I will never say I know it all, but I will say that I’ve learned a lot after having 6 (almost 7) babies. One of the things I’ve learned is baby products. I want to share my top baby product picks that have become tried and true over the years. These are the ones I will not go without. They have either lasted through all my kids or are worth getting over and over again because I use them so much. I also have a blog post where I show What I Pack in my Hospital Bag that you may want to check out too.
If you’ve had even 1 baby, you know there are those things you think “how could anyone NOT use this”. We all have them. There is a lot of baby products out there, but there’s good reason for that. Having the right bathtub makes all the difference when bathing a baby. Having the right swaddle makes all the difference to get a good comfy wrap. Having the right baby carrier makes all the difference in not throwing out your back every time you carry your baby for hours on end. You get the point.
I love Ryan and Rose Pacifiers. If you’ve never shopped with Ryan and Rose, click this link to get $5 off your first purchase of $12 or more. If you have purchased before, click here to shop on Amazon.
Sleep Sacks
Kyte Baby is my go-to for Sleep Sacks. They have varying thicknesses for warmth and come in the best variety of colors/patterns. Click here for $10 off your first order of $50 or more.
H&M side snap onesies have always and forever been my favorite. I think I got my first pack of them with Jude and I get a fresh new pack with every single baby. They are thick and good quality, they come in great solid colors, and the side snap is a look I have always loved. Plus, it’s so much easier and gentler to not have to put over baby’s head every time. This is the new set (click here) I just bought for baby girl this last weekend.
Burp Cloths
I don’t think any mom would argue that this is a must have. And a must have that you need about 10 of, but luckily they always sell them in packs of about 10. After lots of babies, these are my newest favorites. The key to a burp cloth is absorption. And these do the job. They come in a 10-pack here.
Bath Tub
I have had the same baby bathtub for all 7 kids, so that’s a win. The First Years Bathtub in the best in my opinion. Sure, there are cuter ones out there now. But this one takes the cake. It has a sling to start your brand new baby in. Then it transitions to a reclined position on one side, and finally a more upright position as your baby starts sitting up more. It works all the way from newborn until your baby is ready for an actual bathtub. And the price point is great (especially if you divide that by 7 kids).
While we are talking about bathing, you need a simple washcloth. I like these ones because they are thin enough to get in all the nooks and crannies. You don’t want a super plush washcloth for a baby. You want something gentle and thin.
Sound Machine
Does everyone use a sound machine for their babies? I think the percentage would be super high. It’s so nice to have that gentle background noise, it’s soothing and consistent. This is something I’ve changed over time, but right now I’m using the Hatch Sound machine. I like that you can control it from your phone if needed also.
Baby Lullabies
While we are talking sleep, this is something I have always done and it’s just really sweet to me. I’ve always had a soft and sweet lullaby playing in my babies rooms during nap and night. Who knows if it helps, but if it’s just for me as I nurse and lay them down, I love it. Click here for one cd I have, and click here for another.
Another product I have switched over time is my swaddles. I am 100% sold on a stretch swaddle now. They have stretch and I can do the best baby burrito that completely stays in place with these. There is nothing cuter than a swaddled baby, am I right? There are lots of companies that make great stretch swaddles, but my go-to’s are Kyte Baby and LouLouandCompany.
Nursing Pillow
My tried and true nursing pillow is the Luna Lullaby. I take it everywhere with me, it’s soft enough to sleep with, and has lasted me through all my babies. It’s a totally different shape than traditional ones and way more useful in my opinion. It even doubles as a great pillow for tummy time and when baby is learning to sit up. That’s a good investment right there.
Snuggleme Lounger
I haven’t had a Snuggleme Lounger for all my babies. Maybe I got my first one with Beck? Either way, I love it. I surprisingly would bring it everywhere with me when we traveled. It’s wonderful to have a safe place for baby to play no matter where you are. I love this around the house because it’s a bit of protection for the baby while they lay and play.
A bouncer is a simple and safe seat you can carry all around your home. I take it with me when I shower so baby can be right there, you can bring it in the kitchen while you cook, or it’s a great place to play during the day. I will not say this one is the cutest one around, but it is functional. Some of them don’t come with a toy bar, and although it may look more sleek without, they are wonderful for when your baby gets a few months old and is reaching their hands out to toys.
Play Mat
Whatever you call them, play mat or play gym, they are wonderful. I love this one from Skip Hop because it’s easy to set up, lightweight, and has great little hanging toys at the perfect height for little babies. This is the perfect mat to lay your baby under and enjoy playtime with their siblings too. They are safe and it’s a fun activity for the whole family.
Baby Toys
You need a few baby toys, even right from the start. Well, maybe not day 1, but a month in it’s fun to start introducing. And if you have older kids, this is a great way to involve them in playing with your new baby. There are a million toys out there, so many are fun and cute, but for the purpose of showing you one of my favorites, it’s this one. Pull-down toys are so cute. Hook it to your carseat, play. mat, or just hold and play.
I’m sure I could keep going on this subject, but there needs to be a stopping point. There are so many top baby products, but who knows, maybe I’ll do round 2 here for when baby gets a little bit older. Either way, these are essentials and every new mom should have them in my opinion. I would love to hear your ONE go-to baby item that you can’t live without. Leave it in the comments, maybe we’ll all learn something new!
xo, Sarah
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Dominique Thatcher
100000% a sound machine ! Absolute life saver
Judy Kircher
Dominique ThatcherSleep sacks are awesome! New Nana here and loving watching my daughter with her wee daughter!🌸
Lexi B
Judy KircherI still need to try a Kyte sleep sack!
Katie B.
Judy KircherSwaddles and ergo carrier are my favorite baby items!
Katie B.The sound machine is my number 1!! I used one with both of my children. Now that my oldest is having her first child, I can’t wait to purchase one for my new grand baby.❤️
JamieMy carrier with the infant insert! I know they can be pricey but it was a lifesaver for me!
Jessica Farmer
Judy KircherThe sound machine for sure is a game changer, as well as the cozy sleep sacks! So many good favorites here! (Also, I’m 3 weeks behind you, also expecting a baby girl!) 💗
Cristina Day
Judy KircherA good sound machine is a must have its the only thing that has helped my kids sleep.
Jenny Van Meter
Judy KircherHoping to score some awesome swaddles this time around so my baby SLEEPS!
Nylene Coponen
Judy KircherI am a grandma now but I would say sleep sacks. My grandbabies use them and I wish we had them when I had babies!
Judy KircherDefinitely the sound machine!!
MeaganA comfortable glider! I also love a baby wrap carrier.
Esther Martin
Judy KircherMy Silly baby wrap is a must have! My first 2 babies it wasn’t that necessary but after #3 I started searching for a good one, but didn’t find one I really liked till #4, Sally baby came to re rescue my full hands!
Natalie Graveline
Dominique ThatcherOh goodness I nerd right out about this stuff. Nothing i love more than talking about baby items with fellow moms! I think if I had to pick one it would be my ergo baby carrier or the Frida mom 2 in 1 thermometer!
Natalie GravelineThe Hatch is for sure my most used and loved baby item! My little one is 8 months old and we have used it every single day of her life!
A portable sound machine for the carseat is also a game changer for when they’re first born!
Taylor Mohr
Dominique ThatcherSound machines are definitely number one for me!!
Stephanie Harris
Dominique ThatcherMy favorite is the Kyte baby sleep sack for sure!!
Stephanie Harris
Dominique ThatcherMy favorite is the Kyte baby sleep sack for sure!! Both my babies have loved them
Dominique ThatcherAbsolutely the sound machine and the sleep
Sack! We used our for our second child and third now.
Dominique ThatcherI just gifted the Snuggleme and they were thrilled 👍
Kathryn Burmester
Definitely love the Kyte sleep sack
Love love love sound machines. Sadly ours broke and we are normally stuck using our phone for one! But it all works out with our almost 5 kiddos! Love all of your essentials and will definitely be looking at them when it’s closer to delivery (June)
Sleep sacks are my favorite! Makes them co.fy and cozy and feel safe.
SarahThe baby bjorn bouncer has been amazing! For a sleep sack I love the woolino. We don’t use many baby products but my midwife gave us a baby tip that saves us the first few day. She gave us a peri bottle full of olive oil to put on baby’s bottom so the meconium doesn’t stick to the skin. 🙌🏼
Amy Turley
RebekahLillebaby baby carrier… Couldn’t live without it!
Rebecca Mendonça
RebekahCan you believe we only used our tub three times? We’ve been showering with our baby and she loves it! It’s the last thing we do before I nurse her to sleep.
Now, my favorite baby item is definitely the sling carrier! It’s so practical for those first months when baby wants to snuggle all the time and we need to do chores around the house!
Rebecca MendonçaSound machine is a must. Love our Ryan and rose paci’s
Mikala D
Rebecca MendonçaAs a soon to be first time mom to be with a due date for our baby girl around the same time as you, thank you for sharing your favorites! Ordering some last minute items now 🤣
SarahSwaddles have definitely became my new favorite item!
I love baby onesies! I feel like I won’t have enough. I’m getting induced on Monday! Super excited!
So helpful! I have my second on the way and have seen a lot of posts about Kyte baby sleep sacks! I didn’t try them with my first, but might have to for this baby!
GraceJust had baby #2 and I loveeee the snuggle me lounger and the Kyte baby sleep sack!
The snuggle me lounger is definitely a must have!
Baby carrier’s are one of my necessities!
SadiePlaymat so fun to watch them start exploring and play at such a young age and something they can use for awhile
Kellie Schmitt
My favorite baby item is my nursing pillow. It was a lifesaver on my back and made nursing a lot easier on me.
Laura Dickson
Snuggle Me and Nested Bean swaddles!
Laura DicksonA noise machine is a must have! Also a bouncer😊
StelleMy favorite baby items are sound machines and swaddle sleep sacks-they are game changers for baby sleep!
Sound machine!
KimryMy favorite baby item was by far my “new to me” mamaroo
Teal Payonk
I think these were also all my favorites and the necessities for a newborn! 🥰
Gabriella Carrullo
Teal PayonkDock a tot lover here. Four kids later and they all enjoyed using it.
Leta Woods
Great list! Thanks!
Caitlin Lichtenwalner
Love the simplicity of the list! Sometimes it can be overwhelming with all the baby items out there!
Didn’t get a sound machine until 3rd baby and it made a huge difference!
Burt’s Bees Burp cloths!
I love the electric baby nail filer! Has made cutting nails much less stressful!
We love the hatch so much that we had to buy one specifically for baby girl so we could keep one in our room!
Sleep sacks are my favorite for sure! Anything to help baby with sleep so I can get much needed rest!
Olivia Lamke
Lovevery play mat!
Julie Warren
Olivia LamkeLove all your suggestions – I have a sweet rabbit recovering from an injury who is peeing a baby mattress pads – I am musing at the burp clothes as an alternative
Snuggle me is a must have for us! And the snuggle me lounger covers? Makes it so easy to wash up!
Copper Pearl swaddles!!!
RachelI think copper pearl has the best grown designs, tie bottom/side snaps
A sound machine and swaddles!
Nicole H
Trying the snuggle me for the first time! I love our sound machine though, that was an absolute must for baby #2!
Kendra Hipp
Love the bouncer and sleep sacks- our baby girl loves both 🙂
Sound machine!
Jordan Smith
Double zipper bamboo pajamas!
Morgan Snurr
A happy baby carrier! And Copper Pearl drool bibs!!!
Ashley B.
The hatch sound machine is hands down my favorite! Mine has lasted 4 years and still works like a charm.
Christina Larson
Tubby Todd AOO is my #1 must have. Especially for cradle cap!
Amanda Laplante
I totally agree. Getting ready to have my second and would say my top few are 1. Sound machine, 2. Swaddle and for me 3. Good quality Camera. Never tried the snuggleme but have heard great things!
holly Jones
Love this!
We love a the baby delight snuggle me baby nest! It’s been a life saver for at home mobility and traveling w/baby.
Jessica Muffett
I think the swaddles are the best but all of your items are great!! God bless you all and so excited for the arrival of your sweet little girl❤️
Lauren Ryan
Ergo Carrier is my must have fave!! Also love the knit wraps for newborn stage.
Christine Mellinkoff
My fav baby item is the Bumbo! It’s excellent for back and neck strength, has a tray for little snacks and helps fine motor skills!
Our little ones favorite toy lately is her teether!
KaciaAlso, sit me up seat by Fischer
Price! So much better for baby’s core, hips, and development than a bumbo seat!
KaciaBibs pacifiers, kyte sleep sacks, Target modal pajamas, wipe warmer (I know everyone says not necessary but this mom of 5 says it is), ergo baby carrier.
I loved my sound machine, helped my little one stay sleeping while I was able to get some noisier house chores done.
Viktoriya bratnichenko
Favorite items I’ve used with all my babies was the oxo travel bottle cleaning tray with brush! I’ve recommended it to so many moms who loved it and I’ve gifted them to moms who also loved it! Favorite item to take in your bag or purse if your traveling all day or going on vacation to keep baby bottles cleaned and off nasty counters!
Deb Clardy
This is so helpful, I am having my first grandbaby, after 5 yrs. So excited!!!!! Baby carrier is a favorite.
Carli Woodland
Sleep sacks are so great!
Savannah Lansdowne
Weighted sleep sacks and sound machine. Didn’t find them until 3rd baby and it changed our lives! Currently pregnant with our 4th and happy to have them ready for the next babes.😊
Sara brecto
Savannah LansdowneI am in a 100% agreement with you!! I have 2 boys and my favorite item that I used with both from birth at the hospital to 6ish months with forever be the sleep sacks. They slept so much better and long while they were in them!
Kristen Ivey
Gotta have a sound machine! Love it
Lou lou and company swaddles and knotted gowns.
My favorite product is a wrap so I can baby wear for at least 1 nap a day and feel like I can get things done! It’s a bonus that it also makes my baby fall asleep immediately.
Baby lounger!
Angela Barta
My kids are much older, 17, 16, 14, 12. But my favorite baby item when my youngest two were born were sleep sacks. I wish I would have had them when my oldest was born almost 18 years ago. Cloth diapers were my favorite for burp cloths!
So many of your favs are mine as well! Fresh pack of onsies and a sound machine are lifesavers! A baby tub is also so convenient when baby is little. Thanks for sharing!
The snuggle me lounger is a must have!
That bathtub is perfect for all ages babies! Also love all things Ryan and Rose.
I’m 4 babies in (with another on the way), and my can’t live without items are a pacifier (Ryan and Rose are my fave too!), a good cozy blanket for baby, and comfy clothes (Lou Lou, Kyte baby, L’oved are my faves)!! Oh, and a structured baby carrier is a must for me too! I’m a very minimalistic mama, and I love it that way!
We are definitely a Ryan and Rose family! I love that they have multiple nipple options since every baby is different!
As a grandparent, I didn’t realize how awesome sound machines are until our little guy spent the night at our house and my stepdaughter forgot to pack it! Definitely sound machine!!! Lifesavers and the babies sleep so much sounder!!!
Anna Beth St. Pierre
I love our electric nail file! It’s a must for those sharp baby fingernails!
McKenzie Fischer
Love all your favorites! A good white noise machine is my go to!
Katie Belle
I feel like I can’t survive the newborn stage without swaddles and a sound machine! Haha. They’re life savers!
Can’t go without a wrap for baby wearing!!
Angie Gingerich
Love the hatch but had that in the later toddler stages, a good burp cloth is a lifesaver! Would have loved the snuggle me lounger!
Veronica Vela
The nosiboo has been the best investment by far! It’s my go to for cold season!
Tia Meerbergen
I love the burp clothes you have on here. We use the same ones. So soft and absorbent. My favorite baby item is our bedside bassinet. We have the kind that attaches right to the side of our bed and I love that baby is right there within reach, easy to touch and reassure an anxious new mom that babe is breathing, easy to pop a pacifier back in. And I just loved laying there looking at my sweet bave sleeping as I went to sleep.
Brenda Brown
Sound Machine
Megan Bridges
The snuggle me was my absolute favorite! Wish I had known about it with it my other babies 💙
Callie Angeles
The sound machine for sure!! 😍😍😍
Alison Bergman
Great list! I think my top 2 must haves are tons of burp cloths, and a bouncer! #pukeybabies Although I’m not expecting I have several friends who are due soon, and would love to gift an item if I’m picked!
I love the hatch sound machine. First thing I got for baby number 2.
Hatch sound machine!
Love the sleep sacks and sound machine 🙂
Delia Sanchez
Thanks for this! I’m having my first baby in June and I’m completely lost on everything that I need to buy with so many options!
Joanie Toland
Sound machine was a game changer for my little one!!
I have lots of favorite baby things. Obsessed with our kyte baby sleep sacks. We still use them for our almost 3 year old and 1 year old. Another favorite is the nose frida! I couldn’t live without that for all my kids until they could blow their own noses!
Frances Putnam
Definitely the sound machine 💕
Ruth t
I love baby loungers
This was the first time I used one with my baby.
Would love a snuggle me baby lounger
I could not do it without my baby carrier! I got a HappyBaby carrier and love it but I am sure there are other great ones out there!
My favorite is many many zipper sleepers, swaddle blankets, and a lounger
I love the Snuggle Me as well!! Also my Moby wrap is a must have!
Jill Searle
Bouncer chair!!
Lauren Hill
Sound machines are one of my kiddo must haves with multiple kids!
The snuggle me lounger and the hatch sound machine! Anything that will help the new baby sleep even a few minutes longer 😂
Ashlee Perkins
I absolutely have to have a nursing pillow! Makes such a big difference in comfort for my back! Love my boppy!! Good luck with baby girl! I am one week behind you and also having a little girl! 💗 can’t wait!
Melissa McClenaghan Damon
Ashlee PerkinsMomma of 7 here! And I’m always seeing new stuff I like with each sweet baby. Would love some swaddles for my sweet girl or onsies! The sound machine has always been on my lost too! Just have never tried it and in a house with seven kids, five boys and two girls it sounds like a great idea!
Shelby Mcguffee
Sit me up seat and bed side sleeper!!
Cristina S
This is such gold!! 🙌
Sound machine and sleep sacs!
Muslin burp cloths and Lou Lou and company swaddles are still used even as baby gets older, must haves!
Nicole Burkhalter
Sound machine! Goes with us everywhere!
A good nursing pillow and a portable sound machine are prob in my top 5. Pregnant with #3 and definitely excited to pick out a cute new kyte baby onesie too!
Esther Panagiotaros
All of these are great must-have items but for me the bouncer is the lifesaver.
Savannah Zimmermab
I love sleep sacks, I used them for all 3 of my kids and will use for baby #4! I haven’t heard of the pacifier brand you love and can’t wait to try them out.
Taylor Huss
Sound machine is a must have! Those kyte baby sleep sacks are magic too.
Sleep sacks for sure
100% the my breastfriend nursing pillow! An absolute necessity with twins
Playmat, they love it
Sound machine is an absolute must. 😍
Kindra Eden
A sound machine saved our sanity with our first. A swing and a baby carrier were lifesavers with our second! With our 3rd it was definitely a baby carrier! Each kid is so different. ❤️
Vanessa Rosado
Bath tube is so safe and practical for me.
Yvette Cervantes
My favorite item for a baby is the bassinet with vibrating this help smooth and relax baby. Congratulations on your baby girl.
Lauren Ziegert
My favorite baby item was the halo bassinest. Definitely a game changer and super helpful!
Paige Hackworth
Love the Hatch sound machine for all of my kiddos! Third baby on the way and plan on getting another! It’s also helped with our oldest knowing when he is able to get up and start his day vs needing to stay in bed a little longer. “When the light is red, stay in bed.”
Nikki Fields
So many great options, I became an Auntie again in January for the 7th time. The snuggle me or the carrier.
Kim Frost
Saranoni receiving blankets are a must have!
Cynthia Shimp
Nursing pillow was the BEST baby item ever!!
Laura Pennings
A good stretchy swaddle blanket… and a soother. I couldn’t pick just 1 😍
Katie Marie
I love our Hatch sound machine! It is a must have for me!
The Ryan and rose pacifier!
Expecting our first baby, a boy, this April! I’ve heard so many good things about the Hatch Sound Machine!
Emma Lemmert
I love so many of these! 🙌🏻
Jennica Blaubach
My must have is not on the list, but it’s the haaka!
Doona stroller! So handy!!
Shayne Seppala
You named a lot of my favorites! But a baby carrier is one of my must haves!
I love that playmat for my kiddos. When I was pumping or didn’t have the ability to hold them the playmat was awesome.
Melissa Bessler
Definitely the sleep sac! I have used them for 2 boys who are 5 and 3 and now my 6 month old uses them also. They are an absolute must to help your baby have a cozy good night sleep.
Ashlie Mackesey
I love the Zoe stroller
The Kyte sleep sacks are at the top of my list to try for my 8 month!
sam van Gils
I personally agree with Sarah on the top baby items list! So many great choices! I would add a my stroller/ bassinet combo has been another really great addition to the baby must list!
Wishing you the Lords strength in these final days as you prepare to deliver your precious bundle 👒❤️
Courtney Stewart
Sound machine and rufflebutts tights and bathing suits!
Ashlie Mackesey
I love the Zoe stroller and docatot
I’m don’t agree with all of these being the must haves. But that’s the beauty of motherhood. You do what works for you and your baby!!! I would really like to try a hatch sound machine this time around though!!! Oh and those H&M onesies. I like the side snaps too. But the Gerber ones always run small!!
I have to try the nursing pillow!!
Patricia Margarit
I love H&M baby onesies, and well anything baby from them! The quality of the material is amazing!
Love Lou Lou swaddles! Can’t wait to try their gowns with my third boy due in April💙
Favorite baby item is sleep sacks & nose Frida!
Maci Fliehman
Snuggle Me is definitely my favorite!
Lydia Hedrick
Fav would be the sleep sack! Game changer with our first baby
Desiree Feldpausch
Muslin blankets were my favorite! A great swaddled, nursing cover, etc
Michele R
Muslin swaddle blankets, breathable for nursing baby. P.S. I am due with #12 on your same due date, 3/15:)
My favorite item with my newest baby has been Brezza’s bottle sterilizer. My newest love did not latch. I have been exclusively pumping. Have the sterilizer quickly sanitize bottles and pump parts has saved me so much time and made life a little simpler for our family.
The hatch sound machine and Burt’s bees crib sheets are some of my favorite baby items and what I give to all my mom to be friends!
My favorite baby item is a Dreamland baby sleep sack and their weighted blanket
Louise Burns
Congratulations 😊. I’m so excited for your family to have a new little baby girl to love and spoil. Prayers sent for a smooth transition and safe delivery.
The Lovevery age appropriate toys, activities are amazing. They come with suggestions on how to use the activities and what is happening developmentally every month. Wonderful, wonderful toys. A must to check out!
Stacy L
Love the stretchy swaddles! Every one of our babies loved them 💕 thanks for sharing!!
Stephanie Scott
Love zipper jammies, cozy swaddles and good nursing tanks
Khyleigh Cazier
Sleep sacks are a life saver! Along with burpcloths! You can never have too many of them.
New first time mom, my baby is 3 weeks old! My favorite baby item so far is the hatch sound machine!!
Briana Coffey
I loveeee the snuggle me organic lounger! Such a lifesaver!
My favorite baby item is 100% a nursing pillow. It’s a game changer even if you’re not nursing. I had twins and it saved my back as I was bottle feeding them or just rocking them to sleep.
Laura Valencia
Sound machine! My youngest is 7 yo and I still use it, it’s amazing!!
Brittany Hamilton
A baby wrap for the first couple months, and then my Ergo baby carrier!
Martha H
Love all of these!
Ronda Judge
We love the Hatch Sound Machine! Can’t wait to see your new baby girl!💓
Sleep sacks are a must, muslin burp cloths and a sit me up seat!
Ina Hindle
I’m so excited to meet baby girl 😍😍 one of my favorite baby items is definitely the Snuggle me!
Hatch sound machine is our fave! My son loves the dryer sound and I sleep better with it as well 🙂
Sonia Harder
I loved the snuggle me! Such a cozy spot for baby when they aren’t being held❤️
Cassie Parsons
Def the solly baby wrap! Wearing all my babies is my favorite!
Also the haaka for nursing!! Love using both with my 10’week old now 🤍
Megan Hyser
Sound machine for the win! Especially with other noisy siblings running around.
