I love getting to share these birth stories here. So let’s get started. The day was finally here!! Knowing we had a tentative induction date made my sleep the night before all the more restless (in an exciting way!). But 5am finally rolled around, I called the hospital to confirm they had space for me and so it began. Tim and I got up, got ready, ate breakfast, snuck in to hug the older boys and headed to the hospital. We arrived at 6:30am, checked in, made it to the room, got changed, answered all the questions, IV in, and were ready to have a baby!
My doctor came and checked to see how dilated I was, then placed the balloon catheter in along with starting the Pitocin at 8:42am. The balloon catheter is something they place in your cervix and fill with saline to the same size as 3cm dilation. This means once you are dilated that much, the balloon will theoretically fall out. Paired with Pitocin to get contractions going, this will get labor headed in the right direction. I had this same thing done for Griffy’s induction (read his birth story here) so I fully expected this to go similarly and for the balloon catheter to fall out quickly as it had done with him. Boy was I wrong.
Contractions began within a couple hours and slowly got stronger, happening every 2-3 minutes. Nana arrived when they started. My mom, alongside Tim, have been a part of each birth and they are my dream team! I’m so thankful for each of them. As the contractions continued, I stood at the bedside breathing through them for about 3.5 hours before deciding I was ready for an epidural. The balloon was still in place which was a bit deflating (no pun intended) because it meant my cervix wasn’t dilating like we expected. The epidural went super smooth and was in by 2:15pm. From there life got a bit more comfortable.

After another hour I was still feeling a bit frustrated that things didn’t seem to be moving along as quick as I hoped. As I talked it out with Tim and my mom, I also spent some time praying and just giving the whole day to God and His timing knowing that whenever Lucy made her arrival would be just as He planned for her! My mom turned on some worship music and I called the nurse in to ask if she had any suggestions such as positional changes that may help things along. Our nurses were amazing and were totally on board with this. For the next 1.5 hours they moved me into different positions to try to help with dilation and progress.
Around 5pm the balloon was still in so my nurse decided to tug on it to see if it would come out with a little help. Within seconds she pulled it out and said “Oh it’s out and I think it has actually just been sitting in there but ready to come out. Let’s check you and see how dilated you are.” We all started taking guesses that were pretty conservative, so it shocked us all when she said “Well, you are definitely dilated to a 6, actually more like 7cm.”. What? Hallelujah!! I almost wanted to cry because finally we had some progress. Or maybe progress had been happening for awhile and we just didn’t realize it while doing the positional changes.
1 minute later my doctor happened to walk in and suggested he could break my bag of waters since I was so well dilated. I agreed and so he checked me one more time to make sure. Just 3 minutes after the nurse had checked he said “Well, you are actually now dilated to a 9!”. Now things were really moving. He broke my bag of waters and we decided to have me sit up and let gravity help her come down a bit before we started pushing. I started to get a bit shaky which for me usually signals my body is in transition and ready to have the baby soon.
By 6:20pm my doctor checked again and said we would wait a bit longer before starting to push. Within 10 minutes I was ready to start pushing.
10 sets of several pushes accomplished. My doctor said we were getting close but that she was doing a lot of rotating and it seemed she was OP, or in basic terms- sunnyside (face) up. She was head down but just not facing the correct way. This can also be a common cause for stalled labor or prolonged labor. Which started to make sense why everything was taking a bit longer than we anticipated.
1 more set of pushes and then on the 12 th set (my mom counted), with the most encouraging people around me, our Lucy girl was born. I had asked my doctor that when she came out to please say “it is a girl” just to confirm it to me when they placed her on my chest. But the silver lining was that since she came out face up, I was actually the first one to see her and right away could tell. I think I managed to squeak out an “It is” along with a flood of tears that our daughter was now here, safe on my chest. Tim glanced at the clock and said “7pm on the dot”.

As she came out, began to cry, and they placed her on my chest, so many emotions flooded me (and Tim and my mom as well). I was just so thankful we made it. All those months, all the aches, all the tears, all the joy, all the prayers, all the anticipation and all the unknown culminated to this moment. Our daughter was here. Peace and joy and tears filled the room for us all. It is truly a moment I will never forget. The next hours were filled with lots of snuggles and lots of pictures and videos to remember every little moment. Our little Lucy was here and everyone commented how petite and little she seemed. Something that is a bit foreign to me since most all my boys were in the 8lb range with larger heads.
