I know it’s tempting. To pack your whole house and then some to go to the hospital for that one- or two-night stay. Thinking it will ALL come in handy somehow. But let me tell ya, after having 5 kiddos (and my 6th VERY soon), I’ve paired down my hospital bag checklist five different times to just the essentials. Because all that extra fluff? You don’t NEED it. Besides being a mom, I’m also a nurse and have worked on the maternity floor so I can say with confidence that the hospital already has MUCH of what you may need or want. And you are already going to be paying for it so why not use it?
Although every woman may have those one or two extra things they can’t live without, I want to share with you what I believe are the essentials to pack in your hospital bag. Feel free to add on your favorites here and there but this list has the basics to get you started! You are going to be bringing your bundle of joy home before you know it and the last thing you want to do is remember everything you brought. So without further ado:
Flip Flops– Please just pack and use them. I don’t want to tell you all that’s been on those floors. But trust me when I say, wear flip flops around your room and ESPECIALLY in the shower. The bonus of flip flops is also that your feet may get a bit swollen from labor so they aren’t restrictive.
Comfy Socks– When not wearing your flip flops around, comfy socks are so nice to have. Hospitals DO provide anti slip socks which are fun. But I love slipping on a pair of cozy fuzzy sucks while laying around and recovering.
Phone Charger with extra long cord– Need I say more? Between sharing your joyous news with friends and family near and far plus all those cute pictures and videos you’ll be taking, this is a must.
Camera + extra battery- If you are going to be taking your own pictures other than on your phone, don’t forget to charge up your camera and take an extra battery!
Comfy + stretchy clothes- I know everyone wants to look glamorous after birth but the truth is you just need to be comfortable. So aside from those lovely hospital gowns, pack your favorite pair of loose fitting comfy clothes. For me, it’s a pair of joggers, lightweight hoodless sweatshirt and a stretchy tank. This is also the outfit I wear home! Here is a link to my favorite! (Use my code: CE-FARMHOUSEFAM for 35% off)
Nursing bra– Whether it’s a sleeping bra, bralette or underwire nursing bra for those of us that are a bit more well-endowed, pack it! It gives you that extra layer of comfort and support as your breasts adjust to all the new hormones swooping in post baby.
Makeup and toiletries- Here’s the deal, the hospital actually has LOTS of toiletries (See list below) BUT I understand some woman like their own personal stuff. So this item is a bit more individual to each person. For myself I prefer to bring: makeup, a blowdryer, facewash, face lotion.
Easy Snacks- Because sometimes labor goes through the night and a jello cup or popsicle for the 6th time just doesn’t cut it anymore. A few of my favorite easy snacks include: That’s It Bars, freeze dried fruit and shelled pistachios. Just something simple to shove in your mouth in between contractions.
That’s all for Mom!! I know it doesn’t seem like much, but again, the rest of what you may need is *most likely* available at your local hospital. Let’s move onto baby shall we?
Swaddle- Now listen close, for this swaddle: I specifically use it for pictures I may take and going home. Because I learned quickly that even new babies make messes. So I try to use the hospital blankets as much as possible and save my own nicer swaddle for the moments I mentioned above. I personally love either stretchy swaddles or muslin. Both wonderful in their own way. My favorite stretch ones are from Kyte Baby, Lou Lou and Company or Mebie Baby and my favorite muslin swaddles are from Sugar House Baby.
Knotted cap/hat/bow- Those hospital caps only stay cute for so long. I love bringing along my own knotted cap to put on baby. My favorite are from Kyte Baby.
Going home outfit- I’m pretty simple here but I prefer a simple zippered sleeper. Cozy and it means less little baby clothes to pack. My favorite are from Baby Breez.
And that’s it for baby!! Just three items! But again, keeping it minimal means less you have to think about. Which is nice when all you should be doing is relaxing and soaking in those newborn snuggles. Take advantage of what the hospital provides and what you are already paying for and use it!
Lastly, this is not a comprehensive list but in case this is your first time at a hospital or you have just forgotten, here are common items that most hospitals do have on hand for your stay.
***shampoo/conditioner, lotion, comb, toothbrush, toothpaste, anti-slip socks, robes, breast pump, formula, baby snap shirts/onesies, baby swaddles, baby hats, bottles, nipples, blankets, diapers, wipes, pacifiers**
And now I want YOUR feedback. I know every woman has their must have items so comment below: What can you NOT live without while at the hospital? Did your item make my list? Can’t wait to hear what you guys love and use!
xo, Sarah
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Callie Angeles
I typically always bring gifts for the nurses! So grateful for all they do, and a little gift is the least I could do! 💜 love your post! And fam!
Luciana Shaw
Seems like such a small thing but chapstick was such a lifesaver during labour . A must for me !
Luciana ShawMy first baby I brought all the things- my second and third bags were 90% snacks. With my induction uno- we waited around for a long time before things really got started.
Jordan Laurell
I brought a little portable sound machine, this time! It was SO nice to help mute all the beeping and hallway noise!
Wendy Helmuth
Krista Corbin
Had my baby in Feb 2020 and could not have been without my boppy for nursing!
Caitlyn Johnson
Great list!! I didn’t bring my nursing pillow last time but I will definitely be bringing it this time around! Much easier than trying to prop up on hospital pillows! ☺️
Stacy Shoemaker
Caitlyn JohnsonShampoo and conditioner and my own body wash. After my c-section, I showered and washed my hair and I felt sooo much better. It was the absolute best thing.
Susan Bush
Stacy ShoemakerHair tie, chapstick and some mints or hard candy
Marcela Zaharia
Caitlyn JohnsonA nursing tank top & robe so I can take a shower next day & always like to take some pic with my newborn before I leave the hospital.
Cassie Klutman
Lotion and Chapstick! Hospitals are so dry!
Hello, Best wishes for a most comfortable delivery experience! One item for your husband or support person is a comfortable sleeping bag / blanket / pillow set.
Emily Wuollet
I need to take care of my nipples right away so I bring a tube of lansinol (nipple cream)ointment and nursing pads!
I brought my slippers! Ended up wearing them home too because my feet were so swollen! 😆
Breanna S
MeganVery glad I brought a blanket from home, I was always cold and it was cozy and warm.
I wished I would’ve brought a nursing pillow, I felt to weak to hold baby for long so nursing was hard for me the first few days.
Before I even started reading, I was thinking FLIP FLOPS for the shower!! Followed by snacks that you want- that first night you are HUNGRY, and may not have many options from outside your room!
Lisa Buhler
BeckyBeautiful family 🙂 all the best on your labor❤ I always pack my own soother and bring nipple cream .
A battery operated stroller fan for during labour!
Lifesaver for when it gets too hot.
Our hospital doesn’t provide any shampoo/conditioner/soap except for hand wash. So I bring those things too!
Love your list. It’s almost exactly what I packed a year ago today when I had my 3rd. I had a scheduled csection so I knew I wanted some face wipes in addition to my face wash. I also brought chapstick!
ice cold orange juice to drink after delivery! The most refreshing thing I’ve ever put in my mouth.
My own pillow and lip chap were a must foe me ! But other then that I honestly didn’t pack that much ! Our lists are pretty dang close !!
Bhumika Patel
I took gift card for nurses for taking such a good care for me & my baby up in nicu for a week
Bhumika PatelChapstick and a cute gown to make me feel a little more put-together after delivery!
Amanda Ebner
I always bring a book!
Great list!
Definitely the shower flip flops!!!
I also like having my own pain relief for afterwards. I don’t like taking their pain killers, but “after ease” is super helpful. I’ve also learned to bring my own blanket. I’ve sat in triage freezing asking for a blanket too many times. 😅
Abigail Auten
My mom forgot the baby’s car seat for my four year old brother. Ill never forget how problematic it made the experience hahaha!
Katherine Camacho
Abigail Auten😆 oh my goodness!
Wendy Stoller
I normally make sure to have chapstick and my own shampoo/conditioner. Makes me feel more myself. I haven’t always taken an outfit or gown for me while at the hospital but I did this last time and it made me feel so much better.
Baby gown set and for Me always snacks and a cute comfy gown.
I would definitely agree with this list. Very minimal. I would also add instead of just huge pads, get the padded underwear. Its easier and you won’t have any leaks post baby.
Callie Slater
So many great ideas!! I love how simple your list is! I made sure not to forget my glasses, or else I wouldn’t be able to see anything at all! Hahah
Katherine Camacho
This is the perfect short list! Snacks were crucial for me because Edward was born at 11:57pm. It took till two am for them to even ask about feeding me and it was an awful turkey sandwich.
Also take everything for the baby from the crib thing. They don’t reuse it so take it all!!!
I just had my second c-section so I made sure to pack a couple pairs of comfortable high waisted shorts and sweatpants. A total must to keep any pressure and irritation off the incision. Can’t wait for your little guy to arrive!
As a first time mom I wished I packed baby something that didn’t go over his head (like zippie PJs). It sounds silly but all his outfits did and he didn’t like the act of getting a shirt shoved over his head and I wasn’t confident changing him yet!
For myself: nursing tank tops! And a long charging cable. My hospital did not permit me to eat anything other than clear liquids, so a word of caution there when packing snacks for yourself. Snacks for after baby comes for sure though!
Ellen Herrick
Chapstick and, as you said, flip flops!
Kimberly Rho
Great list! I’d add maybe some adult diapers and mybrestfriend nursing pillow.
Courtney Pugsley
I love to put a speaker/headphones to listen to music/meditation. Also with inductions we packed cards
Katherine Camacho
Oh also I brought cheap slippers… then my water broke all over them. Pack back up flip flops.
Janna Connor
From a mom of 2 and #3 on the way this list is perfect! The less you bring the better in my opinion. Only other thing I would add is a pair of maternity leggings, for me personally that “post birth” belly needs all the support and maternity leggings are the best for that! This is also what I like to wear home from the hospital as well. I do also like to bring my own robe and love to have one that matches a swaddle or gown for baby, makes for such sweet photos! 🙂 I honestly stayed in my robe for most of my hospital stay until the day I went home!
Having my first in January, so I’ll definitely revisit this post as it gets closer!!
Body Armor or Recharge electrolyte drinks!
Ashley Queen
Charger & my own pillow 😁
Nicole Roberson
Chapstick!! And hair ties!
Dorrae Ferris
Lol. I brought with me a moomoo with front snaps. It was a game changer!
Amy Shaffer
I just packed a long phone charger and a cutie holder to attach to my bed for my phone so it was always close. I had a c section so I couldn’t get up for the first day.
Alana Morgan
One of my favorite books!!!
I like to bring a big reusable water cup. The hospital ones taste so plastic to me and it makes me not want to drink.
Shadia Smith
I LOVE IT! Just a simple list nothing yo extra or over the top just what is needed. Plus you want to make sure you don’t have too much bags to carry to and from the hospital. Can’t wait to meet bundle of baby boy joy #6!!