Kayli Sells
Love my hatch rest sound machine!!!
We love the Hatch sound machine
Stephanie Brown
A swaddle and sound machine are my favorites.
Kerrissa Eggert
Never have used a sleep sack and will be trying it with my sweet girl. I also have three boys and this is my first girl ! So exciting ! I also live for burp cloths !
Laura Perrotta
My Tula carrier for sure!! Use it so much especially when trying to keep up with my 2 older girls!
Joanna Roth
Love the new magnetic me onesies! After 3 kids, those are a game changer for middle of the night changes
Karen W.
One baby item I didn’t think I’d like using was the sleepy wrap carrier. It became an absolute Godsend to me when my baby girl was a few weeks old and only wanting to be held 💗
I liked the Brestfriend nursing pillow! Love the Merlin sleep suit too but sleep sacks are great as well!! So excited to meet baby girl!!
Tracy Paramo
I didn’t realize how nice a sound machine would be, my little people are pandemic babies, so they just slept at home. Our baby monitor plays music and sounds, so we use that feature.
Jessica Spooner
You can never have to many swaddles. The best!!!
Sound machine! Specifically the hatch!
Haley Black
Couldn’t make it without my nursing pillow, and hatch sound machine.
Bouncer definitely, I have different one up to toddler age. We are using it last 2,5 years 🙂
Gwendolyn Clark
I love the Dockatot but have always wanted to try a snuggle me organic lounger!
Lace Morford
Sound machine!
Leslie Olin
I love the double-zip sleepers with the hand covers. I haven’t seen the H&M onesies before. Totally need to get some for my 2 month old.
Debbie Hamrah
My favorite baby item is the cybex stroller!
Alexa Reedy
Snuggleme organic is a game changer!
Sound machine! 100 percent! It gives my babies such sweet sleep.
Aubrey M
Since my first baby, I have always bought Ryan and Rose pacifiers! They are just the best and have the prettiest colors! Also, love our Hatch sound machine! My youngest is no longer in our room and I STILL use it every night! 😴
Snuggle me lounger! Take it anywhere and everywhere for baby naps!
Baby Shusher and Doona Car Seat.
Definitely a good quality sound machine!
Emily Kobes
Love the Hatch sound machine 🙌 total winner
Kylie Belshe
Love the Kyte baby swaddles and I swear by a sound machine!
Rachel Cochran
Silverette nursing cups! Life saving!
Kathryn Hahn
This is a great list! I used all of these with my 4. Blessings to you and your family
Kaitlyn Davis
My favorite baby item would have to be the double zipper sleepers, especially for the sleepy middle of the night feedings those first few months. I am not sure why there are still sleepers with snaps around, double sided zippers all the way!!
T Lacy
The snuggle me would have been a game changer when I had my son. Best wishes to you and your family bringing your lil girl into the world.
Taylor B.
Any sort of baby lounger is a must for me! Safe spot for baby to play while mom pumps or siblings are playing!
Rosa Fraki
I can’t pick just one! My tops are LouLou swaddle and comfy baby clothes! We love LouLou tops and bottoms, Mebie baby cozy sets, Lemon & Loom footies!
Desiree moore
I am a mom of soon to be 10 I would have to say my favorite baby item would have to be my carrier. The one I like alot with being so busy is my Lillebaby
Theresa Clark
My haakaa is the most essential thing I used for our 7th baby! I wish I had it 17 years ago for baby #1!!!
Can’t live without our sound machines! I have three, one in each bedroom.
Chelsey Sicheneder
A sound machine is a must have item for me. There are so many items now that I either didn’t know about with my boys or just were not made yet. Several items you suggest are on my wish list to try when we get our baby girl.
Ramona Beachy
Wool Cover for the carseat, if it is winter time
Amanda Donnelly
I love sound machine, sleep warps, soothers these are the things I could not live without. ❤️
Mollie Barry
One of my fave baby products, especially since recently having baby #3, is my Moby Wrap! So useful to have so I can easily chase around my two toddlers!
Kendra Watkowski
Love having a sound machine!
Kate Patches
It’s so hard to pick just one favorite baby item! For me I would say definitely a sound machine, OXO wipe container, and a good quality carrier (LOVE my ergo!), especially when you have multiple children!
Brenda Wulterkens
My favorite thing is receiving blankets but I use them as burp cloths because the other ones are just too darn small 😂 I want full coverage lol
Melanie Holtzem
Love the hatch sound machine and kyte sleep sack!!
Jamie Richmond
My baby is now 7, but my Ergo was a necessity!!!!!! I cried when I sold it! Loved carrying my babies close!
I lllooovvees our nose frida! And wouldn’t want to be without it.
I agree about the sleep sacks!! We love them and they are definitely a top favorite in our house! I’ve had my eye on the snuggle me and might have to snag one for baby #2! Thanks for all the great recommendations!!
I love our ergo 360 carrier! Currently in my 3rd trimester with baby #3 and your list has me eager to start nesting and try out some new items! Thanks, Sarah 🙂
Maycie Lee
My favorite baby item is the Snuggleme! My newborn loves it so much! It instantly calms him down❤️
Rebekah White
Love the Ollie baby swaddle!
My favorite baby item is a BOB stroller! So sturdy and heavy duty. I also love Scripture Lullabies! My 2 1/2 year old has listened to them while falling asleep his whole life, in fact he falls asleep so fast when I turn it on, he just know that that’s sleep music. 😊
Angeline Zimmerman
I invested in a genuine leather purse/backpack for my diaper bag for my first baby. It is quality and timeless and I can use it even when I don’t have babies anymore and never goes out of style.
Alyssa P
Sound machine hands down. We take it everywhere or we don’t sleep. 🤪
Definitely love our boba wrap and boon bottles
Kendra Brown
Though I’m ever so thankful for our sound machines. My fav baby product would probably be the Nose Frieda. It’s literally saved me multiple times for my kiddos!
Kara Hatchel
Pregnant with my first so idk what my favorite things are quite yet but so far I love Ryan and Rose’s pacifiers and things. They’re so cute.
Definitely swaddles/sleep sacks and bouncers or swings!
Sound machine!! You can use it for many years to come, not just in infant years 💗💗
Sarah Angles
I can’t believe you are having baby girl so soon!! I’m due with baby #4 in July and I’m so excited! Our second little girl! We love the bibs brand pacifier here but my all time favorite baby product that I get for everyone is a baby bum brush! With this baby I’m hoping to get a lalabu baby carrier! It’s our last baby and I can’t believe after a year of trying we are already half way done with this pregnancy!
Kelli Olson
my babies are 3,6 & 9 but we have always loved sound machines and they all still have them!!
Madison Devino
We have always loved our sound machine! It goes everywhere with us when we travel. I’m really looking forward to trying sleep sacks this time around. I had one with my son but we never used it. I can’t wait to see the difference this time. Thanks for sharing!!
Boogie bottoms diaper spray! Feels “extra” and luxurious, but so handy just to give a quick spray and be on the way!
Baby gowns versus zip or snap pjs were my favorite especially the first several months. I had no desire to have to fight zipping or snapping in the middle of each sleep deprived night 😂 All 4 of our kids loved to be swaddled in the old school light flannel receiving blankets and those double great as emergency burp rags because they’re very absorbent! I also used actual burp rags (most of ours were Gerber Baby brand or Carters brand) for everything for years too!
Karen Byler
Definitely nursing pillow or swaddle blanket or so many other things😂😍
Love, love our sound machine. Also have loved the nose frida, aquifor, and silicone bibs for when they start solid.
Mary Morris
My favorite baby items are Dr Brown baby bottles, bouncer, swaddle snap blanket and any pacifier a baby will take.
Sound machines are so helpful!
Kyte baby sleep sacks🙌🏼
Ashley T
Thank you for sharing this post! I am pregnant with our fourth and this is an excellent refresher for things we will need when the baby arrives! My favorite is the bouncer seat! Not fancy but oh so helpful!
The wubbanub pacifiers are a favorite of ours!
Lexi Allred
Sleep Sacks are heaven sent! Also solly wraps are an amazing thing also!
Chasity Rodgers
These are all SO good!!! Burp clothes are definitely the best!!
Debi W
After having seven babies myself the best are the kyte baby sleep sacks! (And jammies)
Page Russell
Great list! I’d say knotted gowns by Milkmaid goods and Gigi and Max; Sophie the giraffe teether, and the Ergo embrace baby carrier! 💕
Page Russell
Page RussellOh I love Scripture lullabies too, and love my kids falling asleep to them. I have so many memorized and love that as well.🥰
Heather C
Page RussellI love a good cozy blanket!!
Judith Cook
Baby carrier
Sara p
I live Ryan and Rose too. I’m trying out their smile pacifier for this 3rd baby. I also am obsessed with the cloud island onesies.
Just one?! Nursing pillow and swaddle blankets must useful in beginning
I love this post! My favorite baby products are the mini hatch sound machine and super soft swaddles from Copper pearl. The sound machine makes such a difference for my kids!
sound machines! Absolute life saver, my girl sleep through the night with it!
Maria Bartsch
Chesney Foster
Sound machine!
Sound machine for the win! It’s perfect for babies, kids and adults. I love this to use as soon as baby arrives!
Convertible gowns!
Rachel Huffman
Out of everything: SLEEP SACKS. 💯 I could do without every other single thing but not sleep sacks! We ALL need our sleep! Sooooo excited for your baby girl’s imminent arrival! I check every day just to make sure! Praying for you as you come to mind. Xxx
Danielle Vertiyev
Yesss we love that sound machine too!
Going to try the snuggle me lounger with my first baby boy! I’ve heard great things and excited to give it a try. So glad to hear it’s a must have from an experienced momma 🤗
Tiffany Merryman
Sound machine hands down my fav product! We even bought a travel one.
The bouncer is my personal favorite! Perfect for newborn stage on, until they become mobile!
Alyssa Garcia
Little sleepies pajamas with the fold over cuffs and feet. My son wore his newborn ones up until he was 6 months old, and he’s in the 90th percentile for both height and weight so not tiny! He’s in a 6-12 mo now at 8 months and they will still fit him for awhile 🙌 They’re bamboo so keep him comfortable plus the fold over cuffs are a lifesaver since he has eczema and is always scratching 😕
Aubrey Hannah
I’ll be 36 weeks tomorrow with baby #2! I couldn’t live without a sound machine the first time around and loved the side snap onesies!
I also loved having a Saranoni baby blanket for my first!
Nicole Spindor
Sleeps sacks and sound machine are my two must haves!!
Sarah Blanchard
I loveeeee a good sound machine! The hatch sounds amazing. Thank you for the recommendations, Sarah! 💗💗💗
Yes to sleep sacs!! Loved using them for our kids. Our oldest is 16 and at that time, I couldn’t find/buy them in Canada, so family in the Netherlands would send them over for me 😀
The Hatch sound machine is definitely my favorite! My daughter is 19 months old and still uses hers every single night.
Sound machine is a must! Also love kyte baby!
Chaitali Kalra
Sound machine all the way
Jamie Couvaris
Owlet. My oldest was a premie and after being in the NICU for 9 weeks on monitors it gave me the comfort I needed at home to see her levels!!! Helped this mama rest peacefully!
We are due with baby #4 (boy? girl?) in May. I have thought about getting the Snuggle Me Lounger in the past but never pulled the trigger. Sounds like you have loved it. Thanks for the great blog post. Love following your family.
Gotta have the sleep sacks & sound machine! Also love a good swaddle blanket from LouLou & Co!
100% sleep sacks are the best!
Some stretchy and soft sleepers that zip up from the bottom.
Snuggle me!
About to be a third time Mom on March 17! I loved reading all your favorites. I agree that a sound machine is a must and I also bought the snuggle me lounger for this kiddo! Thanks for sharing and blessings to you as you welcome sweet baby girl into the world 💗
Kelsey Burres
I gotta say the ultimate item that will carry into older years (& beyond) would be the sound machine! Honestly my hubby & I can’t even sleep without one now! We take them when we travel!
Brittany Goyak
The Haaka, ergo 360, the Zoe + twin stroller for the season of multiple littles.
A friend gifted me that cd when I got my first position as a preschool teacher. I played it at Naptime every day for each of my classes through the years. Now I get to play it for my own kids. I still love it.
Taylor Herrera
Pregnant with our 4th! This is such a great list! I love the snuggle me, graco duoglider swing, baby wrap.. too many things to just pick one!!
Taylor HerreraLOVE and totally agree with this list! The sound machine was a MUST for us because baby had 2 older siblings 😂 Can’t wait to meet baby girl!! ❤️
NelsonOh my goodness yes! Especially with older kids!
Ariana Hillukka
We love our Kyte baby sleep sack, but also a sound machine works wonders!!
Alex Doty
Love all of these baby essentials! So excited for your family!
I agree! Kyte sleep sacks and the snuggle me lounger are a must!
Kassi Early
So many practical suggestions! I’d agree with most of your must haves!
Brianna Greer
The Snuggle Me Lounger was a game changer with our third baby (she was born in July). And of course, all the white noise in this house for sleep!
Alyssa Hendricks
Snuggle me, hands down! And all things Lou Lou and Co- literally all my baby wore for the first year of her life- expecting baby #2 in fall and so excited to get more stuff! Absolutely adore you, you’re fam, and your blog! Can’t wait to see baby girl!!!!
Simone Friesen
The stretchy swaddles are my favorite for sure. They are honestly a game changer. I’m my opinion way better then the muslin swaddles. I love muslin dresses for my girls but when it comes to swaddles I’m all about the stretchy kind. My last baby actually loved being swaddled so much. I swaddled and rocked her to sleep all the way until her first birthday. It would calm her down and put her to sleep right away.
Andrea White
About to have our third and I could not live without the baby bjorn bouncer and ollie swaddle. Two things I always gift to new moms
Alex Doty
My favorites are the kyte sleep sack and sound machine!
Love a good lounger! It’s the best to have your hands free and my babies love just chilling in it 😁
Madison Adams
As a mom of four, almost five boys I can vouch for the Hatch sound machine. It’s sooo good. Definitely something I can’t live without. Also one thing you didn’t mention that’s on my list is blackout curtains! I feel like they help a lot with sleep too.
Baby carrier is a must for me!
Are due dates are very close! March 18th here for our 5th boy 🙂
Diana Lee
Baby swing was a life saver with baby #3. Kept the older ones from picking him up and could watch everything around him
Kathi Hovland
Sound machine!
Megan DeLong
The onesies are so cute!
Jessica Halterman
Definitely a second car seat base is a must. Moving the base from vehicle to vehicle is tough in a healing body. Favorite mama necessity is a Hakaa and a manual breast pump. Loved my Medela.
Jenifer Hanson
The kyte baby sleep sack is a favorite! Great quality super soft
and lots of options for colors and prints.
We *just* found out we’re pregnant with our third! 🥳 We often joke that we have a wall of silence, and have sound machines in both boys’ rooms and one in the hallway for good measure. Prioritize sleep! Haha! Must need item! I haven’t had a lounger for either yet, but maybe that’s something I should get for this one.
Ashleigh Pitzer
Onesies and lounger
Sleep sacks are a lifesaver! I love the Ollie swaddle for the first few months!
Mirranda B
Yes! All of these! The kyte baby sleep sack has been a staple in our house for all 3 of our babies. My oldest (4) still loves wearing his !
Also I don’t know what I would do without the hatch sound machine !
Jessica Stonestrom
Some of my favorites are a rocking chair, air purifier or diffuser – nice for low lights, bouncer, pacifiers
Brooke Siebert
I have not tried it but I think the SnuggleMe lounger would be so handy for my son coming in April.
Daisia Toney
Pregnant with baby #2 and due next month! With my first, he loved baths. We had a little bath that transitioned through the months and loved it. Plan to find one for baby girl too!
Hatch Sounds Machine and Zipper Sleepers
Svetlana Kruit
Oh such a tie, either the sound machine or a good baby carrier for those days when baby just needs a deep cuddle on mom. ♥️
Kristen R
Sleep sacks and sound machine! Mama of six and these are both lifesavers 😊😊
My favorite baby item is definitely a swing! I’ve had the same one for 5 kids and plan to use it with number 6 soon!
Sound machine
Candace Skrondal
I’ve always wanted to try Kyte baby! They look like they’re amazing quality 😍
Jenna McMillan
Electric nail file was and is our favorite! Also loved the bibs pacifiers
Alyssa Emerson
I love this! After 3 babies I still love seeing what others love using for their babies ❤️
My Solly Baby wrap was an absolute lifesaver with my 2nd, 3rd, and 4th babies!
Hannah Kelch
Burp clothes👏🏼💓 So appreciated your blog!
Brandi Wait
Hatch sound machine is our favorite
Swaddles, hands down!
Alexandra Wells
CortneyRyan and Rose everything. I love her faith and small business.
Rachael Anderson
I loved the vava egg light for late night feeds during the newborn days! And also the kick and play piano was a favorite (and still is 13 months later!)
AshleY Veurink
I love a sound machine with both my boys. With my second I wasn’t able to breastfeed and was gifted the Babybrezza bottle maker. It was a game changer in the middle of the night and helped reduce bubbles and preparation time. Happy baby, happier mama!
Emily Dingman
For us stocking up freezer meals was the most helpful. People didn’t bring us meals so it was stressful if I didn’t have things prepped or cooked ahead of time.
Alyssa Emerson
I would say my favorite baby item is milk snob nursing/ car seat covers!
Robyn Norbeck
Hatch sound machine!
Julia Dehue
Hi Sarah and Tim! My favorite would have to be sound machines! ❤️
Nicole Brown
I LOVE Kyte Baby everything! My girls also love Sweet Ellie Sue muslin blankets. So soft and the cutest prints!
First time mom pregnant with a baby girl- I have been so overwhelmed knowing what to buy! Thanks for this list – gives me something I trust to go on! I love the kyte sleepers and the swaddles – very excited to look for those 💕🎀
Just here getting ideas because I’m expecting my first!
Kerry Garding
Love following!! Thank you for all the recommendations!
Looove kyte sleep sacks and sound machines are definitely a must!
Shelly Wagler
Solly Wrap 😘😘😘
Lacey Johnson
Snuggle me lounger is the best!!
Jamie Jett-Walker
I have swaddled my granddaughter for the last 17 months & she now helps me swaddle her. It is Pavlovian, she falls to sleep almost instantly.
Consistency is king!
Rachel Lewis
The Hatch is our all time favorite baby item!
Paula Newbill Newbill
Love the bouncer!!!
After 6 babies, the bouncer is for an essential baby item. Also, triangle bibs and copper pearl gowns are newer finds I wish I had used sooner.
Our favorite baby item for our girl was our snuggle me, hands down! Life saver for when you need to put the baby somewhere for a minute! Plus she was so comfy in there, she loved it!
Jillian wiebe
Love the snuggle me
Lounger it’s on my sisters wish list for her first baby!!
Bethany Haynam
The bouncer and playmat are huge musts. Also a baby carrier 🤗 after 6 babies in I’ve loved getting things they didn’t even have when I was having my first!!
Courtney Pugsley
Hatch sound machine and kyte baby sleep sacks
Ana Orendorff
Great list! Swaddled babies sleep so much better.
PuJi tub has been my favorite! So handy to have and just throw in the sink for a quick bath when needed. Also agree side snap onesies are a must!!!
Jillian Oury
FTM and this list is awesome! Will be adding these things to my registry!
Hi comfortable rocking chair!!! A must
Shannon Blough
My favorite must have is the Rock N Play (yes I know this is controversial). It was wonderful for our two babies 😊
Bookmarking this list now to add items to my registry! Currently 8 weeks pregnant!
Whitney Crooks
A body pillow was a must have, couldn’t sleep without it. And the nanit baby cam with breathing tracking was necessary for my anxiety!
Chelsey Mack
The hatch sound machine!! The best!
A sound machine is a must for me. Thanks for sharing! There are so many good suggestions here.
The snuggle me was my favorite for new babies!
Julie Vandergriend
This is so helpful. I’m due a week after you with #5.
Sarah Doughty
I’ve never tried the kyte brand but have heard so many good things about it!
Jaimie Bertsch
Hi! Muslin blankets—they’re so versatile and can be used as swaddles, spit up rags, tied as nursing covers. We love gifting them!!
I love the nose frida sick day kit. Its great to have on hand for those stuffy noses and colds.
Sound machine,sleepers,and monitors
Maddie Nolan
Sleep sacks are our favorite! Definitely need to try the kyte baby ones!
The Hatch sound machine!!
Rachel Hintz
Ryan and rose are the best pacifiers and clips!
Erica Martinez
Love the bouncer it’s adorable.
Covered goods nursing cover and car seat cover was the best thing to have by far for me!
Swaddles for sure but I’d love to try the snuggle me nest
Favourite baby products is the hatch sounds machine and baby shusher.
Having my first in May and love looking through others suggestions! I feel like there are SO many baby items and things to research.
Brandy Sikkens
My favorite baby item is an Ergo baby carrier- such a lifesaver! 😂
Sound machine, and the snuggle me were life savers for me with both kids!!!! You have so many great things listed though!
Madeline Dadd
So many! But kyte baby and Lou and lou are some of our favs
Stephanie Wachter
We loved the zippadee zip sleep sacks!!
Miriam reyes
I love cute blankets ☺️
Kirstie Haataja
My favorite baby item is swaddle blankets! Lots of them.
Thank you for sharing! Will be sending this to all the mommies to be ♥️
Oh I love using the hatch for my babies as well! I’ve already got the snuggle me in my list of things to get for my next baby!
We used a lot of these with our first, and I’m looking forward to using them for our coming twins! The one thing I’ve been wanting but haven’t gotten yet is a snuggleme… adding it to our registry for sure!
Shadia Smith
Favorite item is the BOUNCER
Diana Lukashevich
The halo bassinet was my favorite and I used the dockatot! And you need a good soft swaddle blanket
I am obsessed with Lou Lou and Co swaddles! And their knotted gowns- so good! Also love the Kyte sleep sacks, I need to get another one for baby boy!
Ashley J
A baby swing or baby bouncer was a life saver in our home.
Doona car seat/stroller it’s the best!!!
Heather Harrison
My swing was the favorite here.
Leah Hopkins
Hands down my favorite baby item is the Hatch sound machine! They are a game changer, especially for multiples sharing a room!
Teirrah Wennerberg
Pregnant with our first baby and love seeing recommendations from moms I trust! Hoping to test out the Kyte Baby sleep sacks!
Anela W.
Sound machine for sure!!
I loved our bouncer and now that we have a grandbaby in the way I will get one for my daughter.
Sleep sack and sound machine!
Jaclyn Schutf
My favorite was the sound machine, we still use them with the big kids too! I always had basic sound machines and green lights for them, I would LOVE to try the hatch someday it sounds amazing!
Heidi Burgess
With my last one #5, I got a snuggle me lounger. We honestly wondered how we got by with it before #5 and I’m excited to use it for #6. I have the hatch on my list for this one.
Swaddles! Our kids all loved to be swaddled.
I love sleep sacks and sound machines!
Jessica Viers
Definitely must have sound machines and a bouncer!
Heather Johnson
I’m due in a couple weeks with baby boy and just got the snuggle me lounger today, can’t wait to try it out!!
It’s hard to choose just one favorite!! I love all of these, but if I had to choose one it would be a sound machine. Has been a life saver with our little one.
I got the snuggleme lounger for my third baby. I wish I had gotten it with the first two. They’re wonderful!
Catherine Hanlon
I cannot wait for you to meet your daughter! You are going to be an incredible girl mom, just like you are an incredible boy mom!
And necessary baby products – paci 😅
For sure a sound machine, especially the Hatch. We love ours sooo much, can’t sleep without it!
I love the Halo sleep swaddles and our hatch sound machine. Best ever.
With a 4mth old right now, Bouncer seat is something we use everyday!! I’ve used it so much with all my kids! Also, love using laundry bags for baby socks!
Nicole Ferrer
Sound machines are the BEST! I can’t sleep without one! Also, my first 2 LOVED the snuggle me lounger!!
