.
Shay Marrinan
My boys love playing sequence kids! My in laws play sequence all the time, and my 3 year old wanted to be just like them so he loves playing just like Papa
Adriene Foley
We love to play Clue Jr and Battleship!
Crystal Dirks
My kids love big thunder mountain, sleeping queens and uno attack!
We love five crowns!!! A great twist on 3/13!!
Lindsay McCracken
Rack-o with my daughter and Oh Rats! with my younger ones!
Karly Aukeman
My son LOVES games! We like to play Spot It, Uno, Trouble! He will play anything and loves a good challenge! So excited to keep teaching him several of the games you listed too!
These are great suggestions! My oldest and I have been into Racko lately. My younger ones love Hoot! Owl, Hoot!
Brittney Swanigan
I used to love to play the game of life. My girls are obsessed with connect 4 and UNO.
My little man loves memory games right now!
Cassie Dorsey
My husband and I LOVE strategic card games like Munchins! But we also love playing board games like Life with our kids!
My boys have been enjoying battleship & ticket to ride lately.
UNO flip is a favourite around here. My kids (12,10,7) also love Pirates cove, TacoCatGoatCheesePizza, Exploding Kittens.
Deb Pazdziorny
My older children enjoy playing Monopoly.
CharityI like to play Nertz!
Megan Cabuena
We love all haba games but especially my first orchard.
We loved playing Guess Who with our kids!
Sophia B
Candy Land is a go to with kids!
As adults we love playing Speed, Rummy,cribbage and monopoly
Leslie Diaz
We love hungry hungry hippos
I love playing trouble with my kiddos. We all have fun
Laurie McGee
Uno has always been a family favorite, along with several others you have shown! Now that our kids are grown, we live to play them with the grands!!❤️
Deborah Shank
My granddaughter loves to play Guess Who 💕
Autumn Kristovich
We are big gamers.
For a 2+ game we love Haba’s First Orchard. It has large wood pieces and is such good quality.
We also love their Monza game
We enjoy Peacable Kingdom’s Hoot Owl Hoot & Fishsticks
Dragomino is another fun one for littles
Alicia Kerr
Candy land is our family favorite! 🍭
We love uno and trash stash!
We love games as a family. I feel sometimes it’s lost with the newer generation. We love uno, Catan, and monopoly.
We love the card game Sushi Go. It’s super fun for smaller kids and older kids, which is great for us because we have a big age span in our family!
Kellie Schmitt
We love to play sight word swat it’s not only educational but they love racing to see who gets it first.
Sarah E
Just beginning the early stages of playing games and puzzles with my 2.5 year old! Can’t wait to implement family game nights!
My kids love Forbidden Island! It’s a fun cooperative game.
Brandi Matlack
Uno is probably our favorite family game. It’s gets super competitive and lasts for hours!
Breanna Prince
Our girls love pretty pretty princess
Kallie B
Left Right Center (the dice game) is our family favorite
Kara Hatchel
My niece and nephews love clue and uno. We got uno flip for Christmas. It’s a fun twist on the original! Adds more of a challenge for older kids.
Sarah Miller
Racoon Rumpus is our favorite younger kid game!!
Rhonda Bartlett
Kids Bingo with the grandkids right now!!
We have been loving Sleeping Queens, Sleeping Queens 2 and another game called Nut Nut Squirrel- even nuttier. Nut Nut Squirrel is the perfect game for all ages. You take turns drawing as many cards as you dare before ending your turn. The person who draws a squirrel card has to discard their nuts they drew that round while Everyone else keeps theirs in a pile to count up at the end of the game. We added two decks to make it last longer- plus my kids would count how many squirrels we have already flipped over making the game to easy, two decks makes it harder to keep track. We also put the cards in a flat bottom Pyrex bowl to make it easy to pass the deck of cards from one person to the next.
Perspecto and megaforms!
Cathy Cryan
Chutes & Ladders
Yeti in my Spaghetti
Kayleen Caddell
My kids love memory games or candy land!
Erin Spurlock
We love candy land
Phase 10!!
Joelle Lilly
My 4 boys absolutely love the game Drone Home. It’s hours of fun for our entire family. ❤️
Rosanne A
Your recommendation of the Sneaky Snacky Squirrel game has been my favorite! Its a huge hit with my toddlers (and big kid) and the durability is amazing!
Suzanne Correnti
We love UNO in our house!
We love sleeping queens and spot it at our house!
Orchard Jillian
I love games! I can not wait for my kids to want to play more games daily! That was one of my favourite memories with my family growing up. One of my favourites are Trouble!
Molly Vargas
We love classic UNO around here!
Leslie F
Game nights with my kids (12,14 & 16) are my favorite! We are loving Phase 10, Ticket to Ride and Catan right now.
Heidi Burgess
My 8 year old loves a card game called garbage played with regular cards. We did board games for awhile but pieces would get lost all the time that we just kind of gave up for the moment.
Rat-a-tat cat and skull kings are a new favorite!
MelissaWe are loving Chinese checkers and the card game Dutch Blitz …. So fun to teach our kids new games we played as kids!!!
This game has also been a huge hit!
Help me decide on this product: Bellz! Board Game https://a.co/d/eRyg1ox
Thanks for all your ideas!
Sue Stuns
Uno is always a favorite. For younger it’s trouble.
Maggie Webb
We love any of the Uno games: original, flip, or all wilds!!! Always a hit and one everyone can play!
Angela Hill
We love Guess Who!
Rolanda Stevens
My son loves playing blackjack! He’s 5
Cassie Wachowiak
My kids are 10 and 7 and we are a big board game family. Some of our favorites are: Zombie Kidz (cooperative), Celestia, Cover Your A$$ets, Crossing, Sapphiro, Otrio, and Kitchen Rush!
We’ve been loving spot it!
Lauren Lawson
Right now we are loving “Minions Kerplunk”. It has minions, Gru, and so much fun! We got it for our done for Christmas. He loves it!
Amy P
We love Play Nine!
Maureen Kresin
We love Yahtzee, Clue and Life.
Laurie Mullet
We love marble chase, squirrel game, and trouble right now! For older ones, Azul, settlers, and the bean game
We love any and all card games, a new one they are enjoying is called Buildzi which is fun for Al ages.
My family has always loved monopoly and uno😁
Kelly Forsberg
I would have to say our favorite kids game with the Uno or Candyland!💗
Amy Smith
Candy Land the all time favorite! Played with my children and now my grandson 💙
We LOVE games.
Life & clue are some of our favorites with our teenager and he’s recently into chess
Hungry hungry hippos and baby shark fishing are the current favorites with our toddlers.
Skip Bo and phase 10 ar four adult night games! Our teenager doesn’t love them but my husband and I do. We love having game nights with friends!
Our current favorite is Horse Race. Our kids are 12, 15, 16 and 18.
Rachel Gonzales
We love Uno in our house! I love how it helps my kids learn colors and numbers!!
Melissa Czym
Dutch Blitz!
Laurie Burns
Our family loves Sequence and Dominoes – but a fun older child to adult game is Codenames. Very fun!
Our current favorite is Guess Who, but we also love Hoot Owl Hoot since it’s a cooperative game. Such fun!
Theresa De Boer
I always loved Sorry as a kid! Thanks for inspiring us to playing more games with our kids! Perfect for building more family time into our busy days!
Our most played games recently are Uno and spot it. It changes up. For a while it was Team 3, that one takes good communication skills.
Sophia E
My kids are young but we love the Sneaky Sneaky Squirrel game and Don’t Wake Up the Bees game. They are both so fun for kids specifically toddlers
Rachel U
I have a 6 & 3.5 year old and we love sneaky squirrel, kids sequence, & uno attack!!!
sam van Gils
I love all the suggestions! My boys love games !
Joan Jones
My 8yo grandson loves 3 up 3 down. We all have fun playing it. Easy to
Amanda Ullman
My favourite is UNO 🤩
Ashley Johnson
These are such fun ideas! My family loves Mexican train dominoes! 🚂
Ashley JohnsonOur family we love Sneaky Snacky Squirrel, Candy Land, UNO, Wild Krats and Don’t break the Ice!
Jennifer S
My kids love life or war with cards!
Susan Gressler
Mouse Trap and Operation.
Delaine Dueck
Junior apples to apples
Angie Smith
Love pinochle as well!! My favorite game to play with kids is Mafia. All you need is a deck of cards. Hours of fun and laughter!!!
Jilian Greer
We love to play Nertz, Qwirkle, Tenzi, and Splendor. Games are so fun to play as a family!
Sara w
My boys are loving old maid uno, and crazy eights right now. They are 6 and 4. We also love first journey the kids version of ticket to ride!
Kenzie Schissel
We love ticket to ride and mouse trap!
Pop up pirate is a firm favourite especially now my 2.5yr old has taken to playing it ☺️
Rachel Glasco
Candy Land is the favorite right now
Louise Burns
Sorry or trouble were my favorites. Game nights are awesome 😊😊😊
Christa Simon
Uno, Busytown, Spot It
Cassie Gocmen
Our favorite games to play as a family are Storytime Chess, Monopoly Junior, Sequence for Kids, Go Fish, Crazy Eight, and Spot It!
Nicole Heinicke
We love Racoon Rumpus!
Michelle Oxley
Uno flip is a huge hit in our house!
Our Sunday School class (ages 2-5)LOVES playing the Memory Game while we’re waiting for their parents to come for them.
Jessica Peele
I love these suggestions!!! We are a game family too. We are really into Kids Charades and Sequence for Kids!
Jan Mielke
Twister was a great game for many ages! The adults and children both loved it!
Rummikub is one of our favorite!
Tara N
My boys love the card game, Skyjo! It requires you to use some math skills, so as a homeschool mama I love it too!
Go Fish, or as my daughter calls it “Gold fish”
Amy Tubia
Uno Extreme, Life Junior, Scrabble Junior, Old Maid, Checkers, Floor is Lava, Gooey Louey
Kimberli West
We love Sorry, Battleship and any and all card games 🫶🏻
We love spot it and shark bite.
Emily Jones
Uno flip!
Joanie Toland
Our current favorites are Candyland and Connect 4!!
Our Kid’s current favorite is Family Charades
Ashleigh Deacon
We love ticket to ride and catan in our family. My kids all play 5yrs, 10yrs and 12yrs……the 5yr old usually beats us in catan no matter how hard we try to beat her!!!
Jill McDermott
Love card games with the grandkids but recently played “Poetry for Neanderthals” and it was a hoot!
Kaitlyn Petty
We love “The Floor is Lava”!
We have a 5, 10, and 11 year old, so sometimes games that interest all of us can be hard to find, but we love “whooNu?”, Uno Flip, settlers of Catan.
Love any type of card games and monopoly and 30 seconds.
Luciana Shaw
Catan and ticket to ride are all time faves ! My kids are under 2 years old right now so not many family game nights at the moment haha but I’m excited for when they’re ready for them.