IG: Caribbeanchocolate86
I bring my letter board to take photos of baby and a little gift (usually a book) from baby to big siblings!
Socks!! 🧦 🧦🧦
My feet were freezing… numb…ice cold 🥶
Chapstick I applied chapstick five million times during labor. Lol
Whitney Kinslow
I brought my boppy pillow and a portable fan! Lifesavers!
Crystal Stephenson
I’m never without my Lavender Vanilla Body Cream and Shea-Infused Socks!!!
Mom of 5 also and I 100% agree with everything on your list 🙌🏻🙌🏻
I also bring a shirt change for my husband because there have been some explosions 😆😂, and a light weight wrap or sweatshirt for myself (with easy nursing access) because those hospital rooms can either be super warm or freezing 🤪
Michelle E
Baby mittens so the don’t scratch themselves
Shey Roberts
I love the wooden name tags that are so special to introduce baby! You can get a different variety but majority are similar to “Hello, my name is” or “I’m new here!” They are so adorable and rustic!
I always liked to have cad seat installed and checked before going to hospital.
As for hospital stay, your list is great.
I wished I would have had my house phone book for people I wanted to call but didn’t have number in my cell phone.
I had 3 C-sections so back in the day, my stay was 4 nights.
Pauline stahl
I love to take my own throw blanket along 🥰 other than that you have covered it all
Nikki Sandman
We just had baby #2! I was so glad I packed snacks for the overnight (in-between dinner & breakfast), comfy clothes to change into after delivery, & pillow for hubby.
Julie Davis
My own comfy pajamas for after I can shower up and I need my lip balm, as my lips were always so dry during and following labor.
Nicole C
Gearing up for baby #3 and the two things I would add are:
(1) your baby book (if you’re doing one). For my first two we had all the nurses write messages and sign the pages with the birth story and first photo. It was so special! When baby grows up they can read notes from those who “helped them out” 😉
(2) your own robe. That way you know you’re going to have something you love and are comfortable in, but I recommend it be something washable that you don’t mind possibly getting stained. I like to have a nursing nightgown too for the overnight(s).
Best of luck, Sarah! Prayers for a smooth delivery and lots of love and rest afterwards.
Nicole Bowen
My own pillow!
Aubrey M
Hair ties/clips, slippers, and a paci for baby.
Amanda Hetzel
Great list! One thing I brought was my own blanket to have a little comfort from home 💛
Miranda Mertz
I would add a breast feeding pillow to the list! I love my boppy. Not only does is help with breastfeeding in the awkwardly angled hospital bed, but I’ve had 3 c sections (the first one was not planned, but the second 2 were) and the boppy is a life saver as something to hold against my abdomen while coughing, sneezing, or laughing in those first couple days.
We also brought a laundry basket to put all the extra diapers, wipes, and everything else free they gave us at the hospital!
Miranda MertzHey! You won my comments giveaway! DM me through Instagram so I can send you a gift!
Ryan & Rose Cutie Holder for keeping phone right at bed
Always a robe for myself! Such an easy thing to throw on and comfortable!
Katherine Turner
Chapstick 💄
Amber M
I bring everything on your list plus chapstick. It gets so dry in the hospital, it was a lifesaver.
Shannon Pryor
Extra long phone charger, extra hair ties and MY socks! I hate hospital socks so much!
Jan Mielke
I packed my favorite water bottle for refill and ice. Plus gum and favorite mints:)
Kasey Kauffman
Not for having a baby, but I always bring my own pillow for an overnight hospital stay. Just helps to be coz6!
Andrea P.
Comfy tops that are easy for nursing but yet cover you for when guests visit.
Jennifer Appleton
Chapstick! My lips would get chapped from breathing through contractions.
Also with my youngest I brought snacks for during labor (my midwife’s instructions!) and those were a life saver!
Hey you are not new to having a baby!!!! Your list is great and going to help so many ftm’s. I came across your instagram on one of Nicole Huntsman’s stories. I am also a mom of 5 boys!!! Actually I’m expecting my 6th boy early November. I was so excited to see that their is also a mom out there like me!!!! Congrats on boy #6, your family is BEAUTIFUL, IM GOING TO ENJOY FOLLOWING YOUR MOTHERHOOD JOURNEE!
Essential oils and diffuser are so great for me to add to this list! Calming and relaxing is what we want while in the hospital!
Tana Reini
Lightweight robe
Mary Hengesbach
I am bringing a small fan with me this time! I’ll use it for white noise! I’m a light sleeper and always heard stuff going on down the hall with my first!
My own cozy blanket! Just an extra comfort.
Haaka! Saved so much milk that would have otherwise leaked!
Chapstick and hair ties!
Ariel Schmitt
Eye drops and chapstick are essential!!
Mao Vang
Agree! Baby does not need much at all.
Snacks for my husband! He always got super hungry being an awesome support for me in labor!
Sarah McCarthy
I just had baby #8 and take so little. My list is about the same as yours but I started brining my boppy pillow the last few times and loved it for nursing or propping the baby up in next to me on the bed so they are close. (Oh and clothes for dad since we are a 40 minute drive from the hospital).
Snacks were a must have! Our hospital provided meals but they never seemed to come when I was starving lol
A blanket for daddy! He needs to be comfortable too!🥰
Extra long wire for the phone charger was a must for me too. Definitely the. Any going home outfit and a special baby hat was something we always packed too because we never knew the gender ahead of time 🙂
Katelin Argo
Yes to the snacks! I didn’t think to bring anything for my first and I was starving after my midnight delivery!
Chapstick and something with babies name to announce.
A electrolyte drink. Sometimes water is all I want other times I just want something sweet.
Kelly Nesius
Mary Morris
I usually bring snacks, black granny panties, my own pads I can’t stand the hospital one they slide around to much. Also my going home outfit and blanket and car seat. Also my breast pump. Also bring a lot of activities such as card games and paper to play hangman. Also don’t forget nurses basket with alot if treats. Normally when I go for my 6 week check up I bring the dr a card and gift card. Can’t wait to see the new addition and hope u have a quick and easy labor.
Jessica I.
My own pillow, cozy socks & a nursing bra! 🙂
Allison Bollinger
My own pillow!! The hospital ones can be pretty flat and I preferred having my own to help me get comfortable during labor even postpartum and when nursing!
Definitely my flipflops and phone charger! When my second child was born it was the first time I had ever been away from my oldest and I ended up being in the hospital for almost a week! I was so thankful I could video chat with my baby at home!!
My third child I had in a birthing center and wasn’t there as long as the hospital. I think all I cared about was bringing snacks. I knew I would be so hungry after. Thankfully a chick Fil a was nearby because I didn’t like any of the food I brought. 😂
Chapstick is a MUST! For our last birth, I even packed the white noise machine – not for baby but to drown out some of the hospital noises. I’m a light sleeper and don’t get much sleep away from home.
Kathryn G
An eye mask for trying to get rest was a game changer for me!
Sarah Bosch
Agreed with all of this! I overpacked way too much but the stuff I actually used were my crocs and nursing bras, and wished I had packed a boy and girl newborn outfit (didn’t find out what we had!)
Sarah BoschI know this maybe silly but I was not planning on nursing, but nursing bras fit so much nicer after birth.
Chapstick!!! I never would have thought this was a thing but ever since I’ve been working in L&D and have since had my own baby, chapstick is where it’s at. My lips were so dry after a 36 hour induction.
Karen Boone
A big comfy shirt to labor in! I realized I didn’t pack anything like that my fist time and ended up stealing one of my husband’s 😆
I’m expecting in September so this was super helpful. Basically in addition to your list I’m bring an extra pair of contacts, hair ties, and dry shampoo because my hair gets super greasy easily!
Sharon B
Chapstick, your own pillow, and a massage wand (feels great on back and hips) until a certain point, then it’s Hands off!! Hahaha! ❤️😇
Definitely Chapstick and just being real… Depends! So much better than what thr hospital gives you!
Rachel Schumacher
I brought a cute robe to wear, which was easy and helped me feel better for pictures. My daughter is due with her 1st any day now. And I plan on taking her a Jimmy John’s sub. She’s been craving them all pregnancy but stayed away from them these past 9 months. So that will be packed in a cooler when I go visit her at the hospital!
Kimberly Widmer
I like to bring nursing cookies. Such a yummy snack and good for milk production! I also bring a Bluetooth speaker. Tunes are a must!
I am in the process of packing my bag right now, so this list was helpful! The only extra things I have in my bag are for my hubby – a change of clothes and an extra pillow and blanket.
Emily Hyleman
Just had my first last December and I made sure to have chapstick and a portable, rechargeable fan! Best decision ever.
Rachel Hines
I love having an external battery pack to charge my phone without having to keep it close to a wall or get up! I track nursing and diapers on my phone so it’s so nice having it charged and near me!
Yessss super helpful!
I bring chapstick and nipple calming lotion and nipple shields to protect myself from the dreadful experience the second time around.
I love your list. Less is more! I liked bringing my nursing pillows because it was easy to prop the babies on while holding in bed – especially after my c-sections! I also liked listening to music while in the hospital because it felt cozy & normal to me ☺️ Best of luck with baby boy #6!!
Jodi Lloyd
Kiehls lip balm! I put it on every night and when my lips just need a little something something.
Comfy clothes and extra long charger!
The boppy was a lifesaver for me so never wanted to forget that or chapstick!
Flip flops, chapstick & a big water bottle were my lifesaver
Thanks Sarah- this is super helpful as I’ll be packing up my own hospital in a few weeks time! 🙂
I’ve packed 3 before and my #1 must have: Snacks!! Lol Hospital food is terrible…
I love bringing a cheap warm robe. I’m always cold after so it’s nice to have something warm and cozy but also cheap so I don’t care what gets on it.
I always love having my water bottle with me. With my second baby I also brought a sound machine, which was great when nurses were coming in and out and baby was sleeping or just to drown out the noise from outside my room.
Jamie Miller
I second the LONG charging cord! Sometimes the outlets are too far away from the bed! Having your phone charged at all times is a must during such an exciting time of bringing your baby into the world! ❤️
I wasn’t thinking ahead when I had my son (my first and only) and packed a whole bunch of underwear 🤣
Chapstick!!! My lips get so chapped in the hospital and I do not wear chapstick regularly. Only during labor and recovery!
Kayla flannagan
My biggest thing was shampoo and conditioner for my first shower post delivery! And a comfortable night gown that is easy to nurse in for after!
Card – we played cards to pass the time and also your own pads/panties if you do not like the bulky hospital ones.
Tori Amsler
I can’t believe it’s almost time for me to pack my bags! My can’t live without is my blanket and pillow!
I bring a labor and delivery gown. The hospital one just swallowed me up and was itchy. Nice to have my own comfortable one that still gives them all access!
Nicole Burns
Chapstick was a lifesaver!!