Sound machine for SURE!! 👏
Lesli Schmid
Baby bouncer is my favorite. I did not have one with my children, but have enjoyed having one with my grandchildren. Two more babies on the way!❤️
Heather Wells
A sound machine and the noseFrida snot sucker has been a game changer for us, even with my toddler. And a good humidifier
Kara Kemp
Favorite baby item: LouLouAndCompany gowns and Sweater knit swaddle blanket! Hands down. Also SMO lounger 😍
Faith Beaven
Favorite item…so hard to choose! I love the lullaby CDs you put on your list and I’m hoping for a dock-a-tot!
Diana Holden
I love my boppy but the Snuggle me lounger is one I have always wanted to try!
Lindsay Wilds
Sound machine forever!!!
Miranda coker
Definitely the Hatch sound machine.
Priyanka Nayak
My most fav baby product is the baby swing. I used the fisher price one for my daughter. N will reuse it again for my 2nd one.
I would like to def try the kyte products this time
Doona, doc a tot. Game changers!
I am expecting my first so I don’t have any favourites yet but a sound machine will be a must.
Lauren Osorio
Snuggle me
Stephanie Whitmore
All time favorite item Aden and Anais muslin swaddle blankets! We had so many and used them for night time comfort, swaddling, nursing cover, burp cloth, everything. They are the BEST! We still have them all and talk about making a big quilt with them.
Mine would have to be a good rocking chair and breastfeeding pillow; the countless hours spent feeding my babies in a rocking chair I definitely feel a quality rocker is important and worth the money!
My favorite product is the Hatch for sure! I love all of the options for lighting and sounds and it’s so easy to program for different times of the day!
Brandi Brown
The onsies were an absolute must for me. Love easy access for skin to skin without going over babies head.
Brandi Brown
Brandi BrownOh…and your second book…while I love your first book and the concept, I became a mama though adoption and the growth wasn’t the same…we are now growing with them, but not then. The Song That Goes On and On and On and On is perfect for this house…because now as a mama of 5….the noise goes on and on and on and on!
We just bought the Babysense monitor with 2 cameras and I love it! Beautiful crisp display and so many great features!
Have loved the frigg pacifier with my kids! Will definitely use it again.
The hatch sound machine is my new favorite thing with my third baby! I loved using the light for middle of the night diaper changes.
Kim Robbins
Thank you for all of the baby items ideas. Love the side snap body suits. Do not like having to take off over the head either. Prayers for you, baby girl, & your beautiful family🙏🙏🙏
Haley Whiteley
I loved the snuggle me when our baby was a newborn! It was one of the only places he’d let us put him down
Sleepsacks are awesome.
Best baby product that I’m keeping after having my second is the electric nail file for baby. It doesn’t hurt them at all and so easy to use!
Anna Baker
Sleep sacks are the literal best!
I’m stuck between the swing and the sound machine. The swing was number 1 at first but we still use the sound machine so my fav long term baby product.
Judy Skrivseth
Swaddling blankets, pacifier. All things cuddles and cozy
Heather Tryon
Perfect collection of items!
Lexi Quirin
I totally agree on burb clothes. I also have always wanted to try the hatch sound machine. We have a different one but have heard great things.
Love to dream swaddle
Sleep Sack for sure
Crystal JONES
To many to list, but, if I did have a few favs they would be, a WELL stoked changing table, onesies, burp pads, great car seat, (need my time out of the house, preferably the beach 🏝️), great crib mattress!
My favorite baby item is pacifiers, you can’t have too many
No babies for me but I’m glad that you have compiled a list as an “ expert momma” for other moms! You’re just simply a joy and ever so thoughtful of other!
I haven’t had a little one in almost 7 years but am expecting my 3rd in September so everything seems all new. So these items are great. So many new baby items!! So with my first two I’d have to say a baby swing was one of my favorite items. It helped when they seemed a little fussy.
Expecting my first and its definitely helpful to have all the tips and insight you have to offer!
So much new stuff nowadays! My kids are almost 18 and almost 20🥴 not sure how that happened. Lol. But my niece just had her baby boy Archer on Feb 28th and im just confused on what to get. Would love one of your items! Would love to get her the snuggle me thing or a sleep sack. Thanks for the chance! Cant wait to to pics of your baby girl!❤️
Michelle Moscrip
Top would be a bouncer or baby carrier!
The snuggle me was a hit in our house! We’re hoping to try some kyte sleep sacks soon!
Amy Horn (hornpartyof6)
Sound machine, 100% what a blessing.
Allison Kenny
Sophie the Giraffe was my baby’s favourite teether toy.
Mercedes Adams
My favorite baby items are the owlet and the hoppy nursing pillow!!
Meg Roberts
Binkies and baby pajamas with a zipper!
Ashton Kingery
Swaddles and a soft blanket or nursing pillow are the best
Love sound machines👏 Helped so much with getting baby/toddlers down for bed!
Carolyn Johnson
The sound machine and swaddles are such game changers. Found that out on baby #2. Wish I would’ve known for baby #1. Glad I know for surprise babies #3 and #4 🤣
Crystal S.
Our favorite baby item is the bouncer. All of our kids have loved it!
Jo Kirk
Definitely a sound machine! We ended up getting one for us after baby had theirs…now I’ll never go without.
I think the pacifiers or the side snap onesies. I don’t know, I’ll have my first baby soon so I’ll find out!
It’s been a long time since we had a little one, but the bottle warmer was awesome for those late night feedings, and baby sleepsacks!! Prayers for a safe and quick delivery! Dios te cuide! 🙏🏼
Christina Snyder
Dr. Talbot’s diaper cream silicon brush, it’s a minor tool but so nice to use instead of fingers for applying diaper cream!
Ann B
I’m a 3X grandma hoping for more 😊
Kyte baby sleep sacks are now on my radar.
Leah Walder
Bibs!! And the dock a tot. 🙂
Kateri S.
Hard to pick! I think my favorite might be the sleep and play zipper outfits for the first few months. They are so easy to get on and very versatile for play and comfort!
Stretchy swaddles, snap footies, and flat pacifiers (mam or Ryan & Rose) are my absolute must haves for every baby!
Alexis Wenzel
I couldn’t breast feed so the baby brezza bottle maker was a life saver!! As a mom of 6…it was even more of a lifesaver with each kid I had! Also, the baby swing!
Renae Weaver
I love the MAM pacifier and bottle for all my boys! 1st little girl due in 2 weeks!!
Love the h and m side snap onesies!
Casey Petrella
Skip hop floor seat!
T. L.
Snuggle me lounger!!
I’m expecting baby 7 as well. For me #1 item is a baby carrier/sling! Love ktan. This time I might try a new one
Rhoda Klassen
Hands down Pacis are my favorite! Especially in church! Lol
Jaime-lyn Jolley
Mini fridge to put breast milk or milk beside the bed so at night you need it, it is close by. Especially if you have stairs and light sleepers.
Crystal Dietrich
My favorite that helped me so much was a baby carrier around the house & the sound machine.
Hard to choose a favorite because I swear you have the most comprehensive list here but I do wanna say the hatch is a must!
Charlotte Williams
Velcro swaddles, gripe water and a good bouncer for those early days!!!
Morghan Clark
Sound machine is also our fav, a MUST have!
R & R CutiePats are the best!! ♥️
Not only are they the best, but everyone behind them are amazing!!!
I love how they pray over all their products, praying for safe use and for the little ones who use them. ♥️
Definitely the nursing pillow or white noise
Crystal Schmidt
I’m soon to be a new grandma!! Looking for a fun young grandma name! 😀 Can’t wait to meet the little miss!!! I love the swaddles. They weren’t a thing when my babies were little. And if course couldn’t live without pacifiers…
I have a 20 month old and 6 month old twin boys. My friend has a baby Brezza for formula to use with her baby and I tried it out and I’m hooked! The price tag isn’t friendly, but it would be such a life saver to have with my twin boys who go through formula like crazy. 8 oz per bottle 😅 the most loved baby item so far has been our love every play mat. We used it with my toddler, and my twin boys absolutely love it! Definitely a win!
Kayla Felland
I can’t decide between sleep sacks/swaddles or the hatch sound machine. Life savers for us!
Katie Protzeller
Definitely sleep sacks although I’ve never tried the Kyte baby ones!! I’m due in a few weeks with our first baby girl so maybe this time! My babies seem to roll over pretty early so we don’t swaddle for long. Also love our hatch sound machines!!
Melissa Tomlinson
Swaddles!! Yes, I finally found a brand that works for me and I cannot wait to use it on our little girl who is due soon (we are past our due date so patiently waiting).
Kayla Jackson
Definitely a Kyte sleep sack
Ashley Luyk
Copper pearl swaddles, bibs, and burp rags!
Hatch sound machine is by far one of my must-haves! 🙌🏻
Christine Dunn
Thank you for this list! Baby number two coming this Fall and we need a few of these things! We have always loved our Hatch sound machine for our now 18 month old, we will definitely be getting another one! We have yet to try the Kyte baby sleep sacks and pjs, or the snuggle me organic lounger – both sound like great items to add for our next little one!
By far the nose Frida saved us from many many er visits .
Allison Breitbach
I love the play-mats! They are a must have.
Got to have the sleep sacks!
Cely MacDonald
Hushh portable sound machine & SwaddleUp transitional swaddles!
I have that bouncer and it’s been used so much with all three of my kids. Definitely functional and needed!
The sound machine! Game changer!
Jessica Frost
For sure sound machine! But also our new favorite find is a pack and play black out cover – amazing for travel!!
Kimberly Rosser
We love Ryan & rose pacifiers & clips & @kalinmarieco for lovers to clip on pacifiers & blankets. Also, the snuggle me organic.
Sleep sacks, swaddles, and hatch sound machine!! My absolute musts!! The sound machine all my kids have and they love when their noise turns green it’s time to get up!
Hillary Henderson
I’m due the same week as you! Love all these items!
Definitely love the snuggleme, especially with the cute covers!
Eddy-layne Reister
I loved the bouncer with my first, we gave it away though! Just had our second (due date was March 14th but he arrived feb 27!!) and we forgot to get a bouncer or something like that to put him in safely away from our toddler 😂 woops!!! Also love the swaddles, our first didn’t like them but our second is a fan!
Kayleigh Speth
Silicone bibs! Best thing for easy clean up!
I think I discovered the Beco Gemini baby carrier with my 5th, and it absolutely saved me with my 6th!
Kalli L.
Ryan & Rose is a favorite around here too! I have a fisher price baby bath similar to the one you use and it was a game changer for me. Love it so much more then the other options out there because of the sling for the newborn phase. Copper pearl burp cloths became a favorite for me with my second because of their thickness and cute prints. Absolutely love kyte baby sleep sacks and would buy them in a smaller size for a new baby as I didn’t have one till my oldest was over a year old (he actually still sleeps in his at 2.5).
Swaddlez are my favorite ones too!
Jeannette Estes
Sleep sacks are the bomb!
Brittany O
I absolutely love Ryan & Rose and the SnuggleMe Organic Pillows
Pregnant with our fourth baby and the sound machine is a MUST! Our third baby I went ahead and got a portable one too and have used it so much. Also loved Copper Pearl Swaddles with our third and plan to get more for our 4th. My favorite item that was recalled and discontinued though is the Rock n Play! We have one that self rocks, vibrates and plays music. We still use it but just make sure it’s when we are present and only to a certain age! Definitely love love that!
Heidi Hillukka
My #1 baby item would probably be the Fisher Price Cradle n’ Swing. Best swing ever and great price point!
Katelynn Tritt
Swaddles and nuk bottles and bonks!
Katelynn Tritt
Katelynn TrittBinks*
Mary Brown
Lalabu baby Carrier
Hands down the best carrier ever! And I have tried a few as a nanny for years! And being able to carry my baby and still get things done is my Favorite thing ever!!
Susan Bush
One of my top baby item is a dock a tot. Congratulations on baby girl!
Steph G
Having a video monitor was/is a must for us. I couldn’t believe it when I had talked to friends who never had one. I used mine all the time with all 5 kids. And still use them when they’re toddlers, because I can’t always hear them if they wake up in the night.
Kimberly Rosser
It keeps saying I am ousting a duplicate comment:( I am not intentionally & can’t see that I commented before )
We love Ryan & rose pacifiers & clips & @kalinmarieco for lovers to clip on pacifiers & blankets. Also, the snuggle me organic.
Crystal Hofer
Swaddle blankets and play mat are my absolute Favorite! Wouldn’t want to be without either 1!!!
Knotted gowns to make night changes easier!
Andrea Stapleton
The Nose Frida from Frida baby! (Snot sucker :)) It really is so helpful when tiny babies can’t breathe well because of congestion. It’s gross but so worth it!! 😄
About to embark on baby number three! I’ve always wanted to try a snuggle me lounger!
Jillian Chester
I’m all about the sleep sacks and sound machines! Just had a baby (literally three days ago) and need to get my hands on these!
Momma of 6 here!🤍 Completely agree on ALL of these favorite items!! I’ve had all of these items for all of my babies except for the snuggle lounger- but who knows maybe I can try it someday! 🤍
Laura Shepherd
Love a good sound machine/ nightlight. Never tried the snuggleme, but think it would also be a great baby item. Congratulations on the upcoming birth of your daughter. We had our fourth baby born this January. I just love the newborn stage and all the love that comes into the home.
Lavonne Peters
sleep sacks are amazing!
Snuggle me lounger!
Traci Jones
Didn’t have one but always wanted the snuggle me lounger. Swaddles and sleep sacks were a must!
Favorite, most used baby item is always my nursing pillows! I cannot live without it during those first few foggy learning to latch weeks!
Mattea McPhee
We have sound machines for our kids but not a Hatch — I’ve heard great things about it! It would be really nice to be able to control settings from my phone.
Definitely Lou Lou swaddles and knotted gowns!
Kelli M
What a great list! My first is due in 6 weeks so I hope to be able to put some of these to good use. Can’t say what my favorite is just yet but the fact that we have to formula feed the Baby Brezza formula maker might be the big winner during those middle of the night feedings. I’m all about ways to make my life easier.
Beth Elliott
Baby bouncer and swaddles! 💛
I received a snuggle me lounger with my last baby! Loved it!
Emily Ayers
I love Ryan and Rose pacifiers, and thank you for the great resources!
Samantha Levy
Pacifiers! They can be such a life saver sometimes
Love this list! We didn’t have a sound machine the first time, but I’ve heard it’s incredible and we will definitely be looking for one this time!
Megan White
We love love love our Hatch Light!
Donna Voegtle
I’m expecting on March 24th and I think my favorite item will be the hatch nightlight!
Britta Portillo
Nursing pillow and sound machine are a must for all new babies! Love all the recommendations!
Lori H.
A good sound machine is soooo necessary. I always bring one when we travel!
Swaddles are lifesavers!
Cait Malich
Due in June! Can’t wait to get a few of these recommendations!
Heather Carpenter
I just discovered Ryan and Rose, I think from a previous story of yours. My baby boy is due in May but that didn’t stop me from buying a few cutie pacs!! Definitely a top favorite for me.
So many good ones! I couldn’t do without a stroller-car seat system. And love a wipeable changing pad and Ergo 360!
Jessica Hardy
I loveeeee the snuggle me! It’s so amazing! My daughter slept amazing in it and love it!
Kerstin Strickland
Love reading recommendations from other mamas! So helpful!
Alivia Valentine
One of my favorite baby items that I will forever use with my babies is a wrap. My newborns lived in them.
Tiffany Acuff
I, too, love the First Years bathtub! I’m deeply curious about the snuggleMe lounger and wonder if it’d be comforting to babies coming into foster care, which is the only way we’re having new babies in the house now!
Good muslin swaddles are my favorite go to for baby!
I haven’t tried it out yet, but I think my favorite baby product would be switching to a collapsible baby bath! In a small home, the baby bath just feels so cumbersome to store!
Snuggle me, sound machine, car seat and caddy!
Cassie Waterman
The burp cloths are definitely one of my absolute musts! I feel like I can never have enough in those first months of lots of spitups, and by the time the spitups end, the babies are teething and I use the burp cloths for all the teething drool!
Rachel Tennant
Burp clothes have been a must for our newest baby girl 😆 so they are my favorite in this season!
Aimee Blythe
Love all things kyte baby! I also swear by Ryan and rose and a sound machine!
Natasha Tiede
Loved the thicker Gerber burp cloths for my 4 babies!
Olivia Bruss
We love our Kyte!! Their sleep sacks are a must have! Also love our mini size Chappy Wrap fleece blanket that we use daily in the winter!
Jasmin Hatten
The baby bouncer for sure! Also baby carrier makes life so much easier.
Amanda S.
Those are my favorite onsies too!
Katherine Helm
I thought we wouldn’t use a sound machine, but it’s our lifesaver!! Our son clearly knows when it’s nap/bedtime when we turn the sound machine on! It’s the best!
Definitely a hatch!!!
Absolutely the Hatch Sound Machine!
My favorite baby item(s) are the copper pearl burp cloths! They’re thick, large, soft, and come in really cute patterns!
Jennifer Malott
So many good items on this list!
Melina onkoba
Ergo baby carrier. I wear my babies all the time though.
We love the kyte baby “sleepy sacks” as we call them! Actually bought our first one after your recommendation a few years ago and our three year old still wears one. 💕
I swore we wouldn’t use sound machines and oh my, I was foolish! Ha! We love them! I also loved loved loved the sit me up seat!
Katie Ollmann
I love the swaddlers!!
Savannah Williams
I’m expecting my first and this is so helpful!! Thank you for sharing!!! Definitely adding some of these to my registry!!!
Baby boy #4 due in May, and definitely going to get a Hatch sound machine this time around!
Deanndra Cheeks
Love reading these comments as a young woman starting her family!
Love this! Thanks for sharing. We are preparing for baby 6 and need everything new again – super excited to try the onsies from h&m
I’m actually about to have my first baby, so I can’t say that I have a fav item yet, but I am grateful for all the advice here 💗💗
This is so helpful!
Onesies are always great!
Regina Kauffman
How to pick only one??😊 I’d have to say my doona car seat/stroller and a close second is my portable sound machine!
Sindy Shepard
My favorite item was the dock, a tot!
Courtney Billingsly-Tien
Love the Halo sleep sacks and Wildbird ring sling. My husband could always make a great baby burrito, but I was constantly frustrated because the babies would always escape from my swaddles. The sleep sacks have been a game changer.
Sandra Hendrickson
One piece zipper outfits with feet! Or the envelope back!
Molly Vargas
One of many favorite items is having a diaper pale, we have the smaller cheap diaper genie right now because we moved but should’ve splurged on the ubbi pale as I’ve seen it at a family members house. They contain stink well.
Kris Sanders
Sound machine for the win!!
Such good recommendations! Saving this list because baby boy is due next month!
Natalie Carter
Loooove Lou Lou swaddles!!
Yuliya Teleten
Ooh just had my baby girl, after 4 boys so I am super excited for you… will have to look into the mute baby sleep sacks 🙂
Brittany Skow
Favorite baby item is a tie between Hatch sound machine and the snuggle me. Love them both!
Cami Proszek
Oh my gosh yes to the Snuggle Me!
Deacnie Bonilla
I was on the fence if to try the Ryan and rose pacifiers I am glad you have swayed me in that direction. I am also loving those H&M onesies. Thanks and best of luck with baby girls delivery.
Sound machines are a game changer! Especially in a small home.
Ashlei B
Swaddles, and sleep sacs are my favorite! I’d like to use the baby lounger for the next baby I watch ❤️ These are great tips!
Yes! The snuggle me has become our favorite as well! Some of these others are new to me, so thank you so much for sharing!
I loved the snuggle me lounger! Baby girl coming in May!
The Kyte baby sleep sacks are sooo soft!!!
Lylah Koch
I love my wrap carrier. I didn’t get a fancy one, just one from Amazon but it is the best! And my husband loves to wear baby too when we’re out and about!!
Amy Peedle
Love musical toys. I believe music is such a good thing for babies. Love sweet lullabies..
Have never tried a sleep sack with my babies, but feel like I need to!
Baby blankets of various sizes and thicknesses. You can never have too many as they always come in handy.
We love the baby gowns for sleeping at night. So much easier to change diapers.
Molly Evans
We love our dohm white noise machine!
Love the lounger!! My little one does so well in this!!
I totally agree with you on the songs: I actually have 3 volumes of Hidden in My Heart lullabies that I play. I love it bc it’s Scripture, and my now 5 year old will sing them to his brother, and He has scripture memorized since He knows the songs!
The other thing that I LOVE is my swing. It’s not a fancy swing, but it’s perfect. It’s small, compact, folds up to easily store it away when not in use, and it goes up to 45 pounds! It’s the Grace slim Spaces compact baby swing. It’s under $100. It’s gone thru 4 kids (2 of mine and 2 friends borrowed it for their babies) and I’m planning to use it for my baby in the way. ❤️
Kody Nguyen
That’s a good list! I would say burp clothes are near the top of my list, followed closely by stretch swaddles and sound machines, because anything that helps with sleep is a must!
I’m pregnant with my third, but my older two are 9 and 11, so we feel like we are starting over! I’m excited to try the Snuggle Me and will be adding the H&M onesies to my list, thank you!
Kelli B
My necessities were a million burp clothes, a halo swaddle, and Dr Brown’s bottles. I could handle it all if I had those (and Diapers, obviously lol)
Sleep sacks! 🙌🏻
Erica Secrist
Sound machine and Haaka!
Good recommendations!
I loved our snuggle me!
Megan Calvert
Definitely the hatch sound machine! Love that I can control it with my phone and choose from so many colors, brightness, sounds etc. Also for my 2nd baby, I got to try out a Konny baby carrier, it was a little too small for me to use more than once but it was amazing and so easy to put on. I would definitely invest in a nice soft baby carrier for my next baby, one that I don’t have to wrap up by myself cause I struggle with those.
Agreed on the hatch! 💙
Lesley Koehn
It’s been a hot minute since my babies were…babies. I like the thought of having lullabies playing softly in the baby’s nursery! My niece is having her first baby in August. I’m definitely gonna check out some of your favorites for Taylor and my first great nephew! Thanks!
Kyte baby sleep sacks were recommended by my college roommate after her baby loved them! I feel like sleep sacks and a great sound machine (Hatch) are the main reason why we have slept through the night pretty consistently since 2 months!
Love the snuggle me, sound machine, momaroo swing!
Sydney Pauls
SnuggleMe is the best! I love all their earthy tones 😍
Monica Derstine
Sound machines are wonderful!!
Connie Meyerink
Not specifically for the baby, but a haaka!!
It’s the sound machine for me…all day every day. Magic!!!
I love using the sleep sacks!
Ashley Gilbert
Sound machines are a must especially with older siblings ❤️
Emily K
Definitely a good sleep sack and sound machine are a couple of my top things. I haven’t tried the snuggle me but they sure look great!
I think my favorite must have item after 6 babies in would be the bouncy seat. Unfortunately ours bit the dust after baby #5 and our the chunky toddler trying it out when her baby brother wasn’t in it. Lol totally want to go check out kyte baby items now though!
Karysa Luckow
Cami Duckett
I am pregnant with my first baby. But I have always loved swaddling my friends babies!
Kirsten King
I love H&M’s side snap onsies too! 💓
Kari Hill
Just found out my daughter is pregnant with her first. I’m so excited.
Esther H
I don’t have a newborn favorite because I’ve never had a newborn before but I’m due in May! The Kyte sleep sack and hatch sound machine look amazing tho! Definitely putting those on my registry!
The SnuggleMe! Soo great and I love all their earthy colors. 😍
Sleep sacks and noise machines!
Nose Frieda. Once you get past the gross factor, you will realize it’s the best snot suckered, lol.
I love the nested bean swaddles!
Snuggle me organic was a LIFESAVER for us!
Heather Bernstrom
Love the snuggle me!!! I used it so much for our last baby (Baby #5) and am excited to use it for Baby #6 who is due end of the summer 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Jennifer LaVelle
Such a toughie my favorite but I love our jumper, our stingray play Mat, our Ktan, and white noise machine! All we got with our first and kept through baby 3!
Courtney Kooy
Love Kyte baby sleep sacks and the hatch sound machine! I’m curious to check out the lullaby cds, thanks for the suggestion!
Great post! I’ll have to run to H&M to check out their onesies. Baby #4 coming soon!
I haven’t had a baby for 11 years and we are due any day with our 3rd. They have so much new stuff out now. I really want to try the snuggle me but it is kinda expensive. I don’t even know what my favorite product is anymore. Lol I can’t wait to see our baby girl any day. I am so excited for your family! 😁
Would love to try a baby carrier with my new princess
Brittany Vance
I’m having my fourth baby soon and need to try sleep sacks this time. I’ve never used them before!
