Today Matters. I opened my Instagram app and coincidentally those were the first words I read on a plain background picture. So simple right? Yet, as I went about my morning I could not get the words out of my head. As a mom, I know all too well how easy it is to feel like I’m in a rut. Or feel like my days are insignificant. Lots of repetitive motions, prepping, teaching, talking, etc etc. Truthfully, you don’t even have to be a mom to have and know those feelings. We all have them.
But I’ll also say this: feelings can be faulty. They can convince us to feel bad for ourselves and they can keep us stuck when there is more for us to step into and lean into for the season we are in. One things I’m slowly learning as I raise our kids and do many of the same things day in and day out, is that each of my “todays” impact all of my “tomorrows”. Meaning that within each of my days is a short-term vision and a long-term vision. I may only feel that I’m seeing the short-term vision. “I just have to get him to sleep through the night.” “I just need to catch up on this laundry.” “One more meal made and I can close the kitchen for the day.” “One I finish this work project, I’ll have a little break.” But again those are just feelings. Short-term vision. Nothing wrong with it of itself- that is, unless that’s all we choose to live in.
I heard someone once say that when raising children, we also need to have a long-term vision. After all, we aren’t just raising children, we are raising future adults. But if all we focus on is the former, we can easily forget about the end goal. So, although I may not see the results of today right away, I will eventually. What I do today really does matter. Not just for tomorrow but also for ten years down the road. Well, maybe not the laundry load itself. But the habit it builds in me? Yes. Being a consistent mother and wife? Absolutely. Showing up with a good attitude even when it’s hard? Yes again. Finishing that project at work or just being a finisher in general? Necessary. If we flake out too early from everything, we don’t get to see the benefit of a job well done and move into what God has next for us each day.
Whatever today holds, in whatever season you are in, I want you to know that it matters. Your schooling matters. Your relationships and how you handle them matter. Your integrity with how you conduct business matters. Your mothering and tending to your home and children matters. It matters because it’s the impact you are having that goes beyond right now. It’s an impact that will have a ripple effect far beyond what we can see and envision.
But you want to know the real reason it matters? Because YOU matter- especially to the God who created you and placed in you all sorts of gifting. Some which you are actively using now and some still yet to be tapped into and discovered. It may not feel like your everyday “stuff” matters, but it does. It matters to God. And it’s not because He cares about your stuff. It’s because He cares about YOU! So much. You will never be more loved by God than you are right now… and at the same time He has a whole lot of exciting things ahead for you as you continue to be diligent in what He has given you TODAY. But we can’t skip to the next part just yet. First, we need to tend to our “today”.
Luke 16:10 says this:
“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.”
If today is a day of rest, it matters.
If today is a day to be productive, it matters.
If today is a day to reset, refresh, and refocus, it matters.
If today is a day to grieve, it matters.
If today is a day to toss out the to-do list and have fun, it matters.
What today holds, let’s be faithful to give it our best and remember that our impact and our decisions today, have a further reach than we realize. And don’t let that discourage or guilt you, let it encourage and free you to live fully in the season you are in. Whether that’s washing dishes or climbing mountains. Neither happen on its own. What I do today really does matter! And so do I! and so do you!
Cheryl Valput
Sarah, this is an amazing story that all of us need each and every day. It doesn’t matter if you have no children or 10, what matter is You! What an inspiration you are to all of us. I am a mother of two adult daughters and four grandchildren, I look forward to your weekly prayers and watching your family grow. THANK YOU!
Cheryl ValputThank you so much Cheryl for taking the time to share this! Glad you are here and that this was encouraging for you as well!
Amen! Love your family and Instagram!So excited for y’all and a a baby girl!Blessings and prayers!💖
Monique Condon
Such a good and needed word! You are truly gifted at expressing yourself! Thank you for sharing with us all.
Monique CondonThis is such an important message. I know so many who need to hear this right now.
JoanneThanks for saying that Joanne!
Denise Kruschke
Just what I needed today. Thank you❤️
Love this. I really needed this today.