We love Sleeping Queens and have also been on a Monopoly kick since Christmas! We also play a lot of Marbles. It’s a custom made board with 4 colors and a deck of cards. I’ve heard some people say it’s similar to the game “Aggravation” but I’ve never played that before.
Alison S.
We love ticket to ride!
Catherine Soni
My favorite games to play with my son are Guess Who?, Life and Clue Jr.
They are all my original 80s/90s games from my childhood! So thankful my mom saves them so I can play them with my son now over 30 years later!
Ticket to ride-rails and sails.
Heather Gemmill
My 2 and 4 year old both love Candy Land and we play at least twice a day! We also love Jenga, puzzles, and trouble
Cindi Pullen
Mancala or the kids version of Catan!
Hope Mayer
I totally Forgot about guess who! Loved that game as a kid. I’ll have to add it to our collection for my kids! I’m sure they will love it too
We loved Uno and Life
Andrea semintendi
WE LOVE GAMES! Candy land and guess who are the current faves
Rebecca McReynolds
Thanks for the recs !!! I’ve always loved games since I was little ,& that’s been a while lol!! My mom & I played Yahtzee & Scrabble a lot when I was grown & would have a snack & time for & I up until a few yrs ago when she passed awayNow my daughter & I play a lot! We also play as family esp at holidays!! 😊❤️
Our kiddo just turned 3, so we haven’t gotten any games for him quite yet. But my husband and I love Yahtzee Frenzy
Karen Aho
We’re adopted grandparents to some awesome kids, and just did a Christmas game day. Bugs in the kitchen, uno emoji, and connect4 spin were huge hits!!!
Melissa H
There are so many that we love, but I think the faves are Uno, Jenga, Battleship, Clue and Guess Who!
Tracy Holterman
Sequence and clue are family favorites here
Older kids – pandemic, ticket to ride, hanabi, Mexican train, zombie dice, taco cat goat cheese pizza (hilarious)
Shelly McCormick
So many great suggestions! We love Uno in our house!
Jodi Lloyd
Sorry, Sequence or Uno Attack have been our favorites.
Rosa Fraki
We love Ticket to Ride! Both the kids version and original! And lately my girls have been loving Life! See several on here that we also have and love and a few we need to get and try! I think I need to for sure get Sneaky Snacky squirrel for my littles!
Dennise Medina
We love to play UNO and Bingo.
Guess Who is a current favorite in our house!
cheri Ando
I would say Uno and candy land was always our favorite!
We love Candy Land, Yahtzee and Jungle Cruise!
My favorite growing up was hungry hippos!
Chelsey Reiter
Candy land, trouble, zingo are some favorites for younger kids.
Heather Zerbe
We play chess & uno! Would love to expand our game vault for our kiddos ❤❤❤
Ouf favorite is ‘cover your assets’!
Laura J.
Otrio, Sequence, and Nlokus!
We love ticket to ride, phase 10, and telestrations!!!
Liza Dutra
Love playing games at home or camping. When our boys were little, the board games Trouble, Connect Four and Guess Who were always some of our favorites to play together. Now we enjoy playing them with our 5 year old grandson. Go fish, Phase 10, Uno are always a hit too. I’m always looking for new ones and you’ve shared a few that I may be adding to our collection. Thanks!
Dianna Davis
We love Five Crowns..
Mr. Mouth
Steph Squires
Can’t go past guess who!
Lindsay Geurink
My daughter enjoys memory although we play it with our own rules since she’s a little young yet for the regular rules. My husband and I love hand and foot and euchre!
Haley Herrera
We love uno!!
Tiffany Watkins
Monopoly-electronic version 😉
Bethany Martin
The kids’ current favorite: Cover Your Assets
Marissa H
We love playing Quirkle!! Kids as young as 4&5 can play and it still can be a challenge/fun for adults!!
Our family favorite games right now are Battleship, Wild Kratts and Uno.
Janice Mastropolo
Tumbling monkeys
Shayne Seppala
Ours is Stratego!
Abby Schreiber
Qwixx and connect four spin (at the moment)
Such great ideas for games! I appreciate you separating them by age. Our family favorite is candy land right now 🙂
Our family likes playing Clue and the younger kids like Pop the Pig.
Candice Dayton
Trouble and Yahtzee have been family David our for years! Thanks for the new ideas.
We love clue!
Alison T
Our family likes playing Clue and the younger kids like Pop the Pig.
We love Azul and Pandemic! Both are board games
Wanda Calder
Trouble with my grandson
Angie Moran
Our favorite is UNO! My six year old loves it and usually wins 🤪
Olyvia Miller
One of our favorite games right now is “Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza”!! It is a fun fast paced game the whole family can play!!
Many of those are our favorites, too. Exploding Kittens is another one we like.
Mickey Coggin
My kids love Bingo and soggy doggy! We started a tradition of getting them new board games for Christmas! They love it because it’s usually one that they have been talking about for a few weeks leading up to Christmas.
Whitney crooks
Uno & monopoly!
Robin Atkinson
My kids loved apples to Apples. We also love to play Uno.
Our family loves Catan!! It’sa super fun family game for preteen and teens. Keeps us busy for a couple hours with 6 players.
Many of those are our favorites, too. Exploding Kittens is another one we like.
Matching Games are great for younger children also.
We love sequence and sum swamp!
Amy Stephens
I love, love, live five crowns!
Elizabeth Whited
We love sequence for kids, candy land, and matching games!
Teresa Carstens
Our family loves Uno and Guess Who?!
Allison Bollinger
My oldest (9) loves Euchure and Phase 10, my middle (7) loves Battleship and Connect 4 and my youngest (4) loves Chutes and Ladders!
Vicki Fields
My grandson loves for us to play Uno and Yahtzee. He could play for hours.
Zainab Daji
My children love to play Uno
Polly S
We love Pay Day, but our new favourite is Kingdomino – so much fun for all ages!
Martha Houseknecht
Our favorite family game is the cards against humanity family addition. Such a fun game!
Lizabeth Blagrave
We love the sneaky snacky squirrel game , and sorry, and uno are our big girls favorites!
Go fish is a favorite right now🤗
Melissa Sterkenburg
Cover Your Assets by Grandpa Beck!
Amanda Piper
We love playing Golf with skip bo cards!
Outfoxed!! So fun. It’s a cooperative game so you work together. I’d say it’s like a little kid clue. So fun!!
Probably right now it’s Ticket to Ride!
Laura Whittaker
WhoNu is our favorite! Idk if they make it anymore, but if you can find one, grab it! 🙂
Cover Your Assets
Jessica Epure
Love to play sorry and go fish with my 3 year old!!
Elizabeth Evans
We love game nights in our family! Great list of games.
Thanks for the ideas! We love guess who, guess in 10, memory games, clue!
Annie Kaseman
Our family we love Sneaky Snacky Squirrel, Candy Land, UNO, Wild Krats and Don’t break the Ice!
We love scrabble, my oldest 2 (9 yrs old and 7 yrs old) are really starting to enjoy it too and is a great tool to help them with their spelling!
We love Trouble! You also influenced us to try Sneaky Snacky Squirrel and we love it too!
My boys are 3 and 1, so we’re just getting into games! Right now practicing Go Fish and picture bingo!
Mel Lebow
Gobble gobble for the win!!
Taryn Wright
I grew up having a game night once a week with my parents and brother. Now that my son is old enough, I’m teaching him card games and he’s loving it.
Claudia Bures
Ravensburger 21570 6 “The Mole And His Favorite” Game
We love the “Maulwurf” (German for mole) game. It’s great for little ones as the dice has pictures instead of dots, no counting involved. Even my much older boys still enjoy playing it…
We love Hisss, Outfoxed, Spot It, Sequence, and Guess in 10 for preschool age.
We love playing Yahtzee!
Jennifer Bethlehem
We love uno
Natasha Z
Our boys like a lot of the same games: Battleship, Monopoly, Uno, and Sorry. Another favorite for the older boys is Rummikub. They also enjoy Catan. It’s such an awesome way to spend time together, especially on our cold Alaskan evenings.
Jodi Mizerka
Rory’s story cubes. They are so much fun. You roll the dice. Whatever pictures come up on the dice you have to make a quick story.
We love Catan!
Barbara Mock
Pente is a fun game…for most likely the older kids but a fun one nonetheless! Love all your family inspirations!! 💙
Jenny Frank
We have been loving…
Monopoly Deal
Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza
Adults/older kids…we just taught our older girls how to play Settlers of Catan!
Lately our fav has been memory! Or the Disney princess board game we have (only colours, no counting needed)
Kortni K
We love playing Spot It! Great family game!
My kids love apples to apples! They crack each other up
My 4 y.o. twins love Memory and War(card game)
The Root Beer Float Game
Joanne Curtis
Guess who
Sarah Khan
At my house we love to play memory and my 7 year old just got the hang of racko and shes loving it.
Alexa Kohtz
My kids are just getting old enough to play games and it is so fun!! They love memory (the Disney princess version) and hi ho cherry-o!!
Nicole Erickson
Monopoly but I can never get my family to play!
Skip-Bo and Five Crowns are staples in our family! We also enjoy RackO.
Ashlei B
Oh these are great ideas! I need to learn (alongside my kids) how to play Phase 10! It looks like a blast. Thanks for the ideas.
We love playing games with our kids. The current go to favorite is Uno.
My kids live monopoly farm and uno
Tracey Bueckert
Our 3 year old loves pop the pig! Our 13 year old loves uno flip or sushi go!
Dawn Ferguson
I think Uno and Sorry are my favorites to play with the littles:)
Eye Found It, Checkers, Uno Attack, Phase Ten
Dana Eaton
Quirkle! 6+
Our favorite games right now are sequence, uno and Go Fish. My son is 4 and I love how he is starting to understand and enjoy games!
Angela Sousley
Uno! It’s so great for all my littles to be able to play!
Our family’s favorite game is old maid.
Uno for sure!
Unfortunately we still love a good game of Monopoly 😩😩😬😬
Old maid! Or as my 4 year old twins call it “Granny” 😂
Spot it (MLB) version, skip Bo jr, and MLBopoly JR are the current favorites in our house and for the adults we love scrabble and sequence 👌
Tiffany Korpi
We love don’t spill the beans! An oldie but a goodie 😊
Kelly Southern
Our granddaughter (6) just learned how to play Sorry and loves it.
We have been loving Ticket To Ride! It’s fun but the kids are also learning geography. Win win!!
My granddaughter loves the squirrel game!!
Rebekah Duvic
We love Othelo. It is a 2 player game but even my 3 can play it.
Thanks for the suggestions. We are always looking for more games to add to our cabinet!
Jacklynn Crummel
My big boys and husband love playing Battleship!! We also love Sleeping Queens and Skip Bo!! Uno was also a favorite for a long time!
Allison Flett
Go Low is our new favourite card game! Easy to play and everyone loves it!💕💕
Kristine Ritchie
Uno always the favorite! We also like to pair up and play clue altogether.
Sabrina Hathaway
We enjoy apples to apples
Taylor Zaborney
Uno is my favorite!