I always pack my own pillow! Makes it feel a little more comfy and normal.
Tia Meerbergen
Hair ties are absolutely necessary. I also brought lots of sugar free Gatorade to have. Husband brought some energy drinks for himself. So many snacks!
Jennifer Boston
Thankfully I brought my slippers because my feet were so swollen I couldn’t fit into my shoes!
My own pillow & fuzzy socks for me. For baby 1st photo outfit
I always make sure to have a comfy robe and slippers 😊
Chapstick. And comfy jammies.
I prefer the clip down nursing gown/robe combo for my comfy outfits. I would bring more than one bc leaks happen:). I also like depends instead of the mesh underwear. A long mini-extension cord with 2 plugs would be nice. I like newborn gowns for baby for easy diaper changes 😉 but most of the time we are skin- to-skin.
For labor bag: battery operated fan, music playlist/bluetooth speaker, string of lights or led candles, snacks/ drinks for 2, ponytail holders, flip flops, chapstick, depends, robe, labor nightgown, essential oils, freezer ziploc to keep cold washcloths handy (get ice chips from nurse), fav straw cup
Megan Alzate
Chapstick, snacks and slippers. With both our boys we had go stay a little longer and we weren’t prepared with anything other than a going home outfit, so if we have more I will bring an additional onesie or 2 (after all they are SO small).
Patti Andress
My hospital bag definitely changed over the course of having six kids. The only must haves that made the cut every time were chapstick and comfy pants.
Savannah Meyer
I think you should bring what you need to sleep and what you need to be most comfortable in.. the second time around I knew I NEEDED a sound machine and eat plugs-light sleeper here. Also A portable fan for when labor is really kicking your bum. And what you listed above is definitely what is also in my bag.
Angie Smith
My son is 19. So I barely remember what I packed. I just remember packing clothes from pre pregnancy to wear home, and crying because I was so naive and didn’t realize that it would be MONTHS before those fit again. My husband had to go home and get me my maternity clothes to keep wearing! 🤷🏻♀️
Diana Brewster
I just had our 7th baby three days ago and definitely agree with this list! I brought a few more snacks along that my husband likes and my vitamins. I also brought a little gift for my nurses and midwife to say thank you.
I love to bring a comfy pair of pajamas that make me feel like myself after the first shower! Usually a top that buttons up for nursing accessibility!
What I packed was almost exactly your list! 😆
I also brought a Ryan and Rose cutie holder. I had it hung on the arm of hospital bed to hold my phone close by (attached to that extra long charging cord 😉) And I brought my Bible. I’ve made it a life goal to read some every single day, and being in the hospital didn’t change that ❤️
Morgan Lenahan
Stretchy pants were a must for me!
Comfy socks is key!
Alex Stewart
Repeat C-section Mama here! I brought high-waisted yoga pants for post-op compression. It was so much nicer than what I packed the first time.
I don’t go without young living’s Claraderm spray! For healing help on the lady bits or even for c section mama’s! Helps so much with soothing and healing!
I prefer to have my own water bottle (with a straw!)
Jessica Meschke
This is a great list! The only other thing we packed was snacks for our stay at the hospital because our hospital didn’t provide food for my husband.
Chapstick, extra long phone charging cord, flip flops for sure! Also my boppy nursing pillow and ALL the snacks:)
Melissa Lewis
The extra long charging cable was a lifesaver, alongside my small Sony bluetooth speaker. It kept my phone charged for me to communicate with family during the process, and to have my playlist going for as long as I wanted. My husband would say a pillow for himself (perhaps even a camping mattress) would’ve been a “must have” item, because sleeping on a chair in the hospital is hard especially for someone 6 ft or above. I wished I had brought a breastfeeding pillow, because my son didn’t like certain positions and he was 9.5lbs, so the extra support would’ve been great. I loved bringing my own Frida hospital gown for after having a shower and finally feeling clean. The special going home outfit for baby ended up not being a must for us because we left the hospital at 10pm and our son was too large for the newborn knotted gown we had brought. We also brought our Nikon camera but ended up primarily using our phones so that wasn’t necessary either.
HeatherMy favorite thing that I packed, was my husband’s baby blanket! So sentimental and sweet for it to be one of the first things our son was wrapped up in, just like his daddy.
Lindsay Fish
The flip flops are a must!! As an RN, I know the stuff that’s been on those floors!! (Due with my first in November and those will be in my bag!!!)
I like to take Kerrygold butter and Himalayan pink sea salt. Good nutrition and adds flavor to that hospital food 😉
Wendy Van Gorder
Yes!!! Love this!! Stretchy pants. my nursing bra and phone with charger were a must for me. I had packed my nursing pillow for my second baby but we accidentally left that at home because we were shocked my labor began the morning after our baby shower and scrambled to get to the car leaving a few other things that we thankfully did t really need hahaha!
My favorite thing that I packed, was my husband’s baby blanket! So sentimental and sweet for it to be one of the first things our son was wrapped up in, just like his daddy
What an awesome list! I brought led light candles and I loved having those! They were not as bright as the hospital lights. This time I’ll bring my hatch light/sound machine. I wish I had brought my own pillow, this time I will for sure!
I pack water! Sounds crazy, but I really can’t live without my Berkey, so it comes with to stay hydrated!
I have to have ear plugs. I am such a light sleeper and all of the different noises going on seem to keep me awake!
Elizabeth Bass
Kylie R.
I absolutely HAVE to have chapstick and moisturizer. I have naturally dry skin and it gets sooooo much worse in the hospital!
Jennifer LaVelle
Gotta pack a change of clothes for dad (cause if he’s like my husband it will be a last minute dash for him to do it himself).
Karmen S.
Something that is comforting from home….for me that is my comfy blanket!
Emalie C
An extra long cord for my phone as it would die pretty fast from taking pictures and talking to everyone! Also snacks. Never know when going to get hungry
Earth Mama peri-spray!! So much better than the derma-plast!
Melanie Beth
Definitely a comfy oversized sweatshirt!! I was so cold in the hospital after delivery.
Undies for the hubs! 😳
I learned the hard way when my hubs had to run to the store for a pack of underwear when he didn’t pack any in our hurry to leave in the middle of the night 🤣
I brought their baby book
Bethany Barber
We brought extra snacks for the middle of the night nursing hunger. The hospital had a few basics, but it was nice to have my own favorites, especially since with a c section we were there multiple nights!
Rose Miller
I’m pregnant with my 1st due in Oct. Thanks so much for the helpful tips
Gillian Gardiner
I took my favourite bar of soap- and I still have it nearly 30 years later. A tip from my sister in law! I only have to open the soap case and it takes me back to my stay in hospital!
Can’t wait to hear your news!
Mints and gum for labor and delivery are so helpful for me. Snacks will be a must with visitor restrictions. Typically I have a happy birthday to you book and markers so that visitors can sign the new babies book and then for the first 5 birthdays I have everyone sign the book as a keepsake for my kids.
I like to bring travel sized fancy toiletries and sheet masks for my face, as well as nursing friendly nightgowns.
Katie cusick
Chapstick is a must!!! The hospital air is so dry and with all those breathing techniques, your lips get so dry and chapped (even in the summer!)
Bre k
Chapstick, and we make gifts for all the nurses and drs we come across usually over make but I swear you tend to get extras when being so nice to them!
Jamie Tompkins
Nursing pillow 🙊🙊
Leann Wagner
My own water bottle that doesn’t smell or taste like hospital.
Leann Wagner
Leann WagnerAlso some pads with frozen which hazel is the Bomb for after delivery
I bring my essential oils and Young Living Claraderm spray! Also chapstick is a must!
I always bring my own music to play and essential oils!
Ashley Dates
I always bring a journal to write down notes of what medication is given when also helps with writing down all notes for birth story. A button up shirt for dad to help make it easy for him to do skin to skin when it’s his turn.
Erin Spurlock
I started bringing adult diapers for post partum and they are a total game changer, embarrassing but convenient 🤣
Paula Scoty
In my hospital baby bag I always packed a prayer card with a picture of Jesus on it!!
Such a fun read and a great list. Flip flops are a MUST! And I always take a present for my midwives for straight after birth ☺️
It’s so interesting to read everything that’s provided by the hospitals too as in Australia were expected to provide all toiletries, pads, baby clothes, blankets, diapers, wipes, pacifiers, bottles, formula etc… so it all adds up very quickly 😆
A battery-powered fan! It always feels SO HOT in those rooms. “Maybe” it’s the hormones…🤪😂
Paula Scott
Misspelled my name!!!
Kathleen Volpe
I always pack snacks! Plus flip flops for the shower( ewww) a nursing top that also looks nice for visitors. Onsie for baby and coming home outfit.
Allie Miller
I bring a pillow!!! Life changing LOL good luck momma!!!!
I used a picture of my kids as a focal point while pushing!
I bring my own heating pad to help with cramping! The cramps were so bad after my third and the nurse was nice and found me a rice bag, but having to get it heated all the time was annoying.
Maria Rogelio
My boppy pillow was so useful for my eldest – so bringing it again for my next CS in Sept! Also yes to bathroom flipflops!!!
With my first we didn’t bring snacks but this time I definitely will, especially with Covid restrictions. Just a thought! 🙂
Sarah A
25 weeks yesterday with my first and this is very helpful!
Connor Williams
I ALWAYS bring chapstick!!! Can’t go wrong with some burts bees! 🤣
The one thing I had to pack is my Lip balm 🤣🤷♀️ but your post pretty much nailed what to pack!
I like to bring my own maxi pads for when I leave the hospital bc the ones provided are so bulky! I exclusively pump so I’m constantly pumping while at the hospital to build a supply- it seems like there are always people needing to come in the room for me or baby during my pumping- a nursing cover would be nice for those moments when the doctors round or tech comes to do vitals- I always seem to forget and it would be so nice to have!
Music! I just had my little one 3 weeks ago and we played worship music the entire time, it was so refreshing and helpful during labor! One thing I wish I would have packed is soft toilet paper… the hospitals just wasn’t great or helpful in recovery 😬
Sue Chin
Small tester size perfume, just to make me feel good!
We love some good comfy stretchy jammies!
Jessi Barakat
I definitely am planning to pack snacks for my husband. With covid restrictions he can’t leave the room and I’m sure he is going to get hangry 😂
Jocelyn Martin
Definitely some form of chapstick for mom – Burt’s Bees is a favorite. Also make sure you have snacks for Daddy & coins for vending machine if your hubby is a Coke drinker. A notebook & pen to write stuff down. Make sure your hair ties (ponytail holders) are in your toiletry bag.
Kayla Kirkland
Jocelyn MartinChapstick and lotion are must haves for me! Love your basic list!
Mindy Haga
I’m usually a plan ahead and over pack type of person but when I had my baby I was the total opposite lol! I had the baby’s stuff packed in his diaper bag to grab and take with us but I packed all of my things while I was in labor! I would say the easiest items to overlook but definitely needed are a hair tie and chapstick!