We all needed this today and every day. I’m so grateful for your Sunday night prayers, Nana’s recipes and the fact that she doesn’t mind sharing them and so many other things too numerous to list. I’ve been so blessed since following you. You keep it real and show us things aren’t always the way we want them. I’m so glad to be able to connect with a family of faith. Thank you for sharing your family on your stories. I think I’m as excited as you for baby girl to get here!!
CathiYou are so sweet to say all this, thank you for being here and being excited with me for all the things my family is going through!
So encouraging. So many times I do feel my days are repetitive & not very meaningful but I know they are lies from the enemy & God tells me I am worthy 🙌🏼🥰
Stephanie Hollingsworth
Love this! Thank you 😊
Rebecca McReynolds
Such a good little message /reminder! Thank you for this! I think you are right, we get caught up in the daily grind not realizing how much each day matters ! Thank you and God bless you! Can’t believe it’s just weeks til arrival of sweet baby girl!
Rebecca McReynoldsThank you so much Rebecca!
Beautiful and well said.
Dearest Sarah,
Thank you for your Godly example and influence in my life.I am profoundly grateful 🙏
In Christ,
Stephanie Hechtman
Stephaniehechtman@gmail.comThat means a lot to me Stephanie, glad you are here!
Love this!
Sheila CGill
Love this needed to hear n read this n share w my adult daughters who are in various ages n stages of life .. thank you
Sheila CGillThank you Sheila!
Jennifer Rocha
Needed this today. Just stumbled across your instagram one day and so happy I did. I love your positivity and your prayers each Sunday.
Jennifer RochaI’m so glad you are here Jennifer, thanks for reading this!
I saw and heard this message several times today. Thank you for sharing! I’m trying to take it to heart.
EmilyI’m so glad Emily, thanks for taking the time to read it!
Lori Lawson
Hi Sarah! This hits on so many relavent points just like you always do!! This is such a powerful reminder to always remember there’s a bigger picture at play & its value over everything.
Lori LawsonThank you so much Lori! Always appreciate your kindness!
I love reef flip flops.
Jennifer Erwin
Thank you for this ❤️
Loved this! Thanks for the encouragement! ❤️
I love how you put things into such relatable words!
Steph G
Beautifully written. You should write a book. 😉
Every Mom really needs to hear those words. Thanks for being obedient and vulnerable in sharing.
Liana Kurudimov
This is so encouraging. Thank you mama. Happy Mothers day. I love following your account, learning from you and being encouraged by you. Praying foe your family and for you.
This is a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing. I am so blessed by following you and your precious family.
Sarah, Thank you for being such an encourager! As I have raised my children and am now helping out with the little grands, it’s a joy to follow you and hear your words of wisdom and advice. They are always grounded in Scripture, which is what this world needs more of. God’s blessings to you as you continue this ministry He has given you! 🥰✝️
I would love to try out that candle!!
Kaylah Jones
Thank you for sharing. Also love the toiletry bag
Christina Bong
So thankful for you Sarah and your family ❤️🙏. Thank you for all the Wonderful things you Share it has picked me up more than you know. Happy Mama’s day 💝 to all the Mama’s Sister’s and Auntie’s and family! I lost my Mama and Dad when I was little so it’s tough and my Sister who was so sweet and took care of us died now 💖. I need a lot of prayers 🙏 and I pray for others everyday ❤️.
Robin Olson
Love the cosmetic bag
Tiffany Peterson
What a great message and perspective. Thank YOU for the reminders. Happy early mothers day dear!!
This is awesome. It reminded me of having my son do his own laundry. He is 18, but I’m the mom. That’s what I do. But I remembered that I need to not just do things myself, but to be patient and show him…long term. 😊
I needed to read this today. Thank you for the positivity! I like the Stanley and the glass mugs.
Ashley Smith
Thank you so much for sharing this!
Mayce Marsh
I needed this so badly today! As soon as I read “I just have to get him to sleep through the night.” I connected even deeper! Thank you for this!
Thank you for the reminder.
Absolutely love the glass mug set!! I’m such a mug person and have so many, probably too many, but I don’t care, I love them 🤣