As much as I’d love to say it was a perfect birth, I did still experience a 2nd degree tear during the delivery. Thankfully, my epidural kept me nice and comfortable while my doctor stitched everything up. After that, I also was losing a bit more blood than they would’ve liked which was a bit concerning. This continued for another hour and even as I tried to sit up, I got very dizzy and light-headed. So, they gave me some medicine to help slow the bleeding and we just rested a lot before doing anything else.

While they helped me stabilize, they also weighed Lucy. We had all placed our guesses and I had guessed 7’8oz. She was just under at 7’7oz. Suddenly someone in the room said “and it’s your 7th baby”. We all kind of looked at each other and then pieced it all together. Our 7th child, born at 7pm weighing 7’7oz. If that wasn’t a sweet little God wink I don’t know what is. It felt like the cherry on top of the whole experience.
Within another hour or so things were looking better and we were settled into our postpartum room. I was able to get up for the first time and walk to the bathroom with help. From there, we just continued to be in awe of our sweet girl and soaked in all the newness.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the miracle of new life is unmatched. God’s design for life is incredible and beautiful in every way. I’m so thankful that I have been able to experience this gift 7x over. Each birth unique and beautiful in its own way and nothing we will ever forget.

Throughout each pregnancy I love to read and pray Psalm 139 over my children and myself- specifically verses 13-18:
“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb, Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!”
What a beautiful promise and also picture of how amazing our God works. What a gift to be a part of God’s good plan for life!
We are so in love with our little Lucy Wren and thrilled to watch her life unfold and the plans God has for her! Thank you for encouraging us along the way. I love getting to share these birth stories with you. The best is yet to come!
Oh my goodness! God is working through your family!😇🙏 Lucy is soon sweet!😍 God bless you guys!🤗
Carol Brandt
MearaI love reading Lucy Wren’s Birth Story. My eyes shed tears and my heart swells with love. You, Tim, the boys, Nana, Papa and your whole family are blessed. Psalm 139 is one of my favorites, as well. As a retired L & D RN I had the privilege to witness thousands of miracles. I am so grateful that you have shared yours with us. Sending all of you love, Carol
Such a beautiful baby girl congratulations to you,Tim and the boys and love the name Lucy wren,wren is not a name i hear alot only know one person with the name wren who is my mom and my own daughter who has wren as a middle nam, also curious what are your other boys middle names if they have one.
Congratulations! I am so happy for you and your family! I think you are an awesome Mother and a wonderful role model. Lucy is so beautiful and so is her Mama. God bless you and your family. Thanks for sharing your story and a glimpse into your world. You are such a blessing!
Tenzing Solden Bhutia
MaryJoGod bless your family 💖
Dee Ann
What a beautiful story. I am so happy that you now have a beautiful baby girl. God is so good. Wishing you and your beautiful family the very best. Sending you hugs from Pennsylvania. ❤️
Love reading birth stories and what a wonderful one you had with Lucy!!!
Joanne O'Rourke
Congratulations on baby Lucy! Such a beautiful gift from God! There is nothing like the birth of a new baby. I am anxious to watch Kucy grow and develop her personality. I found you when Beck was born and it is hard to believe how fast the time went. God Bless your beautiful fanily always
What a beautiful birth story! I had my baby girl a few days before you had Lucy. How unique and special is the process of bringing life into the world?!
Love reading birth stories! Thank you for sharing ❤️
Elise Dorsey
Congrats mama!! Lucy is so so so precious!!
Polly S
What a beautiful read! Congratulations once again and what a pleasure to see her and you doing so well 😊
Congrats! She is beautiful 😍 love following along with your lil family.
She is absolutely precious and the perfect fit for your family!! Love watching your family grow and see all the love there is to give. 💕💙
Sheri Ford
A beautiful birth sorry with a beautiful ending. My last one was also “sunny side up”. I had my other children with no epidural and was going to try for this one. But it was so so painful I begged for the anesthesiologist! Afterwards my Dr told me that that posterior position is a much more painful delivery 😬. So glad little Wren is here and so perfect! Love and congrats 😘
Donna Garneau
What a beautiful baby girl and family you have. Enjoy every moment. Love to you all
Shavona Templeton
Wow, what a beautiful birth story. Praying for you as you continue to recover 🙏🏼 Lucy is absolutely precious and I look forward to seeing you all on story’s each and everyday! Thanks for bringing us along 💗 you have a very beautiful family! God is so good!
What kinda comment is this?!? God doesn’t make mistakes! He was born as a boy!
Teri-Lynn Osborne
What???? You are part of what’s wrong in this world. Men can have a sweet nature, love God and be soft spoken. Why ask this question?