I love using Depends silhouette disposable underwear! They provide extra belly support for the lose skin compared to the mesh panties. You can add a pad in or just let it catch the blood then throw away. 🤗
Cyndi Lighty
Charger and snacks (for hubby too).
Laura Oswalt
Chapstick is the only other thing I would add. Hospital would probably have it but I usually have a favorite in my purse as well.
Chapstick and hair bands!!
Baneza Diaz
Cute baby clothes for the first picture!
Jenny Feank
Change for the vending machine for my hubby..never know how long you’ll be there!!
Taylor Knoll
Maybe it’s just me – but I loved having my own pillow and blanket. It made me far more comfortable and slept much better with that little bit of comfort! Maybe it’s also because our hospitals pillows and blankets are paper thin and scratchy LOL
Taylor KnollHey Taylor! You won my comments giveaway! DM me on Instagram so I can send you a treat!
Leah rabago
I love to pack wet ones and chapstick. At the hospital I birthed my babies, they didn’t let me shower till check out day so wet ones allowed me to freshen up after birth.
Love this very comprehensive list! I brought way too many things the first time around and plan to condense that this next time. I would add my own pillow and blanket and my own washcloth for my face.
Mom of nine here—I always pack a baby book for my babies so that I can have the nurses do the baby’s handprints and footprints on the appropriate page.
Always take my flip flops and my shampoo!!!
Leslie Deyoung
I like to bring my boppy pillow for nursing baby and also for when the kids come visit it’s easier with the pillow for support
I will be packing make up, a nice loose dress, nursing bra and a few other things you mentioned. I didn’t think if flip-flops over shoes. So I will be changing that today in my bag!
Love this! All 3 times I’ve brought my own blanket too it’s nice to just have a comfy one from home. Also, instead of bringing my own pillow I use my nursing boppy pillow for nursing and for my own pillow.
I think chap stick and lotion are important cause everything fly dried up after labour
Thank you for sharing your list! I am trying to think through what to pack because I’ve never had a hospital birth before. I’m planning one this time because I developed a large deep vein thrombosis in my upper arm and neck during the first trimester. Thank God it has healed but I still am planning on having this baby at the hospital. I have had 3 home births and 1 birth center birth. I learned from my birth center birth that a watch is a must have for me! I love keeping track of the time especially when big things like labor and having a new little one are happening!
Linda Jester
I’m due Aug 2nd! This is my first summer baby! But I loved having dresses- even for my winter delivery! Dresses are comfy and easy to slip on & off! Amazon has a bunch of nursing-friendly ones.
Alayna Meyer
I loved having my Boppy pillow at the hospital. I also brought burp cloths and extra clothes for baby because my son kept spitting up amniotic fluid pretty bad after birth so having fresh clothes that kept him warm was nice.
Emily Wagner
Non scented hand lotion! Our twins ended up in the nicu and this was a god send go have with all the scrubbed in and out when we visited!
Angelica Uribe
Lots of healthy snacks because hospital food – yikes 😬
I’m very minimal with what I like to bring. Comfy clothes, socks, my own shampoo and body wash, but I just want to add for the new mommas, remember to take everything they bring you! The diapers, wipes, postpartum pads, those mesh undies. Take them all!
Anna Ulmer
That extra long phone charger was game the second time I had a baby! And all the extra baby clothes. She blew out of all of what I had, and there was no way for me to clean them at the hospital! So if I ever have a next baby, I’ll pack way more baby clothes and something that makes me feel pretty.
Erika Olson
I brought my own pillow, robe and CHAPSTICK! I was in the hospital for 6 days and my pillow saved my sanity.
My own pillow with 2 extra cases! And a pacifier because my babies never like the hospital ones:)
Adult depends for myself gave me that extra layer of protection from the bleeding
Maternity gown
Jessica Williams
A small fan.
Tiffany Bulman
I learned after my 1st baby to bring 2 “going home outfits” 🤦🏻♀️ We had a pee fountain while we were getting ready to leave!!
So excited for you and your new blessing!🙄
Ashley Schranz
Your list is pretty perfect! Snacks, chapstick, phone & chargers are my top items.
Amy Aldridge
Portable fan!
Shelby Seaton
I know you mentioned snacks, but can I just say….snacks on snacks on snacks! 🤣 I was too impatient to wait for hospital food after I gave birth. It was so nice to have snacks to munch on when I had a free moment to eat.
But other than that I think a good ole hair scrunchie was my favorite item and most needed. I’m not one of those glamorous mom’s giving birth. I was the sweaty-hormome swing kind and keeping my hair out of the way kept my me happy!
I have to bring chapstick for sure. Seems to be a common item… 🙂
Emma Wolsek
I loved having a comfy cotton robe! It was nice to change out of the haotpial gown and was easy access with breastfeeding. Love the post Sarah ❤️❤️
Esther Stephens
Mama robe from the over company 🙌 so comfy and easy for access for feeding! Also love packing some of our own snacks
Nicole Wakeman
I brought a diffuser. Aaalll the peace and calming I could get and a smell other than “hospital”.
One thing I’m so glad I brought was a good sized cup or water bottle. I could never have enough water nearby!
Brie Doucet
I loved a lighter cardigan like sweater with pockets. Perfect for wearing a needing tank under, but covering up some if it gets a little chilly.
Getting ready for baby #4 in September. I always take flip flops! Also, comfy joggers/yoga pants and a zip up jacket is nice for nursing through the night but wanting to be comfortable. (I always am cold). My own nipple cream because who really likes using the lanolin they give you in the hospital. I love Honest Company brand!
Bethany Ashlock
Lightweight or thin robe because who knows what temp you or the room will be!
Courtney Turner
Bethany AshlockMy must have items to pack are a hand held fan, and a way to announce the name whether a name blanket or a name disc etc. This time I also plan a blanket and pillow. My hospital won’t let my husband leave the room so a bunch of snacks are also coming.
I definitely need chapstick and some hand lotion!
Washable bamboo nursing pads!! A must have because I can only tolerate so many crinkly disposable products on my person at once.
my favorite mouthwash (hello brand) for all the mouth breathing 😬
A birthmom gift! But my babies were all adopted ❤️
Hannah G
My jumbo sized heating pad to help with cramping… brought it along when I delivered my 3rd abs it was a life saver!
Baby nail clippers- sometimes those little nails can be daggers! Also, for those of us who get induced or have long labors- I also pack a card game to help pass the time.
Hilda Morey
New pajamas after I give birth has a gift to myself lol and definitely bedding for my husband
Alana Piccirillo
That’s a great list! A couple must-haves for me are comfy clothes (I hate the hospital gowns and want to take them off ASAP) and my camera to take lots of photos during the first couple of days!
Great list! We always take a few dollars and loose change for the vending machines! Lol I never seem to pack enough snacks
Chapstick, a hair tie, a new toothbrush, and nipple cream!!
Praying everything goes smooth for your family in the coming weeks! Blessings!
Tiffani Cariss
For my four kids, I’ve made sure to pack chapstick to handle all that dry hospital air and a hair tie. Dealing with hair in your face while in labor is not something I ever wanted to experience.
Michelle Farley
Chapstick…I need my chapstick.
I’m making sure to have a glass nail file or baby clippers. My son was born with really long nails and the hospital staff refused to trim them.
Hope West
Phone charger and going home outfit
Have to have an extension cord & a cutie holder from ryan & rose!
Judie Hecht
“After ease” by Wishgarten. Comfy robe and some snacks!
Alexis Bryant
We just had #4 and bringing a comfy nursing top and pair of big pj pants/shorts has always been a must for me! Those gowns are so uncomfortable for me to sleep in, so having my own pj’s made for restful nights!
This is a great list! Smart to go simple! And just don’t forget a car seat for baby.
Elizabeth Witnauer
I NEED Chapstick!!!!!!!! And a book!
Reze Bayly
Chapstick! But also the extra long phone cord is so helpful to remember!!
I didn’t even get a chance to pack a bag! Baby girl (now almost 14) decided to come 3.5 weeks early, with the help of some full blown eclampsia.
Amanda Rivera
I wish I had brought nursing bras and pads and a haka. My boobs were pouring. Boppy I used it as a pillow when not nursing, soo helpful. Also agree to pack light,definitely over packed and regretted it
Angelica Pavlatos
Cozy socks are a must! It’s always so cold at the hospital.
I always purchase a new pair of nursing friendly pjs to wear after that first, glorious shower! I love having new, cute pjs on while resting in the hospital.
Anna Trueblood
Chapstick is one thing that I always tell people to bring in their hospital bag!
Crista Hebel
I always pack “real food” as we go out the door- sandwich or leftovers. In my experience I needed to eat and wasn’t allowed (before), or delivered late and everything was closed! I also take a lush new blanket for me, so cozy vs. hospital sheets!
Ashley K
I learned with my first you don’t need much. I thought I packed light with him but still didn’t use much. Defiantly shower stuff, and flip flops. And clothing for mama and baby to wear home. I used mostly everything else the hospital provided.
Those days are long over but I would pack lip gloss/ chapstick and hand cream. And a few favorite snacks.
Chapstick! Those rooms dry my lips out terribly!!
I took my nursing pillow, comfy bra, sweatpants, and snacks!
Desiree Larson
Suckers or sour candy. Your mouth gets really dry breathing in and out
For mom: chapstick, my own cup and metal straw
For baby:the sensitive skin diaper cream
Jena Ruppert
Always pack a depends for when I leave the hospital! I’ve had 4 c-sections and they just work the best for those first few days!
BARBI Kustritz
Chapstick and a robe.
I like to bring my own pillow!! Sheer comfort lol I’m due pretty close behind you, and I keep hearing people say that they bring an echo dot for music during labor! I love the idea of playing worship music in my room durning labor and delivery. I’m actually considering doing that this time around!
Hayley Kirkham
I took my own pillow to have that comfort and the nurse during the hospital tour said to since the ones they provide were awful! Also loved having my favorite chap stick!
I pack gum, chap stick and a refillable water cup. 🙂
BARBI Kustritz
Stuff to keep dad comfy…snacks , pillow, clean Sox.
Dawn Blackburn
Oh my, my baby is soon to be 20 and in October a bride!!! My ‘go’ bag ideas are all dried up! Lol. So excited to see your little guy! Thanks for dragging us along! 💕💕💕
Michela H.
A loose fitting nighter gown
A nice robe!
Amy Maddy
I always planned on eating a DQ Blizzard right after delivery. I went to the hospital at 11:14pm (DQ closes at 10) and I delivered at 6:46am (DQ opens at 10). It was tragic 😂 so next time I go into labor, I’m bringing ice cream with me for the freezer!!
A robe! It was the best having it and not having to worry if I was covered or not, just get the robe wrapped around and I was good for visitors!
