I’ve seen an interesting pattern over the past several years as I’ve embraced social media. People are lonely. Yes, it’s true. If I could re-tell to you the amount of messages I’ve received over the years of people expressing loneliness, despair for their situation, difficulty seeing the other side, etc, you might be shocked. Or maybe you wouldn’t. Because maybe you’ve noticed it too. Maybe it IS you; nodding your head as you read this. Either way- I’m so glad you are here and I hope you read on because I want to encourage you today with something that encouraged (and challenged) myself- going to God’s Word.
I know, for myself, that sometimes when I get lonely or have those feelings in different seasons, it’s easy to go looking for things that make me feel less lonely in what I’m facing or walking through. Whether that’s validation of my situation from someone I don’t even know or seeing others experiencing similar happenings- anything to make me feel less lonely right? We can find this aplenty on social media. Sure there are certain people using their accounts to encourage, build up and pray for others (a big goal for me!). But there are also people out there using validation, affirmation, messages of self-love and even humor to cover up hurts and feelings that ultimately need God’s Truth- not the truths of the world and more validation.
Even those people online who ARE using God’s Word to speak encouragement are still human, still people navigating life the same way you are. Which means their message can be flawed. Yes even me (help me Lord!). The problem isn’t that social media and everyone on it is inherently bad- it’s that it isn’t always based in Jesus. So the helpfulness we seek from it can often not be helpful at all! So are these people and accounts bad? No. Should we ignore them and unfollow completely? No! BUT, our FIRST aim should be to go straight to the Source. FIRST!
And that’s the encouragement I want to share and what I myself have felt challenged in lately. God’s Word is the absolute source and cure for all our earthly needs! I will stand on that 100% of the time a million times over (and more). In the middle of whatever we are experiencing, including our loneliness, our cry can become “God where are you?” And often the answer is that He’s quite literally next to you on your nightstand in the form of His Word. The gift of the Bible is the gift of all we need to live rightly and navigate our struggles. But we have to be willing to open it. In it is who God is and that forms the relationship of who He is to us!
I’m not always perfect at this…hence why I’m writing this encouragement. It’s really a reminder for me…but maybe you too! In the middle of whatever I’m going through- I know there are a million voices around me shouting various opinions. Especially when you look to social media which we all know is easy to do. But I want to train myself and be diligent to be attuned to one voice above all others- God’s voice! The voice of our Good Father, great Healer, sole Provider, best Friend, ultimate Protector.
I wanted to share a couple verse I love shout them importance of The Bible in our lives. This is one of my favorites from when I was a little girl because I learned in through song. Here it is from Romans 10:17:
“Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.”
This reminds me that everything from God is based in his Word. Which we have access to daily.
Another favorite is John 6:63 which says:
“The Spirit alone gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.”
Human effort (that’s us) accomplished nothing. But line it up with the Holy Spirit/God’s Word? Suddenly you have a recipe for abundant living.
I know it’s easy to hear this but not know where to start. The Bible is big after all. Where do I even begin? So here’s a practical tip that has helped me: a daily readers Bible. My favorite one is this one. It’s wonderful because it’s thematic and also includes readings from three different books of the Bible each day. Also, it’s doable! Because you know where you last left off and don’t get sidetracked. If you order one let me know and I’d love to know how you like it.
Be encouraged friends- this season of life is not your forever season. It will change. But when you’re in it, amidst all the other voices and opinions you may hear- don’t forget about the One who wants to help you through it as well!
This was definitely the encouragement I needed today and I find it interesting that in my reading this morning I ran across this statement in 1st Samuel 30:6 “… but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.” That really struck me when I read it because we know David was a man after God’s own heart. It was like the cure for my discouragement jumped right out at me.
LisaWow I love that so much too! Thanks for sharing that with me also Lisa! I appreciate you reading what I wrote!
Jill Johansen
This is beautiful, timely and so true. Thank you for sharing!
Jill JohansenThank you so much Jill
Lori Lawson
This is profound, Sarah! As always, thank you, friend!!!
Lori LawsonThank you Lori!
Thank you for this! I am definitely in the lonely stages as my 3 boys are grown and doing their own things and we live in a state where we have no family and it gets quite lonely for me. I haven’t read my Bible in ages, so thank you for the reminder. I’m thinking about buying the one you recommended for my birthday. Thank you Sarah for being such a light. ❤️
DeniseThank you so much for your honesty Denise- this just makes me so thankful to have written this so just to encourage you! I’m so glad you want to do that and make the change, bless you!