Whitney C
She is beautiful!
Miriam reyes
Beautiful story , I had tears while reading this , Lucy is beautiful and her name too , congratulations
Cheryl COADY
Congratulations!! What a beautiful birth story! She’s perfect and With all those 7’s she destine to be very special. Can you tell us and maybe I missed it. How did you pick the name Lucy? It suits her so beautifully!
Love Love Love Love Love Love Love! Thank you for sharing.
Traci Young
Congratulations Sarah, Tim and wonderful BIG brothers. Lucy is BEAUTIFUL. It is so fun to see how much the boys love on their sister…even little Griffy with his sweet gentle hugs he gives Lucy! Thank you for allowing us to see a sneak peak into your daily lives. May the Lord richly bless you all!
Kelsie Kowallis
Loved reading this! Congratulations again! She’s perfect
So beautiful and so woven with such love. Thank you for sharing your family with us! Congratulations on sweet Lucy!
Amazing story and amazing 7th everything. So blessed and Lucy is so lucky to have such amazing family looking out for her. I love watching your family and how you go about motherhood, such an inspiration in the good and bad times
Ashley Schranz
Lucy Wren, what a gift you are! It will be so fun to watch you grow. You’ll learn the ropes of swivel bikes, rock climbing, morning hot tubs, whip cream squirts, mommy’s pancake flips, daddy’s popcorn, reciting poems, vitamin S, shaved ice, and the most involved and loving family around. You’ve got a troop of brothers that I’m sure will be your heroes and closest friends. Oh what wonderful things God has in store for your, sweet girl!
Oooh, my balloon got stuck too! I was so discouraged after laboring overnight that I wasn’t at a 3 yet because the darn balloon hadn’t fallen out, that they gave me a medicine called Stadol to help with the pain seeing as I wasn’t ready for the epidural yet. I had some kind of reaction to it and it made me loopy. I was completely out of it. My husband begggggged them to take the balloon out because it was my third birth and when he had seen me at this level of pain, it was time to push with my other children. The midwife finally agreed and SURPRISE I was a 10, almost had the baby in the elevator headed to L&D, never got an epidural, but can’t remember any of this or any of the birth because of that Stadol. 🙁 It’s interesting how different every birth is!!
I’m glad the rest of your labor went well and she came out beautifully! Congratulations!
Such a beautiful story . And congratulations she is beautiful. It’s truly is incredible what our bodies can do.
Thank you for sharing. Love Lucy’s birth story. New life is such a blessing from God!! She’s precious! You and Tim have a wonderful family! 💕 Love that your mom has been part of all your births, that is so special!
Precious girl 💕 and family ♥️
What a beautiful story to look back on. Congratulations on your little blessing!
Minna Rellahan
Congratulations! Beautiful story although little tricky bits, all worth it and beautiful Lucy Wren is here💕Thank you for sharing this beautiful story, all the way from the start, with us💕You are such a beautiful mom in every way💕
Kaleigh Macha
So happy for you guys! Love this story and it’s so incredible you now have the gift of a baby girl too! What a blessing 💗 congratulations to you, Tim, and six big brothers!!
Marilyn Cook
Beautiful birth story a pleasure to have read it
Much love and joy to you all , Lucy will be a spoilt little girl xxxx
Olga Demchuk
Such a sweet birth story. And such a blessing. So happy Lucy is finally here! God bless you Sarah and sweet Lucy and all the boys. So happy for your family snd so excited to meet her soon.
Sarah and Tim will love him forever with their whole hearts so what are you asking?
Veronica Melendez
The sincere way you share such intimate and meaningful moments with us is a true gift to your social media family. As someone on the other side of the country who from the outside looking in may not seem like you’re “typical” follower, I can honestly say that one thing that will wove all women together is sisterhood & motherhood. I’m happy to share this space with a mother like you. Congratulations & welcome to the world LUCY WREN! 💕
Becky Bibee
I love this so much! What a precious gift from God. Thank you for sharing your sweet stories with us!
Dawn Ferguson
I’m in tears🥺 Thank you for sharing this beautiful birth story with us. I’m looking forward to watching her grow and be spoiled by her big brothers💙💙💙💙💙💙💖
Kolina Swidnicki
Yikes – who says that?? About a kid?? That’s pretty disgusting. You should be more concerned about your need to guess sexual preferences of children…. On a birth story blog of another child nonetheless. I’m completely shocked. As a side note – maybe in future you could show a little tact and ask it as a general question (not about a specific child- how rude and uncalled for) on an appropriate private message or question box.