Tinslie Yoder
Protein balls are perfect for middle of the night snacks! I went into labor early and had to throw a bag together last minute. And of all things to throw in, I threw in a couple pairs of socks😂
Marissa P
Gotta bring extra clothes for mom in case you stay a little longer and a back up going home outfit for baby…my first born pooped on his and we had to change him before leaving lol
Selena Escobar
Chapstick!! I have one for everything!
Emily T
Love the minimal list! I love bringing My Brestfriend pillow!
Savannah pietsch
I always bring a pair of slippers and then just toss them when leaving 🙈 for the same reason you mentioned wearing flip flops around your room
Morgan Hatton
I always brought a comfy robe! Nice to have when it’s cold, you’re nursing, or just want to look cute after having a baby but feel comfortable!
Essential oils to help during labor and my massage gun because back labor is no joke and counter pressure was the only thing that helped!
Heather Allen
I wish I had brought a sound machine!
Megan Lewin
I love to bring a Bluetooth speaker and my own nipple balm too! I am about a month out and this post made me so excited!!
Chapstick and nipple butter. And my own pillow! I hate hospital pillows!
I loved having my own blanket while in the postpartum room!
I always pack a little extension cord & snacks for my nurses and care staff!
My own pillow and some extra blankets (especially for my hubby)!!
I’d have to say chapstick for me and a book to read to the baby! You can never start too early (it may be the teacher in me :)). Sarah, you should bring a copy of your book! So special!
Elizabeth Lobdell
I always take chapstick, nipple cream, and bring a card game for my husband and I. We had a bit of a longer hospitol stay with my first and the card game was nice!
Amanda Pitts
I always bring a portable sound machine and night light!
I would say to bring a couple extra sleepers for baby!! I had an unexpected c-section, so we were at the hospital a couple days longer than planned, and my husband had to go home to get more clothes for baby!! Also, don’t forget a change of clothes for hubby!
This is the perfect list! After rushing to the hospital to have my second baby and only having toiletries, you don’t need much at all!
Gosh with my first baby I took anything and everything. With my latest baby (#3) I took very a minimal bag- I wore in what I wore out, lip balm, slippers, phone charger, baby outfit, baby swaddle, nursing bra, my wallet. I brought my own pillow but didn’t even end up bringing it inside the hospital. My husband brought more than me!
The one thing I was incredibly happy I packed was toilet paper! One ply hospital stuff wasn’t gonna do so I packed the charmin😂
Laurel Gremm
I always take nursing tank tops and a nursing cover. When our guy friends show up to visit, it’s nice to not feel so exposed when I’m nursing. I also pack a small bag of special treats that I love-chocolates, candy, etc. Its nice for me but also for my husband to enjoy after the whole birthing process.
Kendal Barriere
Phone charger!
You nailed the list 😂 Simple and not over complicated ! Phone charger is my need haha
Felicia Mullins
A comfy pair of slippers!
Cristina Smith
My favorite thing I pack is the going home outfit!! It just makes it so real and exciting!!💓
Stacey Martin
Cristina SmithPillow for the car ride home! Helps with seat belt strap for a Csection or extra padding for natural delivery
Kristin Joustra
Swaddles are my favorite thing to pick out and bring! I also like bringing comfy but hard at the bottom slippers 😍
Terri Davis
An eye mask to block out light, bonus the nurses usually don’t bother you when you have it on and are sleeping. With my first born I was woken up anytime anyone came in our room at night because of the light in the hallway. Also chapstick!!
Carrie Pearson
I needed it constantly with both labors! Lots of mouth breathing makes chapped lips. 😊
Valerie Wright
Swaddle and comfy pjs!
Emily C
I’m due with baby #3 just a week after you!! Snacks are a big one for me 🤣🤣 I want something good to munch on right away when that baby is out! Love your list!!
Great list! Prayers for a safe delivery and healthy mom and baby! We brought our laptop to watch movies/tv shows on. 🙂
Kayla Bushnell
Virginia Lopez IG:@mrs_viloar
I took a portable battery fan lol I got soooo hot while in labor! It was most definitely the best idea ever! 😅
Mini wheats were my go to snack!
Catie H.
I’ve brought little gifts for all the nurses that took care of me. They always went out of their way to help and make things as comfortable and easy. Usually it was little bottles of cute hand sanitizer & lotion, drink mixes and some candy they could choose from plus a note. Just little things to brighten up their shift.
That’s a very awesome list you have there. I love how you always happy. I like to take to the hospital my own blanket. Makes feel more comfy ☺️.
A couple different kinds of pacifiers are a must have for me.
karen galvan
Had my first babe of 4, 37 years ago. In my bag for the first baby I packed my regular pre-pregnancy clothes, jeans even, cuz no one told me things!!!!!
Brought my own nursing gown and so glad i did because the hospital gown post partum did not feel comfortable. Also a portable handheld fan. Helped during labor when i got hot!
Alex Gornowicz
I pack Tums! The heartburn doesn’t magically end after delivery!
Electrolytes for my water. I love Ultima brand… love adding this to water with a lot of ice for a hospital “treat”… also just to stay hydrated.
Stephanie Stewart
Not a mom yet. But I know when the time comes. I would want to have some comfy pajamas. My own pillow and blankets. And face wipes.
Kayla Donel
Nipple cream! They get sore so fast 😂 And it also helped to have a pacifier for the baby already! Since she was doing so well with her latch and nursing we were allowed to introduce the paci to help her soothe herself 🙂
Caris McCabe
I packed a flexible tripod for our phone (Seemed “extra” at the time) & LOVED it for facetiming hands free, watching a show, etc. Also loved having my FridaMom perineal foam!
My own towel. Seriously being able to use your own fluffy towels is so nice.
Phyllis Cochran
Cortney Alvord
I did comfy nursing friendly hospital gowns. Also I ended up with a c-section with my first and a planned with my 2nd so putting on pants was rough. I brought my nursing pillow which came in super handy because of the c-section. Oh and my own blanket because I wanted a cozy one and it gets hot. Both times my boys ended up in the NICU for a day or 2. I had hard soled slippers because I did not want to wear flip flops walking the halls.
Cortney AlvordHey Cortney! You won my comments giveaway! DM me on Instagram so I can send you a treat!
Brooke Hudson
I bring my favorite water bottle and chapstick!
Stacey Nepper
Slippers and robe… Since last baby and this baby will be winter babes.
Love my bumbo nursing pillow! It’s a must for me and my own pillow.
A sound machine. Might be weird, but I needed sleep in the hospital.
This is a great list. I totally overpacked our first time around, but my list looked a lot like yours our second time around! Next time, I’d bring a blanket for myself and a letter board or name plaque (assuming we know the name/gender) for cute pictures in the hospital.
Definitely loved my hakaa or silver cups for my nipples !!! Best wishes
I had my last baby during the pandemic and the hospital was so locked down we got stuck in the elevator while I was in labor because it wouldn’t let you press a button without a badge. That being said, I packed A TON of snacks so my husband never had to leave to eat. I’m also super picky about pads and prefer to bring some nice ones from home as opposed to the rough hospital ones. I like soft with wings! 🤣
Candace Swan
100% need to bring chapstick!
Tanya lisovskiy
I always bring my slippers, nice little comfort of home in the hospital.
I always love bringing my own pillow!
Alyssa H
Sound machine! To use for the baby and myself. Helps drown out all the noise in the hallway so you can sleep a little better!
Katie Belle
Yesss, I pack all of these things. I especially made sure to get that cheap pair of flip flops because I didn’t trust showering without them! Haha.
Chapstick is a must for me, and I always bring my favorite treat – peanut butter M&M’s – to enjoy after labor!
I took my own pillow! If I’m sleeping somewhere other than home in my own bed, I take it with me! I also took a little Bluetooth speaker to play music to distract me!
Heather Wells
Congratulations! So excited to see pics of your little guy when he arrives! And looking forward to seeing his big brothers adore him! We adopted our beautiful baby girl and did not have time to pack a hospital bag. She was born and already a week old when we were contacted about adopting her. We had no time! Had to shop for everything the day we brought her home! She’s such a joy to us!
Megan H
My hospital bag must-have would probably be the extra long phone cord! Sometimes the outlet isn’t close to your hospital bed, and you will want to charge your phone and still use it! Gotta make sure it stays charged up for all the adorable pictures you’ll be snapping of your sweet newborn!
My nursing pillow was my essential!!
Sallie Walton
Definitely extra long phone charger cord! Love your list! I would add extra hair tie for mom and name sign or something for baby.
Lansinoh Soothie gel pads for between nursing sessions! They’ve been a lifesaver with each of my nursing babies.
Jillian Orchard
My favourite was my own pillow!
They give you pillows, but only have so many so that was a blessing for sleeping!
We were in the hospital for 5 days! So I brought a deck of cards to help pass the time with my husband ❤️😂
Double up on the snacks! Never know how long you’ll be there and my husband was so so hungry!
Diana Price
Extra long phone charger!
Just had my 6th boy… 5th c-section! Chapstick! My bag consisted of toiletries, 2 zippers robes (one for day 2 and 1 to wear home), flip flops, nursing bra, phone charger, swaddle blanket, 1 onesie, 1 sleeper.
Rachel Ogrin
I had to have c sections with all five and the thing I loved most to have at the hospital was the my Brest friend nursing pillow and snacks to keep with me since I could not get out of bed till the next day.
My own rechargeable fan!
And my pillow 😊
Anna S.
I need face wash and a charger… all the rest is mostly provided… oh and Papa brings a pillow he likes in case he wants a nap 😆
Sarah Ramsey
I love these ideas! I also love to bring Depends. So much better than the hospital underwear and I never worry about leakage!
Alison Burgett
A bow or two if it’s a girl and pacis 😊
Nursing pillow and my own pillow (hospitals are notorious for not having enough pillows), one of those wubbanub paci’s (we have always used them right from the start but obviously know that is a personal preference) but lastly it is more what you need to put “in” your bag at the hospital to take back home with you haha every time they bring you those mesh Victoria Secret panties put some in your bag, same thing with any breakable ice packs, tucks pads, numbing spray, squirt bottles, diapers grab anything haha they will bring you more and you will be grateful for the stuff when you go home!
Rebekah Colhoun
Good socks are a must for me. The “hospital socks” aren’t all that great.
Rachel Fowles
I have to bring my robe!! I was so out of for my first and I literally wore my robe the entire time!! It’s perfect for nursing and showering and it’s dang comfy!! so for This time around I’m investing is a nicer robe.
List of people for my husband to provide updates or to announce baby’s arrival, so he didn’t forget anybody. For me, chapstick, lotion and slippers
Jamie Simmons
Love this post!! I didn’t take much with my 5 kiddos. Actually, my husband didn’t pack much since I was sent straight from a Dr.appt. with my 5th. And I was ok with that. As long as I had my own comfy clothes/ slippers I was pretty happy.
