“We weren’t expecting it”. I typed those words in my answer to the question purposefully yet subtly. Because I hoped they would encourage someone. And I know they did at least one person. Maybe no one else noticed them tucked in there. So in case you didn’t- let me explain what I’ve learned about the expectation of abundant living.
I was answering questions about our recent vacation and people were asking things like “did your kids get sick and how did you handle it if so?” Or “how did you handle kids ears hurting on the airplane? I’m worried about that”. And although totally valid questions, I realized there was a common theme in these questions and it was this: there was an expectation for these less than desirable things to happen INSTEAD OF an expectation of them not happening.
And I want to challenge that type of thinking for myself and also for you!
It’s easy to become accustomed to expecting doom. Our culture does it automatically for us with dumb sayings. For example: two bad things might happen back-to-back and someone says something like “well bad things happen in three’s so just wait”. And they do just that. They sit and wait and look for something to happen. Or another example: life is going great for someone and so they casually mention “things have been going great so I’m sure something bad is bound to happen soon.”
And I just gotta say it: this is a wrong mentality to have and does no one any good. This type of thinking is not how God intended for us to live- in expectation of doom, gloom and bad things happening. No! God intended for us to live in expectation of abundant living. Yes, abundant. We see it in John 10:10 “The thief’s purpose is steal, kill, and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life”. Some people are a bit scared of that word, as if they aren’t worthy of it. Or they think it’s only a prosperity gospel message. And it can be when you relate it to only finances. But that’s not what I’m getting at or what I’m relating it to. It can mean so much more!
I’m talking about abundance of joy in your heart. Abundance of love in your marriage. Abundance of communication with your children. Abundance of health in your family. Abundance of grace for others. Abundance of generosity in your life!
Tough things may happen, YES. But guess what? We can still expect abundance in the middle of it! You know what the enemy (the devil) hates? You. Yes you. He also hates you thriving. He hates you living abundantly. He thrives when we suffer and struggle and stumble through it. He thrives when we expect doom.
What happens when we tune our minds to heaven and expect good things from a good Father who loves us? We find even when tough times do come, we know who has already gone before us and is carrying us through. Mindset matters. Not in an ignorant way, but in a way that rejects the doom and gloom narrative of the world and brings the hopeful and expectant narrative of heaven down to earth. This world is not our ultimate end all.
So let’s live with an expectation of hope and abundance in all areas of our lives. The God of hope and all good things is just waiting to be invited in and apart of all we do! So why not start today?
Lord, thank you that because you love me and live in my heart- I can expect better things than this world has to offer. Thank you for helping me live in abundance in how I love others well and live with genuine joy! Help me each day to choose a heavenly outlook for my life and even on the hard days Lord, let me choose to look up to you instead of down. Thank you for walking with me! In Jesus name, AMEN!
I love this!!!! Mentality is everything! Thanks for sharing. ❤️❤️
Rebecca McReynolds
Thanks for the positive message really needed this today!! I hope you & your beautiful family have a wonderful weekend!! 🙏🏻😊🥰☀️
Rebecca McReynoldsThanks so much Rebecca! Glad you took the time to read it!
Joanne O'Rourke
Love this message! I needed this today! Thank you Sarah! I’m sure many others needed to hear this also!
Joanne O’RourkeThank you for saying that Joanne!
Beautifully said Sarah! Thank you for sharing your gift of encouragement with us.
Be blessed,
LarrisaThank you Larrisa!
Susan Edwards
Thank you for sharing and reminding us what Jesus wants for us… ❤️
Susan EdwardsAbsolutely! Thanks for taking the time to read!
Right on time for me! A positive mindset changes everything. Thank you for always being so encouraging.
GeorgianaI’m so glad Georgiana! Thanks for saying that!
Cheri Ando
Literally just got off the phone with a life coach and this was exactly what he was saying to me! It’s a mindset and it’s time For me to change mine! Thank you Sarah!
Cheri AndoOh my goodness that’s amazing! Perfect timing!
Jill Laughlin
Wow! Thank you so much!! I needed this reminder! This is so true, Expect Abundance! 💗 You have such a Beautiful Soul! I’m so glad I found my way to you and what you share. It’s real and it’s beautiful!
Jill LaughlinThank you Jill! I’m so glad it was a good reminder!
What a perfect message to share as we enter into Holy Week. Thank you sharing Sarah. Have a wonderful weekend.
ReginaI’m so glad it was encouraging for you Regina!
Thank you for this!! Definitely a message worthy of reading/hearing more than once.
Vicki Fields
Yes Yss Yes thank you Sarah positive thoughts make life so much easier. Thank you for sharing your family and your Positivity. God Bless you
Vicki FieldsThank you Vicki!
Sarah, you have an undeniable gift and we are all so blessed that you take the time and are called to share your gift with us!! Thank you for sharing this encouragement with us, I think you’ve touch quite a few people with this one….aka ALL OF US 😉
RebeccaThanks Rebecca! That means a lot to me!
Super message! Thank you, Sarah!