Uno was my favourite growing up 😍
Amanda Keil
We love Uno and Skip-Bo! We’re super competitive when we play together. We also love Boggle because you really have to use your brain.
Alison Watts
UNO, Life, and Sequence
Miccah Barton
Uno Flip is definitely a family favorite!!
Miccah BartonMy 6 year old LOVES Chess! And I have a 4 year old who adores candy land too 🙂
Crystal DeMetz
Candy land, monopoly and Disney Headbands
We love memory (3 yo)!
Janelle Weaver
My kids have been loving Apples to Apples Jr. lately. They also enjoy Qwirkle, Spot It, and Clue.
Suzannah S.
Throw throw burrito is a really fun one!
Love your close family!!! Can’t wait to see the sweet girlie!!!
Amy J
We love monopoly ❤️ So much variety of types!!!!
Clue and Uno
Jenny Dawber
We love Dobble, Pencil nose & Uno. Also you can’t beat a fame of cards like clock.
Molly Thurston
We’ve been loving Go Fish lately. But how did I not know they had a skipbo junior?!
Heather Daley
Fav older kid game: Ticket to Ride
Fav. Younger kid game: My first dragomino
Uno and Trouble are our go-tos, with our 6, 4, and 2 year olds! Our two year old knows all the numbers and colors for Uno and can play decently well, with a little prompting! 😉
We love Shut the box, uno flip and bananagrams
Stephanie Baskerville
Big Uno fans in this family!
Connie Meyerink
Sorry! Or a matching game.
Heather Harris
I like playing Quixx with my 7 year old!
Outfoxed, Sleeping Queens, Steal the Bacon, and Tenzi have been big hits here for all ages. Our oldest also loves Ticket to Ride, Dutch Blitz, and Catan Junior.
Our top 2 fave games are probably the game of life and uno. Love playing games with my kids
Tanya Lisovskiy
Our favorite is qwirkle!
Sharon Novak
My grandkids love uno attack
Michelle Cole
We love Sneaky squirrels and wriggleworm!
Sonya Van Daalen
Five crowns! Fantastic game for all ages!!
Kathi Hovland
Lindsay peine
We enjoy qwixx!
Ashley Schranz
Games are my favorite! We play Yahtzee pretty much every day. My favorites are word games, like Scattergories, Boggle, Catch Phrase, Bananagrams. I’ve played Qwirjle a couple of times and Catan once and want to play them more. Classics for kids are Sorry, Uno, Candy Land, Guess Who, Connect Four.
Last October we started doing family game night every Sunday evening and keeping track of the game we play and who wins! It’s been much needed family time every week! The kids love memory because they usually win 😂
Sara P
My girls (3 & 5) love the Disney matching game. They have the best memory & can beat me. 😆
Karen Klein
Candyland for sure – it’s the first game we can play with our granddaughter
Our family loves Uno, Uno flip, Clue and my 6 year old loves memory!
Our kids are 18, 14, and eight. Two older boys and a girl. We love all things monopoly, Well all the board game monopoly‘s. We have quite the collection. But if we are not playing game of monopoly, we have several different versions of Uno such as toy story and Disney that we use as well as now phase 10. The eight year old is still getting the hang of phase 10 but she is getting there.
Molly Carmack
My kids favorite game is uno and sometimes rummikub.
Kathleen Volpe
I love love love playing games with my girls! Especially now that they are old enough to follow directions and understand winning and loosing.
Jennifer Appleton
We’ve been loving Guess Who lately!
I love the game “left center right” for kids. So easy. My two year old even plays with us.
Terri Klutinoty
My grandkids love Perfection and Sharkbite
Donna Clark
For ages 6-12, we LOVED Blink!! It’s a card game, in a red box!
Tarah R
The Muddles
Our daughter who is 5 is in love with old maid and pretty pretty princess right now!! We love game night!
Melissa Bailey
We like Hungry Hungry Hippos, Guess Who, and just traditional card games!
Pam Zweifel
Sneaky Snacky Squirrel, Uno. Guess Who & battleship
Elly Eggleston
We love Sleeping Queens!
CandyLand, Sneaky Squirrel, Mastermind, Yahtzee just to name a few
Stephanie Lancaster
Candy Land
The Game of Life has always been my favorite!
Brooke Hinkle
We always loved Uno, Monopoly (sometimes), Life, Candyland, Checkers, Sorry, and Clue. We still like to play games when we get together.
Taylor Nash
Oh my family (7yr old, 4yr old, 2yr old) love the game Ticket to Ride. It’s a blast and a good geography learning game.
melanie walter
We love qwixx and blokus!
Sum swamp is such a fun Math game!
Ashley A
Taco Vs Burrito is our new favorite.
Jenifer Hanson
Moose Masters and banana grams
Uno and Sorry are always classics!
Caitlin Hinshaw
My kids love uno and monopoly junior!
Jody Sublett
We like the new Pictionary. It comes with a pen you draw in the air and it shows up on your tv. 😊
Uno at our house!
We like Disney trivia
Noel Ferguson
We love risk
We love the Guess in 10 Junior games
Emily Jones
Our favorite game currently is Flash with my oldest (11) and Snug as a Bug in a Rug with my youngest(3)!!
Guess who is probably one of my favorites with kids.
Ella Walker
battle ship is a classic!!
Nataliya Dimov
My kids love guess who!
Monique Condon
Zingo! Has been a family favorite for 15 years. My children span from age 7-23, we have played Zingo with some or all, along with grandparents and great grandma! So fun!
Jennifer Sami
Hungry hungry hippos!
Lesley Koehn
Clue, Connect 4, checkers, and dominoes!
We love Uno and Outfoxed! Outfox is a great family cooperation game.
Lately, our kiddos are loving Catan, Catan Jr., Avengers Uno and Monopoly Empire!
Emilie Whittaker
Disney’s “Eye Found It” card game
Julie Warren
Monopoly deal is the family favorite – a couple to add to your awesome lists – mancala, life, and Chinese checkers
Susan Ilsley
Uno! Or Monopoly!
Joanna Nelson
My eldest boys (3+5) love Frustration.
Labrinyth and Mapominoes are fun for 6+ too!
My girls always loved Clue
Ticket to Ride and Azul are our favorites!
We love mancala and taco, cat, goat, cheese, pizza!
Linda Dye
KimberlyGuess Who
My kids love the Junior version of Ticket to Ride 🚂😄
Wendy N
We love who broke the toy!! Little’s version of Clue!
Tamara Selsor
We like to play Racko
We love Too Many Monkeys, Wig Out, Exploding Kittens, and Play Nine.
Tosha Kelly
Trivia pursuit(the one with kids cards and adult cards)
Courtney Barkman
We loved Clue growing up and Trivial Pursuit!
Sheila Brunker
Life was my favorite as a kid, haven’t played it in awhile.
Denise Quinn
Shut the box – helps them with math!
We love Labyrinth!
Heather Rogers
We love Monopoly!
Jordan S
We love board games in this house. Not sure if we can pick a favorite, lately it’s Yahtzee. I’m a big fan of Pictionary too.
Nayeli Govea
My kids 5 & 12 love the UNO game
Its so fun and make memories together
Kathryn G
My siblings and I loved everything UNO. We had a few different versions over the years.
Kathryn Heinkel
Our favorites are Phase 10 and Monopoly! Well basically any card game for our family but it can get brutal!! Lol
Katie Sotelo
Monopoly is our all-time favorite.
Katie Sotelo
Monopoly is our favorite.
Katie Sotelo
Katie SoteloI’m not sure why it put this twice. 🤪
Haley Baldwin
Sneaky Snacky Squirrel is a favorite here! Plus Count Your Chickens and Eric Carle’s Alphabet Go Fish!
Holly Radtke
We LOVE outfoxed!
Mayce Marsh
Our favorite is Aggravation! We played with my Great Great Aunt all of my life until she passed. The only picture I have of my son with my great great aunt and my oldest is when he was a baby at her kitchen table with the aggravation board in front of all of us. Last year my Mom had my husband and I a board made and now we get to play with our 4 year old! It’s so great carrying on that tradition and keeping her memory alive!
Tracey Albert
My kids at home are 5-12 and we love Uno
Michelle Collins
We really like Phase 10 and life!
Laura Musgrove
I loved mall madness when I was growing up
Old Maid, Chutes and Ladders, Disney Matching, Candy Land, Crazy 8s
Jamie Tenneson
We have been so enjoying a game called Carcassonne. It’s a game of tiles that get set up as each person takes a turn. We are taking a break from Caton as we learn the best strategies of carcassonne. We play with the ages of 8 – teens and adults.
Taco,Cat,Goat,Cheese,Pizza is one of our favorites. My 3 year old loves Sneeky Snacky Squirrel and Count your Chickens.
Our favorite is a handmade marble game made by my dad years ago. It’s much the same as aggravation or sorry but better because it’s special from him.
Heather C.
The Squeaky Squirrel game for the little kids and my older ones are loving yahtzee.
Krista W
Hungry hungry hippos alllll day everyday!
Sue D
Guess in 10!
One of my favourite games growing up was the Game of Life.
We Love the game Pay Day
Ariel Avery
Love this so much! Our family also loves board games, in fact we Horst game nights frequently with our friends! Our daughters are ages 5 and 1, and our 5 year old really loves to play Candy Land (we also have the life size version where you can walk around the board), Jenga, and recently Yahtzee. We try to have a family night and play a board game a few nights a week.
Labyrinth, Trash Pandas, Ticket to Ride, Sleeping Queens, My Little Scythe, Andor The Family Fantasy Game, Sushi Go, Dragonwood, My First Castle Panic, Outfoxed…I could go on and on. We love playing games as a family!
Such good ones on this list! We thrifted a game recently by LEGO called Pirate Plank and it’s been a huge hit! Our oldest are only 3 and 5, but they still get the concept and love that it’s played with one of their favorite toys!
Lindsay Verdun
We have so many favorites, but one all my kids love is the Uno Attack game!
Cathy Schmidt
We love to play Rook On Rook Off together as a family!😊
We love Mastermind! And Ticket to Ride. We like Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza too.
Chantel F
We love Sneaky Snacky Squirrel, Uno, Kerplunk, and matching games here!
We love Blockus, Sorry, Candy Land, Uno, and Banana Blast!
Jessica Frost
We have a 4 year old and he loves these and also hi ho cherry-o and Hiss.
Our favorite is spot it. We get it in the travel size so we can take it on trips with us.
Kellie Boersma
Spot it is a favorite of our family!
We LOVE games!!! There are a few on your list we don’t have, so I’m going to have to grab a few for Easter baskets!
Rachel Lewis
We love connect four and uno with our little boys!
Our favorite is UNO
Amanda L
We love Left Center Right and Dutch Blitz
Jen M
We love uno, pizza party and red light green light!
Nylene Coponen
Our kids love uno and checkers!
Tiffany Acuff
The Picnic Game for 3-5 year olds!