Elisabeth Hunnicutt
I like to take a shelf stable snack for myself, like fruit and nut bars. Something to munch on during night feedings after the hospital cafeteria closes!
Alex Radtke
Extra long charging cord for sure!! Need to be able to take 5,000 photos of that sweet babe 🙂 Oh and snacks! So important especially if you have to wait for the cafeteria to open up!
Chapstick is an essential for me!
Jessica Anderson
Hair ties!
Matea Piccinich
Makeup wipes n definitely lip balm
Ashlee Tanzillo
Snacks and comfy clothes 🥰 I just had #3 in May and didn’t get to use anything I wanted to for labor because it was only 1.5 hours long 😳🤯
Victoria Higginbotham
I’ve only had c-sections so I really enjoy having a dress to wear home but having a fuzzy robe to wear it’s also comforting
Cindi Pommerening
Have to have chapstick, lotion and music!
Molly Carmack
Boppy is one thing I always bring and stretchy clothes are a must!
The one thing that I also had to pack for me was lip chap…hospitals get so dry.
Aquaphor lip balm! My lips always get so chapped! 🙂
Megan Hover
This is hilarious. I literally just had a conversation with my sister today telling her what she should put in her hospital bag! I told her the exact same things! I think the only thing I added was a Bluetooth speaker if she wanted music during labor, or anything that would relax her… Lotion for massaging… I might also recommend a bathing suit for your husband or a tube top or sports bra you could wear and water if you want to do any tub labor or shower labor. My poor husband stood in the back of a shower try not to get his clothes wet but I wanted him near me while I labored in the shower on a birthing ball for hours!
Kelli Boersma
I like to bring my own cuter robe so, when we are taking pictures with the baby or family I can feel comfortable and still look decent for pictures!
Leane Cole
I packed my slippers. It was soo nice to have that in the hospital.
Chapstick – hospitals are so dry
Notepad and pen- write down things you think of that you have to do or need / write down anything dr or nurse says / keep track of feedings
Ohh one more……..Sounds silly but adult diapers. I prefer them to the mesh underwear with pads. My whole family and friends now uses them after delivery. So much easier and comfortable
Melissa Rotili
My pillow! I loved having my own pillow!
A must for me was chapstick! And although not something to pack, I tend to ask the nurse for a few extra of those lovely mesh panties before heading home. So comfy after giving birth!
J. Clark
Chapstick… addicted burts bees.
Nursing Cami
Jaci kulp
A small fan and snacks for my hubby
Michele Matt
My fav playlist and fav cozy blankie for myself
A pre-made text group of all the family on both sides for the husband to not stress or ask me a billion times who to text.
This is perfect!!
Fran Newman
I so wish I had brought my own shampoo and conditioner as the shower was wonderful but I have thick curly hair and their shampoo/conditioner combo did nothing for me lol!!
Ponytail holders and like you said a charger for the phone!
Lauren Bucalo
I just packed my bag for baby #3, and I’m bringing my own body wash and dry shampoo this time because I don’t want to be greasy and gross but also don’t want to have to worry about drying& styling my hair in the hospital.
Makeup remover wipes!!
Emily W.
Face lotion! Definitely chapstick, but my hospital provided it. Also nurses gift basket filled with snacks.
Nursing tank and bra for sure! I live in my nursing tanks (you can wear most any top by having these). But I discovered nursing/maternity night gowns – only took me 4 birthed babies. Was the best “outfit” for the hospital. I was technically dressed – out of those hospital gowns – but super comfy in sleepwear. Mine were button ones and I still wear them cause I’m still nursing!
Tooth brush! And I always pack my husbands stuff for him as well.
Prayers for baby #6 in the coming weeks and thank you for the list. ❤️
Elizabeth Salmon
SNACKS!!! The hospital had pop and chips at 2am, neither of which were helpful to me!!! Taking all the healthy (and some unhealthy) protein filled snacks I can this time around!
I am 25 weeks pregnant with my first baby, I have been researching more about baby products but never thought about what I was going to pack to the hospital, this is a great list and I have enjoyed reading all the reply’s, my lips get so easily chapped so some chapstick would be great for my list. Also, for the baby I’m thinking the car seat would be good too pack along for baby to come home in!☺️
Chapstick!!!!! Plus 2 extra. I put one in every bag so my husband, sister, or nurse could find one.
Slippers, robe, glasses (no time/energy for contacts), snacks.
Danielle Slavin
I liked bringing a portable speaker to play my own music during labor and delivery. Calming music helped get me through! Even the hospital staff said they loved the music lol
Kalyn Robinson
Chapstick – 100%! Labor is no joke and that chapstick feels amazing when you’re in the middle of it
Chrissie Harter
It’s been a long time since I’ve had to pack a hospital bag (my babies are 36 years old twin boys) but I would have to say night gowns and a comfy robe were my must haves. When my children were born it was a 4 night stay, ugh!
Yes to all of this!
First time around I’m pretty sure we brought everything but the kitchen sink 😂.
This last time around I brought-comfy clothes and the extra long charging cord (plus a few other necessities. We packed light. Used the hospital stuff and even took some home.
Stephanie Moser
Totally with you on the easy snacks. Like trail mix was a favorite last time. Seems like there are endless hospital hours with no food arriving. 😉
Kayli Sells
Long phone charger and flip flops!
Definitely super comfy pj’s and a good water bottle!!
I always bring my white noise machine! It helps drown out the noisy hospital chatter and help mimic the womb for baby ❤️
janetlynn08@gmail.com Fellows
Adult diapers for postpartum… Always!!! So much more effective than pads, and no worries about leaks if you’re having people over to see baby
Suzanne Hazelbaker
A notebook to write down who came to visit , who sent flowers and gifts so you can send thank you notes
Deb Delo
Snacks for the hungry dad
Noise machine and some favorite snacks!
Lisa Gould
My pillow! I sleep so much better with it. That and chapstick.
Patricia Marotzke
I loved having my own toothbrush, pillow and boppy.
Alexis Nystrom
I LOVED having a Water bottle with a lock on it, lay it right next to me with baby without worrying about it leaking!
I would add cute shirt for Dad that I can make something out of later for baby, vitamins and my pillow 😊
You hit litterally all of my must haves. Baby #4 and nurse as well. These are all I bring + my husband 🙂.
Cristina Torres
I like taking my rope, chapstick and comfy sandals:)
Cristina Torres
Cristina TorresHaha meant robe!
Deb Miller
When my daughter was born I had a small gift for my son to bring little sister (a pink teddy bear he had picked out) and I had a little gift for her to give her big brother! It was a little set of cars. It has been 30+ years ago! It started a sweet relationship that continues to today. It also gave him something to do while Daddy & Momma focused on each other & new baby a few minute. He also had gelatin and popsciles the nurses brought him!
Bethany Walton
I literally have no idea what to pack! This is my first baby and I’m due in October. I plan on packing my bible, but that’s all I have so far.
Love your list! I’d also bring a robe and lipchap but other than that, your list is exactly what I would bring😊
Keri Corbett
A cute robe! I treat myself to a new one for each baby. So easy to throw on over a nursing tank and leggings for when visitors pop in for a quick hospital visit!
Haley H
All the snacks! You never know what you’re going to be in the mood for 😅
Kelsy Bogdanoff
It might be excessive but I bring my own pillow and it’s a game changer for me!
I ALWAYS bring uncrustables now!! After delivering at 830pm the first time and the cafeteria being closed, I will never make the mistake of being starving again. Plus the salty/sweet childhood comfortish food just hits the spot at a time like that!!
Nicole Lowery
Love this! I always pack essential oils. Helps keep me relaxed during labor!
Gail Poznaniak
I don’t think packing a hospital bag was a “thing” 40 and 33 years ago when I had my babies! Maybe we packed quarters, dimes and nickels to make long distance phone calls to let our parents know they were grandparents?! My, how times have changed!
I always had hair ties with me because I didn’t want my hair in my face!
Our hospital supplies all baby necessities, so I just brought comfy clothes for me, a going home outfit for baby, and a boppy to help with feedings in addition to phone charger of course.
Casey Triplett
BIG FLUFFY TOWEL!! Because that first shower after birth is amazing and the tiny hospital towels just don’t cut it 😂😂. I forgot toiletries and had to use the hospital stuff but I remembered my towel lol.
Elena Ducksworth
A nice warm blanket, because the room is usually cold
Hospital doesn’t provide much here – do need pads, diapers etc. But phone charger is an absolute must (especially with my phone’s battery life)
Carisia Gandara
I just had my baby the 16th and I took basically all you do but separate camera! Comfy clothes for sure and cute swaddle for baby! Hope you have a blessed safe delivery! ♥️
Marissa Frisinger
I love to bring my own robe and nursing Jammies. I stay 2 nights- c/s- so it’s nice to get out of that hospital gown. Extra long charging cord also a must. And always a pacifier. I’m experienced BF so feel comfortable using a pack right away and at our hospital we don’t hand out pacis to patients so you have to bring your own.
Lisa Weston
For dad or birth support person…comfy shoes! Lots of standing around.
Sound machine!! The unit is just noisy and it helps to get some solid rest for everyone!
5 deliveries ~ socks are my MUST! Can’t deliver with out them on my feet!
A cute pacifier of my choice ☺️
Extra blanket or pillow the one for hospital are so thin ( my boys were in December and was cold)
First time mom, but I plan on bringing my boppy nursing pillow and some hard candy!
Lauren Bradley
Love this!! SNACKS!! All the snacks. Trail mix and granola bars. And slippers! It was nice being super comfy.
I really only care about food! Bring all the snacks and all the drinks.
I think we are due the same time! I just packed my bag🥰 All of that, and I have to bring my own towel and washcloth for the shower! I did it with my second and loved having a little more of “home” at the hospital!
I like to bring a small Bluetooth speaker so I can listen to my praise and worship music playlist while I labor and during the long night after delivery. Keeps my head space in the best possible place.
Arianne Elizabeth
FTM here.. planning to pack a comfy robe and a going home outfit. That’s all I’ve got so far so this is beyond helpful!
Arianne ElizabethHey Arianne! You won my comments giveaway! DM me on Instagram so I can send you a treat!
I had my last babies (trips!) in 1998, so I didn’t exactly need a phone charger! lol But, I’m with you on the warm, fuzzy socks!
I like to bring my favorite water bottle, staying hydrated is important to get milk flowing and swelling to go down, I find it much easier to drink plenty with my favorite water bottle.
Chapstick!! My lips always dry out especially at the hospital
Outside of essentials, I have to have a phone charger and portable charger so I don’t have to plug my phone into a wall
Hannah Vargas
Definitely a portable sound machine!
Like others have mentioned a portable sound machine and flip flops were my must have items! Love this list!
My go to item (all three times) were a pair of comfy socks!!