Victoria Riepma
Thankyou for sharing words of Truth.💛🙌🏻
Victoria RiepmaOf course! I appreciate you saying that!
Cindy Green
Wonderful words of guidance and encouragement! So often we are waiting for the “other shoe to drop” that we miss so much joy and as you say, abundance in our daily lives. I have just retired from a 42 year career in Nursing and have been allowing myself to think, “It’s too good to be true and that I am not worthy of this wonderful time in my life.
Thank you for helping me to be mindful and intentional about allowing the feeling of God’s gifts and abundance to be at the forefront of my daily thinking. Practicing gratitude everyday also helps.
Thank you, dear Sarah, for sharing your gifts and abundantly beautiful life! God Bless You and your beautiful family!!
Cindy GreenBless you too Cindy! That was so wonderful to read- and congratulations on retirement!
Cindy GreenBeautifully said Sarah! So needed to hear this message today! Thank you for sharing and encouraging us, moms!
Amen to this. This was a wonderful and encouraging read 💛
Gabrielle Cottle
This so encouraged me today! Sharing this post with some family because it is such good truth!! Thank you Sarah 🥰
Janet Scott
Love this message. 🙌 Very encouraging.
Thanks for sharing . I love following you as you are such an encouragement .❤️
You always contribute a fresh, encouraging perspective, Sarah! Thank you! Amen <3
Cassondra anderson
Absolutely love this!! Thank you for revolutionizing this thought process! ❤️🙏🏼🙌🏻
Maria Gomes
Thank you so much for your positive uplifting thoughts put into words ♥️ – definitely switched my mindset. Absolutely love following you – God bless 😊
Danielle Hardy
I’m guilty of the ‘what if’ scenario. It’s controlled a lot of my life. I so much appreciate your words and your encouragement. Thank you for sharing and being an inspiration!
Danielle HardyThanks for being so honest Danielle! I’m glad this was encouraging to you!
Just absolutely beautiful. I love following you here and on Instagram. Your a joy and an inspiration. Thank you xxx
ElizaLove having you here too Eliza!
Heide V
This was exactly what I needed to hear, am learning to deep down let go of anxiety & worry and EXPECT abundance, enthusiasm & GOODNESS from God….thanks a bunch for writing this!!
Heide VI love that reminder!
Thank you so much Sarah, this has really helped me today. I have felt myself spiralling into anxiety again and this really helped me challenge those negative thoughts. 🙏thank you 💞
CharlottePerfect timing Charlotte! Thanks for sharing that, I’m glad it was encouraging!
Becky Bibee
I loved this so much! Thank you for sharing. I’ve taken a break from social media and you’ve been one of the people I’ve missed the most so I was so happy to see this! Have a wonderful Easter with your family 🙂
Becky BibeeHi Becky! I’m so glad that you can still find me here. Hope your social media break is life-giving!
Freida Miller
Thanks Sarah just what I needed today… you have been so much encouraging to me May God bless your family 🙏❤️
Freida MillerThank you so much Freida!
Boy Sarah, you really speak to me.
This was beautiful just like the Sunday night
prayer that I look forward too.
LizThank you Liz! Glad you are here!
Denise Kruschke
Thank you so much for this. It is exactly what I needed to read and be reminded of.
Denise KruschkeI’m so glad to hear that Denise! I appreciate you taking the time to read it!
Sheri Hafen
Thank You❣️ Very Helpful Wise Words!!!
Yes!! Thank you for the reminder! Definitely going to share this around the dinner tonight with my husband and teens. ❤️
ChristyThat’s so great to hear Christy! Thank you!
Lori Preleski
Thanks for sharing, it’s true when they say the mind is a powerful thing!
Kendall Umholtz
Wow, thank you for this! I live doom and gloom more than I would like to admit.
Amen, thank you Lord!!!
Love this perspective of a godly life. What a testimony to those around us!
The lord has put this on my heart a lot recently. As I can learn to be grateful for what’s around me.
We gravitate to what we focus on as well. If I focus on all the Lord has down, I can be more aware of His blessings, and I believe He has called us to abundant living.
I have never made bread before, but am excited to try and see how this goes. You make things look so fun. We also share the BEST name ever.
What a great article, Sarah! Thanks for sharing this perspective. It’s going to be a game changer!
jennifer l modica
Hi Sarah, Just got on your email list and I love the inspiration and just encouragement that you share with all of us. I have very few moments to sit and read but I’m going to keep coming back everyday to get some more encouragement and positivity and prayer in my life. thank you for sharing it’s truly needed. XO Jen
jennifer l modicaWow thank you Jennifer, that is so kind and I’m just so thankful it was encouraging to you!
Wanda Dews
Well now, I am a bit late in catching this but it came at the perfect time. Isn’t it interesting just how important timing is? We trust in God’s timing but often I, for one, forget the truth in those words.
Thank you for such a positive post. It was much needed over here in Texas as I am working on myself with this exact thing.
So Onward I go with some new encouragement.
Wanda DewsThank you for taking the time to read and comment on this Wanda, I’m glad it blessed you!