Ticket to Ride Junior for the 6-10 year olds
Courtney Wheat
We love to play uno junior with the animal cards! 🐘 🦁 🦒
Our new favorite with 5 and 6 year old is Lily Pond by simply fun games 🐸
We have always loved Headbanz. Pieface was always really fun too! Another one that lasts c they the years is Guess Who. It’s fun for any age!
Ashley Tazelaar
Our family loves Rat-a-Tat-Cat!
We love Labyrinth and Otrio!
Mary Morris
I always love playing checkers, uno, and connect 8 as a child and adult. I still do as an adult. Trying to figure out how my grandson is cheating in Uno.
Our favorite right now is Ticket to Ride!
Sherri Goodson
My 3 year old loves Yeti in my Spaghetti and my 12 and 9 year olds love Nertz.
We love Uno and Candy Land! Simple and fun for all ages!
J Adelman
Scrabble Jr.!
Michelle David
We love Apples to Apples!! So much fun 🙂
Hi Ho Cherry-o
Chutes and ladders was always a fun game to play growing up. As well as sorry, and trouble were also some of my favorites.
We love Go nuts for Donuts, uno, Guess Who. Lots of good ones here!
Diane M
Growing up it was Sorry and a card game called Authors !
We love Life Jr and Monopoly Jr! So fun 🤩
Sondra M
Rook is one of our favorites. We like to play diminishing rook.
Angela Henry
Our favorite card game is SkyJo and our favorite board game is Sequence or Shut the Box
Nicole Pearson
My kids favorites are Uno, Clue, Hiss and Moose in the House.
We loves games, when our kids were younger we played one every night before bed.
Love all your ideas.. my two boys are still too young for games but will save this list for when they’re older !!
Megan W
Our favorite card game right now is new, it’s called Uno All Wild. So fun for my newly 6 year old, 9 year old, and us parents like it too!
One of our favorites for our toddlers (2/3) is Elefun! It gets them up and moving and they love it!
Angie C
Scrabble Jr and phase 10 for sure! But love any games really.
Ivy Dwight
My girls 3&4 are loving Candy Land right now
I grew up playing games, and still love them! A favorite I played a lot with my Grandma was Skip-Bo; she is a card shark when she’s playing games. Bananagrams, Tapple, and Imagine If our some of our favorites.
Amanda Donnelly
My girls love to play spoons and go fish.
My kids love clue, Mancala, Disney monopoly and blokus..:)
You have to get “Ticket to Ride”…it is one of our favorites!! “Drop it” is another fun one, that the younger kids could play as well. Finally, “Catan”…this is definitely for older kids. We LOVE family games 💕
Jennifer McLaimtaig
We’ve currently been playing a lot of dutch blitz 💙
Whoonu and Ticket to Ride
Candy Land
Outfoxed and sorry have been a big hit here lately. Oh and my oldest loves monopoly!
Marbles is a family favorite!
My 4 year old favorites currently are Forklift frenzy, suspend and zingo! Always love hearing others favorites!
We love UNO, Monopoly, Sorry, and just playing good old crazy eights.
Adriana Sanchez
There was a game we used to play at my mom’s; it was like a trivia game and I’m not sure it even exists anymore, it was called “marathon” in Spanish, and my siblings and I were always so happy playing it. Plus, knowledge, we got to learn so much about everything
Joey Bulloch
Our family rotates through favorites but, our favorite card game right now is taco goat cheese pizza
Joey BullochWe love Uno & skip bo & dos. Maybe we just love card games 😁
Phase 10
Family favorite where we all play is Mexican Train. When my girls play alone its contact 4.
The game of Life is a favorite!
Katie Hazelton
We’ve loved 5 Crowns, Monopoly Deal, YamSlam and Rummikub lately
Oh my, there is so many favorites…The Allowance Game, Racko, Trouble,
sorry…to name a few!
Our favorite right now with our oldest (3) is go fish and memory! But I purchased sequence for kids for her birthday in April and we’re really excited to introduce that one in to the mix ❤️
Kristi Flournoy
I LOVE trouble and my girls loved Guess Who, but for the older category hands down the best game is battleship!
Jamie Jackson
Love playing uno and battleship with my boys.
Loved playing Clue with my neices.
Another fun, but quite literally aggravating is Aggravation!
You’ve given me a great amount of new games to add to our collection.
Thank you ❤️
Monopoly for sure!
We love Ticket to Ride and Five Crowns!
Spot it and Candy land!
Jenneke K.
Love this post!! We have weekly games nights with hot chocolate (or some sort if ‘fancy’ drink and it’s our favorite part of the week. Our favorite games are Ticket to Ride or Othello.
Mastermind is a fav at our house!
We love Triggle and rat a tat cat! I bet you and your older boys would love them too
Kimberly Lara
Love games! Our family is partial to Uno, Sorry, and Life! Any card game is great for me!
Cheryl Gish
Thanks for some new games ideas. We love playing games with our grandkids.
Our Grandson’s FIRST game was Uno Moo-no! It was easy and super fun for him. Now he likes the card game Uno and has been playing it constantly! It’s so fun when they start laying games!!
Tatum Mullis
My personal favorite game is Dutch Blitz! Our family also loves Rummikub and five crowns! Thanks for sharing some new ideas!
Krisann Watson
Awww battleship!! I forgot about that one. My big boys are 5 and 7. They would have fun with that. Thanks for putting this together!
Otrio! It’s a version of tic tac toe and so fun 🙂
Pamela Smith
My granddaughter loves to play card games, usually Old Maid or War. She likes to play Yahtzee also!
Angie C
Ticket to Ride, Scrabble Jr and phase 10 for sure! But love any games really.
Lynn Balint
Charlotte Louthan
We love memory! My oldest is only 5 but it is a great game for the whole family to play!
Kari Dodd
We’ve been playing lots of sleeping queens 2 lately!
Right now they are loving chutes and ladders!
Charlotte Brown
We love Go Fish and Guess Who
Kadi LeBlanc
Life, Monopoly, Candy Land and Uno were my favorite games growing up!
Kalli L.
My boys love candy land and pop the pig. My oldest also really likes a card game he recently got in his McDonald’s happy meal.
Hi Ho Cheerio!!
Lori Hoover
We love to play card game SET. Whenever we play it we always have more joining in as they walk past.
Katie Wilson
We like Cobra Paw
We love Outfoxed with our six year old! So much fun for kids and adults too!
Brenda Maendel
My younger ones love old maid, Go fish
Pick up sticks
The older ones have many favs
Monopoly deal, Phase 10, Battleship, UNO
Laura Prince
A new favorite for us lately is Zingo!
Go Fish is a family favorite
Tracy Andrews
We love Skipbo or Mexican Train.
UNO Flip
We love Ticket to Ride and Clue. And for the younger ones a game called Life on the Farm. All so fun!
Emily Canfield
We love Shelby’s Snack Shack, Great States, Jenga Bridge, Mexican Train Dominoes, I Spy Bingo, Ticket to Ride, and SKYJO!
Tenzi, Uno, Five Crowns, Cover Your Assets, Clue, Chameleon, Codenames
Amie Hawkins
We love Taco cat goat cheese pizza!
Lisa Edmisten
We love Honeycomb and Bananagrams
Kelly J
We love so many! Happy Salmon and Reverse Charades are good active games. I think your older boys would love!
Elyse Black
We enjoy the game of Life and Yahtzee!
Tiffany Castle
We love to play Trouble!! The fun is trying to make everyone go back to the beginning…especially when they’re about to win!! 😊
Kate Mackintosh
We love Ticket to Ride, Otrio, or monopoly
We absolutely love Qwixx!!
So fun!
Holly Burch
Sushi Go
Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza
Race to the Treasure
Spot It
Love Candyland! Always wanted to do a Candyland birthday theme.
Love Monopoly, Uno, Simon. As a kid loved these also along with Candy Land, Operation and Battle Ship.
Chloe Cropsey
Kids sequence!
Our family love jigsaw puzzles (which is similar to games) and Fast Track (similar to Chinese checkers but with a homemade wood board!)🤩 We also love Spoons and Monopoly.
Rachel Evers
Thanks for sharing!
Chelsea Beaudreau
My boys love the pirate popper game where you stick the swords in the barrel, I never remember the name lol.
Meghan Grantham
Right now we are loving Ticket to ride and clue!
We love Uno & this National Parks game we have!
Anomia is also fun for both adults and kids!! There is a kids version to play and an adult version.
Having 3 daughters…we loved playing. MALL MADNESS…and Uno
My family enjoys playing Uno and Sushi Go is another fav of ours.
Some of our favorite games are Yahtzee, uno, qwirkle, battle ship and labyrinth to name a few!!
Cover your assets
Cool card game with some strategy!
This is a great game lineup! Many of these are favorites at our house too. We also love playing Charades for Kids with our girls! It’s tons of fun!
Catherine Shaw
We are currently loving a phase 10! We love that we can play for a bit with our eldest after the children go to bed each night. We just keep track of the score and pick up where we left off. It’s been such a sweet treat for her newly extended bedtime.
Laura Osborne
We love Rumikube! Also Uno, Pass the Pigs, Checkers, and when they were small, Sneaky Snacky Squirrel!
We love playing Phase 10. We are more of a card game kind of family.
Caitlin Chaussee
We love zingo, Uno, and sequence!! 🙂
We love qwirkle! Great for younger kids to start to understand patterns and”help” parents. 6-12 could likely play!
We played rummy-o a lot as kids! And battleship when we could only convince one other sibling to play;)
Just One is a current favorite with the bugs. But the littles pretend to play with us and everyone is happy.
Stefanie Vasquez
My younger boy loves candy land, my older bonus babies love phase 10 and skipbo but omg I forgot about Rack o!!! I need to get that game for my kids now
Quirkle!! It’s so fun!! One of our favorites to play as a family! Younger ones need lots of help or to be on a “team” with an adult. But our almost 7yo loves to play it and it’s fun for me and my husband also! Love some of the suggestions you gave!!
Our kiddos love Monopoly!
Donna Eastwood
Some of these games I’ve never heard of, but most of them are favorites. Battleship is a favorite game here. Even though the girls don’t quite understand how to play, they still love it.
Katie S
We love Sequence & Phase 10!
We enjoy Uno!!
We love Candy Land and the matching game (we have a couple versions of that).
Sara Singleton
We love Hiss! Cute little snake game! So great for the young kids who feel left out when the big kids play games! Great fun for all ages!
Robin Olson
We love to play Guess who and Skip Bo
For older kids our family really enjoys Rummikub & a new favorite card game, Dutch Blitz! Dutch Blitz is similar to SkipBo but you all play at once!
Skyjo is one of our new favorites
Our family loves to play UNO together! We play several rounds each time and we enjoy how a simple deck of cards that you can take practically anywhere, can provide such fune (and educational!) times for our children and ourselves.
Brittainy Radosti
My favorite is phase 10! I love exploding kittens and skipbo too. Basically any card games. We have been into Rook and play monopoly deal when we don’t have a lot of time.