Natalie Blaich
I prefer a nursing tank, comfy shorts, and a comfy robe. So much easier to cover up during the many interruptions, but still able to easily nurse. I also pack good coffee grinds to “donate” to the nursing staff if they are willing to bring me a cup of the coffee they make. (I’m a nurse, I NEED good coffee and nurses always make the best!)
Bettie Birch
Stephanie Lambert
Cozy Slippers!!
Maggie Rizzo
Chapstick and my favorite water bottle!
Chapstick and flip flops!
Elise Dorsey
10 foot long charger!!!
I always have to have a Bible and a notebook. I know phones have apps for that but the tangible item helps me. You just never know when God will you or tell you something or you will think of something to Pray over your baby or to pray while in labor. I like to capture that. I also always bring double outfits. 1 in premie and 1 in newborn for bring home and I also bring premie sleepers as hospitals usually just have newborn. (My babies have tended to be in the small side)
Gotta have a comfy, nursing friendly top to wear once you get to change out of the gown!
My boys were each born in the fall. I brought a fall scented plug-in (an essential oil based/more natural one) to put in the hospital room. It made the room smell wonderful and made it so cozy! The nurses LOVED coming in the room and commented positively every time. 🙂
Snacks!! Daddy always appreciates them too.
Nursing pillow! Makes a huge difference especially when just starting out nursing with a newborn!
Melissa Mandadi
My cell phone charger!
Alisha Fogarty
Snacks. Give me ALL the food after labor!
Chapstick is a must for me and my oils/diffuser.
Becca Czech
These are great! For me, the most important things are my essential oils, my blanky (yes, as in my own personal baby blanky that is ove 37 years old and I still use every night) and my music. Everything else will figure itself out, lol.
Having my chapstick with me was super important! Also a small portable speaker to play some music on.
Having my chapstick with me was super important! Also a small portable speaker to play some music on. Good luck!!
I would also recommend taking your breast pump because the lactation nurse will help show you how to use and set up the pump you have… If you decided to breastfeed/pump.
Also loved having my nursing pillow on hand.
Advice from a mom of 1, soon to be 2.
Emily Jones
Caitlin Walker
Phone charger!!! I’m a c section mom and a must have for the ride home is a boppy pillow
Ashley K
I had emergency c section early babies (26 and 36 weekers) and the only things I’d ask my husband to bring were chapstick, brush, hair ties, phone charger, flip flops and a dress to wear home. For the baby they’d wear home the preemie outfit given to us by the NICU so my husband just brought the car seat.
Jill Dykstra
The phone charger with a long cord was a definite must! Those hospital beds are often quite far from any outlet.
Chapstick! And gum (specifically for hubby 😂)
Lip balm 🙂
Brittany Reardon
I love to bring index cards with my favorite scriptures on them to read or have read to me during labor. Currently 32 weeks with baby boy #4!
Brielle W
Boppy pillow was a life saver for me. I used it for nursing, neck pillow and to take pressure off my tailbone when my poor backside needed a break but nurses wouldn’t let me out of my bed 🙃
Laura diaz
Sandals & loose clothes are a MUST for me. I only take one small suitcase for all 3 of us. Baby & dad & myself. & my bag was very simple as well I delivered on 7/21/21 😊
Kristen Servais
Snacks and my own blanket
Janet Duff
Pacifier. I forgot once.
Shower essentials! Flip flops and shampoo and conditioner for sure!
My own toothbrush. The ones our hospital provides is hard and really narrow.
Nylene Coponen
A little gift bag for each of my kids when they come visit. And for myself: chocolates, special lotion and a new book.
Grace Reeves
I didn’t bring a nursing pillow the first time and will not make that mistake again!
I always pack a robe! And I love wearing it the minute I can get out of the gown!
Flip flops and our good camera!
Marie-Louise B
Lip balm! And my water bottle 💦
Ashley Johnson
Definitely chapstick for me! I also like a simple, thin robe– doesn’t look terrible on the top half for photos or if someone walks in but easy to access for nursing and nurses if need be ❤️
Kayley Ford
You pretty much nailed it! The long phone cord is a must! I also pack the toiletries and a change of clothes for my husband. I also bring my own pillow because I’m a little crazy like that!
Elisa Beamer
I always bring chapstick- it’s literally the only time I ever use it but it’s so dry in the hospital room! This time I’m also bringing a diffuser and some of my favorite oils to combat the hospital smells and keep us calm too. Great post- I really appreciate your insights!
From a mom of 6 also. Boyshort undies for after the mesh ones. They’re nice and big and help the big pads stay in place.
Definitely needed my phone charger with extra long cord! Soft, cozy nightgowns as I had/will have CS, makes it easier and more comfortable with the incision. As a first time mom I waaaaaaayyy over packed. I’ll know better for next time lol
Jennifer Rocchi
I guess these days it would be a tablet! When both my kids were born we brought our portable DVD player and a season of Friends to watch during labor! It was the one thing I absolutely made sure to have! And chapstick!! Those were my absolute MUSTS!!
Amanda Greene
Must have for me is my pillow!
Nicole Jensen
My robe that I love so much! It is the most comfortable and the best for nursing! Can’t wait to use it for baby #3 in January 😊
Cheryl Gish
Some comfy underwear and good pads.
I always like to have headphones and my brestfriend nursing pillow!
Libby McCoy
I’ve had 4 kiddos/c-sections and I always bring Dr. TEAL’S lavender lotion to the hospital. It always makes me feel so calm!
Saying a prayer for your labor!
And I say socks are pretty important.
Chapstick, super soft nightgown or pjs and robe.
I always make sure to bring chapsticks. Also, extra big blanket for my husband. It was helpful the 3 times I brought it with me since his bed/ sofa was by the window and he was always cold.
Stephanie McCallum
Big comfy underwear 😀
Diana Holden
Chapstick and my Bible!
Amanda Laxson
I’d second the extra extra long phone charging cord and I’ll add that a nursing pillow would have been so helpful (esp after my csection).
Megan Manard
My favorite thing was my button up night gown! Absolutely life saver and so comfy!
My own toiletries because that first shower is amazing! And a comfy shirt to lounge in during recovery.
Brittany Hupfer
This list is great! With my first I had NOTHING packed, had to ask my mom and husband to try and throw a bag together. My phone charger was a must, and this time I’m making sure I have a hair tie
Chapstick!!! My own pillow, snacks and pillow for dad.
Flip flops!
Lindee Lorig
HeatherThis list is spot on! I loved having Chapstick as well!
Kali Wanstrom
I loved bringing my own robe! The hospital I delivered at did not provide one and I definitely loved having one so my bum wasn’t hanging out as I walked the halls 🙈 I’m also a huge blanket comfort person so it felt nice having a cozy piece of home with me.
Lindee Lorig
This list is spot on! I loved having Chapstick as well!
Victoria Knoche
Nursing pillow and extra jams for yourself. I had a little bit of a rough delivery so they made me stay an extra day and I had to have my mom bring me extra pajamas lol.
Nicole Patterson
The extra long phone charger was something I was really glad to have when my son was born.
Naomi Vieru
I always take chapstick, gum and house slippers.
I pack a portable sound machine! It’s so hard to sleep there with all the nurse checks and sounds and the white noise helps so much!
Currently pregnant with my 5th baby, and I agree, you learn each time. Even last time with number 4 I thought I had done so well and still overpacked!
I tend to have long labors, I’ve had to be induced with all 4. Very stubborn babes, so a couple things that are essential to me for comfort :
1) my own pillow from home — the flat hospital ones don’t cut it for me
2) headphones — during labor and delivery I keep music on out loud, but I’ve learned I like the headphones at night to help block out the hospital sounds that prevent me from relaxing
3) a book — I don’t always use it, but I’m a reader and it can be a nice distraction from lengthy labors
Natalie Witvoet
I am very minimal when it comes to packing my hospital bag! Comfy postpartum clothes, a swaddle and outfit for baby, charger and chapstick were my only priorities:)
A bath towel!! The towels at the hospital were tiny!!
A lalabu soothe shirt! Absolutely wonderful to hold baby when staying in the hospital but exhausted. I was so tired the first night after giving birth and this helped accomplish both snuggling, and giving my arms a break!
I brought my brest friend nursing pillow, lanolin and soothies… bc nursing is HARD to do!!!
Becky Fickes
I also suggest taking a few dollars for dad to go to the vending machine.
Comfy clothes to go home in!!
Lorena Hershberger
A super long phone charger & a special new comfy pjs for after the baby’s born are my 2 must haves!
Mandy Hammons
Phone charger and chapstick
With my first I packed a deck of cards thinking we’d have time to kill during labor… 😆🤦🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️
Karrie Johl
Polaroid camera for instants
Brandan Thompson
My own toilet paper! 🙈 Hospital TP is the worst.🤪
Anna Hipp
Slippers and long phone charger are two of my hospital must-haves!!!
Kristi Palace
Long phone charger and chapstick! Two must haves for the hospital bag!
Tracy Capp
I have 2 children, I never got to pack a hospital bag. Both of my kids were early, my daughter was 2 months early and my son was a month early.
Thank you for everything you do and share. Good luck on baby boy #6. Congratulations!! God bless you and your family.
I am not sure if your hospital provides Vaseline. But I take that with to spread on their bums after they are born to help with wiping that first black sticky poop the baby has. The Vaseline helps to get it off very easy…
Jessica Frost
A clip on fan! I was dying from heat my first pregnancy and my poor husband spent hours fanning me with a hospital menu haha and they are great afterwards for the stroller on hot summer days!
Awesome list! I think having a pair of hard bottomed slippers will be nice this time around, I plan to bring them to slip into for walking halls or just walking in the room to avoid getting anything from the floor into the sheets/bed. I’ve heard L&D nurses say that there are certain things that won’t come out of the carpets in the department (ie someone’s water breaks in the halls 😅). Germaphobe mom here haha!
Mary Haight
Such smart ideas! Can’t wait to see baby #6! 💙
Shavona Templeton
Thank you for these amazing tips! I’m due with our 4th (and last unfortunately) this October! And our 🌈 baby! Love reading all these tips and advice from an amazing experienced mama!!!
Thank you for sharing! Loved this blog post!!
Would love to see one sometime on how you seat the baby’s in your van and best way to do it with multiples in car seats. I’ll have 3 in car seats come October! 4 year old, 2 1/2 and newborn. Our oldest is 10! Three girls and one boy!
IG: Shavona_Darline
Emily Skelley
I love to pack the depends underwear for sleeping at night and also for the ride home !!! They never leak and make you feel a little more secure!
With my two kiddos i packed slippers and made sure i had my camera and batteries!
simona m walters
Chapstick… Must have chapstick.
Jessica Kelly
The boppy pillow. Great for a little extra support when/if nursing.