Katie mcneely
I’m pregnant with number 6 due in April!
But swaddles I didn’t find till my 5th baby😂 who knew I would miss out so much!
Emily Wuollet
My list is similar to yours! I love my baby swing tho also. For baths I’ve started using wipes as wash clothes. I just have a few set out before with a dot of soap on them and toss out when done. I’m due in July to have baby #15!! In a few months I’ll be getting my list out and checked!
Alyssa Brewster
We have a sound machine with a light that changes. As my daughter got older we used it to remind her when it’s ok to get up (turns green). Love the Hatch!
Carly Knowles
Kyte baby sleep sacks! They are the most amazing breathable fabric
Jordyn Andrews
The sound machine is probably one of the most underrated items. Didn’t have it for my first but I did for my 2nd and 3rd. Best thing ever!!!
jacqui Gerbracht
Baby Bjorn all the way but I’m old so that might be out of
Style now
Meghan rollins
My favorite items after having several children were my Ergo and my double bob
I husband pillow to help with feedings! Also our swing!
The lullaby cd is our family’s favorite! I was given it twelve years ago for my oldest and he still has it play every night. And they quote the scriptures!
I loved sleep sacks, nightgowns and ZIPPER pajamasand my erobaby baby carrier.
Heather Olson
Absolutely sound machine or play mat!! Both life savers!
Sarah K
Solly baby wraps have been a favorite of mine for every baby! Especially with big siblings, having a wrap/carrier is a way to keep my baby close while engaging with my bigs ❤️
I loved my Lille baby carrier the most!! And also our halo sleep sack!
Serena Mckenzie
BaileyThese look amazing! I will definitely look into them if I have grandchildren (hopefully soon!)
The Snuggle me and sound machine are top needs for any momma!
Baby carriers are definitely my favorite baby product! Love that baby wearing allows me to keep baby close and get things done!
Erin Haberle
Anything to wear baby 🙂
Mariah Schilling
Hatch baby monitor & vasaline (put it on everything!)
Janice Korthuis
Such adorable stuff now a days! When my first baby was born almost 35 years ago we had just the basics! So fun to choose things for our next grandbaby due in May!
Lindsey Williams
Definitely the soft newer moby wrap! 😍 and double zipper sleepers! 🙌
Sleep sacks are a must for us!!
Michele Valeson
Oh my goodness it’s been 30+ years since I have had babies!!! So many more choices now 🤩 I loved the gowns with my new Norns so easy to change diaper especially at night!!
Ergo pack!!!
Georgia Fulenwider
Onesies… you can never have enough!
I love my Loulou tops and bottom sets and you literally can wear the smallest size for the first 3 months at least! Also really like my Lille baby carrier especially when they are a tiny bit bigger it’s so comfortable! So excited for your little girl! God bless your Beautiful family!
Melissa Troyer
Both the Hatch sound machine and actual functional (not only pretty) burp cloths.. love the ones yous posted!!
My favorite baby item for my 4 month old is the snuggle me lounger! He’s baby number 4 and I got it with baby number 3. Still don’t know how I managed the first 2 without it:) very close 2nd is my mom cozy breast pumps. Let me tell you…LIFE CHANGING! Was my baby gift to myself with little man and oh how I wish I would have had it with the first 3. So perfect for a busy mom on the go who has to pump:)
Rachel B
Love my snuggle me!! I didn’t have one with my first but really loved it for my second.
Susie B
I am waiting to be a grandmother, but my favorites with my children were side snap onesies and a bouncy seat. I loved seeing your list, as dk much has changed and I’m very intrigued by everyone’s promotion of the sound machine! Will have to get for the grand babies! Blessings to you and your family in the days ahead!
Chana Posen
Ergo baby carrier
Katie Crafton
I’m due in 8 weeks! I haven’t used the kyte sleep sacks but would love to. So many good things!
Can’t live without a sound machine! Lifesaver for when the girls need to go to bed but there’s people over or something going on downstairs!
We love Ryan and Rose pacifiers (actually all things R&R) and we love our Kyte sleep sack. Can’t forget the Nose Frieda 🤧
Babyswaddle .sound machine
Christa McDonald
My newborn must have is a Solly wrap!
Chelsea Riggeal
Ooo this is a tough one, but it’s definitely the sound machine for me 🙂
Rebecca McReynolds
I think I’d have to say sound machine, they are wonderful, it is so helpful ! I also love the bouncy seat!!!
Kyte sleep sack and a baby wrap has been a game changer for baby #2!!
Sleep sacks were an absolute life saver for us! I should have invested in different sizes, we only had up to 6m.
Amber Zimmerman
Frida snot sucker
Pam Myers
As a foster parent sleepsack, and sound machines are the best
Jane Kenney
I’ve always wanted to try the Hatch sound machine!
Those swaddles❤️
Chrisanne Drangsholt
A big rocking recliner so I could nurse and rock the baby and the older ones could still sit with us and snuggle.
Love the side snap onesies for the newborn days!
MyBrestFriend pillow was such a lifesaver for us! Nursing would not have been as successful for sure. I had a fuzzy/cozy cover for winter and a cooler one for summer.
The baby bouncer has always been my favorite baby item. So handy and easy to use literally anywhere!
Sarah Beavers
Sound machine!
Whitney Swaney
We love our Hatch sound machine! But having a car car seat camera was a game changer! Best baby registry item for us by far!
My favorite baby item is a Quinn St stretch swaddle! Baby doesn’t even need clothes, you can swaddle them in just a diaper and skin to skin. They also make the best nursing covers.
The lounger. I have a new grandbaby due in April that I will be watching and the lounger is such a great item to have.
Julie Ellington
Nose frida and a sound machine!
Sara Grose
Love those side snap onesies! My daughter is having her first. I love all the thing’s available now that I didn’t have. Matching pants are so cute, too!
Alea and Jacob Reiser
I love the hatch sound machine and I even brought it to the hospital! Best decision ever!
I loved the snuggle me so much and even more so when I had my 2nd
Hannah Hakeem
Love the snuggle me lounger and Ryan & Rose products!!
Side snap onesies are my favorite too!
The swaddle and sleep sack are such good things.
Kelsey Wood
Hatch sound machine – the best!
Lauren Brown
Must have a pacifier everywhere we go!
Nicole Lett
Loved our snuggle me lounger with baby#6!
Kim Schmitt
A Snuggle Me! I bought one for my first grandbaby and her two sisters have used it too! I even have one at my house for when they visit!!
Alison s
Copper pearl swaddle blankets are the best! So soft! My boys are 3 and 1 and still use them!
The Hatch sound machine is my FAVORITE baby item!
Monique Oosthuysen
I love cloth diapers as it is cheaper than buying nappies again and again but I recently found bamboo disposable nappies and will definitely try them coming September for our new baby. We love natural products like Pure beginnings and Oh Lief. That’s what South Africa has available. Nursing bras is a must and also a nursing cushion.
Shavona Templeton
These are all so good! I’m so thrilled for you!!!
Carisia Ganda
Love all of these! I would say my most favorite is the sound machine! It’s a must! We have the hatch and love it!
Zip-a-dee sleep sack. I was in love with the halo with my first but when it didn’t work for my second I went searching. We call it his flying squirrel suit and he sleeps so well! Also a mini electric space heater, we keep our home on the cooler side for best sleep and this is great for keeping baby’s room warmer pre-blanket stage.
Definitely a snuggle me lounger!
Ashley Lee
I have never seen those onesies – just found out we are pregnant with our third! Excited to try these next time!
Amy P
Ashley Lee100% a sound machine!
Tami Cripe
As an Ahma I see Ryan and rose paci’s a lot. My granddaughter has favorite colors.
I have also see the benefit of sleep sacks for the babies.
Jacky de Kok
A woombie swaddle is my must have!
Love this list! Interested in the kyte sleep sacks!
Tonia Christensen
Sound machine and swaddles
Cyndi Schaefer
All so great! My babies are grown and as a Nana wishing they had sleep sacks when mt kids were little
5 babies later… I still love a baby carrier. I’ve used the same ergo carrier for 9 years now. Honestly I can’t get through my day without it!
My favorite is definitely the rock n play sleeper (even though it was recalled)! We always used it supervised & w/o added fabric & all my babies loved it!
Hands down the doona is my favorite baby product!
Doc a tot
Love the playmats!!
Love a good sound machine!
Christina Bong
The BOUNCER is really a good item. Happy and Safe baby girl ❤️🙏!
Swaddled. I absolutely loved them with my son.
Rachel Skenandore
I LOVE our baby egg nightlight- it was just a cheap Amazon brand Jollywell, but they are durable and work perfectly for nighttime feedings, diaper changes, etc!
Leeanna cline
Really wanting to get the Donna worn my next baby! Sling carry is my biggest go to as well
Betty DuFrane
Baby camera
Jennifer Baker
We couldn’t have done the first six months without the rock m play. It was a lifesaver. Also, portable sound machine!
Frumie Diskind
Swaddles are my favorite. Babies just go right to sleep when they are all cozy and swaddled up. Didn’t use with my first 3 kids and made a huge difference now with my 4th
Alissa Helm
I’m with you on all of these!! Especially the Kyte baby sleep sacks and Lou Lou and co. Swaddles!
Due with my second baby girl this month.
My favorite items with my first were the kyte baby sleep sacks and the snuggle me lounger 🤍
Sheri Wallace
Snuggle me lounger for my son and DIL! Thank you!
Muslin blankets and carriers are ny favorite 😍
Jessica Werner
A really special keepsake is a personalized baby blanket from My Story Blankets! They are so special 🤍
Stefanie Vasquez
Nested bean zen swaddle and zen one! Lightly weighted so baby feels like you’re still holding them
Amina Dougherty
Baby bouncer and swing were my favorite items when my 9 year old was born!! About to have baby number 2 and those were the first things I bought!
Pacifiers have been lifesavers for me!! Might do without lots of other things but not those!
Rhen F
Can we just agree the best baby product is the fresh baby smell?? 💖 can’t wait for august to have mine back again ❣️
Daniela Clark
I love the sleep bag. Had it for all of mine It’s practical and cuddly
Hi guys my favorite is a Safe Sleep Under-Mattress Baby Monitor it tells you if your baby stops breathing when sleeping.
It gave me peace of mind. 💕
Kyleigh B.
The Kyte baby sleep sacks are SO dreamy! I got a SnuggleMe for baby #2 (coming in July), and I’m so excited to try it!
I want to try a sleepsack, ive heard great things.
Jodi Brown
Sound machine, dock a tot, and a wipe warmer!
Megan T
Swaddles all the way! I used to try to wrap our babies with the little flannel blankets…what a hassle and what a sweaty ordeal 😆
Snuggle me lounger is the best!
The Snuggleme Lounger looks so great!! Wouldn’t have thought of something like that 🙂
I love all of these too! As a mother of 5…couldn’t agree more.
I always give nursing baskets for mommas at baby showers. All out together in a Cute basket that they can keep by their chair. I make sure to include – trail mixes, dark chocolate, a personalized water bottle, soothie nipple patches, and organic nipple balm.
Lately I’ve included those wash cloths, van mans chapstick and organic hand lotion. It’s just the little things that are needing while your nursing – right?!?! Cant wait to meet little girly girl!
Debra Cashmore
Great post Sarah! My fave baby item NEVER goes out of style and is perfect for all babies! I buy books for our babies before they are even born and read to them whilst still in the womb. All our babies have grown up loving to be ready to and to read! A book baby shower is such a fun idea too, to start off baby’s library.
The Snuggleme Lounger look so great!! Wouldn’t have thought of something like that for around the house 🙂
Terri Simmons
First grandbaby on the way finally! I’m so intrigued by how many things are the same after 30 years! For example, washclothes and burp pads- gotta have them!
Gracie k
Definitely getting the burp clothes and lounger for my second baby boy due June 23rd and this will be my husbands 6th son!! Maybe 7 is the lucky number for girls!! 🤞
Love the owlet! It gives me peace of mind. I just recently gave birth to my second child and this time around I know to expect baby noises so the owlet helps me sleep so much better.
Hailey E
Ergobaby wrap! LOVED wearing my son for pretty much everything. He was close to me, yet I still had 2 hands to function with
Ashley Jantz
Lou Lou swaddles and Ryan and Rose paci clips!!
Love louloi and company!! Want to grab another one of theirs for our next little one due in less than 3 months! Also the Scripture Lullaby CDs our all of our favorites! My kids all love going to sleep to these CDs! I am thankful for God’s Word being hidden in their hearts! It’s amazing how much they can memorize from this music.
Aneesa Clervoix
I can’t live without the Kyte baby sleep sacks & Hatch sound machine .. they are certainly baby must haves.
Joanna Funderburg
alyssa Perkins
My favorite sleepers are Carter’s, especially for the double zippers feature. Also highly recommend the nose Frida and the Frida brand head scrubber.
I Love Loulou and Company. I also really like Copper Pearl. If you havent checked out their swaddles and stuff you should!
Sandi Mcmillan
Nursing pillow for sure!
Alex M.
A good swaddle is so important. It’s a game changer for sure!
Sarah Durham
I love the Ollie swaddle and dohm sound machine! 💕👶🏼🫶🏻
Have been wanting to try Kyte sleep sacks! Expecting twins in the fall so they’re definitely on my list!
Just the sweet baby snuggling ♡ it’s the best and so short!
Rosanne Acosta Acosta
Sounds machine and dockatot!
Currently pregnant with baby #5. Pacifiers and swaddled are my favorites on this list.
Pamela Smith
Love the snuggle me lounger!
Deanna Kingsbury
Love the H & M onesies!!!
Cahley Hackett
For breastfeeding moms, the Haakaa is a must-have!!
All of these items you listed are amazing! 👶🏼
Jessica Sehy
Love this list and all so helpful!!
Kristen Mutu
Dock a tot is a must and life saver!
Megan C
Can’t wait to try the sleep sack in August with our baby!
Emilee Walker
I’ve never had a snuggle me organic but I’ve been interested in them for sure! My favorite baby item that I’ve used with my 5 babies so far (and will with this next one) has been muslin swaddle blankets! I use them as blankets, breastfeeding coverage, and burp cloths. I just love how lightweight and breathable (and soft and cute) they are!
Katie H
I love the hatch sound machine, swaddles and kyte sleep sack for baby!
Kelli Garvin
I think you picked great practical stuff! Thank you for sharing!
Chellsey Rogers
My all time FAVORITE baby item is the nuna pipa infant seat! Really saved me for the first 5 months, I had a c section so it was nice that i could carry it being as it was so light! I thought it would be extremely expensive but it was around $250 and we got our moneys worth!
Portable sound machine for the stroller or car rides. Finally got one with baby #3. Why didn’t I get one sooner?!?
Lorena Batista
We love Ryan and Rose pacis! Kyte Baby Sleep sacks is number one here for sleep routine.
Chantel Federico
Cotton muslin baby quilts!! They’re my FAVE and the 3/4 of my kids who have had them, are glued to their blankies. It’s so sweet. And definitely get 2 to rotate in case they become necessity.
Tara N
Ahhh so many must haves! I’m going to comment the baby nose frida!! My number one pick for baby shower gifts!
Andrea Humphreys
My nursing pillow! I used it for my 3 babies and it helped my back and neck, posture and c-s recovery for my 3rd! Worth the splurge on a high quality pillow!
Tiffany Hannus
Love the LouLou swaddles, snuggle me and Kyte sleep sakes!! All are a must have with new babies!! I am also a huge fan of the Saranoni mini plush it’s my daughters favorite snuggle blanket!
Ryan and rose pacifiers and snuggle me
Lesley Motsinger
Favorite most used baby item… definitely a sound machine!!
Kristi Morris
Baby #5 on the way and I finally ordered from Ryan and Rose and cannot wait!! Yay!
The sleep sack looks so comfy! We just had our last baby girl on February 17th and this is something I would definitely like to try.
Victoria Wood
My top baby item would be between a sound machine and a baby carrier! Sound machine is a game changer though for peaceful sleeps!!
Dreamland weighted sleep sack!!! I feel like every time I swaddle and zip my little girl in it she instantly seems to calmed and has been sleeping 6-10 hours stents since 8ish weeks old!!!
I also LOVE the Ninni Co pacifier! It is great for babies who need any help with suck training, it very much so mimics the same motion of nursing in order to keep the pacifier in their mouth!
LOVe Mebie Baby blankets and burp cloths 💞
Having my fifth baby in June however I got rid of many things after my last and need to start over on some things. I think my favorite essential is zipper footie sleepers and burp cloths for sure!
Can’t do without the Hatch sound machine or a baby lounger !!
Great list! A sound machine is an absolute must for us! With my twins sharing a room it has really helped them sleep better, even now as toddlers. Sadly ours is starting to go, I’ll have to look into the Hatch!
Melissa Witt
The snuggle me has to be my top item!!!
We recently bought the Evenflo Pivot Explor wagon with the top seat. FAVORITE purchase yet. Seats 3 kids, is light enough that I can unload it easily, and it fits in the trunk of my Odyssey with room to spare.
Ahh! Its hard to pick what baby item I loved. I did love the diaper bags I’ve had, I changed only twice with my 3rd baby. But I will my fave Abby item would the Ryan and Rose pacifiers and their cute clips. I love their pacifiers because it comes in different stages for the baby. Now I want another one and order from them again, hehe!
I love the Kyte sleepsacks!!
Kaitlyn A
Definitely the Solly baby wrap or hatch baby rest 💕
Samantha Stitt
The hatch is a necessity! My other absolute favorite item is the haakaa, it is a game changer with nursing!
Sarah S
The snuggle me lounger! Finally got one with baby #3 and it was amazing. Also the H&M side snap onesies are a must have for newborns! Great list
The bouncer seat is always something I get my friends. So easy to move anywhere and put baby. 💗💗
Amanda Haugen
We missed a sound machine with the first one, definitely will not be missing it this time around!
Melissa Powell
Love the play mat I got the same one with my oldest and used with all three and still holding onto it in case we have anymore. I would add a Haaka it was my favorite new thing after my second and it’s so helpful especially to catch that extra milk in those early weeks. ❤️❤️🍼
Yess I love our hatch sound. My 6 year old still uses the dryer setting every night so going to need another one! Thank you for the refresher/ideas!
Ashley Riley
My favorite baby item is the sleep sacks. Helps the babies feel snug. Always helped my boys sleep better.
Baby must have for me, dock a tot & Ryan and rose products for sure! 😊
Expecting baby number 1 in August. Unsure of a favorite item(s)!!
Sound machines are the best! Portable ones even better. My newest is three months today and already loves to hear soft music or nature sounds.
Lynn barndt
I wish I had the funds for so many fun baby items! 🙂 I was giving two loulouandcompany swaddles and I agree they are some of my favorite blankets!! And Ryan and Rose pacifiers are the best! Watch for their sales to stock up!
My favorite is our Ubi diaper can. Doesn’t need special bags, but does such a good job holding the smell inside so I don’t have to make so many trips to the outside trash!
Wow! Very nice list. Expecting my ninth baby, and would have to say H&M onesies are great!
Nikki S
We love the R&R pacifiers!! Currently pregnant with our rainbow baby & seriously considering the lounger! That seems like a great item!!
Thanks so much for sharing. Can’t wait to hear the good news that baby girl is here!
Ergo and sleep sacks are definitely some of my favorite baby items! (Though my snuggle me has got so much good use with most of my kids.. the newest babe likes to sleep on his stomach so he outgrew it faster than the others!)
Angelita herrera
Definitely can’t go without the baby carrier! 🤍🙏
We loved our snuggle me! Baby girl basically lived in it when she was tiny! Loved having a save place to set her down. I had a friend in need who just had a baby so i gifted mine to her and would love another for my next baby💓
Sound machines are a lifesaver
Baby lounger of mamaroo bouncer/swing
Ashley Shoemaker
We just finally got a Kyte baby sleep sack and love it! I can’t get over how soft it is, so snuggly.
Christa Olvera
Sleep sacks are definitely a must. One thing I forget about and some may think it’s extra but was so very helpful was a baby wipe warmer
Stephanie H.
Would love love love the Hatch Sound. We are transitioning baby girl to her own nursery next week and I will try anything to make it as seamless as possible! This mama needs some sleep, lol.
Portable sound machine to attach to car seat!
And snuggle me lounger!
Ange Gifford
Love everything MFF
Janice Menjivar
The Kyte sleep sack! Looks so cozy and my kids sleep soundly in it!
Gabriella Wall
Hatch baby sound machine is our all time fave too!!
I don’t know yet! Pregnant with my first baby so soon to find out what my favorite baby items are!
Desiree Burgos
I am pregnant with baby #6 i would love to use some of these!
Chanelle Corley
Reading this made me at ease for baby products I have purchased, I’m on the right track!
Sam bauer
My favorite baby item has been the mamaroo and Elvie breast pump
Chanelle Corley
I definitely want a sound machine or a sleep sack, great read for must haves!
We love Ryan and rose pacifiers too, discovered it with our 3rd baby. Have a new pack ready for our 4th (she is still not ready to come yet, although I’m 41 weeks already).
Fern Day
I like that nursing pillow!!
Shana Lapp
You really need a snot sucker:) the nose Frieda brand works fine, but I’m sure there’s others too!
Emy Ray
We have the same due date and I’m also have an exclamation point girl! (Although I only have three boys). Any day now!
I absolutely love the Toby Fairy Swaddle blankets from Zulily! So stretchy and soft, and decent in size too! One of my favorite products after 6 kids 🙂
Carlyn Hurtado
SnuggleMe Lounger!! I’m currently 15 weeks pregnant and It’s one of my top wish list items for my sweet baby.
Natania Hill
We have a bouncer just like that and has come in handy with my fourth baby! It’s definitely not the cutest thing I own but she loves it!!
Caroline Racky
First grandbaby comming soon. It helps to have seasoned moms opinions.
Lots of your favorite are mine too! I will have to try your recommendations for a nursing pillow for our next baby. I just couldn’t find a good one this time around.
Lindsay Babaeian
Love the muslin cloths!
Woolino sleep sacks! 3 years of using them for my twins, and i just got a couple more for new baby. Nothing compares.
Swaddle, baby wrap and diaper bag from skip hop
Esther Froese
Must have is a sound machine
Lesya Pshenychnyi
Snuggle me lounger
Snuggle me lounger and sound machine are needs! My baby loved his lounger when he got in it, he just turned 1 on Tuesday!
Definitely the sound machine!
Karen Engstrom
Johnnie Jump Up
Is that even what it’s still called? Did I just date myself?
Cari Murphy
I love my bum brush and my frieda baby tool (booger grabber!). Two small but useful baby products!
Andrea P
All great suggestions. I love the snuggleme as well! I used it with my first two and I’m due in a week and plan to use it again. Good luck with everything!
Naomi G
I would say the bouncer was my favorite. So portable and easy and with my non stop boys, they loved to literally bounce in them!
Norah Funk
Amen to the stretchy swaddles! Not only does the baby stay snug, they feel so absolutely adorably soft and squishy all wrapped up!
Also Kyte Baby sleep sacks are right up there on the list of must-haves!
I would say R&R pacifiers were must-haves as well, except my son has refused any kind of pacifier (I think I tried 7 or 8 different kinds!) and we’re still surviving!
Another essential for me is a co-sleeper bassinet. I have a BabyBay and LOVE it for keeping a baby right at arms reach but out of my sleeps pace!
Didn’t think to use a sound machine until our 3rd daughter but they are so worth it!
Snuggleme lounger
Amy Aldridge
We love love love our Hatch machine! We also love the Ollie swaddle. Such a game changer!
Alannah Newcomer
I am expecting my first baby in April! I don’t have any must haves of my own yet, but I was excited to see your list and see a few items I was planning on using!
Elizabeth Flick
LOVE Kyte baby sleep sacks!! Have tried so many and they are by far our fave 🤍
Jennifer luciano
Oh gosh my fav items are the sound machine, the Ryan and rose pacifiers!! With my last little guy I got every color , I absolutely could not live with out burp cloths!! I can stay here all day lol I basically used everything on your list 🤣🤣🤣
Love all the baby items! Sound machine & sleep sacks are my favorites. Congratulations on your growing family ❤️
Bella Gehrett
Just found out that I’m pregnant for the first time and I’m really wanting to get a snuggle me lounger. I’ve heard great things about it! Can’t wait for October to be here! That’s when I’m due!