Shanna Griffo
Such a beautiful birth story! And what a precious little GIRL! Lucky Number 7!
Iffat Maimunah
Thank you for sharing this beautiful birth story.. What a precious little girl.. Love..♥️🤍
I just have one kid, my beautiful 21 year old daughter. She was born at home (in the Netherlands) after 22 hours of contractions and one hour of pushes. Also sunny side up 🙂
She was so awake after birth and did not sleep much. She still is like that, highly sensitive, noticing everything around her. So blessed to have her 😍❤️
Love your stories!
Congratulations! What a little blessing she is. X
Noémie Lavallée
Beautiful!! 💖
Marietta Galicia
What an awesome journey you had. And a very close knit family. God continually bless you and the whole family.
Your fan from zamboanga city.
M. Erin Nougaret
So excited for all of you …..number 7…. Perfection, completion…. What a beautiful end to your childbirth story…. God is so good and your family is blessed🙌🫶
Little Lucy Wren another one of God’s miracles, such a sweet blessing. Congratulations to you all, enjoy every moment!💕
Such a beautiful story and a sweet little one! Congrats to you and Tim! 💖
Crystal Bradshaw
Princess Lucy is sooo adorable and beautiful, congratulations to you and your husband, you guys finally have y’all real life princess 😊, you and your family are truly blessed 🙏🏾💜💙
Natalie Whittington
What a beautiful birth story. 7 is a perfect number in the Bible. God bless you all!!
Love and prayers
Congratulations to you all. Welcome to the world Lucy girl. You have a wonderful family who will support and guide you on your journey 🥰 Xx
Rose Fetner
Beautiful birth story ❤️. Lucy is so beautiful and I hope you’re recovering well. I had one of my 3 come sunny side up, it wasn’t pleasant.
Kerri Arnold
Lucky number 7!! She’s a perfect gift from Good. Everyone needs a girl💜
Kerri Arnold
Lucky number 7!! She’s a perfect gift from God. Everyone needs a girl💜
Congratulations! What a birth story and certainly a Godwink!
Jamie Graham
Congrats! What a beautifully written birth story. Did the nurses mention every during your pregnancies that redheads have a tendency to bleed more? I never heard of such a thing but with my first I had Tribble stopping bleeding and needed a shot to help stop it. The weak but being able to get up feeling hit as well. But like you said God sees us through! Congrats a million times over.
Kerry Taylor
So happy to hear your story. She is truly a blessing. I also delivered my first with an OP presentation and it was rough pushing. I think if he had been turned face down it would have been much quicker. I ended up with many stitches and recovery was rough too. Although I did go on to delivery two more beautiful children (one via c-section and the last a VBAC (vaginal delivery after CS). So happy that al is well and she is beautiful! congratulations again to you and your wonderful family! God Bless
What a powerful way God showed you He was right there and in control! Such a beautiful birth story! It’s also incredible that you were able to see Lucy was for sure a girl due to how she came into this world! She is beautiful and perfect! Congratulations!
Janice Penn
Beautiful daughter and mother. So very thrilled for you and Tim & older brothers! I was born on March the 8th too (65 years ago😂), with all brothers ( one being my twin), and I was born breach! May the Lord continue to richly bless you ALL!💗
Becky C
I got off of social media for lent and kept wondering if you had your little girl yet, what her name was, etc! I found a work around and came to your blog! Hah so grateful she’s here! Congrats!
Cynthia Kullman
I know what sunny side up feels like. Our second was that way and the doctor sat beside me for 1.5 and turned her with every contraction. All 9# 1 oz of her was born face down. However. My body has never been quite the same!!! Congratulations to the ! On your family.
Marilyn Anthony
By far…..you are the most sincere and grateful mother. You just beam!!!
Congratulations to all. So happy for you. 💕
Marilyn Churchman
May God’s blessings multiply as you and Lucy, the boys, Tim and your sisters continue to spend your lives loving Him and one another ❣️
This is so beautiful, Sarah! God bless Lucy, you, Tim and each of your boys, always! ❤️
Seriously? On a birth story? Jude seems to be a beautiful and loving oldest brother with protective and loving instincts like his father. This question does not belong on Lucy’s birth story blog. So insensitive to the parents, Lucy and Jude. I’ll pray for you.
Thank you for sharing your sacred story about this wondrous birth. The feelings that run thru a mother are pure bliss. I wish I could relive my three. They are my most cherished and precious days of my life. Lucy is beautiful much like my sweet granddaughter Lucy. I love that Psalm. Thank you. ❤ and God bless your wonderful family. I so enjoy following your journey.