Kija Costello
A small fan! After my first I was roasting in the hospital. So when I went to have baby #2 I remembered. Was so nice to have during nauseous moments from the meds.
Lauren Mills
For me my must haves: a robe, my own pillow, and my house shoes. My first baby I PACKED EVERYTHING BUT THE KITCHEN SINK.. with my second, I wore my going home outfit to the hospital and lived in my comfy robe until I got discharged. 🥰
Brittany Chamberlin
My own blanket for the hospital bed. I love sleeping with some weight and their blankets are so thin. It just makes it so much more cozy for me.
My oil diffuser and babies portable sound machine. Made the first nights sleep and the first morning after delivery so peaceful and relaxing. Even the nurses loved the smell !
Gretal Cromwell
Everyone’s lists are great! Making sure my backup pair of glasses and a contacts case and solution are packed.
Ashley Sandbeeg
NIPPLE CREAM if you’re breastfeeding! It always hurts during the transition of getting used to nursing. So the nipple cream is important to start using from the very first nursing session!
I also like taking my own pillow (because I LOVE my pillow) but I don’t use it until after I’ve had baby. Otherwise it would get all yucky!
Kim Abrahams
My water bottle with a straw and defuser 🙂
Debra Cashmore
I would always bring a photo of my other kids, so I would have them with me. Also, brought baby book to record my thoughts and feelings right away!
Carolyn Moriarty
Baby book
Aleena Smith
My own blanket, fuzzy socks for dad too, and finally, Instant oatmeal cups and coconut water 🙂 nutrition and hydration are key.
I ordered a brand new robe for myself from Milkmaid Goods and it was a game changer. After I was able to shower I changed into my robe with a nursing bra and the disposable undies from the hospital. It felt so much better than wearing the hospital gown but was still accessible for checks
An eye mask was a must have for me! I was actually able to get some sleep even with all their lights on.
Samantha Keisling
I bring bag balm-my lips get dry in the hospital
Gloria Magnotti
Thank you for writing this! I am expecting my first in September! I think my only other must have is my water bottle, I can’t go anywhere without it!
Allison Pierce
SNACKS. Because of COVID regulations, we weren’t allowed to leave the hospital or even the delivery wing so we were out of luck (and HUNGRY) until it was a meal time. I just had a baby, I deserve a snack dangit! 😂
Jade Dix
Baby finger nail clippers. My 2nd was born with super long nails and I had nothing to clip them with until we got home and I also ended up getting a hang nail. So now I always make sure to bring a baby clippers. It’s such a small thing =)
Medela Purelan 100
It’s 100% pure lanolin, it helps soothe sensitive or dry nipples and also helps form a protective barrier when breastfeeding, it’s amazing.
Whitney Storms
Adult daipers so you don’t have to use the gaint pads and mesh underwear they give you at the hospital. It’s way more comfortable.
iPad or laptop for entertainment during long labor!
Snacks, snacks, and more snacks! Was so hungry after all that labor and I brought my favorite flavored waters
Alexis Hopman
I always have to have granola bars or something to snack on! They never let me eat while I’m labour and after babe comes in exhausted but want to snuggle them for the first couple days 😂 having something to give me a bit of energy is great!
Bridget Moore
Comfortable nursing bras! Try them on at home before packing them too!
Nursing pillow, chap stick and snacks!
After I had my second baby years ago I had forgotten to pack a brush!! I can’t tell you how thankful I was when my husband brought it to me and I was able to comb my hair. I never thought to ask the hospital if they had one!
Tiffany Clement Hammes
Rachel Marsden
Something to lovingly throw at my husband to wake him up when I need help getting in and out of bed or with the baby. He slept like a rock after baby was born! A few pairs of nicely rolled up socks make great ammunition:)
So excited for y’all! I did so much better with my own pillow and my own nursing gowns (no hospital gowns! 😬). I also packed my husband’s pillow and a blanket for him – worked super well for the unanticipated long stay we had! Praying for you all!
I need my Kindle so I can read when it’s late night feeding time!! Sometimes the TV is too loud and distracting.
Ellen Rakowski
As a doula, not a momma, I also bring a little fan for my clients, a neutral chapstick (nothing smelly), and gummy candies!!
Melinda Stephan
Definitely bringing along my own pillow!
I love bringing our favorite Bibs pacifiers, a cute going home outfit for baby, and for me, snacks and my own pillow! Not to mention a little makeup and face wash so I feel like a person again after labor. 😆
Pj for yourself and baby and a phone charger is a must!
Ashley Moyer
My own pillow and blanket made a huge difference!
Kerri Morinigo
Chapstick and comfy clothes after baby comes.😊
Wireless headphones! It helped with first son for my husband to be able to watch something during the waiting period when I just needed to focus on me for him to be able to watch and not disturb me!
Priscella Morales
Paci! A lot of the hospitals now are anti paci 🙄 they wouldn’t even give me one with my baby. I had to bring my own 😫
Macy Cown
I bring a heating pad for myself! It really helps with the cramping after birth!
I am an absolute minimalist when it comes to the hospital. But I absolutely positively must bring leggings post baby. Nothing flashy; just high waisted buttery soft black leggings. They make me feel so much better after baby!
Stephanie Scott
My own towel for showering. Robe/pajamas for laboring.
My own pillow
Erika Mil
A stretchy cardigan/ sweater with pockets. The kind that’s a Jersey material, you can pull it closed for modesty, cover baby while nursing, and it kind of acts as a robe while in bed, plus it can get cold in the hospital! Wish you all the best!
Katie B.
After having five babies, so far, you definitely don’t need much. For me, it is cozy socks, make-up, and cute comfy clothing. For the baby, cute swaddle and cute going home outfit.
Yes! I always ensure I have my camera adapter so I can upload those photos to my phone and share as soon as I get a chance!
Rachel Wilkinson
Baby mittens
Tara Boyd
Vaseline! Or chapstick!
With each kid I brought less and less to the hospital. The first we practically moved in, number 4, I threw a few things in a bag before we left for our induction!
Always had comfy clothes for me, phone charger, cute outfit for baby, and not much else
So excited for you!! My 2 must haves are chap stick and hair ties!! Almost there!! 💙
Laura Burmeister
My list was the same as yours! I kept it simple!
I always have extra hairties and chapstick on hand too!
Lots of lip balm! I can’t stand chapped lips through labor!
Cody Perez
Definitely I pack my robe and slippers I go in on Tuesday to have my little princess ❤️
Connie Zappone
Fuzzy socks with grippy bottoms.
Morgan Blomme
Morgan Blomme
Chapstick and video camera!
Natalia Schrock
This isn’t something you can “pack” neccesarily but I always make sure I have a playlist of calming,encouraging & uplifting gospel songs to play while I’m in labor! It has been so helpful during those moments where you begin to feel like you just can’t do it anymore❤
Jessica Rodriguez
Chapstick and a baby blanket and blanket for me is a must. Especially since my stay is more than 2days. I want to feel a bit of comfort.
Jayme Nolte
Change for the vending machine and CHAPSTICK
I’m a first time mom due a week after you!!! I’m working so hard to not pack everything but it is sooo hard!! I think I have a few more pairs clothes than you mentioned, and bringing my comfy pillow. Honestly working really hard against the urge to bring his whole nursery!
Sophie Rotaru
StephanieAww congratulations!!! Hope it all went well! ❤️
Sarah Loewen
Lip balm and phone charger!
Camera!! You cannot miss these beautiful important moments 🙂
Hi from Belgium. A soft night light for night feeds so you don’t have to (leave your bed to) switch on the light. Comfy outfit, my own shampoo and shower gel were on my list too. And although I had a summer baby, I should have brought a cardigan for the baby too, because she had dificulties holding her temperature.
Chelsea Alexander
I think you nailed it with essentials! I always have lofty ideas that I’ll be bored (because it’s happened!) so I bring a little hand sewing project that’s tucked into a Ziploc bag and in my stuff. I don’t always get to it, but I like having the option to keep my hands busy while watching TV during recovery – starting at the hospital! It’s nothing big – just a small embroidery hoop with something with baby’s initials or something. I have all girls so it’s always been a floral pattern.
Pazee N
YES YES YES to your entire list! My own comfy clothes and swaddles for baby are at the top of mine ♥️
Jennifer Stahl
Definitely the long charging card and flip flops and cozy slippers, and 1 going home outfit for baby and special blanket
Nicole Weaver
I have to pack nursing bras/tanks, so I can get out of that hospital gown ASAP!
Nicole Weaver
I have to pack nursing bras/tanks, so I can get out of that hospital gown ASAP! Fully charged battery packs for my cellphone, those outlets are never close.
Jessica Linscott
For sure chapstick, long phone charger & my own pillow! Plus a comfy robe
Elizabeth Luna
The first item I agree with and packed are my flip flops! I don’t wear house shoes or slippers but like you said flip clips are easy even if your feet are swollen, can bathe with them. Just make sure to wear them a bit before so they are not too slippery or add hot glue to the bottom to make less slippery.
Naomi Haney
I always love taking my own pillowcase that is soft, clean and familiar. I sleep better and it just is a little bit of comfort from home.
Mints/gum for my husband as I did not want hot breath in my face during labor and hair ties to keep hair out of the face
Sophie Rotaru
Wow! So here in England (I’m xsof79x on Insta – hi! 😊) we have to take everything. Our hospitals will provide formula and a hat BUT ours is all covered by the NHS (which I am SO grateful for). A small price to pay in comparison to what you guys have to pay medical bills wise! Griffy is such a sweet baby boy! I can’t believe how fast time has gone!
Sophie RotaruOh yes, that’s so interesting the difference Sophie! I guess it’s definitely a trade-off for sure!
Sophie Rotaru
I took my own pillow, all our baby essentials, hair ties, phone charger, pyjamas (shorts and tank kind as it gets crazy hot in hospital) LOTS of underwear and sanitary towels, a dark colour bath towel, a small bag for laundry and ended up having more stuff brought as wasn’t made clear during my pregnancy (I wasn’t told) that I had to stay for 4 days after birth. Nappies, water wipes so quite a lot
My Top Baby Products after having 7 kids - Modern Farmhouse Family
[…] worth getting over and over again because I use them so much. I also have a blog post where I show What I Pack in my Hospital Bag that you may want to check out […]
Jennica Blaubach
Not an item, but it is…. my Playlist of labor music was a must!
Amanda Keil
Honestly, I had 2 emergency C-sections so there was no chance to grab a bag and with my second daughter she was so early that I hadn’t even packed a bag yet.
It was freeing! My husband brought maybe 5 things the next day and I was happy with that. But some of your items sounds like they would have been wonderful to have.
Good luck in a few days ❤️
For me, my own toothbrush and toothpaste were a must! Our hospital has such gross toothpaste! I also enjoyed having my own face wash and lotion! And last but not least, the Frida mom perineal ice packs are MUCH colder than the ones provided by the hospital!