Michele Pleasants
We have kids from 15-28 yo and we still play 5 Crowns all the time!! And Catan and Ticket to Ride when we are up for a longer game time. Ticket to Ride has a younger version as well!
Lynne Neal
All the old favorites, Hungry Hippos, Uno, Sorry, Pass the Pigs and my grandsons’ new favorite is Drone Home.
Nicole Worzella
We love Spot it! Taco Cat! Phase 10 and Uno are always a big hit!
Jane Kenney
Favorite game to play with the Grands
Zooreka! Also an oldie is Oreo cookie matching game
My boys currently love connect four!!
Aimee StClair
We love candyland. ❤️
Brianna B
We buy board games every Christmas
Top favorites are Monopoly & Uno
But our youngest is obsessed with Mouse Trap that he got this past Christmas 🎅🏾
Courtney Birkbeck
We love Monopoly, Uno, and Candy Land!
Kaley D
Catan and Clue for board games.
Phase 10 and Skip-Bo for card games!
We love playing play nine or uno flip
angela baker
Our family loves Farkle and have found the Farkle twist game to be a fun twist as well!
Anna Fehr
Our family loves Catan, Blitz, Ticket to Ride, cover your assets & the little ones enjoy Old Maid or Uno.
Valerie Phillips
My kids still talk about Dominoes with Great Grandpa Earl, and any time we played Clue, Monopoly, or Chinese checkers those were their faves!!
We love Guess Who!!
We love Blink! Kind of like Speed, but with shapes, colors, numbers. My older kids love Risk too!
My kids LOVE playing Connect 4!
Brandan Thonpson
I just discovered Sequence and love it! My kids go to is Sleeping Queens.
Shanna Uptergrove
We have sooo many favorites!! Life and Monopoly (lots of versions)! As teens, they love Phase 10 Twist. I can’t bring myself to get rid of any of our board games, in hopes one day we will play them again with little ones.
Nicole Johnston
My favorite games are Sorry and Monopoly (more specifically SpongeBob Monopoly)
Abby Fellingham
We loved sorry! And rummikub!
Jacqueline D
I grew up playing Dutch Blitz! It was a Mennonite game and played at all big family gatherings! We’d play with teams and so could make it an 8 player game. And even little kids would just be so eager to be ‘old’ enough to join the big people!
Rach E
My nephews love when I play Memory with them. I’m always amazed at how well 3 year olds do with that game!
We love tenzi and tumblin dice! tumblin dice is great for multiplication practice! And also don’t spend the money on tenzi dice- just order a big set of dice from Amazon and then more people can join the fun!
Pat Alonge
Zingo!! We have littles who will play solo and others who competively are learning to be gracious winners and accepting losers. They learn to take turns and have quick reflexes! Love it!
We’re very much into Uno and Chutes and Ladders these days
Dianne Rice
Dianne Amyett
One of our go to games is Aggravation. And you can tell by looking at the box it comes in that there have been years of fun family game nights!😍
Sarah Bosch
For sure five crowns or code names!!
We love playing games together too! Favorites at our house (boys ages 4-8) include Outfoxed, Zingo, Battleship, Rack-O, and Rivers Roads and Rails. So many fun options out there lately!
Katie Kloss
We Love Monopoly with the bigger kids, Yahtzee junior with littler kids and Skip Bo is our favorite card game!!
We love eye spy games and toilet trouble 🤣. Basically you spin the toilet paper roll and whatever number it lands on, you flush the toilet that many times, but be careful! One of those flushes may squirt water in your face.
McCall Ramberg
The old school candy land 🙂
Sorry with our grandson, uno with family or euchre
Christina Bong
My family loves hungry hippo and Yahtzee!
My family loves Twister! The kids love being able to move around and they think it’s hilarious when everyone falls😂
When the kids were little candy land and Guess Who were favorites. As they got older Uno and battleship. Now it’s all about chess!
Kimberli Malecha
We love playing games- Sequence is a favorite
Estefania Reyes
My daughter is 3 years old and she loves Go Fish l, but I’m trying to find more fun learning games for her! ☺️
Bethany L
We love Sequence!
When I was little, I used to LOVE Hi Ho Cherry-O! Current favorite games (although not with littles playing) are phase 10 and Mexican Train!
Rebecca Eike
Favorite 2-5 game is Hoot Owl Hoot!
Favorite current games (5-7) would be Rat a Tat Cat and Uno!
Meghan rollins
We love Yahtzee, Farkle, Uno and pass the pigs
Kara Jatoft
Definitely recommend Cover Your Assets – it’s a simple card game and my 9 & 7 year old love it. Can be played easy or a little bit more challenging. We love it!
We love to play cards
Meghan rollins
Yahtzee, farljle, pass the pigs, uno and sorry
Billie Ryan
Ours I would say is Spot It.. Second prob would be Ocean Bingo.. we love to see everyone else’s choices!!
Kirsten H
Our kids favorites are Spot it and Connect Four right now!
We love qwirkle and ticket to ride!
Sarah Massey
We love SkipBo and Hoot Owl Hoot!
Anel W
We love sequence, and trash pandas !
Carly Bojczuk
Our newest fav for the entire family is :
Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza
Rachel Nott
Toss Across! Jenga! Kerplunk! You already have so many good ones on here. ☺️
Kelly Moser
Clack & Fill or Bust
Dodie Bragg
Our family favorite would have to be CLUE 🙂
ai have that Tic Tac Toe game in my amazon cart right now waiting to buy for my niece for easter basket … she like tic tac toe and oick up sticks so much
Phase 10 is always a favorite as well ad battleship!!!
Cyndy Vandemark
Love UNO with our grandkids. Not too complicated and not too lengthy. Works for many ages!
I love Uno Flip!
Five Crowns!
Millie Weglowski
Chutes and Ladders
Katie Yash
My fav games are uno and apples to apples.. my oldest loves monopoly n plays often with his brothers. Recently oldest got a game called Wonka I think it’s pretty interesting I played with kids few time. My oldest loves clue also. For younger kids they like matching one and hippo one and chutes n ladders…
Fern Day
We love sneaky snacky squirrel
Carrie Harms
We love playing Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza!
Lisa Thomas
Our current (because it changes every week) favorite game is exploding kittens.
Jessica Drouillard
My kids are older and we love Catan!!
Karlee Knab
We love candy land over here.
Jennica Blaubach
Monopoly jr!
We enjoy the game guess who and uno
Cristen McWhinney
My kids love mouse trap, and sorry
We loved Hi Ho Cherry-O when littles were very little 🙂
Kayla Rosenberger
Ticket to Ride is our favorite!! They have one called First Journey for younger kids!
We love hungry hungry hippos!
We loved playing Mousetrap with my siblings as kids, and now out kids are falling in love with it too. We just gave Go Ape to our 4yr old for her birthday and it’s a fun combination of Go Fish and Charades
Play Nine, 5 crowns and skip-Bo
We love Qwirkle! We have a 3 and 6 year old that love to play!
Nicki B
We love matching games + the pancake stacking game!
Heather Bickford
A few of our favs for teens is clue, spot it and rummy!
We love Dino Crunch for younger 2-5!
Ashley Smith
In our house my boys are 10 and 7 and our favorites lately are settlers of catan junior and carcassone but love many games
We love Candy Land! We start at a young age!!
Paula D
Set (card game) and Mancala
We love to play Sorry, Trouble and Bluey Scavenger Hunt! My favorite when I was young was Payday!
Toni C
My girls are almost 16 and almost 19 now, Phase 10 still goes with us everywhere. We also love Rummikub, Uno, Nerts, and so many more!
My family enjoys playing uno ,monopoly, and candyland.we also enjoy playing pictionary and charades
Julie Conner
Ticket To Ride: The First Journey
Nikki Fields
Uno or uno attack
Jessie Matvey
We really like Go Fish with just a simple deck of cards! Great for number recognition!
Kasey Kauffman
These are great. Right now my niece’s (9 and 11) are really enjoying Skyjo. It’s a pretty easy card game for the whole family. We’ve also played at least 1,000 games of Sorry, a few hundred hands of Uno, and a couple rounds each of Monopoly and Life, alongwith many more. We love games!
My kids love UNO!!
So many fun games that we love….connect four, uno, skip bo, Phase 10, monopoly, Farley. Just really enjoy the family time while playing them!
Nancy Carlisle
Our new favorite is Blah, Blah, Blah. It’s like Uno but with phonics instead of numbers.
Haylee Christiansen
So fun!! My son is only 2, but he loves hungry hungry hippos and loves to play with all the uno cards. Games are such a joy and I can’t wait to play more as my kiddos get older!
Kelly Hafler
My kids lovedatching games and candyland and go fish
Mandy Hammons
We love UNO and sorry
Nicole Floro
We love Blokus!!
Danae Talsma
Uno Attack is our favorite. We could play for hours with all ages!
Mary Ossege
We love all of the Sequence games!
We love Sleeping Queens, but Herstory is a new favorite!
Danielle Davis
My littles are currently loving guess in 10! You have some great ones on the blog! I forgot all about racko!
My littles are currently loving guess in 10! You have some great ones on the blog! I forgot all about racko!
Yolanda Apodaca
Apples to Apples
My little guy loves pop the pig and my favorite is monopoly!
Julie Burnham
Tripoli and cribbage where two of our families favorites.
Elisabeth Beamer
Thanks for sharing these!!! Some of our family games are more headache than they’re worth, so I would love to swap some out as the year goes on with some of these we don’t have yet!
Sorry was a favorite.
My girls loved Skip-O and Uno! Other too, but, these were their go to games!
Ellen Burge
We love uno, phase 10, and trouble!
Catherine Hanlon
Oh my goodness RACKO!!! I loved that game as a kid but haven’t thought of it in… 2 decades?! This is such a sweet and helpful post!!
Hannah Z
Catan Jr. is a favorite!
We love to play What Do You Meme Family Edition. So much fun!
Courtney Sansom
We love family game night at our house ❤️
Sloane Smith
We LOVE any games by Haba or Peaceable Kingdom! Our favorites are First Orchard, Building Site, Count Your Chickens and Hoot Owl Hoot!
Rachel Hintz
Connect 4 and Avengers clue have been on repeat since cmas for my twin 5 year olds!
Kaitlyn Van Houwelingen
Settlers of Catan
Sequence for kids is a hit in our house. LCR is a close second!
Charlene Tangen
Love Uno, another fun game is Headbands!! My granddaughters love it, it’s great for littles!
Katherine Kraemer
We love Guess who and slap jack!
Debra Herr
We loved playing uno, spoons, ot any kind of card game.
My kids current favorite is pop the pig. I LOVED candy land when I was a kid! I need to introduce it to my kids!
Kristy Seigman
My family loves to play Triominos, Sorry, Dice. Love a good game night
Candy land, Battleship & spot it are the favorites at our house right now! Sleeping queens is going in my 6 year old’s Easter basket this year!
We love playing Candy Land together with our 4 year old! He’s obsessed with all board games though.
Our favorite game is Sequence!
