You know how much we love games of all kinds in our family. I grew up playing games, and still love it to this day. Board games, card games, corn hole competitions- we love them all here! We have done some different round-ups of family games, check out our adult game list and our favorite kids games. For this one- I wanted to focus solely on card games. These are the best family card games that we are playing all the time right now.
Click on any picture to shop the card games!
1. UNO

Classic- of course. I love this one because it can be played at a very early age! Have your toddler lay all their cards out on the table, and it’s easy to help them along. And super rewarding for them too!
2. Five Crowns

This can be played with any amount of people and it’s simple and fun. Points aren’t your friend for this one, it’s kind of a blend between Rummy and Phase 10. Super fun.
3. Spot It

This is another fun one that can be played starting very young. They even have Spot it Junior which is great for toddlers. It’s a speed game so you have to get those fast fingers ready!
4. Skyjo

This is our newest fun game! It’s simple and has a bit of luck to it- we’re all loving it right now!
5. Monopoly Deal

A way shorter version of the classic Monopoly, this is a super fun card game where you play action cards to stock up on properties. First to 3 sets of the iconic properties wins the game!
6. Sleeping Queens

Simple short game where you wake up sleeping queen cards with king cards, and once you hit a certain number of points, you win! This game uses strategy, quick thinking, and a bit of luck also.
7. Dos Go!

This is a sister game to the classic UNO. You have to do some number matching and simple addition and still be the first to get rid of all your cards to win.
8. Cribbage

Most of you know about this game of course, it’s been around forever and has always been a fun one. This can be a 2-4 player game, but most often it’s just played with 2. Great game for kids 7+ in my opinion.
9. Sushi Go

In this game, everyone is trying to make the best sushi dishes to serve to everyone else. This is a fast card game, the goal is to grab the best cards as they go by. The whole game has 3 rounds, fun for lots of players!
10. Casino

This is a game I grew up playing on vacations with my grandparents, so it holds a lot of memories. It’s been fun seeing the boys playing it a lot with Papa recently. It takes a little strategy, but it’s not hard to learn, and semi easy to play.
11. Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza

This game has everyone laughing a lot- that’s what I love about it. It’s a quick paced game that lots of people can enjoy playing and having fun with together.
12. Skip Bo

Another classic. The goal is to try to get rid of your stock pile first. You play on communal stacks in the middle and it’s a relaxing game not based on speed. There is also a Skip Bo Jr. version that is really fun for younger kids.
13. Phase 10

Phase 10 takes quite some time to finish, but it’s really fun. You work through Phases and the first one to get through all of them the fastest wins. Another fun game that you can play with more people.
I hope this family card game list gives you some good ideas to add to your families selection. If you don’t have one, grab it for one of your kid’s stockings this Christmas. Games are always a great gift to give. These are the kind of gifts I like to stock up on to keep on hand for kids birthday parties also. Happy playing!
xo, Sarah
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Uno Flip
Lana Friend
All those are so fun! You guys will have to play the game “Happy Salmon”. It is such an easy and fun game that gets everyone laughing!
Marcie Hardage
There are a lot of Uno versions now. Your family would enjoy Uno Dare. Fun things to do along with the regular matching. Also Uno Wild. All cards are wild! So much fun!
Rebecca McReynolds
Thanks for sharing the games!!! We love games in our family!!! Enjoy! God bless you all! Love you!!!!!
Wannetta K
Dutch Blitz is a favourite over here 😊
Wannetta KOh my word isn’t it the best!? That is our favorite for adults too! We get pretty intense!
Good old fashioned solitaire! Our family has played with 8 people at the same time – all playing on the cards in the middle! It was so much fun, we have laughed about it many times since! We frequently play 2 to 3 at a time.
Thanks for sharing your family with us!
DonnaWhat a great idea- thank you!
My kids really love Uno Flip and Avocado Smash.
Tenzi. Fun card and dice game. For at least 7 and up You each get ten dice, pick a card and do action it says. Some have patterns to make others are rolling dice to get all same number etc. lots of fun
KathyOhhh yes we have Tenzi and it is so fun! They haven’t played it in a while, I’ll need to bring it out again!
Erin Spurlock
I recently introduced my son to blink it is so fun and great for shape color number recognition too!
GREAT suggestions here …a couple I’m going to try with my grandkids. SPLURT is fun (maybe a bit advanced for the littlest ones) My daughter has Talking Point Cards (Family). Not a game but great “around the table” conversation topics.
ERINOh yes I love those ‘Talking Points Cards’. We have those to spark conversation too- they are so great!
Jordan S
We’re big fans of Yahtzee and shut the box right now. I love board/card games and I’m glad my kids are slowly getting to the ages to play with me now
Lori Harris
Dog Man The Hot Dog Card Game. Great game for ages 5 and up and for 2-4 players.
shannon colclough
Thanks for sharing these games. I played just about every one of these with my family when on vacation.
shannon colcloughI love that so much, sounds like you have a fun family!
Karen Benzel
Thank you for the list, but Dutch Blitz is missing. At Christmas, I thought you said that the whole family loved to play that card game.
Karen BenzelYes exactly! They make expansion packs so we’ve played up to 8 players! But 4 is super fun- that’s probably my favorite!