Imagine this: You wake up in the morning with a big stretch, big yawn, and squinty eyes. You look out the window to see what the weather is today. And what do you know? It’s a stunning day. The sun is shining brightly and you feel its warmth through the window. That’s it- a beautiful day is ahead. You continue getting ready, start heading downstairs and you catch a glimpse out your front window. You double take and look out longer only to realize it is now grey and gloomy. Rain is pressing in, nothing like you saw out the other side of the house. And all of the sudden your entire outlook changes. You thought this day was going to be bright and sunny but now you’ve completely forgotten about that. All you can think of is grey and gloomy.
How did that happen so quickly? One minute your perspective is all full of hope and light. And the next moment your perspective is clouded and fogged in. And somehow the cloudiness outweighs the light and makes you almost forget you ever saw it. But the thing is it’s still there. It never went anywhere. So maybe you just need reminded of that. And I suppose that’s why I’m writing this. To remind you.
I’ve found in my own life that when situations seem clouded and I’m having a hard time seeing my way through something difficult, that the best thing I can do is take a step back. It’s so easy to think that our problems are tall impassible mountains when instead they are just molehills casting a shadow. Yet we let that shadow dictate our every mood, our every day and our every decision. Simply because we can’t remember what it was like out from under the dark.
So although you may not be feeling encouraged QUITE yet, keep reading. Because I believe there are a few important encouragements here that will speak to you.
1) In our lives, it matters what window we are looking out of. When in a hard time, it’s easy to get tunnel vision. And if something is going on and you are having a hard time getting out of the tunnel vision and all you can focus on is the issue/situation/problem/stress or anxiety happening- maybe you need to remind yourself (or be reminded) that there IS another perspective. There always is. And that’s not meant to sound harsh. This doesn’t negate what is going on in your life. But it does breathe fresh air on the situation. Think back for a minute to other points in your life when a situation ended up being fine. Think back to times when a miracle happened out of nowhere for you. Think back to the times when God pulled through even when you were struggling to believe He could or would. And then REMEMBER. It’s often in the remembering that we remind ourselves of what we have walked through which allows us to know what we can walk through and that we will in fact make it to the other side.
2) Take practical steps to get out of your “I’m stuck” season. Now this may look a little different for everyone. For example: some people like to exercise or go for a run when they are frustrated or feeling stuck. For myself I can tell you what helps me. The first thing that helps me is to PRAY. I ask the Lord to open my eyes to other perspectives or things I’m not seeing and to give me wisdom. The Bible says in Proverbs 3:5-6 to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do and he will show you which path to take.” And honestly, the things I try to do in my own strength aren’t sustainable. But God’s way always is everlasting. So pray and lean into Him. He can handle it. Yes ALL of it. And He wants to come alongside you.
3) The third thing that helps me is to create a new atmosphere in my home and heart. This might be as simple as turning on worship or other beautiful music and filling your home with it. It just sets a different tone in our home and our hearts when we do this. It takes the focus off ourselves and turns my heart and mind to The Lord. This also helps me clear my head and see things I maybe hadn’t seen before.
And lastly… 4) When I need fresh perspective, I go to someone I trust to give me good counsel and advice. Someone who loves me and knows me and wants the best for me. Often times they will bring up thoughts I hadn’t even considered and help allow me to see my situation from another perspective. Good, sound, wise counsel is understated these days. But it shouldn’t be. Having community and people you trust is like gold bars hidden around your home that you can just grab anytime and use. There is so much value in wise counsel and a wise friend.
And now I’m wrapping this up or winding it down, whatever way you want to look at it. (See what I did there? ha) Those are just a few practical tips to help get you started but I believe even out of those 4, one is surely to help! We don’t need a lot of tricks up our sleeve for navigating life, you just need to rely on the solid ones that have a good foundation and are consistent. Like prayer, worship and wise counsel!
Can I share one more verse with you before you go? Ok hang with me. Tucked away in the book of Isaiah in the Bible is an encouraging verse for those of you feeling STUCK! Here it is in Isaiah 43:17: “Behold, I will do something new. Now it will spring forth. Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert”
What this verse encouraged me in is that even in the times I’m stuck in a situation (i.e. a desert or wilderness type time where I’ve lost hope or lost vision and am wandering), I remember that God can make a roadway for me in the wilderness. He can even create rivers in the dessert. Because He’s GOD. Because He LOVES YOU. And because He is able to do new things in your life despite how you feel. He specializes in the stuck seasons. What an incredible promise we have for not staying stuck. And you can still grab ahold of this promise. You may not see the light coming, but God’s promise in this verse is that it will be “like” a roadway in the wilderness or river in the desert. That’s how impactful God’s promises are for us.
So don’t lose hope friend. Don’t get stuck staring out the same window. Remember that there is another side of your house that is shining light in. It never stopped despite what you are seeing. Keep moving towards that. Because although cliché, forward progress is progress. And don’t you forget it!
Jennifer Munson
WOW.. all I can say is wow! Everything you wrote is exactly where I am today. A season of feeling stuck. Thank you for your words of encouragement. I always look forward to reading your posts, watching your videos and now your web site. Your a beautiful family!
Jennifer MunsonI really appreciate you saying that, thank you Jennifer!
Stacey Miller
Salads, dressing? Any favorites or ides? Or any vegetable side ideas?
Thank u dear,Im also in a stuck season and I pray that God see me out on this one because wow it doesn’t look like I’m getting any solution to this but yes I do believe in him and that all will be okay. God’s timing.
VeronicaKeep hanging on to what you believe is true, I believe it with you! I’m sorry you are in a stuck season, praying for you right now!
Becky Bibee
Love this so much! I was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 35 while 35 weeks pregnant with our little girl. I was induced early and had a bilateral mastectomy two weeks after having her. The cancer was not in my lymph nodes! Praise Jesus for that! Your account has been such a blessing to me! It always makes me smile and has helped me move forward with life 🙂
Becky BibeeWow Becky! You went through a lot for sure! That’s amazing that it didn’t spread, praise the Lord! What a blessing for sure! I’m so thankful that this can be such a blessing for you, you all are to me too! Thanks for being here!