Jamie Couvaris
My favorite childhood game was Trouble. My daughters favorite game is Noodle Knockout.
Heather Perez
I love to play Monopoly Deal and Candyland!
This is awesome! Can’t wait to start playing some of these with my boys. We love spot it and go cuckoo!
Tamara Haakenson
We LOVE UNO! Always have—alway will!
Or apples to apples!
Dana Raynor
Uno is a family favorite but recently my kids got Storytime chess and we’re loving that as well!
5 Crowns is our families favorite right now!
Becki Holstine
Our newest favorite is Gator Golf. Keeps everyone laughing! 😁
Brynne Schmaltz
Our family loves monopoly!! Love these ideas for new games that we haven’t tried!
Kori Diehl
Pop the pig
All Zingo’s
Monkeys jumping on the bed
Grandma’s zoo game
Pretty Pretty Princes
Race to the treasure*COOPERATIVE*
Hi Ho Cherry-o
Bingo bear
Count your chickens
SharaLee Nichols
Love these classics! I played Clue for the first time the other day…don’t know how or why it took me so long!!
Michelle St. Laurent
Backgammon and Mancala!
Kathy Mounts
We have recently discovered Racko and are loving it!
Love all these ideas! Always looking for new games for my kiddos!
Forgot our favorite game… zingo!
Sarah Calderon
You have opened my eyes to so many new fun games! I can’t wait to get them for my kiddos. We LOVE playing board games and card games!
Michelle Witherbee
I have five grandkids ages 3 to 8. We love games! Go fish is probably our current favorite!
We’ve been loving Monopoly Deal lately!
Tara S
We love playing monopoly!
Tiffany D
I teach first grade and Happy Salmon is a fav right now! It’s loud, fun, quick paced and silly!
Sequence is so fun!!! We play it all the time. Try Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza card game, it is the best!! All ages can play and it’s easy to learn. The boys will love it!!
Kim Cress
My grandson and I love to play good old fashioned war with a deck of playing cards. All the grandchildren love Guess Who. My favorite game has always been Aggravation.
Nancy Evett
Guess Who is a great game for kids & adults to play together.
Cristy Sutton
The Game of Life
Chutes and Ladders
It doesn’t matter what we start with, we always end up playing a game of candy land 🤣
Areli Garcia
We love uno!
Ashley Guth
We love to play the game of Life with our five children!
Jackie Lally
The game of life!
Love this!
We all LOVE the game Guesstures!
Taco cat goat cheese pizza
Kristyn crawford
5, 7, & 9 yr old favorite games are Catan, Ticket to Ride and Outfoxed. Also Uno and All-Wild Uno
Noah’s animal rescue is one my 5 and 7 year old are both really enjoying right now! It is not suppose to be competitive (everyone work together) but we changed the rules a bit so that it is competitive 😉
Lauren J
My daughter loves Pretty Pretty Princess…..something to keep in mind for furniture baby girl 😀. And my 2 yo son loves to join her
Lauren JFuture*
Stephanie Pursell
Zingo and pop the pig are favorites
My kids love Monopoly Cheaters Edition. They love that cheating is a part of the game.
Hannah Kaniewski
My fav is Skip bo
Michele Gordon
My kids love to play the card game Swap, so much fun and even my 6 year old sits in and plays with us.
Emily Martin
Trouble wad such a classic!!! Loved it even in high school
Samantha Veenstra
Deer in the headlights and Payday
Yahtzee! The original with just dice and paper! Not the electronic version 😉
Merraina Acevedo
We LOVE Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese Pizza (card game) and Happy Salmon (card game). They are both a ton of fun for kids & adults!
Micale Vos
My 9 year old son loves the game Castle Panic! It’s a cooperative game, so everyone has to work together to win.
Guess Who is a favorite around our house
Guess who is currently on repeat in our house!
Ashley Dates
Rummikub. My older boys love it so much and do great with it. They started play when they were 5 and 7!
Guess Who and Uno are our favorites!
Patricia S
Some of our faves are Sequence and Battleship. And we love the card games for Grandpa Beck!
Nakieva Crum
Family bingo is our current house fav
Uno Flip is a new family fav around here!
Monica Murray
We love King of Tokyo. It is always a hit!
Megan T
Thanks for the list! Sometimes I forget about the games I grew up with myself. We also love Richard Scarys Busytown Eye Found It, and Go Nuts for Donuts. I’ve been blessed to find you on Instagram and didn’t know you had a blog as well. Blessings to you!
Leah Deaton
We love uno and spot it!
Googley eyes for us! My kids are teens now, but we get it out and have a blast!
Jill Otto
Ww loved Mousetrap and Operation.
Athena Timiney
We love sequence, racko and phase ten. Game nights are our favorite thing to do.
Fal B.
We love candy land
Aga Truax
Candy land has been one of our favorites
Justine Viets
Sleeping Queens and Frog Juice! Also, Pyramix!
Carla Shearer
Snakes and ladders
Michelle B.
We love playing Sorry as a family!
Cherise Buckley
Sleeping queens, Mexican train, phase 10, skipbo!
My soon-to-be 5-year-old LOVES Monopoly Jr!
Stephanie Brown
Hi! We like to play Uno and of course Monopoly is an all time favorite.
Elizabeth Mock
Our kids’ favorites are Guess Who and Kids Sequence!
We play games every Sunday night with the family! Disney’s Scene It and Spoons!
Hannah Ulmer
We love playing games as a family! Some of our favorites are: Taco Cat, charades, Uno, and Kids vs Parents is a fun one to start conversations.
Uno is a family favorite along with trouble..
Kathy Landers
I love Candyland!
Lexi B
I lived on board games as a kid…especially with my grandma! I have kept every game we have ever owned and will cherish them. I was always hooked on mouse trap as a kid lol!
My kids favorite is Magnetiles meanwhile they are young……
Alisha Ekkel
Gnomin Around by Grandpa becks has been a family favorite lately. We are also big fans of sleeping queens.
We love Sushi Go
Crystal F
Sneaky Snacky Squirrel and Candyland!
Stephanie Nalezny
How fun! We have so many of those games at home! We just played a game I found hidden in my closet. It’s one wooden bored with lots of oldies on it! We played mandala, checkers and the triangle game. Such quality time with family when playing games!
Brittany Ott
The majority of these are great for adults too! Love skipbo and 5 Crowns.
linda Lewy
Kids scavenger hunt cards for park home
Gabrielle Kirkpatrick
Our favorites are UNO Moo, Guess Who, and Sorry.
Lynda West
You have a lot of our favorites too! Life, Monopoly, Sorry, Skip-Bo, Ticket to Ride are some of our favorites!
Kaitlyn McKinney
I love Uno and can’t wait until my little guy is old enough to play!
Sierra Damrell
My 4 year old is LOVING Trouble and Connect 4 right now. His favorite is the fishing game though! I love anything he wants to play with me. ❤
Kelly Stephens
We love Snakes and Ladders! When I worked in childcare, the kids fave game was Zingo! I haven’t bought it to try with my boys yet.
Jennifer Briggs
We played Sorry and Uno a lot with our kids.
Christy C
Our kids (13 & 14) love Catan and different variations of Tenzi. 🙂
We love uno or spot it! So fun to see the joy kids have when playing games.
Oooooh I love this!! Thank you for sharing!!
Kathy Cooksey
Our oldest grandkids (8-14) love Rummicube and 5 Crowns.
Don’t break the ice is a favorite for my boys!
We have been enjoying clue with our “big kids”. It’s so fun since it’s one of my childhood favorites.
Leah Newman
Cover your assets
Spot It! and Bold have become some family favorites around here for all my kids ranging in ages from 6-19.
Angie Maier
We love Candyland over here with our 5 year old daughter!! Our favorite card to pick is the cinnamon roll, of course! 🤩
Katie Desir
We’re loving Yahtzee right now.
Qwixx is a quick and fun dice game
Amanda Sikes
We love Sequence!
My 6 year old loves Uno and just recently learned how to play chess! My 4 year old loves candy land and hi-hi cheerio!
Beth Brewer
We loved to play Trouble, Sorry, UNO.
If they wanted a game to last for awhile,
on a stormy day,they would dig out Monopoly.
Danielle krien
Beth BrewerMr bucket!! As a kid I loved this game, found it on a resale site for my own kids to play.
Throw throw burrito
Guess Who and Connect 4 has always been a favourite with our littles.
The 6-12 year old games are just right for me and I’m in my 30’s, lol!! I love all your choices! I’m curious to try out that Monopoly card game. I haven’t seen that before. Thanks for the great post.
Laura Van Lake
My grands love the game, Memory, and their other favorite is Monopoly. We also play The Game of Life. They get a kick out of it!
We love games! Uno, Phase 10, Rook, Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride, Tiny Towns, Sequence… just to name a few we play often. It is so fun to just sit down and play a game together! We’re even getting our almost 3 year old to understand some with us!
Amber Abrahamson
These are all fun games and games are such a great way to make memories as you said.
The current games my kiddos (3-6 ) are liking for the fame called I Spy the actual game not just saying the I spy part.
They also love candy land.
Thank you for always sharing
Love to play uno and mouse trap as a family!
Our two year old loves Kerplunk! My husband and I have over 100 games that we rotate through!
Love family game night with my family!
We love Mexican dominoes!
We love playing games together! Monopoly Deal and Uno Attack are two of our current favorites.
My family loves to play uno and spoons!
Margaret Callahan
We played a lot of the game of Life.
Battleship, sorry, uno, trouble, mastermind, Chinese checkers, apples to apples
My kids recently discovered a love for Clue. They also enjoy 3 up 3 down!
We love a lot of games! Yahtzee, Game of Life, Ticket to Ride, Azul, and Battleship are played the most often.
Phase 10 is for sure our family favorite!
We love lucky ducks! Super easy and fun!
Tracy Asa
Crazy 8, Go Fish, and Slap Jack card games from our youth!
Rebecca Thiesse
We play lots of games over here. The whole family loves all card games and plays Carbles often, the big kids play Settlers of Catan or chess, and the little play Sequence or Bananagrams!
Carisia Ganda
We love playing Uno and Sorry! Both are great fun games.
Brittney slack
We do not own kid games yet! But these look like great options!
Ruthanne Anderson
Our kids’ favorite games are Ligretto, Play Nine and Carcassonne. We love them too!
Stephanie W
Don’t break the ice!
Tiffany Hammes
We actually like to play emotions improv and candy land!
Qwirkle for 6 and up, race to the treasure is a favorite for 3 and up
Dana Nocchi
We love First Journey, Play Nine, and Azulejo!
We love Ticket to Ride First Journey!
Megan Howard
Ticket to Ride, My First Journey. This is the kids version but adult version is also SO much fun!
Sorry and connect four our favorites in our house.
Hilary Peery
For littles we like Pop the Pig and Zingo. For older kids/adults we love Skyjo. We all have fun with Guess Who! We love it so much that my niece bought the game and replaced the pictures with pictures of our family, so we can play Family Guess Who.