Nakieva Crum
Love all essentials basics. Boppy, swaddles, burp cloths/receiving blanket
I bring a baby file, onesies, socks, and hat to the hospital. My favorite items at home are bouncy chair, Boppy, and co-sleeper.
Mariah Garcia
Definitely need to look into those burp clothes! My little guy is definitely putting the traditional ones I have to the test 😅
This is so helpful 🫶
Very helpful. Thank you for posting.
Definitely swaddles but my kids love their baby swing too.
Heather Clementi
As a mama who’s tried nursing twice and was unable, the Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced has been a life saver with two under two.
Shelbi S.
The Snuggle Me is a fave here! We love it as a safe place to lay baby when everyone is in the livingroom. And sound machines are amazing!
Sheila Bailey
I just love the one piece sleeper suits. So easy for changing & cute & cozy!
Sable Alongi
The hatch sound machine is a fav in our house!
Erin C
We can’t survive without our sound machines! Love white noise! Pregnant with baby 5 and you’d think “we have it all” but I’m eyeing your list making mental notes of what we should get for our final round!
Beth Chernick
Sound machine for sure!
Jenna Ericson
My favorites are either the kyte baby sleep sacks or the hatch sound machine. My baby sleeps in our room and once I move him I’m going to miss having a sound machine in my room.
My first loved the bouncer! Hopefully my second will too!!!
Sound machines and nursing pillows were by far my faves. Most of my kids still sleep with sound machine or night lights. The bathtub you chose is also my favorite! I’ve used it for all my babies as well.
Snuggle me! I’m the grandma and I even have my own at my house for the little ones who come to vis!
Angela K
As a first time mom, the My Brest Friend pillow has been an amazing help to me while figuring out nursing!
Totally agree with these! I’m due in a couple weeks with #4 and I would also say my favourite is my solly baby wrap!
Kaitlyn High
Scripture lullabies 100%! Also love my Baby Delight bedside bassinet and zipadee zip sleep sacks when baby graduates from swaddle!
Mikaela Harbach
I love the stretchy baby swaddles and anything from Kyte! My favorite brand for baby stuff!
Desiree Dorsey
I love kyte baby sleep sack. I have one since 4 years! Just one. I love it, my youngest ( 11 months old) is in it now. I wish I had more!
Tracey Hintze
Love my baby bjorn mini! This is baby #2 and this has been super comfy to wear baby and get things done around the house or enjoy walks in the neighborhood! Also love the fisher price piano play gym for both my kids!! Congrats on your baby girl 💕
Caitlin Eden
Ohhh the snuggle me! I need to try it for this babe for sure
Sleep sacks and the front pack are live savers!
Haley Baldwin
We love sleep sacks but have never tried ones like Kyte Baby!
Sandra Buckallew
If I had another baby I would get a lot of things they didn’t have before. Like a formula machine that stores the formula, and makes a bottle for you. I used formula longer than I breastfed. I wouldn’t let my child use Ryan and rose pacifiers. Especially if I was breastfeeding. I’ve read articles from lactation consultants that say their pacifiers aren’t anywhere near close to what breasts feel like. So if you use their pacifiers while breastfeeding it could confuse the baby.
Teresa Stoltz
The soother! It calmed our first down sooo quickly it was magic. Just waiting on baby girl’s arrive now too!
Whitney Choate
Hatch Sound Machine is a must! Game changer!!
Whitney ChoateI love swaddles and would love to try the stretch ones this pregnancy! Pregnant with #5…4 boys right now! And I would love to try the snuggleme lounger for this baby, sounds wonderful!
Sylwia Gorczyca
I love love love the hatch sound machine!!
Tammie Hammett
Side snap onesies are amazing and the bouncer is great. My son could really get some air in his. ♥️
Love my “feeding pillow” as our 2 year old calls it! Have one in the living room and our room right now for the new baby 💙
Two way zippered pajamas are life changing. They weren’t around for my first two but that’s all my 3rd wore!
Amy Wright
After 6 kids, I would say I have used the boppy every single time
Tania jesus
Love you picks! Is I ever have another child I am so going o to try the sound machine !
My favorite baby item is the blanket my Mom crochets for each baby! She even makes little ones for them to carry around. ❤️
Love these favorites- sleep sacks are amazing.
Maria Maggenaki
Sound machine my love…definitely!
Kyte baby sleepers are a favorite of ours!
The bouncer for sure and the bath tub, pregnant with baby number 1 and constantly re making lists of things to get. 9 weeks feels so close and so far
Natalie P.
I absolutely love the onsies. I love them even when the babies are nearing 2 and not yet potty trained.Love not dealing with exploded or hanging diapers.Also one thing that I probably couldn’t go without is a swing that rocks side to side or some of my kids loved the mamaroo but had to have both they were my extra hands when needed to place her down.
Victoria Franco
Definitely agree with sound machine as an essential! But what you don’t have one your list are the zipper onsies…they are the BEST from zipster, but anything with a zipper for newborns and toddlers who move around a lot…super easy and faster than the buttons. Zipster also has matching pajamas for babies and toddlers AND parents 🙂
Kathleen Worthen
Puppy pee pads! 😂 I know it sounds crazy but for diaper changes, they are a must have, especially for the public diaper changes. I buy the puppy ones because they are way cheaper than the people ones. They are big and can cover the changing area then you toss the whole thing when done.
Rachael Rhame
Love a sound machine! I even use one now myself 🤦🏻♀️ and there are never enough burb cloths! Love you and your sharing your family, life and faith with all of us. Thank you and God bless you and keep you safe as you move towards delivery of your sweet baby girl 💝
McKenzie Hyde
Snuggle me loungern
Couldn’t live without the hatch sound machine and a play mat! It’s great that the hatch grows with them and you can use it to help set a schedule as they grow up 🙂
Lynn Donley
The Luna Lullaby …. It looks wonderful and a much needed baby item!
Jacki Lambert
Swaddles that velcro to get them nice and snug! Sleep sacks to keep them warm without blankets in the winter months. A bounce and our swing. With my first I had a for swing that could be locked to also be used as a bouncer and it worked great in a small home. With my second, we had put on an addition and double the sized of the house, I ended up buying a bounce within the first month so it was much easier to move room to room.
A nursing pillow is the top item I can’t live without and good muslin nursing blankets!
Joanna L Schlabach
Nana here- I see the sound machine and swaddles as such a wonderful way to put my grandbabies to sleep. I wish I would have had them for my own babies!
Amy Patterson
First time expecting mom here so I have much less first hand knowledge than Sarah, but so far the baby item we’ve purchased that I’m most excited about is our Uppababy Cruz stroller! I tortured my poor husband in the stroller aisle at buy buy baby for over an hour “testing” out the strollers and the uppababy was far superior to all the rest. Can’t wait for us to start using it in a few short weeks with our new baby girl!
Katherine S
H&M nursing tanks!
Snuggle me lounger or bouncer. Due with baby boy in 8 weeks! 🙂
Joanne MacEachern
1000000% would have to say, a mobile for the crib…..it entertained for relaxing, the music calmed them if fussing and it also was a signal if the room was dark that it was bedtime
Debbie Shank
My daughter loves a good nursing pillow
My baby is real chunky so the H&M onesies were too tight for him, but I Loove the sleep sacks. He has just outgrown the one we have 🙂
Marysia K
Sleep sacks!!
Krista Sterling
Thanks so much for this list! As a first time mom expecting this summer, it’s so helpful to know what experienced moms feel are most beneficial to have.
I am a huge lover of my nursing pillow too! I went without for the first Month or two with our oldest and I would never go without after that! It helped me so much with a sore back neck shoulders!
Billy-Lynn Clowe
I loved my wipe warmer!
Meredith Mueller
We loved the sound machine and the love to dream swaddles and the my breast friend nursing pillow!
The lounger is great for us!!! It’s nice to be able to set them down in a soft space while I’m tidying up or with our older one!
As a foster Mom who loves on some special foster babies, my all time favorite baby item is the snuggle me lounger.
Oh I loved sleep sacks for our daughter! Definitely need to get some before baby boy arrives!
Fal B.
Hands down kyte sleep sack
Polly S
100% must have is a white noise/ sound machine!!!
Lauren Pyper
Need to try Kyte baby swaddles for my new girl!
Christina Campbell
The hatch and a fan are my go to for sleep. Sleep sack or the Merlin ones to are hood depending on what baby likes best.
The doona!!! Such a lifesaver!!!
Love this! Onesies are a must for me, as well as either a bouncer or swing (both kids have preferred one or the other). I can’t wait to find out what our third is like in a few months!
Jessica Knisley
I loved swaddle blankets, bouncer and sound machine for all five of mine.
Melanie K
I love stretchy swaddles too! I just had my daughter on Monday. She’s in the NICU now but I’ll be swaddling her at home soon!
Nursing cover that also becomes a car seat cover or blanket or anything in between!
Krissy Schultz
Hatch sound machine! Baby boy number 3 is due in June and definitely will be purchasing another one!
Heather-Joy Batten
These top picks really resonate with me! There is so much noise and clutter when it comes to “baby stuff” and it pays to cut out the “fluff” and cling tightly to the necessities and basically the stuff that just makes life easier! Thanks for sharing these suggestions … with Baby no. 5 on the way … I share MANY of your likes and loves! How do I pick a fave?! R&R pacifiers have been a tried and true staple for us … but isn’t a functional and reliable baby bathtub that grows with them just a little slice of luxury?! 😆💓 Thinking of you guys and praying for a safe and happy arrival of Baby Girl!
Sarah Bosch
My solly baby wrap was my favorite after I had my second kid! Needed something to allow me to have my hands to help the toddler while keeping baby snuggled up and close
I love my simple bouncer. I don’t even remember the brand, but it’s so convenient to have a safe place for baby early on when you need to cook dinner, etc. Having my fourth boy in the next week or two! I love those H&M onesies. What is it about the crossover that is so cute??
We love love love our Kyte sleep things! They last so long. I ordered a couple new things for this babe during their summer sale and plan on grabbing a few more. I’m due the 17th but having this babe next Friday (the 10th!!).
Jaimie denney
Sound machine! All of my kids use them and even my husband and I use one every night. They are life saving!
I would love to try out the hatch! We have a much cheaper one and don’t think the quality is great and usually just rely on a fan
Leanne Leason
Burp cloth!! I use the white cloth diapers. They are super absorbent and soft.
Danielle H.
The electric nose frida!
Melissa Malinowski
Great items listed! My most used were bathtub, swaddles, sound machine, burp cloths!
Stephanie Sanaga
Sound machine for sure! Both my girls still sleep with theirs (4.5 and 2.5 years old). Even I can’t fall asleep with my own after using them with babies in the room!
Love to dream sleep sacks! Absolute game changer for babies who like to sleep with their arms up!
Courtney Robbins
Sleep sacks are by far my favorite baby item! I love the Halo swaddle ones in the beginning then move to the regular!
Lindsey Rawson
My favorite is the hatch machine! Have to have ours set to 36 every night for our girl ❤️
The snuggle me lounger! I didn’t have it for my first two kids and it was a dream for my third.
Teresa Gregor
Ergo baby carrier! Funny thing is, we have 12 children and I never really got the hang of a baby carrier until now…. I’ve been using it with our granddaughter and it’s awesome!
Kyte baby sleep sacks and he hatch sound machine are must haves!!!
Muslin blankets
Best baby item: Target Cloud 9 footie pajamas. My babies love in those til they can walk.
Natosha Clark
Definitely sleep sacks and sound machines! I got so use to sleeping with rain sound from my 3rd and still use it now that she’s in her own room.
Kassidy Spencer
Hatch sound machine or baby lounger are my must haves!
Receiving blankets
One of my favorite baby items was muslin swaddle blankets…the perfect weight and thickness and could be used in so many ways!
Miriam Rockhill
I look at all the new things they have come out with for when you have a baby and I wish they had them when I had my first baby at 19 which was almost 21yrs ago. I don’t need anything but my sister fosters and adopts and she just brought her 7th baby into her home a little girl and would love any of these things! ❤️
About to have our first baby and we have so many of these items on our registry or have already been gifted them! So excited!!
Maggie Phillips
I’ve never had a snuggle me lounger and go back and forth on getting one. Maybe I will this go around—pregnant with baby number 5. My favorite baby product is a baby carrier so I can get things done around the house, while still snuggling my little one.
Janelle Young
I am the grandma (Myme) is what my granddaughter decided to call me all on her own. She is 2 and we have another little girl on the way! 💕 the sound machine has been a life saver for them! 😍
Elizabeth Luna
I love a good nursing pillow!
Jenna DeWitt
I love the snuggle me and hatch sound machine!! Both have been lifesavers!!
Sound machine!
Love this list! I’m also expecting my 7th baby! But I’m not due till November ish!
A tiny one but the Freida nail clipper has been a game changer! An absolutely love the side snap onesies too!
Meghan Tscheschlog
The kyte sleep sacks and hatch sound machine are my favs! Our 4th baby is about to move to his own room and both of these things are on my list!
Kathy Weckesser
I love a good soft blanket
Any baby wear item is a must! Especially if you have other kids or if your baby loves and wants to be held all the time.
Amanda Shindelar
I loved having a bouncer for baby so I could sit them in the bathroom while I took a shower, or in the kitchen while doing dishes!
rebecca poggiali
great suggestions!!
Kelly Green Slight
Gosh! Why does it feel so hard to pick my favorite baby item!lol there are so many we need! Honestly the butt paste spatula! I do not want diaper cream on my hands all the time!
Stroller wagon
Amanda Jones
Sound machine! Works miracles!
Sound machine was a LIFESAVER and something we didn’t know we needed until my son was actually here! Definitely will not go without that for #2.
My favorite baby product which has been a lifesaver is the nose frida! It has helped so much for when my babies are super congested.
We love our sound machine and the snuggle me for those first few weeks.
Ash L
Snuggle me lounger. I’ve never used on with my babies. I’d love to use it for my next foster love.
Meg S.
Infantino 4 in 1 carrier! Used it so much with both my babies but definitely a life saver with my second while having a toddler to chase!
Cathy Greene
My favorite baby item would 100% be, the baby🧡
I didn’t get a sound machine when I had my first…within a 2 weeks I ordered one and had it delivered! Still have it 8 years later!
Kirsten Dill
My favourite baby item was definitely the Fisher Price Deluxe Booster seat. Easy to transport and much more comfortable then restaurant high chairs. https://www.babiesrus.ca/en/Fisher-Price-Healthy-Care-Deluxe-Booster-Seat—R-Exclusive/4846446C.html
Joanne Paauw
I love the swaddles. Only I make my own so they are a bit bigger and you can cover up when nursing.
Would have never survived without our baby swing!
Ryan and rose pacifiers look great I have never try them, and the bouncer looks very complete for babies to be entertained, the bouncer will be my favorite I might buy it for my baby ☺️
Gretchen Roodvoets
100% the stretchy swaddle blankets! 💗
Kirstie Shaffer
We use a lot of these too, I love it!
Love your suggestions and help for new moms! We really loved the sleep sacks/swaddlers. It helps them sleep so much better.
Serena Lowery-Kooiker
Sound machine is the absolute best and they can continue to use it as they grow
Jessica Poore
Cotton swaddle blankets
Ashley Meulink
I’ve never used a snuggle pillow for baby, and this is baby 4! 🤪
I loved the Woombie sleep sack. My first had bad startle reflex and these worked really good. Also pacifiers. All three of mine used MAM brand and loved them
Bouncer – let’s me take a nice long shower and steam baby at the same time 😊
Danielle Davis
I loved my Ergo baby carrier!
Brigit Tucker
My favorite baby item is hands down a bouncer!
I agree with the snuggleme and sound machine! I love the Woolino sleep sack and my happy baby carrier too.
Now I really want to try that Luna Lullaby nursing pillow with this baby, I’ve always used My Brest Friend but the Luna looks so big and comfy!
Haven Stallings
My favorite baby item is definitely our hatch. It’s so useful to work it from my phone. But also super portable so I can easily take it to my parents when the kids sleep over, or on vacations. Plus it give you a lot of options sound wise so my kid isn’t stuck listening to the same thing every night.
Pacifiers for sure
Ashley Mostrom
My favorite baby item is my doona! But love this list. 🙂
Brandi Matlack
Balmex was my number one must have when our son was a baby 20 years ago!
Caron McNeaney
No babies for me, but my daughter is having a baby due in 5 weeks. One of the favorite baby items is a sound machine
Lauren Ruiz
Love love love the baby lounger!!! My bestie is expecting her first baby (a girl!) And I would love to spoiler her with something off this list!!!
Hannah Yoder
I love those H&M onesies too! So worth the money for sure.
Chelsey Coggins
Dreamland sleep sack! Game changer for sleep!
I love the nose Frida-original or the electric one!
A stretchy swaddle and sounds machine are a must for us!
Janelle Dillree
The sleep sacs are definitely a must have!!
Elise Dorsey
We love the bouncer and play mat!!
Rachel Nugent
These are all so good! We loved that baby bath also 🛁
Courtney Wheat
My favorite baby item would be a baby carrier-the baby Bjorn carrier for newborn stage. Lilliebaby for 6+ months old. Being pregnant with my 5th I have a feeling I will use it even more this time around 🙂
Alyssa Jones
Kyte Baby sleep sack!
Laura Lager
I can’t live without a good pacifier! My kids call them “foo fees.” Ha! I’ll have to try these out!!
Miranda Black
Hatch sound machine is amazing and a must have!
Lauren Biedebach
A baby carrier is a must have when you have multiple and our favorite is the Lille carrier!
Love my moby carrier. Keeps baby nice and close and secure.
Maya Getz
Never had the snuggle me lounger for my first but would have loved it!
Sue Stauffer
Love the hatch sound machine!
our hatch and copper pearl bibs were my favorite items!
The Lou Lou swaddles are the best!!!! My kids still sleep with them. I can’t wait to pick one out for this next baby!
Paige Kaiser
The sound machine is a must! We also love our portable one! I’m a big fan of the Snuggle Me organic for my second and now expecting my third, I know I’ll use it just as much! We’re expecting our first girl after 2 boys 🙂
Amber Abrahamson
You got some really great baby items. My favorite baby item use all the time is Muslim baby blankets/swaddles. I used them for nursing, for baby girl.
The hatch sound machine is my #1
Amanda cokinos
Owlet baby sock to monitor baby’s breathing and for peace of mind.
Expecting baby boy #5 my favorite item definitely bouncer.
Dodie Bragg
Also love the Ryan and rose Pacifier but we also bought my niece a toy it’s called DJ bouncing beats she absolutely loves it I think I got it when she was eight months and she’s almost one now and she loves the lots and bounces with it and knows how to push the buttons and everything:)
Meghan Endahl
The Ollie swaddle and the Hatch have absolutely been my favorite!
Hannah Long
Stretchy swaddles are my favorite
Lynsey Crawford
Sound machine fan! I even slept better with one.
Emily Nicely
Pregnant with baby #2 and debating the hatch sound machine because I’ve heard such great things!
Marissa Hupp
Also, obsessed with KYTE baby sleep sacks and we really loved the blooming lotus for giving baths in the sink especially when baby is really little!
Dana M
Definitely a play mat/gym and changing pad. And when old enough, a jumperoo!
Emilee Frey
Yes to all of this! Great picks 🤍 The snuggle Me is the greatest invention ever 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Brianna Fryar
Lillebaby is my fav!
Kari Baker
Lots of these things I haven’t tried, hoping to get to try them with #2!
Kari BakerBut I do love the hatch sound machine!
Sarah Calderon
I didn’t do a sound machine till my 3rd kiddo and I must say it’s been a game changer! I learn so many new things with each kid.
Corinna Sapko
Love Lou Lou company blankets for swaddling! I have never heard of that nursing pillow. Baby #4 due in July! I need to check that one out!
Jessie Fletcher
Yes! The Ryan & Rose pacifiers! The ONLY ones my son would take when he was a baby! 🤦🏼♀️😂🥰
Completely agree about the sound machine! We just bought our third one for our new baby coming this spring!
I would love to try out a snuggle me!!
It’s so hard to choose my favorite! Nursing pillow, velcro swaddles, swing, muslin blankets and pacifiers to name a few!
Shayna G
Would love a snuggle me lounger!
Makenna Wilson
Oh yes! A snuggle me is a must!! Loved it with my first and excited to use it again with my 2nd due in August!
Trinity Coyne
Second baby on the way in September!! We just got the snuggle me organic- didn’t have one with our first and I’m glad you approved! Lol I also added the w burp cloths to our registry! Excited to try these, this was super helpful! Thank you!
Shayns G
Never tried a Kyte baby sleep sack but would love to also.
By far my favorite were these natural swaddle blankets I found! So soft, great for nursing covering, light weight, big enough for the floor and still my boy’s favorite blankets!
Hatch sound machine!!
Love the kyte sleep sacks! My baby girl sleeps so well in them. We also loved the snuggleme when she was an infant, now she likes to play on it.
Amy Ashman
Lindsey Thering
I absolutely love my hatch for my daughter! I wish I had had a snuggle me lounger!
Maddie K.
A travel sound machine for the car, church or wherever you may be!
Loved swaddle blankets
Elizabeth Van Nus
So many great products I have used with my babies!!!
Emily S.
The sound machine and lounger look amazing! I have heard great things about both and I’m putting them on my wishlist for baby. Along with muslin burb cloths
Mollie C.
Swaddles are a must! I feel like we keep trying different ones. For the next kid we are looking into a new sound machine and the snuggle me lounger.
Michelle Harlan
Love the nursing pillows… helps with all the different positions
Adrienne Luedders
I love those pacifiers!!
Love a good sound machine! And the bjorn bouncer was the best way to get a shower in!
For sure the hatch sound machine!
My favorite is a sound machine for sure! I swear it’s why my kids sleep so well. I’m even packing one in my hospital bag this month to help ME try to sleep with all the noises of the hospital!
Brittney S
AshleySound machine and swaddles, then sleep sacks!
The perfect swaddle and thick burp clothes
Megan Thomas
A sound machine is such an underrated new baby need!
Bethany Lotulelei
I love the haakaa!
Sarah Newman
Love all the different favorite baby products! We love our portable play yard! We have 5 boys and are outside a majority of the day!
Thank you for this! I’m due in May with my first and love reading these posts! Best of luck for a smooth labor and delivery!
Melissa Bailey
Nursing pillow & Haakaa!
Anna Kopp
So many favorites in this list, but top two are probably the hatch and the snuggle me! We used the snuggle me so much and our baby loved it. We still have the hatch and use it every night!
Tatiana Buhler
Definitely wanting to try the snuggle me this time around. It’s such a gamechanger having a second baby! Anything to ease the transition. Is what I need!
Sonya Jones
Swaddles!!! Number 1 for me
Kristy Seigman
I could not have survived without a bouncer. I used that for all 3 of my girls and it was a lifesaver.
Lisa O
Portable sound machine! We start using it in the hospital so we can sleep and then I take it everywhere. .the nose Frida too! My 4 mo has her first virus and e-bike she hates it, it’s quick and easy for me plus easy to clean. I’ve used one with all 3 of my kiddos
Emily Janning.
My favorite baby item is the hooka! It helped me so much!
Lindsay peine
I love my hatch sound machine! Now I want to try your Nursing pillow 😍
I loveee all these items!!! Pretty familiar with most and have a few but have never seen the bath tub! I used angel care with my first and loved it.
Baby bjorn bouncer 👏🏻
renae Lemmens
Baby Breeza
Robyn Miller
We love our Hatch Baby sound machine and basically anything from Ryan & Rose too!
Rebecca Weiland
Pacifiers and sound machines were life savers for us. Helped with sleep training, gave comfort to the kids and we live in a small apartment so drowning out noise is always a win! We are expecting our 3rd late summer too!
I’m going to have to try those onesies with the side buttons! They look so cute & much easier to slip on.
Jordan S
I love the Love to Dream swaddles! They zip both ways and all baby to have arms up. No fussing with velcro or wrapping or anything. They’re awesome
Raquel Bodner
Hatch sound machine by far is our most used item! But also would say our miku monitor and Newton mattress!!