Joan Trimble
Loved reading Lucy’s birth story! Thank you for sharing! All the 7’s, God’s number, in her life!How very special! Lucy was born shortly before the Bible Study that I go to, so I announced to all the ladies about this wonderful child of God and how she started her life outside of her mom with 7’s! 🥰💖💕
Anne Barbro
Joan TrimbleThat is sweet! I checked my phone again and again as I waited to hear news from across the Atlantic. Have a great day! Anne
Sarah Angles
Sarah, she is beautiful! I absolutely love her name and what an amazing birth story! So excited to watch her grow along her 6 brothers!
Julie Christensen
Oh my goodness! Lucy Wren is another precious gift from God! So happy for you and your family! Love seeing all the pictures and reading the stories. Congratulations!!
Love Julie Christensen
Christine Lane
Congratulations on beautiful baby girl Lucy!!! I love watching your family so precious!! God bless you all 🫶💚
Laura Jenner
With love, no doubt. Unlike your comment. How sad you felt the need to question that here on the birth of beautiful Lucy. Men can be loving, nurturing and have ‘feminine qualities’, your words, not mine- without having their sexuality questioned, so should this sweet boy.
Why would you comment something like this? I’m very LGBTQI+ but I dislike when people attribute certain characteristics to children. He’s a child. He has so much growing and developing to do. Sexuality is very complex and children cannot understand all that it means. Just leave sexuality out of the comments and say something about the beautiful little baby that was born.
Amy McKee
She’s gorgeous! Why did you name her Lucy Wren? In the photo she is being weighed she is raising her arms in praise to God.
Lyn Rowles
What a beautiful birth story little Lucy’s is. Thank you for sharing this & I am truly thrilled for you all. ❤️
What a beautiful story. Welcome to the world Lucy. I know love will never be lacking.
You made me cry so so happy Lycy arrived safe and sound now to continue following you guys. Again congratulations from the bottom of my heart you are the bestparents to your 7 children ❤ ♥ 💙 💖 💗 ❤ ♥ 💙
What an incredible God wink. I love it! God is so faithful. Praying over your family. I love how you always give God the glory… So encouraging! 💛 Welcome to the world Lucy!
Anne Barbro
Dear Sarah: Thank you for sharing little Lucy girls birth story. She is marvellous! Anne, Norway
Cristina S
Congratulations!!!!! Each birth story has been so sweet, but little Lucy’s is just too sweet!! So happy she’s here!!
Karen Stout
I dearly love your family. All 9 of you. My husband and I have 6 boys and our 7th and last was also a girl. Thank you for sharing your (love story) of the birth of sweet Lucy. God has truly blessed you and Tim and you bless me through your birth stories and all your post. You have a beautiful family.
Gini Muncy
Diane M
Congratulations on Lucy May God continue to bless your family.
Kathleen Stahl
U had me in tears so beautiful I have 5 children myself 3 boys n 2 girls n each birth has been a beautiful 1
Susan Pancoast
So happy for you! I have 7 girls and 1 boy although my boy was number 3. I Thank God he snuck him in there for me!
I just started to follow you and it’s amazing your family. Congrats for your new baby girl. She is so pretty and the boys also!
What is wrong with you? Not the right thing to ask at this time or anytime.
maria phillips
I love reading Lucy Wren’s Birth Story. My eyes shed tears and my heart swells with love. You, Tim, the boys, Nana, Papa and your whole family are blessed ❤️
Love this story. But what day was she born on? The 7th? That would be awesome with all the 7’s going around. Very sweet little girl. Cobgrats!
Niki Doherty
I have to say this isn’t really the forum for your commentary. These 6 boys have an absolutely fantastic role model of Masculinity from their father. And they all seem like well mannered, happy and well adjusted boys. That has a lot to do with Sarah and Tim’s commitment to each other, their children and GOD. Your comment is disturbing, considering this is a post about the birth of their beautiful daughter after having 6 gorgeous boys. There is nothing wrong with Jude being who Jude is. He is still a child for goodness sakes, let’s leave his innocence and his boyish mannerisms alone.
Angela De Groot
Love the way you described those moments after birth – the culmination of all those months leading to this moment. I wish I could relive those moments over and over! Such an absolutely precious time!
so happy for all of you. you got your little girl Lucy Wren!! 🙂
Katie W
Thanks so much for sharing your joy with us! I have been on a social media break but it’s so fun being able to keep up with your family on the blog! Congrats!!
What an incredible birth story with sweet Lucy!♡♡