Vanessa Pedersen
My kids love Sushi Go!
My kids love a game called Monster flush!
Samantha Lewis
We have game night every Saturday with my parents. My son age 5 loves to play any game he can with us. He is autistic so the games don’t last long so we’re going through multiple games a night but anything that we do together is fun. Candyland shoots and ladders Skip-Bo Monopoly connect four operation Uno the happy bunny go fish war. Anything that we can all get involved with it’s great memory sd
My girls absolutely love games!!! Our favorites include Take the Cake, Doodle Dice, Mille Bornes, and most recently Skyjo!! On your suggestion, I finally got them Shut the Box for Valentine’s Day, and we have already had so much fun with it! As a math teacher and mama, I immediately loved it – and need another ASAP from my classroom of 7th graders?
Tara Haight
Quixx, clue, ticket to ride. So many really
Play nine, phase 10
Liz Miller
Elephants on Parade
Count your chickens
Beth Beaty
Our grandson loves Sorry right now and checkers. We got him a game called Concept Kids that’s fun.
Skyjo for any age (our 4yo plays it and I learned and love it at 37!), Eric Carle What Can You Do? (Perfect for 2-4yo), Tenzi, Uno, Can’t Stop and Sequence for Kids!🙂
Our current faves are Sorry and Skipbo but I didn’t realize they make a Skipbo junior, may have to check that out!!
Five Crowns 🃏
Nancy Martin
Life and uno and Dutch blitz we likes to play
Card game: Take 5 (US version of 6Nimmt) UNO
Board games: Risk, Ticket to Ride, Monopoly
Kristen Habel
We love the matching game Hisss!
Stacey Gorga
We are loving Guess Who! My daughter is 5 (she will be 6 in April) and I’m loving this stage as she’s getting into board games! We love trouble and connect 4, also!
Vyctoria Bruot
The current favorite game in our house is kid uno. My boys are 3 & 5 and are obsessed! We play almost daily
Kristy Bridgman
Children’s bible triva
Crystal Troyer
We love sorry, chutes and ladders, and uno.
Kaitlin Hamilton
We love family games!! Lately we’ve been loving ANY memory game, taco-cat-goat-cheese-pizza, play nine, and rummikub.
Nicole Portillo
Our two favs are Mexican train and spoons.
We love so many of these! Also Ticket to Ride, Villainous, Crazy 8s, Memory, Scategories, and Rummycube.
Guess who and Sorry are favorites in our house!
My kids love UNO! They have a few different versions – Star Wars, Harry Potter, they love it.
Katie Kessler
I’m so excited to play the squirrel game with our Boys! Perfect timing for our little guys 4th birthday! We love sequence so it appears this list is totally our taste of games!
Kids Monopoly or Uno!
Sequence for Kids! We play as a family, nightly as requested by the kids, ages 2 and 4.5!
Carcassonne and Sleeping Queens
Alyssa C.
We love Clue and Nut Nut Squirrel at our house 🤗
Michelle Winfield
Uno is our favorite for kids and adults.
We are a game family. I grew up playing board games at home and at my grandparents. And we always played card games at my Dad’s parents house too. I really love that our kids love to play games too. We’re pretty hooked on Ticket to Ride, Qwirkle, and Wits and Wagers right now.
We love Skip-Bo!
We have always loved Aggravation, Clue and Operation.
Blima Sash
My family loves the game. What do you meme?
Betty DuFrane
We love telestration!
Kathleen Worthen
Such great information!! I’m going to be adding some of these to our list!
Some of our favorites are:
Apples to apples (Disney version)
Q-bitz (and the JR version for the littles)
The Family Q & A game
We love games! As a kid Sorry! was my favorite. I still like playing it, now with my kids!
Farming, which was created in and near yakima, so super fun that it is all local spots. Life and rack-o.
New favorite for my grandson who is 6 is Yahtzee Frenzy. He loves math and this is great for that
My boys love playing ticket to ride jr
Morgan Marek
Our kiddos love twister and chutes and ladders. We love several you have on the blog post too and some we’ve never heard of 😊
Darlis Weber
Uno is our current family favorite.
We love Skyjo (card game) and Chicken Foot (dominos game)
We’re very into candyland and memory right now!
Uno, Connect Four, and Sorry are our favorite games!
Brittany Oestreicher
Blink! is a super fun and FAST game! Like 2min or less per game.
This is a great list! Right now my girls are loving Candyland and Sneaky Snacky Squirrel. When I was little I loved playing a game called Uncle Wiggly. I still have it and can’t wait until my girls are ready to play!
We play sooooo much uno 🤣
Miranda R.
Love these options! Operation is a forever fave in our house as well as the snap circuit board. Not a total game, but they somehow make it one!
Our current favorite is LCR! This is a new game in our house, but I can’t wait to introduce them to racko! I grew up playing it with my grandma. Sweet memories
Our fave is rummikub!
Leah Kanuho
Zingo and Tenzi
Courtney Hannah
We are big fans of Uno in our household! I’ve been looking for more card game suggestions though so thanks for the ideas!
Grandpa just got our family Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza and my boys are crazy about it! So much laughter and fun had by kids and adults alike!
Angie Johnson
We love Monopoly and Phase 10!!
Oh I love this, I have often used your game recommendations, so it’s great to have them all in one place.
We love kids sequence! And skip Bo is one of my favs, but I didn’t realize there was a skip Bo jr., definitely need to look into that.
Amanda Price
We LOVE Throw Throw Burrito & Disney I Spy card game!
Kaitlyn Anderson
Phase 10, guess who, and candy land are our kid’s favorites. My husband and I love catan♥️
Angela Guyton
My kids love Uno, Monopoly, Catan, Azul, and Code Names.
Katherine Peschau
5 Crowns and Apples to Apples!
Tania Estevez
We love Monopoly, UNO, Bingo, Loteria, Memory, Chinese Checkers, Dominoes and Jenga ♥️ Blessings
Uno is a family favorite in our house or connect four.
Karla Mandrell
Monopoly, Scrabble,Dominos, Yahtzee, Kismet.
Maria Lopez
My daughter loved guess who and spot it!
Sandi Mcmillan
Our older kids in high school love Catan and Ticket to Ride
My favorite game is racko!! Love it can’t wait for my son to be Old enough to play☺️
Alika Edwards
Trekking through History and Trekking the National Parks! Our 3 year old plays these (with our help)! Great educational fun board games! Also, Ticket to Ride!
Marni Rice
Connect 4
Crystal V.
These are all great recommendations! My favorite game to play is biscuits. It’s a dice game and I love it.
I don’t think the company makes the game anymore but …
You can make this game yourself by purchasing several different types of dice!!!
Here’s a great instruction video:
Our boys (9 & 13) love chess the most I think. Then I would say mouse trap and uno are pretty high on the list. They are learning a game called peg board – kinda like sorry – from my mom. She played it as a kid. Thanks for all the suggestions!
Ashley Stone
We are really enjoying Cover your Assets! Fun, but simple enough for my youngest!
Frumie Diskind
Love this list. My kids (and myself) are obsessed with Monopoly deal right now. Another family favorite is Rummikub.
Chasity McDonald
Our current favorite is Skull King which is similar to Rook.
Amanda V.
Our family favorites are Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza, Sorry, and definitely Uno! We love family game night. It’s such a great way to enjoy time together as a family. 😊
Kim Buff
We love to play games as a family. I would have to say our all time favorite is PIT!! It gets crazy loud but it is so much fun! 🤗
Heather Strand
Oh we have so many favorites we’ve played
over the different ages. We are a big game favorite ❤️ Top favorite currently is Monopoly Deal. But we love Uno Flip, Yahtzee, Guess Who, Candy Land, Sorry, Sneaky Squirrel, Old Maid, Tug a War, Pop the Pig, and Checkers.
Judith Buchanan
My FAVORITE game was ALWAYS snakes 🐍 & ladders🪜❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 🐍🪜🐍🪜🐍😄🐍🪜🐍🪜🐍🪜
We LOVE farkle over here! We’ve been playing it for many years, I think the kids initially got into it because farkle is fun to say. Haha! But now it’s become a fave in our house.
Carla J Gillis
We love monopoly and battle ship.
Debra Cashmore
I love this Sarah! I’m a game lover. My youngest son has played board games with friends since he began high school. He’d have a group of friends over every week or two. I’d make dinner and or snacks and listen to the laughter all night. He’s 28 now and the tradition is still going strong. He has a master’s in math and teaches high school and has students in at lunch for game time. He was also a creator at the Dungeons and Dragons and Magic the Gathering Company. You never know what fun game time can lead to!
Jeanne Nesselt
Ok, when baby girl gets to be like age 3-4, you’ll have to get the game Pretty Pretty Princess . My granddaughters favorite …. So far.
Old Maid and Chutes and Ladders were favorites in our house. Also playing Memory with a regular deck of cards.
We love Uno extreme in our house. The giggles when the machine spits cards out, it is so much fun 🥰
We love to play Uno
Mel Worley
Dixit!!! Which is also great homeschool games for boys who don’t love English… Such a great game our family loves playing together, and sabateur- a fun card game.
Erin Weiss
Saboteur card game
Anastasia Severns Meadows
We love spot it! And pop the pig
Uno for sure is my favorite but I remember frequenting racko too. Parcheesi. Disney trivia games were awesome and they came in a tin. Payday.
We used to play lots of games and card games. Hope one day o can start that with my kids.
Connect 4! Our boys love it! And seeing the pure joy on their faces makes me love it too!
We love uno and all the variations.
Katie L
Family game time is the best! Our family is hard core! Right now they are really into King Domino and we also love Anomia for kids!
We just started playing Guess Who with our 3 year old and it’s been so fun!
Karen Zimmerman
My favorite as a kid was Payday and my kids enjoyed playing with the same set that I had saved from my childhood.
Ad my kids were growing up one of their/our favorite games ro play as a family and when friends would come over was Blurt.
Marla McCracken
Five Crowns is my family’s all time favorite!
Allison Daniels
I have 4 boys and 1 on the way. My 4 and 6 year old love the game Glow Spotters. Great for simple addition reinforcement!
Monopoly deal!!
Ticket to Ride is one of our favorites.
We have a huge collection of games and try to have family game night once a week. Some of our favorites include Quiddler, Rummikub, Crazy 8’s and Yahtzee.
Jill Upham
We play exploding kittens alot!!
Mary Ottes
Great choices! I’ve been trying to implement family game night for a few years now… it’s a challenge when the adults are working all different hours. Love the conversations that were had when I was younger and playing games with my parents. 💕
Maesyn B
We have 2 under 2 but we are starting to really get into puzzles!
Rachel Huffman
Our son is 2.5 and we have a large foam version of Connect Four that he LOOOVES!
Kristina Calhoun
We LOVE playing Yeti in My Spaghetti or Chutes and Ladders with our almost 4 year old! Game time is such a fun way to spend family time! ❤️
Alyssa W
We love zingo and sorry!!