Nicole Clore
The nursing pillow is a must have those first couple of months! And a sound machine, especially when you have a house full of rowdy brothers 🙂
Angelica K
I don’t have kids of my own yet but I have been a nanny for 15 plus years and have done a foster type program recently where we had an infant.
He did so well with swaddles. Husband and I loved seeing how happy he was swaddled up! So definitely would have to be swaddles
My favorite is the hatch! I got it for my boys when they were a little older. I’m excited to try it for baby girl when she comes this summer. I think it will make a wonderful not so bright nightlight and so useful to have it in the same thing as the sound machine!
Brooke Hinkle
By far one of my favorite baby products that I bought with my son and have continued to use with my daughter and the new one on the way is the Halo sleep sack. We have what we call Houdini babies. No matter what swaddle we put them in they always seemed to get their arms out as a newborn and it made for long nights. The Halo worked wonders in being able to keep them comfortable and keeping their arms swaddled in.
Yes to all the sleep sacks!
Karen Boone
Definitely for me, my favorite must have is a Haakaa. As an over producer of milk, it is a MUST! I’ve got 2 and used them with both kids so far.
Lauren St Arnaud
Swaddles! Especially for the first few months of life. I don’t think I would have survived the nights with out them. Who ever came up with those… Lord, bless them!
Julie Moberly
Expecting our baby girl in May so don’t have a favorite yet, but heard snuggle me organic is the best thing!
Courtney Kitchen
First of all, I love that the items you’ve suggested are super resonance in price! I’m expecting twins this summer, babies number 3&4 for me, so I need a few more things! My favorite item is the snuggle me organic! I just bought another so I have two. They are a game changer. Most practical needed item is definitely a bouncy seat. The less frill, and money it cost, the more the babies like the seat! 😂♥️
Michelle Collins
The Halo sound machine has been amazing with my twins! As a twin mom there are several baby favorites that are unique to having two a time but the sound machine works for everyone. Also can never go wrong with Ryan and Rose pacifier clips and Pacifiers.
Bailee R
My favorite baby item was for sure the lounger! It was a game changer for us!
Genevieve Winn
I give the same baby gift to every new mom. They get a sound machine, a Wubbanub paci picked special for that baby, Frida Windi gas’s relievers, gas drops, and a bottle of wine.
Marissa Steidle
My favorite was the snuggle me lounger!! We had one for our first but then lost it when our house flooded 😅 definitely going to be repurchasing for our second (I’m 16 weeks today!!!)
Sonya Van Daalen
Bib soothers and making my own soother clips from Cara & Co. https://carasupply.com/
My favorite baby item is a baby carrier. I love having them close after they after born!
Jennifer Unrue
Sleep sacks are game changing! I loved them! My son loves in them for his first 6 months!
Definitely Swaddles!
I love that baby bath! I have my 3rd coming in 2 months and have been looking for a new one!
Hunter Dabrowski
This is so helpful!! Baby #2 will be here in 2 months.
Sound machine 100%! Soon to be mom of 5. It’s helped so much with our kids sleeping!
A baby wrap or carrier is a life saver to free up your hands!! We recently had our first baby and I’ve loved baby wearing her!!
Chelsey Galloway
I love sleep sacks!!
Brittany Stearns
My favorite baby item was a baby carrier and the bouncy seat! So easy and convenient to put the baby in when I need to do
A task!
Ryan and rose pacifiers and Lou Lou swaddle blankets are the best!!!
Courtney Barkman
I love zipper sleepers, & a bouncer/swing combo.
Mandi W
Freddie the Firefly is so cute! I think one of my top baby items is my baby carrier! And of course their baby blanket crocheted by Grandma 😊
Amy Mortenson
I love our snuggle me lounger!
If you are breastfeeding Silverettes are a must for the first month out so! Discovered them with our third and wish I had them with the first two! No cracked nipples or mastitis!
We love sleep sacks! My boys wore them well into toddlerhood. I’ve heard Kyte Baby is the best!
Jill J
I LOVE the kyte sleep sacks as well!!
Ashley Ratzlaff
Gosh I never used a sound machine. Maybe that would have helped 🤣
Hadassah Holbrook
Snuggle me organic or “snuggy” and the sound machine is my all time fav. ❤️
Michelle Oxley
Playmates my favorite. Keeps my babies entertained and can get a hands free moment.
This is a great list! Not overly complicated ❤️ I think some people think you need every gadget, but good quality basics do the trick!
Gina Pulliam
Sound machine
Elena Brooks
Sleep sack was my favorite when my boys were small
The snuggleme is a favorite, for sure!
The Hatch, Kyte Baby sleep sack, and Little Sleepies are definitely our faves!
Amanda Piper
The nose Frida!!
Dina Kamrowski
As a Mimi of one baby girl and another on the way, I love the Kyte sleep sacks. Sweet Annabelle stays so cuddly in the soft sack while she naps💕
Stacy Akin Lee
Sound machine. Game. Changer !!!
A nursing pillow saved my back. A noise machine and swaddlers for newborns are my top 3.
Rachel Wells
Love ring slings! They save me! ❤️
For sure sleep sacks! They are a game changer and work like a charm 💕
Whitnie Hargis
Due with baby boy #2 in a few weeks and top of my list is a snuggle me lounger!
Ashley Dates
Udder covers for a nursing cover. (Although with my last 2 I never really used one lol)
Ashley Radtke
Loooove onesies, pretty much only put those on my babies for the first 6 months!
We loved our snuggle me!
The hatch sound machine is my #1 for sure. Being able to control from my phone is a game changer.
Jamie Pribbenow
Sleep sack!!
For baby: baby carrier
For breastfeeding mama: lanisoh gel smoothies for those first few days
Catherine Henry
Thank you for sharing! We are expecting baby boy #2 and I always like to see what items other moms love!
Lansinoh bottles
Sleep sacks and sound machine!
Melissa Shoup
I was never able to nurse my 2 babies so I loved the Baby Breeza for making perfect formula bottles.
We love the sound machine!!
Cassie Siple
A sound machine is a must when you have older kids at home playing while the baby is trying to sleep!
Casi Stuart
I didn’t have a snuggleme lounger, but I plan in trying one with the next baby!
Alexandra Wilcox
Sound machine is absolutely necessary
Alyssa Goad
Definitely sound machine and sleep sacks!! Still use both with my toddler. However, I bought a snuggle me when you posted about the sale recently. I’m having twins this time so double everything ❤️
It will be 4 years between my children when our second comes in the fall. Thank you so much for this! I feel like my first was so long ago! it’s awesome to have lists like this from experienced moms to help get the preparing juices flowing. The h&m onesies are a definite addition to my list. My first didn’t take a pacifier, but I’m still going to try Ryan and rose this time around. SnuggleMe is a definite addition as well. I agree with you about the pull down toys (ours was a cow who we affectionately names “crazy cow”) and the bouncer (a removable toy bar makes it great from start of use and as they get older).
Excited for you and your family!!
Dr. Brown bottles! Our son was just about five weeks early. And he had some struggle feeding at first. These were such a blessing!
Kenzie Schissel
Sound machine! I use one myself now 😂
Alison Sorbera
I love the lounger. It’s the perfect place to put them anywhere. Kitchen, bathroom, friend’s house. So good!
Liz H
Love the look of that nursing pillow. Definitely wish I’d seen something like this sooner! All your top baby picks are great choices.
Our snuggle me lounger was something I wish I had for my first two! Loooved it for my third.
Ashley S
We’ve never had a sound machine or sleep sacks. Favorites for us: Haaka pump that just sits in bra – no more wasting milk or filling your shirt with it, burp cloths (we keep calling them drop cloths haha maybe it’s due to having a carpenter husband), a carrier – we’ve traveled internationally with each baby so it’s necessary, nursing pillow – don’t need to be building biceps while feeding baby.
So excited to “meet” your newest little miracle. Speaking joy and peace over your labor and delivery, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Definitely a baby carrier. With current baby I’ve been loving the Solli baby wrap and Tula ring sling.
Susanna Lapp
I’m having my first this MONTH!!! Can’t believe the time is so soon!!! I wasn’t going to get a nursing pillow but now you’ve got we thinking maybe I should!!! Thanks for sharing theses links with us! Hope your final weeks go well! 💕
Love these ideas!
I,000% LouLou swaddles!! They’re SO stretchy and breathable! We were gifted some when we welcomed our twin boys and used them daily!
Mary Gibson
Sleep sacks are at my top too! We love the hatch sound machines. We’re about to play musical rooms and purchasing another is on our to do list before that happens.
So many good choices on your list, as a mom to four.
Jeanne Eberly
Definitely a sound machine!!
Brittany Smith
My must haves three kids in are a sound machine and a battery powered nasal aspirator! Game changer!!
Snuggle Me & a sound machine all the way!!
Andra Bower
I’m about to be a new mom but have worked in the Nicu for years and LOVE the stretch swaddles. Definitely high on my wish list for baby!
Pamela Hale
Swaddles and sound machine!!
Kathryn Blair
Absolute favorite baby item is a wrap or carrier (moby wrap or lillebaby). Baby wearing with age gaps is a life saver! And who wouldn’t like the bonding ❤️
Cassie Dorsey
I LOVED the boppy lounger. I know it’s since been recalled but it was so helpful!!!
Cassie Dorsey
Cassie DorseyOoh I’ve never tried the battery powered nasal aspirator! I would love to try that with the next baby!
Melita Haapala
The kyte sleep sack is awesome! Onsies long sleeve and short sleeve are a necessity! And I got to try to the snuggle lounger with my baby a few weeks ago and she loved it!
I love the Snuggle Me, it was a life saver in the first few months when my baby only wanted to nap in our arms. I could lay him in it next to me and he would stay asleep.
We were also given a bouncer seat and I was surprised at how much we used it. He loved it so he could sit up and see, especially as we ate. He also would poop every time he was in it 😆 so we knew to give him a few min in it before we left the house so there wouldn’t be a mess in the car!
Madison Fiechter
Kyte Baby Sleep sack! My sister in law uses them and loves them! I would love to try one!
Samantha Grant
My favorite is our Baby Tula for sure. We still use our toddler carrier for our two year old twins!
Sara Long
Love the kyte baby sleep sacks!! Such a game changer for my baby!
Sara Condon
This is the pro list! I might say the nursing pillow is my favorite because we used it way beyond the nursing years. Congratulations ♥️
We have a very simple area set up with a mirror on the floor and a blanket for baby to lay on. We have mobiles we hang up beginning with a black and white one. We also have some black and white images we prop up for a little change of things to look at. It’s very simple and inexpensive and my babies so far love being able to move and look at things freely. I also love just the simplicity of laying baby on a blanket under a tree-natures built in mobile. It’s so peaceful!
Samantha Mock
Hatch rest+ sound machine. Our toddler loves it! He uses it every night and it helps that I can control it from my phone if need be. I will be getting one for my 3 month old once she is in her own room( she room shares with us for now)
Justin Davis
Love spray diaper cream. No mess!
Katherine McGraw
Love that baby bathtub too! We’ve used it for all our our boys, using it on baby boy #4 now! It’s an oldie but a goodie!
Danae Talsma
I love a good burp cloth! Some of my favorites have been homemade gifts from family.
Katie P.
Baby carriers and pacifiers! Used Ryan and Rose with my youngest and she is addicted! Love the different styles and options they offer!
I discovered the Kyte baby sleep sacks way too late with my first daughter, but now that I’m pregnant with baby girl #2, I will be trying to snag more! Those plus the noise machine have to be my fave baby products from this list.
Bouncer was my favorite thing! I took it with me everywhere I went to. So convenient!
Christina Taylor
Sound Machine is a must have!!
So excited for your Gamily 🙂
Tracy Strain
A sound machine by far is a lifesaver. My top favorite hands down. Can’t wait to see baby girl.
Cara English
I’ve heard the sleep hatch sound machine is amazing! It’s on our list for our first baby due in July!
My favourite baby item has probably been the playpen that my in-laws gave us! It’s a wooden box I guess you could say with rails. It’s a safe place for baby to play in and for mom to be able to do a few things without the worry of how baby is! My 2 year old still loves it and plays in it every day, especially in the mornings when mom isn’t feeling so great due to pregnancy!
I loved the solly baby wrap for my newborn
Leah Deaton
I couldn’t do without my baby wrap, for baby wearing. 💙
Miranda Piepenburg
Obsessed with ALL things kyte baby! Everything is so soft and comes in the most adorable patterns!
Amanda Haywood
My favorite baby item right now is the Moby wrap carrier. But I would love to try a sleep sack!
Sarah Secker
MUST HAVE a good quality sound machine and sleep sack/swaddle! Sleep is crucial for me (and baby of course). But I’m a better mama if baby is sleep well, and those two products are the best sleep aides out there!
We were gifted a Nanit and hands was the best for us!
We also loved our plain Medela bottles!
Sound machine, baby Bjorne carrier, and zip sleep sacks!!
Amanda Young
Sleep sacks are a must! You can never have too many! First baby girl arriving in a few months!!
Swaddles and sleep sacks were a go to each time for us!!
Hands down was the best for us*
Kathryn G
A tap light for bedside for diaper changes, pumping or nursing at night was such a game changer with baby #2 for us!
Megan Kellogg
Love these especially the snuggle me!!
McCall Ramberg
SnuggleMe hands down! My babes loved it 🙂 and the sound machine
Katie Payne
Yes! The side snap onesies are a MUST during the first 6 months in my opinion! I also love copper pearl swaddle blankets, they’re super stretchy and very comforting when swaddling a NB! Also, Dr. Brown glass bottles!
Courtney Bailey
first time mom and all the many items can be overwhelming. Helpful to have a list like this from someone with experience!! Definitely hear the hatch is a must from everyone!
Sound machine 👌🏽👌🏽
Muslin burp cloths are my absolute favorite. Wish I’d had them with my first couple of babies!
LOVE the hatch sound machine for our three month old! Another favorite of mine is the baby bjorn bouncer! Got ours from a neighbor and it has quickly become my daughters favorite seat!
Definitely a must-have over here are the Dreamland Baby weighted swaddles/sleep sacks! Also, all natural baby bath salt and oil. Leaves their skin soooo soft and hydrated after their bath!
Hatch sound machine!
Never have enough baby wash cloths and burp cloths too! ❤️
Madison r
My must have product is a baby carrier. Ring sling or my Tula
Dylan Feil
We used our Bobby pillow SO MUCH with our first… will be the same with our second I bet!!!
Sarah Crowe
My favorite baby item this time around has been my baby Bjorn carrier because then I can cuddle my babe while having my hands free to take care ofy older kids.
Love the H&M onesies!
Melissa Trask
I didn’t discover Kyte Baby until my 2nd baby was about 3 months old but omg what a game changer it has been using their sleep sacks! I’m now pregnant with baby #3 due at the end of July and can’t wait to stock up on all the tiny sizes from Kyte Baby!
Emily Filibert
Sleep sacks! The Kyte ones are such amazing fabric and quality too! I am pregnant with our 3rd baby! Congratulations on baby girl arriving so soon! ☺️
We love the Nested Bean Sleep Sacks! Also I second the Hatch Sound Machine!!
Kristen Edwards
Baby carrier and baby swing was my favorites.
Swing is always my favorite
Katelyn Copenhaver
Burp clothes and bibs🙌 I have drooling and spitting babies.
Joslyn Myers
I’m a pacifier mom through and through. We love R&R and haven’t looked back once we made the switch with my second! Those and burp cloths, footie pjs with a double zipper, and swaddles are my universal “gotta have it” for newborn life!
Snuggle me lounger makes the difference!! Can’t wait to hear the news that baby girl is born!
Rachel Volpe
We couldn’t live without our sound machines and sleep sacks! Baby sleep miracle workers 🙂
Bethany Oliver
My favorite baby items are a baby carrier and a baby swing! Praying for an easy delivery!
Emily Goyke
Definitely a baby carrier, hands down!
Michelle H
You can seem to never have enough baby washcloths! These are my favorite “must haves”.
Angel Pelton
Dock a tot was out most used item during infancy!
I didn’t discover sleep sacks until my second and now pregnant with my 3rd I will never stray from them!
Sleep sacks and swaddles are definitely my favorites!
My favorite so far with this baby has been the infant to toddler rocker! And the nose Frida! Both have been the biggest helps
Emily Runion
I absolutely love the hatch sound machine
Tabea Stein
Such great Post, especially for an expecting first time mom like me. 🙂
Meagan Arca
My favorite baby item is dock a tot. My son is 3 months old and since day 1, he will not sleep anywhere else but in bed beside me. So I put him in this so that he’s still beside me but secured a little more so he can’t roll around. Also makes it so easy when I breastfeed him to have him in this in our bed, so I’m not having to totally wake up to go and grab him from a crib or bassinet.
Ann Vollman
My ergo baby carrier for sure!!! But I also think the cuddlers look amazing, I’ve never coslept because I just lay there awake, but a safe option for snuggles is amazing!
Denise Gula
Great ideas! As a La La (grandma)) I have a room just for the kids. We have a sound machine for sleeping, lots of books and toys and extra clothes for sleepovers. That way mom and dad do not have to bring anything when they bring the little ones over.
Jeana stromer
Couldn’t survive without sound machine!
JoAnna S
The bathtub! Loved using it to bathe the kids and have in the shower with me for them as they got a bit older. We left ours when we moved out of state.
We love our Hatch sound machine! An essential!
Brionna Kelley
For my twins, my twin nursing pillow has been my favorite and most used! For all of my babies I have loved sleep sacks, sound machine, and my baby wraps to wear them around.
Anna R.
Love the Hatch and Snuggleme Organic!! Can’t wait to see your new little one all snuggled up – she’s already so beautiful! 🥰💕
A sound machine is a game changer for baby and for mama for sure ❣
Kaylee Nichol
Definitely sleep sacks are my favourite when my son was a newborn!! And the playmats are amazing!!
Lacee C
Love Ryan and Rose!!! And we love stretchy swaddles too! I have most on the list… we use our music system for our “sound machine” though – we have a Sonia speaker in every room. The only one I haven’t tried yet is a lounger!
Lacee C
Lacee C*Sonos speaker
Telicia Peninger
The Lovevery Play Gym!
Sleep sacks and pacifiers are a must for us!
So excited for you all & baby girl!!!
Solly baby wrap! My favorite for those early days
Such good tips! 💕💕
Angelle Boyd
Along with a lot of the items you mentioned, the Haaka toothbrush has been soooo helpful now that baby girl can hold things & is teething. It’ll be my new gift to give to new mamas!
Sound machine #1
This mama needs a new one for my youngest!
Helps so much at naptime and bedtime!
We have sound machines all over our house! Definitely in my top 5 baby items!
I love the Hidden in my Heart lullabies!
As a former Children’s Pastor I believe hiding Gods Word in our hearts. This is an easy yet practical way to start! Playing it during pregnancy is a great way to start😍
I loved the breastfriend pillow last time and bought a new one for this new bub coming. I like that it snaps and has a little pocket that I can put vitamin d drops or water or whatever in!
Kristen Wiggins
Onesies!! Down in Georgie here, they are a must have with this humid heat!
Baby tub!
Crystal Bunting
We love the Kyte sleep sacks!! Thanks for
posting your favorite things! I am a grammy of 8, soon to be 9. 🥰
Judy Metzger
Love LouLou and company, specifically their swaddle blankets and newborn tie gowns; material is so soft and such cute designs.
Kristen Petersen
We love Ryan and Rose pacifiers and tethers!
Expecting our 8th baby in July and would say the stretchy swaddles like loulouandcompany are so awesome for swaddling baby!
We had so many favorites but the snuggle me, bouncy seat and a good stretchy swaddle were top 3 for me.
So many cute things!! I wish these were around when I had babies ❤️
Portable sound machine is a life saver!!
Abigail Harbin
The hatch. We have one for our first and need one for our second. I love those things! And sleep sacks, never tried kyte baby though.
Sierra Buchanan
Velcro swaddles! Game changer. Also black out blinds and white noise machine
My favorite baby items are my sound machines and my electric nose sucker. I have a portable sound machine that I also take with me when we go places. if baby is still sleeping, I can set it in their car seat to help Keep them relaxed. My two girls have cystic fibrosis, and so the electric nose sucker is amazing for us!
Christina J
My fav is the Love2Fre sleep sacks. My babies have never liked their arms down for long, and this still covers them but let’s them be up so they can mouth on them too (plus they kind of look like a cute gingerbread. Lol).
I love all those ideas. I can’t wait to start getting everything we need. Just found out we’re pregnant with our FIRST!❤️❤️
Megan Didiano
Pacifier. And sound machine
Definitely baby lounger!
Jamie Jackson
Tough choice…. probably a good light swaddle blanket. I’ve always loved the 100% cotton “just you” by Carter’s. My boys have used them through summers even after a year.
cortney powell
Love the snuggle me but also love the Ryan and rose pacifiers! 🫶🏻
Maria Yankovski
Sound machine!!
Kristina Roberts
We love the arms up swaddle
It’s the only one our babies would take to 🙂
Abigail Chupp
Your list has a lot of my favorites. Lou Lou company are my favorite for swaddles and copper pearl burp rags.
We loved our sleep sacks. So many cool new things out since I had my babies though. My grands have some pretty neat things lol
We really like the dohm white noise machine, but out of your list the Kyte sleep sacks are great!
Favorite baby item is the snuggle me, or maybe it’s the love to dream swaddle, or maybe our baby wraps/carriers. 😂 I can’t just pick one.
Hannah Stoll
Snuggle me lounger!! Love it!
Kelsey Hawkins
So many great baby items!! We just discovered Kyte baby swaddles and sleep sacks and so excited to try with baby #3! We also love the Ryan and rose pacifiers…such a great brand!
Jessie Larson
This isn’t “baby” but for pumping mamas – I loved my baby Buddha pump + LaVie massagers. Oh and my kindred bravely pumping bras!
I loved the snuggleme, swaddle blankets, sound machine and the nose Frida.
Carly Grassman
My go to would be any kind of baby carrier / backpack. I love snuggling my newborn and having the ability to get some housework done.
You have such great insight Sarah! I love these recommendations.
Liz Gritzinger
There are so many great products out there. I don’t know that I have a favorite baby item. I’ve heard of the sleep sacs but have never tried them. I have a 6 week old baby girl, Winnie. She thinks her favorite baby product is her kitty WubbaNub.
Dorothy Hofer
A Baby Nest . Especially for first time Moms .
Lisa Suber
We have used that bouncy seat for years, too. It’s a good price point and used frequently. We also have a Lamaze toy that’s similar – the moose. It’s a beloved baby toy everyone has played with in our home! Can’t wait to see pictures of your sweet girl when she comes!
Those sleep sacks are the best! We had them with our first baby and will use them again for our next.
Laren Wimberley
Sound machine, Ollie swaddle, and halo bassinet are must haves for the newborn phase!!
Megan Hershbine
I had been eyeing a Snuggle Me for years!!! Everyone I know that has one raves about them! They look so comfy and versatile!!
Haley Thompson
Binxy Baby cat hammock, baby nail clippers with a light on them, Nested Ben Gen One gently weighted swaddle (it has removable mesh sleeves.. has been my absolute fave!).
Haley Thompson
Haley Thompsoncart hammock^
Jennifer Miche
Sleep sack and swaddles were always my favorites!!! So excited for baby girl!!!
Julie Russo
Baby mat 100% give me all the cute little dangles – my baby is 3 months and coo’s at them during my pump sessions throughout the day!
Sammi Jo
Such a great list! We love Ryan & Rose everything <3 our now 2.5 year old just transitioned to their flat pacifier and I couldn't be happier that one of our girls finally is using one!
Lindsay Fish
Kyte sleep sacks are the best! I also got a snuggle me for this 2nd babe and can’t wait to try it!! @linhuff
Alisabeth Case
Loungers are a life saver when they’re small and don’t want to be away from mama!:)
Kyte sleep sacks!
I love SnuggleMe. Used it for two kids so far and can’t imagine not having it. Must have item!!
A baby carrie- a wrap for newborn and a structured on low tula as they grow!
Kelana Colwell
The hatch sounds machine is amazing!! We love it so much!
Jessi Bolt
Diapers and wipes! I was blessed with so many diapers and wipes with my son he is almost 21 months and I have wipes from my shower still. And we didn’t have to buy diapers for 6-7 months I had to exchange some of course but I was so grateful. I’m pregnant with my second child and I’ve already told my mom I would be happy with just a diaper shower because it’s no nice not to have to think about buying diapers all the time! My other favorite thing was we ask for books instead of cards at our shower and my son has so many books he loves that I had never heard of some of our favorites!
The First Years bathtub is also a favorite for us! Storing it is a bit of a pain but it’s hands down the most function one! I’ve been hoping to try out kyte baby with our next one as I’ve heard so many great things!!
I always wanted a Moses basket for my babies, but I love the soft sleepers too!
Gena Bogard
I always liked the hooded bath towels!!!
The hatch sounds machine is a favorite for us! Hoping to get a snuggle me lounger for my next baby due in July!
I’m due in September with baby #2. Sounds Machine, Baby Monitor and Sleep Sack is a must for me! Thanks for the $10 off code for Kyte!
Anna Chavers
I really love the itsy ritzy breast-feeding cover as a blanket. It’s so soft!
Sending this link to all my new mama and mom-to-be friends! And picking up the bathtub for my nugget!
Megan Carpentieri
A few must haves for us – the Hatch (immediately put my baby and now toddler in sleep mode!), a good sleep sack, and activity mat.
Annette Gibbs
I’m sharing this blog list with my granddaughter(she’s also a nurse)whose expecting her first child(also a girl)in August. This little girl will also be my first great grandchild! So excited! This list of your favorite baby items will certainly be so helpful! I’ve already shared the Newton products info with her that you posted a couple months ago!
Wishing you and your baby girl all the very best!
Ok! Everyone raves about those Kyte sleep sacks! I’m so glad to know you love them too! We’re so excited to welcome a THIRD GIRL to the mix in September! So surreal!
Laura Mahaney
Pacis and burp cloths are a must! I want to try a snuggle me this time around!
Ashley Johnson
I think mine are a car seat cover since we live in the frozen tundra, Co-Sleeper, and a nursing cover with a firm panel on the top so you always have privacy but you can always look down and see your baby! ❤️
Cathy Beard
As a grandma to 5 under 5 it’s been so neat seeing the way the babies and parents love the sleep sacks! What a great idea that is! Neat that the ones you recommend come in different thicknesses for the seasons;)
Angela Harris
Swaddles especially nested bean and Ollie!
I only wish I was having another baby to use this amazing list! 💗
Blaine Stuart
I love the sleep sacks and sound machine. That’s always my top recommendation!
I can’t be without a sound machine in my house.
But I’ve heard great things about the baby lounger, would love to try it.
Ergo carrier, and the rock and play are my favorite
Alexander Bethany
I love my snuggle me organic. I can’t wait to use it again with my new little one coming in May!
Linda Jester
Yes! All good things! I love the bouncer, too! It was great for when my toddlers were little babies because it was such a easily portable item!
Rose Fetner
Love the snuggle me lounger and the sleep sacks!! Perfect for baby. So cozy!
alexis greenwell
My first baby girl coming in June and I’ve loved the look of the Kyte baby sleep sack, would love to try. thank you for the list!!
Shirley Dworak
Sending to my grandson…his wife delivered twins October 22,2022 at 26 weeks and they are fighting to get them home from the hospital! God has shown up! Over and over…I want Gabrielle to follow you for your wisdom and encouragement ♥️
Bebhinn Marconi
As a veteran mom of 3 myself, this list is accurate! All so helpful!
Sarah Jennings
My favorite is the Hatch sound machine. I also love a good swaddle.
Beth Tucker
The ring sling became one of my favorites with my last baby. So easy to put baby in, so comfy, and keeps my hands free to do things with my other boys.
Thanks for sharing. With each addition to our family I learn something new about baby products.
Larae Zimmerman
The snuggle me for sure! Love the transition to a dockatot after the snuggle me !!
Jess Nielsen
Sarah, thank you for taking the time putting this together! I love following your family’s adventures. My fave baby item would be the bathtub! I’m pregnant with our first and there’s so many options out there—having an experienced mama’s list of must haves is so helpful!! A close second would be the sound machine. 😍
God bless!
Jessica N.
Charnise Sell
The Hatch sound machine! 😃
The SnuggleMe has been a lifesaver when I need extra hands for my baby!
Natasha Ronke
My favorite item would have to be either the burp rags, baby carrier, electric nose sucker, or electric file!
I love a good light weight Muslim blanket for swaddling.
Valerie Phillips
Ok, my go to have always been gowns for the first 3 months-boy or girl!! Especially at night!
lynn roberts
Baby Angel nail clipper
Melissa O.
I love my baby bjorn mini carrier!
Oh for sure the hatch sound machine! We even have one at the grandparents!
Casey Heath
Love your suggestions! I love muslin cotton blankets. And I use them during different phases of baby’s growth… as a comfort blanket when they get older, swaddle when they are an infant, and burp cloth— all in one! 😂
Janelle J
We are all about Brave Little Ones Jammie’s over here!
I love the angelcare bathtub because I just put it in our bathtub and it’s not an extra thing big thing ya know. I also am that weird mom that never really used burp cloths. Maybe with the next one! But I love love love the h&m onesies. They really are just the best ones. Great for under layers in the winter too.
Courtney Erdman
We LOVE our HaTCH!!!!
Amanda Greene
I love the mamaroo rocker! I know it’s kind of either love it or hate it but all 3 of my babies loved it!
Hannah Suleski
The snuggle me organic is my absolute favorite!! These are all great though!!
My top two most favorite baby items I’ve used over the years include my Milkie Milk Saver (I was an over producer and saved soooo much milk because of it!) and my moms old “burp cloths” from the 80s (which were actually used as my brothers diaper cloths but just turned into EVERYTHING cloths! Still being used today almost 40 years later as snot rags haha!!)
Couldn’t live without a sound machine!
Bethany Zamaripa
So hard to choose one! I’m pregnant with my 3rd and love all of these! I would say the hatch sound machine has been incredible! My other children have one and they know what all the sounds mean in their schedules. Love that I can control it all from my phone too! Plan to get another one for our new baby! Also love the play mat!
Mahogany Bullock
The sound machine is my best friend!!
Brittany Zufall
I couldn’t function without the sound machine but I have never used the snuggleme lounger.
Mary Platt
Snuggle me lounger for those early days! 😊
Stephanie Lancaster
Sleep sacks are my favorite!
Heather Nearman
You can never have enough onesies. I also loved having a play mat.
kristi collins
We love our sound nachine!! Still use it even though our “baby” is 4!
Thanks for sharing! First time Grandma, love all your suggestions.
I am Nana of 6 boys 1 girl! It’s just the perfect combination, and I love them all so much!
Sue Stuns
I think the swaddles are a lifesaver the first month!
Allison Gonzalez
Due in May and I am really hoping to get a SnuggleMe lounger this time! My friends swear by it!
Four in one car seat!
Ashley Klepzig
Pacifiers NuK brand 😍
Akesha Mcmillan
We love our sound machine!!
Danielle zeit
I absolutely love copper pearl hats! I have 4 kids and pregnant with 5, and that is a must have for me! They stay on soo nice, but are also lightweight and comfy.
My absolute favorite baby item is a well made stretchy sling, a tie on for littles and a ring sling for 6 months plus, as with all my babies we traveled a lot and hiked mountains.
Nicole Burns
Jute baby sleep sacks are THE best! With 3 kids under 3, it’s probably our most used item!
Elizabeth Kulla
Ring sling baby carrier!!!
Wanted to try the snuggle me lounger with my last baby but couldn’t bring myself to spend the money without knowing he would like it. Maybe next baby lol I have heard a lot of good things about Kyte baby and the sleep sacks sound wonderful! Thanks for this list!
Holly Harvey
I swear by our sound machines! Have made travel and bedtime so much better!
Burp cloths and thin baby washcloths.
Stephanie Ahlswede
Personally, a baby swing and a sound machine are my favorite baby items I couldn’t have lived without!
Marianna W
My favorite is the hooded baby bath towels and definitely the mebie baby and Kyte stretch swaddles!
Ali Sheehan
Snuggle me lounger for sure! I’ve used it for 4 out of 5 of my babies and will be using it for number six coming soon!!
Kristie Augustin
Pacifier for the win!
I’m pregnant with our first baby girl and knew the snuggle me was a must from recommendations! I purchased it on a sale right from the beginning and can’t wait to put it to use!
Jen K
Ryan and Rose ANYTHING for the win! Soo many great recommendations, Sarah!
My must have is Aquaphor for diaper rash!
Amanda Brady
Little Sleepies!
This is so helpful! I think a sound machine would be my top “must have” from this list. I’ve always wanted to try the snuggle me loungers though. They look so cozy for baby!
The hatch is the best ever! We still use it almost 2 years later
Nursing pillows for sure! So many uses for baby and mom!
Lindsay Arellanes
I purchased the snuggle me organic lounger after you recommended it on IG and holy moly! It’s a game changer! WE LOVE IT!
Stephanie Craddock
2nd time around I realized how important swaddling is! Made a world of difference for us.
Christina Coomer
We loved the rock n play with mine. And the nose frida was a life saver!
Anna Palmer
I’m so excited to try a snuggle me organic with this babe due soon! Also love Ryan and Rose pacifiers!
Renee Hinebaugh
I was gifted a Doona car seat with my 5th and it was a game changer. I recommend it to anymom is has other, younger children.
Ashley Bray
Stretch swaddles and snuggle me are definitely a recommendation I always have for new moms, as well as muslin blankets!
Baby bouncer for sure! Through both my boys I’ve used that item the most!! Love it more than any other type of seat for infants!
Allison Petersen
Snuggle me lounger 😍
Susana Valencia
Nursing pillow, and you’ll use it forever 😂
Karen Head
Our simple wooden play gym has been our favorite item with our 7th baby!
Wendy S
Swaddles and sleep sacks are definitely a necessity no matter what!
Amanda Pitts
Hatch sound machine hands down! We have the one with a built in baby monitor and it is amazing! Also Kyte not a need but hands down nothing like picking up your tiny squish and then being in butter clothes!
Mariah Heine
I bought a few items from one of your past blog posts about best baby items after Griffy. We had our first in April ‘22 and he was either naturally a good sleeper or the Kyte sleep sacks and hatch sound machine were what kept him cozy and sleeping!
Chelsea Emery
This is so helpful, I’m expecting baby number two in May! My favorite product is Velcro Swaddles! They are seriously a lifesaver I do buy a cute bamboo one for a photo but swaddling in the middle of the night is a lot so i love the ease of the Velcro swaddles
Dani Del Castillo
The first years bathtub has been our FAVORITE item ever. We love the sling!
The sleep sacks by far are a favorite! They have gave me a lot of peace of mind knowing baby is warm and no blankets are going over the head!
There are many items I’ve used and loved, and the one I still cannot go without is a sound machine. It’s the only item still being used years later.
My favorite baby item that I always gift to new moms is a butt spatula. Diaper cream on fingers is the worst!
Katie Eldridge
My Moby Wrap was probably my favorable item. Made carrying baby around so easy!
Lauren Glenn
We LOVE the hatch rest lights/sound machines. We have them in every room (Mom of 4 here!). We also love the snuggle me. The other absolute best item I ever purchased was the baby bjorn bouncer. Sarah, if you don’t have one, you NEED it! <3
Kari Whitehead
Oh the play mat! All 4 of my kids so far have loved it. Spent hours on it!
Lauren Jones
Pobi baby crib sheets & blankets are the best!
Kallyn Walters
I have 5, soon to be 6 babies, and I love love love the kite sleep sacs. It has been a game changer for solid sleep. Also a must have “item” is the taking cara babies sleep class. Hands down best thing I did with our last baby!
Abbey Altamirano
100% a good sound machine!!
Christina Komdeur
Kyte baby sleep sacks are a favourite!
Bethany Price
I loved using swaddles with my first three. Hoping the newest addiction will also love them! This is such a great list of any items.
Love the Kyte baby sleep sack. I’ve been using it with my son since he was a couple months old and he will be one in 2 weeks!
Anna Ryan
I also LOVE my Hatch sound machine!
Karlee Knab
Love a playmate. It’s been wonderful for my boys!
Lavayeda Knoof
I’m pretty sure every item you have on your list would be on my list if I don’t already have in my home! The hatch is definitely a splurge I still want to get though!!
Margo Newman
Happy Baby Carrier!
Allison Thompson
My favorite baby item is a baby swing.
Nicole Colson
Sleep sacks, Tommie Tippee Pacifers, onesies, and Dr Brown are all the items that we stick with for baby two so I’d say they are our favs.
Swaddle keep them cozy and help so much with sleep.
Best baby item are those swaddles with velcro! I was terrible at swaddling with just blankets so those were a game changer!!
The Hatch sound machine is the best! We bought a second one for our room when baby moved to their own room. We don’t go a night without it!
Bouncers for the win!
Ooo, I have the same burp clothes and they truly are the best!!
Jancee Casuga
I’ve never used a snuggle me lounger with my other kids but I have with my last and it’s a game changer. Can’t believe i didn’t have it sooner.
Katie Hardt
Swaddles!!!!! 💖
Courtney Asbury
A sound machine and sleep sacks are a must!
We just got a kyte baby sleep sack for our daughter and love it! Another favorite is a good play mat for tummy time that can grow with them!
Lindsay Baker
A good nursing cover is a must for me but also a sound machine, especially if you have multiple kids or a smaller home!
Pacifiers! Love a paci faced baby!❤️
Amanda Keil
My favorite baby item has to be cloth diapers! They are so versatile and can be used for anything, not just as a diaper. Using it as a burp cloth is my favorite.
We love love love our SnuggleMe! We also use sound machines in every room! I had a baby girl after having just boys and wanting to update her room some. I’ve had my eye on the Hatch sound machine so I may try that for baby girl!
Noémie Lavallée
WoW thanks!!! Never without a bouncer!!
Shelly Miller
Love those burp cloths!
Kara Fagan
Camilla Teething Relief Drops!!
Elaine Glafenhein
One of my go to’s was always a portable baby shushed for the car or when out and about.
Katelyn Cox
We are loving the Kyte Baby sleep sack. We also love the Ryan & Rose cutie clinks. Lastly the solly baby wrap is my favorite for walks with a newborn!
We love our sound machines too!and Ryan and Rose has the cutest stuff! Thanks so much for sharing!
Kelsie Kowallis
Love my nursing pillow! Can’t believe your baby girl is almost here!!! 💖
Hailey Crosby
Swaddles would be our biggest must have! My son could not sleep well without being swaddled or in a sleep sack
I also love the hatch it was a game changer for my toddler to sleep train. I also love the momma roo swing had it with my last two and the halo bassinet. Since it was tall enough to go next to our giant bed.
Yes, definitely a sound machine!! When my son was in our room and we had the sound machine, both me and my husband couldn’t believe how much better we slept with white noise!
Also having a stroller that the infant car seat clicks into was sooo convenient!
The Ollie Swaddle! My daughter slept through the night with it as soon as we got it at 5 weeks and continued to sleep through the night! She’s 3 now, and is an amazing sleeper!
Sarah Willenborg
The hatch sound machine is the best! Use it for the kids I nanny and plan to get one for my little guy due in May!
Amy Varela
Swaddle for sure! I couldn’t survive the first month without it.
Copper Pearl burp cloths and itzy ritzy diaper bag
With every baby, I like absorbent hooded bath towels and new washcloths. A bouncy seat for sure. Onesies
Kara Purcell
I love all the baby items! What I love most is what you can’t ever find or buy. The best baby item is the love which you so freely give. I’m always in awe of the patience and love you just carry. Your a true inspiration and I am grateful that you are the example you are to help me be better as a mother. This baby is already coming sooooooo blessed! Blessing you and yours with my prayers.
Casie Foskey (casie.leigh5)
My favorite has been the electric mixing pitcher for milk. I will make the milk in the pitcher then hit the button so it mixes all by itself. This way I don’t have to do any shaking. Also it is so much easier to get up in the middle of the night & pour milk into a bottle from the pitcher. I put the pitcher in the fridge & use the milk within 24 hours.
Liesel Bott
The sound machine! Must have!!🙌🙌
Thanks for sharing! We are welcoming a sweet almost 4 month old baby girl into our family on Sunday!
I love zipper pajamas no buttons to mess with at night! Also my baby girl loved the bouncer. She still tries to get in it even if she is too big!
Tracey Albert
Tula baby carriers are my favorite baby item.
A sound machine is a must for us! With back up batteries just in case the electric goes out.
Love, love sleep sacks. Good luck and can’t wait to meet baby girl!
I like the nursing pillow
Laurisa Vogt
I personally have not used any yet but definitely have added some of these to use once our baby arrives in the coming months. The Lou Lou swaddles look amazing. Thank you for sharing 💛
Jessica Hayward
We also LOVE our hatch sound machine!
Elizabeth Lobdell
I dont actually use most of these for my babies, because we have a very small space and just don’t have the room. But I have to say, swaddles and sleep sacks are really high on my list of must have’s!
My Brest friend nursing pillow
Love to dream swaddle me
Como tomo bottles
Mam pacifiers
Dock a Tot
Any kind of swing
Magnet snap or zipper onesies (definitely NO button snaps)
Jessica Grazewski
We love sleepsacks as well. And my grandchildren sleep in them as well
Lacy Lindsey
I love the sleep sacks you use! Mine are past babies but we went through so many sleep sacks!
I know it’s very controversial these days but I always loved the Walker for my 5 kids. It gave them confidence and they were able to go where they wanted and it gave them a different perspective than the floor. And no it didn’t cause any hip problems.
Niki Hammerich
By far the sleep sack!!! Life saver with our boys!!
Leanne Kanis
I love all these things! My 3rd just turned 5 months and I would buy them all if I could.
Emily DeHart
I will forever be a fan of my baby carrier! Even with my first, it was CRUCIAL to be able to get anything done! I have a sling for tiny babies and a Tula for as they get older!
Love the sleep sack. Need to try a sound machine yet.
Liz Edmondson
My favorite nursing pillow was the my Brest Friend. It was so helpful and I loved being able to clip it on my waist and stand up without losing the pillow
Carly Bojczuk
A sounds machine (for our noisy house ), Hakka ( to use on the breast I’m not nursing from to catch leaks), tie bottom gowns (easy diaper changes)
I just had my third baby and I would say my favorite thing is a nursing pillow.
Oh! I love a good bouncer for when I’m in the shower also! Also, love sleep sacks & sound machines for sleeping.
Malorie Gardner
I love the Kyte baby sleep sacks! They are just soooo soft!!
My favorite item is the bouncey chair
Lynn Painter
Loved the swaddlers! For my grand babies. They sleep so much better and they stay warm
A moby wrap is my absolute favorite newborn must have. As baby gets over 10lbs I love a buckle carrier for babywearing. With 5 little ones(4boys, 1girl) I feel babywearing is absolutely necessary so I can still snuggle baby but also take care of all my boys.
Szabó Laura
Yay Baby bouncer would be great!
Lisa S
we can’t live without burt’s bees baby burp cloths!
My last baby wouldn’t take a pacifier, like my first, but he wanted something so bad, so we found this penguin hand teether on Amazon, and it made him so gloriously happy!
Also, that baby bathtub looks great! Might have to upgrade for this next baby!!
Nicolette Watson
Too baby favorite is the TushBaby carrier!! It’s the perfect item for traveling with a baby or toddler.
Kellie Boersma
Love a nice bouncer to put the baby in ❤️
Totally noting a few of these items! Thanks!
We’ve never tried a sound machine but am tempted to for babe on the way. Two active (young) kiddos in the small house make Naps next to impossible.
My favorite is a dock a tot! It’s so versatile and I love that I can bring it anywhere!
Keri McCrory
Hands down a sound machine 🙌
Ashleigh Bittle
The Snoo bassinet was a life saver for us first time parents who had a baby rolling around in his swaddle in the first week of life. Every baby and every parent is so different and it’s hard to know what will be the right fit. It’s always great to hear other moms must have lists, thank you for sharing!
Laurie Burns
I’m a grandma now but every baby needs burp cloths and bibs – both of which I hand make for my daughters and their friends!
Bri M
The Haaka is our fave!
Sound machine is a must!!
Deb Pazdziorny
Thank you for this! My daughter is having her first baby next month!!!!!
Grammy M
I just bought a five pack of the wrap around onesies for my new grandson! Can’t wait to gift them to my daughter in law and son!
Snuggle me and the pacifiers!! 😍
Sound machine! Definitely a must have. 🙂
No wait, I’m changing that to a baby wrap. Especially with my second babe, I wore her for a nap a day! Now with my third, I know those wraps will get some good use. 🙂
40 + 4 with our rainbow baby girl! Snuggle me, Haakaa, sound machine!
I love the hatch and snuggle me! They were both must haves for our kids. We also swear by the “shusher.” Makes car rides a life saver
My favorite item when my baby was a newborn was the Halo sleep sack. It was so easy to use and my baby loved it!
Nicole @nicoleroberson_17
A swing! My babies loved a swing!
My new favorite baby item is the snuggle me. Will probably buy the hatch sound machine & the burp cloths . Having quality burp cloths while nursing is a must.
Anna Heath
We used the same scripture lullabies CD with our last baby 9 years ago and I still love it. 🙂
Claire Dunn
The stretch swaddles are my fav too for my little one. Have another little one coming in May, and want to get their own stretch swaddle personalized with their name when they arrive!
Hope Smith
I’m currently pregnant with my first and greatly appreciate all of these suggestions! I’ve already added the snuggle me lounger to my registry:)
The snuggle me lounger! We’re expecting baby #2 this fall and would love to get a new one for them 🙂
Snuggle me lounger! We are expecting baby number two this fall and they’ll use one just like big bro!
Amanda Carlson
My favorite baby item is the baby lounger. I used that thing everyday! My son lived in it so much, especially during the newborn days. My second would be the my breast friend nursing pillow! Great for gals with larger chests!
Cindy Rawden
I love all those baby things that you love to! I love having a bassinet, I love having a glider chair in the nursery for me and baby special time I love pacifiers, bottles I love little onesies
I love those little gowns for easy changing at night I’m so happy that you are finally getting a baby girl!!! I have two girls no boys and they are lots of fun!!!
Chelsea Bazzolo
For the first 3 months, a swing was a MUST for us! Afterwards, we’ve been getting great use out of our 4-in-1 Skip Hop activity table!
Hatch sound machine!
Brianne Greenwood
Baby bouncers are a must over here!😊
The Kyte baby sleep sack and sound machine are our favorites for bedtime!
A baby carrier. I babywore for what felt like forever. We live in the northeast- and being very rural- we don’t have sidewalks. We walk everyday- still do- have upgraded to a backpack.
Amy Schaap
Sound machine for sure!!! And the pacifiers!! I loved both for all my babies!!
Jamie Ervine
I love kyte baby sleep sacks! I also had a Mory June Moses bag I adored but they no longer carry the product.
There are so many handy things. I love a good carrier and a back pack diaper bag because having one slide off my shoulder onto my elbow while carrying a baby and trying to shuffle 3 toddler boyd places makes it challenging. A backpack diaper bag stays put, out of the wayband gives an extra hand
Foxhoven Maddie
Couldn’t live without our Hatch!
Lily Swansburg
Sound machine 100%
We also really loved the stretchy swaddles but had the best luck with copper pearl!
My little guy loved being close to me in a wrap and I’m expecting #2 in the fall so, hopefully this baby does too!
Allison Becton
Right now (3 month old) my favorite is my solly baby wrap … helps me so much with having my hands free for household chores and spending time with my older two
You can never have enough wash cloths or swaddles! I always wanted the lounge!
Love having a playmat and another favorite that I have used for all my children so far is a rock and play.
A Hatch! Definitely a game changer!
Love these Sarah! Saving for if we ever have baby #6 🙈 it’s been 5 years since my last baby!!!! Lol
Butt paste spatula!
Heather Boyd
My favorite is the Bamboobies nursing covers. I can’t believe I made it through my first baby’s nursing journey without a cover that wraps all around you! Game changer for sure!
Kara Jatoft
Our best baby item for infants was the SwaddleMe. For older babies we always used the munchkin snack cups and the little tether you could attach to it so they couldn’t throw it on the ground!
Rachel Silva
Kyte sleep sack is my favorite! We don’t have one for our babe but would absolutely love one 🥰
Arlene Flores
Sound machine was a huge help especially when the other kids are playing loudly haha!