Amy Dallas
We love a ton of different games but right now it’s connect four
Geo Alemida
My kids love candy land and uno 😃
Ashley B.
My boys love Sneaky Snacky Squirrel, Jenga, Hoot Owl Hoot and Bingo! I’m a big game player, but my husband isn’t so it’s fun to see him get involved with the boys play. Maybe he’ll change his mind eventually too. 😄
Elissa Van Andel
Ooohh. Thanks for posting this! Our family favourite is probably sequence/racko/mario monopoly as it’s great for all ages.
Kimmie Gerner
We love mancala!!!!! So I have fun 🤩
Kimmie Gerner
Kimmie GernerSo much fun* sorry got excited to comment
Liz H
We are doing a lot of connect 4 and uno over here. Kiddo likes playing tournaments with mom and dad, but sometimes we play where the grownup has to get five in a row, or the grownup has to NOT get more than three in a row. It’s harder than it sounds!
We love the card game Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza. My older 3 also love to play Dutch Blitz.
Joanne G
Hand and foot. It’s played with skipbo cards. So fun!
Phase 10 Twist
3 Up 3 Down
Fill Or Bust
Golf (with cards)
We love Happy Salmon!
Jennifer Suttle
A new favorite game we have here is called “Herd Mentality “
We love One Night Werewolf for.oldwr kids/adults. So fun! Your recommendations are great, too!
Morgan Karuzis
Three of my favorite kids games and are spot it, uno, and headbanz
Christy Patterson
My three-year-old grandson is obsessed with Sneaky Snacky Squirrel! That’s what he calls all squirrels now 😂 A long-time family favorite though is Pit. We add our own twist – spoons! It can get super intense and wild – we can be cut-throat when it comes to grabbing a spoon. Parents of a teen/young adult tip: It’s a great way to reveal the true personality of the person your child wants to date!
Jeannette Estes
So many good games here. Sneakey Snacky Squirrel has become our kid’s favorite. It’s still new to them and they love it!
Genevieve Winn
We love operation and floor is lava over here. Guess who too!
Thank you for sharing these, Sarah! Our family loves board games and we’re always on the lookout for new ones to try! A new one we’ve gotten and loved is you’ve got crabs! Our 5 year old surprised us and was able to keep up pretty well and even won the game!
Love this list of board games! Thank you for sharing these, Sarah! Our family loves board games and we’re always on the lookout for new ones to try! A new one we’ve gotten and loved is you’ve got crabs! Our 5 year old surprised us and was able to keep up pretty well and even won the game!
My sons love uno attack!
Carrie White
Page Zanella
We love Monopoly Deal!
Sara Richards
Love to get new game ideas! We love trouble, but looking for a new one for Easter!
My grandson loves candyland!
We just started to teach our 2yo how to play Jenga, and he’s actually getting it 🤗
Alivia Maus
We love Qwirkle! It’s such a fun game and so easy to learn our kiddos learned to play around 3.
Carolyn Stafford
We love Sleeping Queens and Farkle!
Kristin Ovanek
My kids always loved Skip-Bo….they are 21 and 23 and we still play it!!
Karen Engstrom
My favorite game – backgammon
My favorite with my kids – Codenames
Chris De Visser
Skyjo- (card game) A fun game for the whole family including younger kids (6+)
We have teen/tweens and still love to play Sorry, UNO, Monopoly and a couple new ones for us are Grounded For Life and Splendor! Such good family time!
Stephanie Lybbert
I LOVE sneaky snack squirrel
Amy Knutsen
Our family loves games… my husband and I will often play a game together some nights too! Our most played favorites: Skip-bo, Sneaky,Sneaky Squirrel, Dutch Blitz, Play Nine, Battle Ship and Connect Four.
Ashley Ru
UNO and Phase 10 are favs. Dominoes are close fav. 🤗♥️🤗
Serena Mckenzie
My son loves Monopoly, but Mom and Dad aren’t too keen, I think it has been overdone over the years 😂We do enjoy UNO and snakes and ladders though 😁
My family’s favorite game is Uno Attack! It’s fun to watch the cards fly out at someone! lots and lots of laughs together!
First off, playing games with family is one of my favorite things to do! We love to play sorry and play 9.
Polly Schaible
Uno and old maid are a forever favorite!!
Anna Zehr
Rat a tat cat is one of my favorites for kids!
We always played games when are kids we younger My daughter is married and we still play games whenever we are together.
Tonia Muncy
Growing up old maid and sorry is what we played most. I actually still have a lot of our old board games. Uncle wiggly, raggedy Ann, candy land, and chutes and ladders. My 4yo grandson loves candy land now and silly 6 pins a little bowling game I have from my children. Dutch blitz has been an all time family favorite for those that are old enough (even if the younger ones have to team up). Mexican train, the mind card game, rumi cube, and risk have been our go to most recently over the holidays
Lori McGahey
Thank you for this post; so helpful!! I haven’t heard of the Sneaky Squirrel game so I’m ordering that! Blessings on you and your family! ❤️🙏🏼
Paige Dolan
I love you play games! I remember playing lots of cards growing up. Each Christmas we bought a new family game. You have so many great ones listed!!!!
We love the game my first castle panic!
Marissa Hopkins
Such great ideas for some cute games!! We love Pie Face, and Jenga! It’s so fun to get around the table and spend quality time together!!! It is definitely a lost art in today’s society to have screen-free family time, and while technology makes many things convenient, I sometimes wish my kiddos could grow up in a more simple day! Doing our best to conserve that and teach the same values to our babies. <3
These look so fun! We love Jenga and exploding kittens
Leah DiGiovanni
We love games in our house! There are so many good ones. Some of our kids favorites are Uno, Catan Jr., Ticket to Ride Jr., Guess Who and Outfoxed.
Darcy Phillips
We love the game skyjo ! A great way to use addition and subtraction!
Rachel Ross
We love Racko! Thankful you shared because we purchased after!
Hi our family favourite is a scavenger hunt either inside or in the garden. It’s brilliant fun and a good learning experience too. Costa nothing and can be anything xx
Sara Condon
Memory was a favorite in our house
We love games too!! Hungry hippos is the fave for our littles, and UNO is the current five for our bigger kids (ages 6 and 8). Just starting to venture into “big kid games” and we are loving the adventure!!
We love playing games! Has our kids get older, our favorites change and evolve but right now the ones we go to the most: Ingenious, Ticket to Ride, Chicken Foot, Double Ditto, and Qwixx
Madison Miskowic
I love Uno Flip!
Michelle Jepson
We love card games and have one that we call books and straights love to play!
Mama 4
We love Qwerkle and Space Trash!!
We love playing games together as a family! I find it a great way to reinforce values of being polite (saying please and thank you!) and good sportsmanship. We really enjoy playing Quirkle, Quiddler, and Set!
Connie Caudil
Clue, battleship, life,uno, skip Bo, phase10, monopoly. Love playing games together! Gathering around the table for quality family time! Teaches rules, taking turns, lots of memories made. My favorite memory when I was little is my grandparents, my parents and other friends played pinochle. Every time someone got up to use the restroom I would jump in their spot and play their hand and I became a pretty good player!
We love Qwirkle as a family. All our kids can play this game together.
Lexi Blanton
I have heard good things about “spot it” for littles and “rack-o” is another I’d like to try with my 6 yr old! Thank you for these recommendations!
My kids LOVE sneaky snacky squirrel! They are also really into CAMP, Cadoo for kids, outfoxed, and uno!
Rosana Huizar
We love playing Uno attack, candy land, shoots and ladders, and our lotería
I love The Game of Life. It has been a favorite since I was about 10
Chelsea Larson
We just got UNO 99 and it is fun for all of us – adults and kids!
Love these game ideas, thanks Sarah! Our favorite to play with our 5 year old is Memory! She’s definitely pulling out the wins 😀
Rachel McElhaney
Our new favorite card game is Farkle Flip
My son got two amazing little games for his birthday! The first is the dentist crocodile teeth game. It’s hilarious and my kids play for an hour! The second which is second only because I was waiting for my son to bring me the box to give you the official name is Dinosaur escape by peaceable kingdom!! It’s literally our favorite game! We ALL work together to get the Dino’s to safety before the volcano erupts! It’s such a well made game!
Kleona Caushi
We lome memory game too!
Kleona Caushi
Kleona Caushi*love
Sara Howard
There are soamy great games on this list. Rack-o is one of my favorites. I can remember playing this game with cousins when I was younger and love that I can pass it on to my kids. This is actually a game my husband and I play on our game night dates!!
Thanks for sharing these.
The snacks squirrel game is so fun!
Happy Salmon is our new favorite- good for ages 3 and up. So simple and quick and gets you moving!
My older kids love a good game of clue!
We LOVE Sneaky Squirrel- it has been my son’s favorite since he was little, he used it for Speach Therapy and he is 9 now and we still play it.
Stacy Armondo
We play Life
My kids love Scrambled states of America and happy salmon
Candy Land
Amy Wright
My kids love playing 21 and goldfish with their Papa
Alisa Shannon
We love family game night! Sequence and uno our the tops faves!
Sherri Pollock
Uno and skipo
Katey Selleri
We love to play uno attack!
My oldest two, 6 & 10, like to play UNO. We just recently discovered UNO Flip, twist on the original that is so fun. My 3 yo likes to play the Sneaky Squirrel game. My ultimate favorite is Monopoly, I have so many different versions.
Jessica Simmons
Uno is serious business at our house. 😂
Jamie K
Our boys (4&6) love Crazy 8’s, Spot it and animal kids sequence!
Cover your assets is our families favorite! Easy for even four year olds to join.
Great recommendations!
Thank you!
Angie E
So many of these are in our game closet as well! Sleeping queens is always a favorite!
Clack and Hiss are our favorites that we play again and again!
Wendy Webb
Ticket to Ride!!!
Kaylyn Degler
I took my two year old to the library today and I discovered how much he loves the wooden puzzles (farm/tractor themed). It was so fun watching him be able to match where each piece belonged ☺️
Bingo-ABC bingo/sightquwirkle
We love to play hands down! It’s so fun for the kiddos and helps them to think fast too! Love seeing these new suggestions too!
My 3 year old loves spot it!
Laura Lee Smith
Racko and Monopoly deal are our family’s current favorites.
Uno and when older, Family Feud
Our Family Game List: the top games that adults love - Modern Farmhouse Family
[…] games…we love it all! In a previous blog post I shared ALL of our favorite kid’s games (find it here) and now I’m following up with our favorite games for adults! I mentioned in my KIDS GAMES blog […]
Carolyn M
Ticket to Ride
Clear the Deck
Saw a group of kids playing Spot It while waiting for a table at a restaurant and they were all having so much fun!
Shelby Seaton
Let’s be honest, Trouble is superior to all the other young kids games 😏
10+ of the Best Family card games - Modern Farmhouse Family
[…] here! We have done some different round-ups of family games, check out our adult game list and our favorite kids games. For this one- I wanted to focus solely on card games. These are the best family card games that we […]