Love this list! Every one of mine has loved different things but a snuggle me has always been on my wish list, maybe with this one (#5)!
Sound machine and a bum brush are a must have for all my babes so far though!
I love having a bouncer for my babies! So nice to have a safe spot to set them down. Those soft swaddling blankets & sleep sack look great. I’ll need to keep those in mind for next time.
Too much to pick just one! But absolutely love Ryan & Rose pacifiers! Discovered them with our son and kept using them for our second daughter. Amazing how babies have different preferences with them! They both liked completely different designs!
So excited for baby girl to get here! ❤️ Hugs & prayers!
Jackie Lally
Sleep sack and sound machine!
I have always wanted to try the Snuggle Me Lounger!
Wanda Calder
Tough to pick one I loved my nursing pillow loved my baby carrier made shopping and park trips with my older son and baby easier also my video baby monitor Soni could get stuff done or take 5 mins when stressed out and could still keep eye on kids
Chelsee Scott
We love the snuggle me and tula carrier!
A sound machine! So great
Kris Vincent
Snuggleme lounger is my favorite baby product
I love a good bouncer. I find it so handy when showering, cooking, etc. Great post, I’m also going to check out those cute swaddle blankets.
Hannah Grant
The hatch sound machine! My husband and I had to buy one for ourselves when my babe transitioned to her own room because we loved it so much 😂🫶🏻
Galina U
I would say that my most used baby/mom item that I couldn’t live without was my medela double electric breast pump, but also I used the Muslim swaddle blankets instead of burp cloths because you never know how much and where it can land, I always had extra on hand.
Abigail Eades
My one baby product I can’t do without is my boppy/nursing pillow! It goes with me everywhere! Our own baby girl is due in 4 weeks so I’m neck-deep in sorting through baby stuff!
Snuggle me! Wish I would’ve bought a bouncer seat bc the baby could be in it longer
Cassie Klutman
Baby Breeza formula machine!
My favorite is the SnuggleMe lounger!
I Love this ! Lots of great items🍼🍼🍼
A good bottle brush for all the bottles
Emily Heise
My favorite item, hands down is the Pottery Barn Inglesina Fast Table Chair! We use it ah home- friends houses and most importantly at restaurants!
Kylie Poindexter
My favorite baby item(s) is a solly wrap for the first 4-6 months and an ergo 360 carrier for 4 months and up. It’s a life saver for carrying young kiddos while getting things done around the house.
Honestly these are all the things I love too, especially the sound machine and burp clothes for my pukers. But we also love zip jammies for night time and not snap. Who wants to snap in the middle of the night while sleep deprived?!
Great list! Everything on here besides a noise machine (just never tried it) would be on my list if I made one. The lullaby kind of thing on my list would be a wind up stuffed animal, it plays a song or 2 as it unwinds we’ve had bears, a giraffe, or dogs with our kids. Really sweet. If we are talking practical must haves pacifiers, onesies and burp cloths, we had spitters so probably 2 packs of 10 😂🤦🏻♀️.
Areli Mroch
Definitely the hatch noise machine, also sleep sacks so you don’t have to use blankets in crib. So excited to see baby girl ♥️
My favorites were the snuggle me lounger and Kyte baby sleep sacks!
linda Lewy
Uppa baby stroller and car seat! Sound machine! Wishing you an easy delivery!
Kristyna H
Definitely love LLC swaddles as well! They’re so cozy! We haven’t tried the snuggleme but definitely need to for next baby!
Rebecca Wagler
I love my Happy Baby carrier!
Lauren Knight
Our house sounds like an ocean at night with all the sound machines going!!!
Ashley Bryant
I have been out of the Abby game for 6 years but am expecting my third in September! So much has changed that I don’t even know what my favorite product is anymore. Super excited to try a snuggle me lounger this time around!
Julia K.
My favorite is the SuggleMe lounger!
I love the Hatch sound machine and Ryan and Rose as well! The sound machine has been a game changer for us with bedtime and nap time.
It’s amazing how much things have changed since I’ve had my babies, and how much more stuff there is! I think it’s great!! 🙂
Courtney W.
Swaddled are always a top items for me as well! And we love the Hatch sound machine! Each kids room has one!
Muslin swaddles and a haakaa, I’ve become very minimalistic in extras for my babys, I enjoy not storing/buying so much.
Swaddles were a must with my first! My second loved the baby carrier! So those are on our must have list for our third! After reading some comments I’m thinking that we might have to add a sound machine to our list!
Marilyn Ledesma
Love the Rose & Ryan pacifiers ! Love the colors ! Your list is perfect! My daughters are getting ready for there babies in May & July ! This is all perfect information I’m going to pass along too.
Thx you
Krista Kreke
Sound machine, swaddles and baby play gym!!!
Baby girl loves the swing! Therefore the swing is my favorite😊
But also a ring sling 🤗
I enjoy using the sleep sack and carrying my baby in a carrier! Hope you will have a good delivery!
Kaitlin Kamphuis
The Hatch gives me life!! But I so badly want to try the snuggle me and Kyte sleep sacks :). Due with baby #3 in July and maybe it’s time to try!
Halo sleep sacks/swaddles are our favorite!!
Hillary-Frances Gwani
Baby toys always come in handy especially when trying to distract the baby…. I loveeee
Baby swing
Lindsay Huseby
Swaddle blankets!
I love the Hatch sound machine too! And I got my first kyte sleep sack for baby #3, which looks so cozy I wish it came in my size! 😂
GiannaSnuggle me lounger never had one but they sound so helpful!! Maybe even for changing diapers on the floor as I don’t do changing tables 🙂
Erica Martin
Sound machine is a MUST have for us! Also, my brest friend nursing pillow is a back saver!
The swaddles! I had one stretch swaddle for my first son and it was my favorite. I’ve been looking for more for my second (due in five weeks 🤩) I may try your recommendations!
Dorothy Eicher
Definitely the snuggle me lounger or something similar. My foster baby is a year old now but I’m so happy I had one for her. I just wish I would’ve got one way sooner!
Marie Gilkerson
Need to try that sleep sack!! Baby arriving in May 🥰
Liza Dutra
I would say that the sound machine would be nice item to have. It would definitely be a helpful tool to keep them sleeping longer and not be bothered by their louder siblings playing in the next room. 😂 Shoot, I’d even love it for myself to sleep in on weekends when the hubby wakes up to early and starts up with the banging of the cabinet doors.😳🙉
I’ve never had a SnuggleMe lounger but would love to try one! It looks so cozy!
Sarah Miller
A good swaddle is probably my favorite baby item!! I also love all of my carriers!
Lindsay Stover
I am pregnant with my first , so this list is super helpful! In my work with kids, interactive play mats have been a lifesaver! A safe place for tummy time with developmentally appropriate activities is a win-win!
Emily Wood
What a wonderful list!!!!!!! As a mama of 4, (3 boys and my youngest is a GIRL! She is 5 months old.) I can say this is truly a GREAT list!!! We love our bath tub which is very similar to the one you posted. I’m always a big fan of anything that can transition as the baby gets older. Can’t wait to see your precious little girl!
I love my lillebaby carrier and I feel like I’m always needing new burp cloths!!
Larissa McNew
Such great suggestions, Sarah!!
Linda Gannon
I love ❤️ the sound machines. But I didn’t/don’t know about the cd 💿 playing sound machines. But it’s my favorite 😍
Kristen Halsey
My lifesaver was a baby swing. It’s the only thing my youngest especially, would sleep in.
A baby carrier/sling, etc!
Natalie M
Oh gosh! Only one go to?! Haha, let’s see…I think for the early days, it would have to be a wrap carrier. But it quickly develops into if you give a mouse a cookie scenario for e, so I’ll stop there!! You have amazing advice here, so I tried to think of ANOTHER one that is clutch too!
Jana Daw
Looks like you’re a pro about all your items. I’ll make sure to buy some of these items for my fire grand daughter
Catelyn Ness
Portable sound machine!
Pacifiers and burp cloths are my favorites! Pregnant with baby number five! Due May 11th. Praying you and your sweet baby girl have a safe sweet delivery!
Kailee Cordle
Baby Ktan carrier for sure!!
Lindsey Shinkey
My all time favorite bay item is my wrap conversion ringsling. 👌🏼 especially with having so many other babes!
Ashley Turner
Sound machine for sure and baby camera
Sound machine! I just got a portable one that can clip to the carseat or wherever you need it for my third babe and it’s been a game changer!
Chantelle Perez
The sound machine! We still use sound machines in our kids’ rooms and ours as well.
Definitely a sound machine and a swing for us! I formula feed my last baby and hands down the best purchase for doing formula is an electric tea kettle that will bear to exactly 100 degrees!
Rebekah Spencer
Ergo baby baby carrier, I used with all four and I was a life saver when one was fussy
Whitney Bradshaw
I LOVE the Hidden In My Heart scripture baby lullaby’s! We listen to them every night. And I have that same bath tub. I love that it fits over my sink in the kitchen so when they are those first several weeks old, I dont have to bend over the tub while I’m still healing. I have 2 boys and 1 girl. I do wish I would have had a wipe warmer with my girl. Things are just more sensitive during diaper changes and she is 2 and still hates getting her diaper changed. Also, one of those little finger tooth brushes! I like to start when they are newborns so they go right into brushing their teeth like champs when they get their little teeth in.
Erika Fagley
Breathable mattress
I love Indestructibles Books!! Make sure you have the “s” on the end of Indestructibles when you search. They are chew proof, rip proof, non-toxic, and 100% washable (bath friendly)! They’re super, super light weight so they’re great for on the go in the diaper bag and for travel. Most importantly, I love that they have bright, eye catching pictures, just the right amount of print for babies and toddlers, and they have lots of titles! My kids love the “songs/rhymes” books like This Little Piggy, Wheels on the Bus, Happy and you Know It… They have titles promoting kindness, foods, shapes… so many!! You will love them!
Andrea Munoz
I’ve never personally owned a breastfeeding pillow but would love to as this is our last pregnancy. Husband being the only one who works we need to ensure we are wise with our spending…
Rosalind Atkinson
Pacifier and mattress pad
Love these items! I just found out in pregnant with baby number 2 after 6 years of infertility! Definitely would like to order the sleep sacks and snuggleme lounger 🥰
Becky Hanks
My grandbaby girl and now s new little one on the way we love Ryan and Rose ! I’m gonna check on those baby swaddles they look exactly like a perfect gift for my daughter and niece both whom are expecting one month apart!!!
Claudia bandrabur
Best baby cream we love is at Costco in 2 big containers ( aquaphor) and shampoo the same from Amazon too we still use that from my boys
Dawn Samuels
Sleep sacks and sound machines!!
The hatch!
I also love Ryan & Rose! Also huge fan of sound machines and swaddles! My fav toys I’ve found for baby are from Bannor Toys!
Alli Scholting
I borrowed a snuggle me from a friend for my last and absolutely loved it!! A splurge item we didn’t feel was necessary. But it was such a life saver!
Deanna Magee
Most used baby item by far is the sound machine, it’s a must have in all our bedrooms now. My favorite spurge item was a Babybjorn bouncer.
I love the sound machine and the snuggle me lounger!
Our favorite baby item is our portable high chair. It folds up like a camp chair and is so easy to use, wash, and transport!
Amy Baker
So many good things here… Snuggle me Lounger would be amazing to have, so useful!
Becky Weaver
The snuggle me lounger
Kyla Lanigan
I am expecting my fifth baby in a few months! Love Ryan and Rose!
I think I would like the snuggle me organic—but haven’t had one of those yet!
I would have a hard time picking between a sound machine and sleep sack! Used both everyday for every babe until at least age 1!
Sabrina Hathaway
The sound machine. My grandson liked it so much, I purchased one for myself ❤️
Morgan Burleson
The hatch is our favorite!! We have one in our 18 month olds room, one at my in laws and one at my parents house for her!
Jamie Tompkins
Morgan BurlesonOur sound machine has beeen the favorite! We always even travel with it!! Also sleep sacks!
Sleep sacks!!!
Brittney Lavery
Big big fan of the Haaka and the Hatch sound machine!
Fisher price cradle n swing! The best swing! All 4 of my babies loved it 😊
So many of these are also on my favorites list! I love our Ryan & Rose, Lou Lou, Kyte, and Snuggle Me. I also absolutely love our Baby Bjorn bouncer… I wish we had invested in it for our first instead of waiting for our third!
Shannon Roehl-Wickingson
I love love the Kyte sleepsacks! So many colors and prints to chooose from! And the different weights/thicknesses are key as well.
I LOVED our silly baby wrap, CUTIE teether (Ryan and Rose) and the restaurant bag for a little older from YeahBabyGoods! #mytop3
Love the jumperoo and my Brest friend nursing pillow!
Jessica B
Sound machine for the win!!
Lydia Hambrick
Sound machines have helped us sooo much! We swear by them and even have one in our room too:)
Julianne Dixon
My favorite item is always a sleep sack!
I think nursing pillow for sure was my favorite! My little never liked to be swaddled but now that he’s 2 that’s the only way I can transfer him from my bed to his! 🤣
Cassie Molitor
Pacifiers and sound machines all the way. And swaddle sacks!
Katy King
Pregnancy Pillow is my favorite!
I love that you used the same baby bath for all the kids. How special!
Melissa Miennert
Definitely love having soothing baby lullabies and music for baby.
Boppy! I was surprised how many times a day a I would reach for it!
LeKeisha Lynch
Love the snuggle lounger!! 💕
Do many good suggestions here! We love our Snuggle Me lounger too! I always forget about H&M for baby clothing! I’ll have to remember that next time we’re expecting!
Sheila Lambert
I absolutely love our sound machine! Gets my little one instantly into night night mode so cozy
Katie Williams
Sound machine looks cool and I’d love to try that sleep sack
Briana Waldoch
I Love stretchy swaddles for my babies!
Terrah Waide
Totally agree with the nursing pillow!
Kim Buff
Super simple but from someone that used formula, the simple little gadget to premeasure out the formula was a huge time saver. Especially when out and about. 🤗
Kristin Franklin
I love silly baby wraps! Hands free but still get baby snugs 😊
Liana Kurudimov
I appreciate you sharing all your favorites. I feel like with every kiddo I discover something new and better. Thank you
Taryn Wright
My son loved his play gym when he was a baby.
Autumn Sloggett
Sound machine!
A sound machine of some sort for sure. We had a light up toy that would hook to the crib and play nature sounds. It was perfect!
Autumn Sloggett
Probably a sound machine
Kristen Limacher
A Kyte baby sleep sack and a GOOD quality sound machine.
Jordan Nider
As far as big ticket items go, I’m partial to a bedside bassinet/cosleeper! The ones that secure against the side of your mattress and use a zip-up side to give easy access to baby during the night are SO helpful. Baby gets fed much quicker (and without having to fumble for light switches), and mama has the peace of mind of having them safely in sight. It helped my postpartum anxiety tremendously to have my son close enough to touch.
In terms of small items, I definitely recommend the Haakaa milk collectors! They catch letdown so well, and help you passively build up a freezer stash without the hassle of a mechanical pump. I recommend them to all of my doula client mamas and friends!
Definitely the two sided zippered pajamas! Also, I have learned from other moms that sound machines are where it’s at!
The sound machine is the best.
The baby brezza formula maker was probably one of my favorites
My ABSOLUTE MUST-HAVE is a Newton Baby Crib Mattress! It gave such peace of mind when Baby transitioned out of the bassinet in our room and into her own crib. Especially considering she is a belly sleeper, we absolutely got our money’s worth and we can’t wait to use it for the rest of our babies!
Can’t live without fisher price baby swing
Dock a Tot been the BEST baby purchase ive ever made! And the two way zipper pjs for sure
Expecting FTM and NICU nurse here and my favorite item to gift and will be to use myself is a sleep sack! I am all about promoting safe sleep!!
Items I cannot live without must be a baby carrier/sling, sound machine and a good swaddle for a new born!!
Kelly Forsberg
I would say my all-time favorites, baby item is a pacifier if they’ll take it, and definitely a bouncer/baby swing that makes noises plus rock them asleep as well! 💗
My favorite baby item is a carrier! Love to wear my baby all day 🙂
I love Lou Lou and Co. products!!! I found them with my last one and so excited to be able to use them again in a couple of months with our little one coming in May ❤️🥰
Snuggle me looks like a life saver
Snuggle me is definitely a must have! Both my babies have loved it. I also always recommend the doona car seat stroller for every new mom.
I have 8 kids, and after several a sound machine is a must!
Sleep Sacks and Sound Machines are a must! Having our baby and due in June! She’s our final little one and it’s so bittersweet! Congrats on your new addition!
Jennifer Anthony
The Ergo!
Sound machine and zippered pjs, don’t fuss with snaps
Lounger though is something I never knew I needed! Broke down and got one just to try and LOVED it
Kali Wanstrom
Oooh I definitely need to get me the snuggle me baby lounger for baby #2 due in August! I will say, I’ve loved having our diaper genie for those stinky diapers you don’t want stinking up the house but the snow is just a little to high to run out to the dumpster haha something I couldn’t go without! I’ve been looking for a good baby lounger so I’ll definitely be trying the snuggleme!
Carolyn Konopi
I’m amazed at how many ingenious baby products are available since I had my kids. My daughter has used a sound machine with great success. It’s ideal for blocking out the sounds of life in the home.
Sleep sacs! And como tomo bottles!
Dianna Maendel
2 of my favourite baby products are pretty swaddle blankets, and a sound machine!
Shannon Pryor
LOVEEEE our hatch!
Passifiers (lutch) are a must have for us.
Alison Adams
Love these suggestions as I move into baby shower mode for friends kids!
Such a great post about lots of great baby items. I passed this post along to my daughter who is due with a little boy on 3/21! We’re super excited! Going to look into the snuggle me lounger for my daughter.
My favourite baby item is the snuggle me organic. I borrowed my friends and it was amazing!!
My favourite baby item is the kyte baby sleep sacks. So soft and cozy!
We love our hatch white noise/sound machine so much! Definitely one of our top 10 baby items as well! We have 7 kids & due with 8 so soon. 💗
Sleep sacks!!!!!
Rosemary Bolster
Baby bouncer! Keeps your hands free. I made a whole batch of canned peaches while my baby hung out watching. Also love cotton onesies against babies skin. Simple and cozy 💖
Nose frida
Love the hatch sound machine
By far my favorite is my hatch! That sound machine has been through it and around the world
Jill Sietsema
The hatch!!! Still use it in my 6 and 8 year olds rooms!!! 🙌🏻
Hatch! We’ve used it for both kids so far! And sleep Sacks 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 and play mat as they get bigger! Can’t pick just one lol.
Angelcare bath seat, we even carried around the house for her to sit on when she was tiny because she was happiest on it.
I love my baby lounger! Baby girl just turned 2 and still loves it.
The snuggle me lounger is my favorite! I’m due with my first baby in July (a girl!) and am loving all of this advice!
Holly Hodgkinson
We love a good sound machine here!! I also borrowed my sisters Mumaroo baby swing for my little one and it was a game changer!
Kyte baby everything is my favorite as well!! Especially the sleep sacks 🙂
The Hatch sound machine is my number one item! I love it ant your kids still use it beyond the baby stage.
Alissa Deutsch
I agree with all these items! I have twins so to add something for my twin moms I would add the twinzpillow!
Jill Bolinger
Our daughter (and s-i-l) who are missionaries in Guatemala will be coming back to have their third child soon! So exciting, but also daunting as they have nothing (and very limited funds). These are so helpful as we try to help them but can’t do “it all”.
God’s richest to you and yours as you will soon enjoy more fully this gift from Him!
Sandra Sharp
Sound machine’ and now even i sleep with one.
Nancy Morganweck
Sleep sacks, the best!!!
Jennifer Igo
Mine would have to be the boppy. I felt like with my one child I used it so much. Thank you for sharing yours!!!
Guadalupe Dejesus
Thank you for sharing your family and recipes and homeschooling so encouraging to see!
So many good ones! I love the R&R pacifiers for my babies as well, I love how easy they are to clean/sterilize! Also the Lou Lou & Company swaddles are so good and I have way too many! But they can be used as nursing covers, car seat covers, shopping cart covers, burp rags, just about anything! My 18 month old drags hers around everywhere and loves snuggling with it at night.
Jessie Matvey
A baby carrier! Especially with more kids… I wear my third baby wayyyy more than I ever did with my first! I love the Tula brand!
Colleen Coggins
Kyte baby sleep sack!
Megan Clauson
I have purchased the Ollie swaddle from the Ollie world after following her on Instagram and I cannot wait to use it! Also love my Ryan and Rose pacifiers!
Falon B.
My favorite baby item has hands down been Copper Pearl burp rags! They have soooo many cute designs and are the perfect size for all messes!
Michelle kooyenga
I’m a big fan of the baby bouncer. I have a similar one that I have used for my first three babies and plan to use in the next 7 weeks for my 4th baby.
I also have the same bath tub just without the sling. Again another favorite.
My mom makes me homemade burp clothes in super cute fabrics that I use all over the house.
Margaret Callahan
Love Kyte Baby saddles. They would have been so nice
Alison Blanco
My top baby item is a sound machine!
Pat Alonge
Kyte sleeper!!! Love!!!
We just purchased the swaddleme lounger for our second daughter on the way and I’m so excited to use it! Thanks for the recommendation!
Love the hatch sound machine in our house!
I’ve been wanting the hatch! Love these products
Megan Principe Cassarino
I need a new pregnancy pillow so bad!! My husband was so happy to get rid of it. I secretly wanted to keep it!
Rachel Devine
Burp cloths are definitely essential for this baby of mine! we go through about 10 a day!
For sure the sound machine. But also the nose frida!! That things a life saver.
We have a hatch for each of ours boys!! It is the absolute best!
This is such a helpful list! On my way to welcoming baby #4 and this was a good refresher on what I should be prepping! I’m excited to give the side button onesies a try!
Cassy Cecil
My favorite baby item is the nose frida! Total lifesaver!
Ashley Jones
My favorite baby item is the sit me up seat!
The lovevery play mat, sleep sacks, and a breastfeeding pillow are my favorite items! I will be trying the pillow you like for sure with my next baby!
Kay Halfman
My favorite item is a nose sucker, booger sucker, nose Frieda, etc. It has been so helpful when my babies have been sick. Clearing their little airways gives a scared momma some sense of relief.
The stretch swaddle and and bouncy seat are my two must haves for babies.
Would love the hatch. I hear great reviews. Blessings to you and your beautiful family
My vintage graco swing has been a life saver for me! All 4 of my boys have loved it. The ninni co pacifier has been a hit with baby #4 and I so wish I would’ve had it 5 years ago!
I think you nailed it pretty well! Definitely agree with sound machine (and a portable one or the white noise baby app), but if I were to add to the list I love a good black and white crinkle boook. This one is my favorite but I love so many of their baby books and fold out options! https://1107731.paperpie.com/p/8157/crinkle-jungle
Nicole Aesoph
Hatch and Snuggle Me are two of the best things and we have both!
Melissa Truitt
My favorite item is the sound machine. Literally the best ever.
Sara Richards
Probiotics for baby instead of gripe water…total game changer for fussy babies! I’m thinking I might need to try the snuggle me lounger for my baby coming in July though! Thanks for the suggestions!
Teresa Lounsbery
Burp Rags -can never have enough
Catie Dudley
So many great products! I just bought the hatch sound machine and can’t wait to try it out!
Ergo baby carrier and a sound machine are some of my favorite baby items. I’m currently 17 wks pregnant and this is getting me excited about all the baby stuff again. 😊
Vicki nelson
Kylie Robley
A good devotional for mom & a baby swing are my must essentials for surviving lol. None of my three kiddos used a pacifier or their crib. Nursing pillows are essential!
Jenna Venezia
My fav baby item the 3rd time around definitely was my SnuggleMe!! I wish I had it for my first two! I also very much loved my Luna Lullaby nursing pillow best of all the ones I had!
Love seeing all the baby things!
Chelsea Beaudreau
As a mom to5, I always love my baby carriers, makes it so much easier to get things done while still snuggling baby. I also love using a sound machine to help drown out the sounds of a crazy household while baby sleeps!
Melissa McClenaghan Damon
Momma of 7 here! And I’m always seeing new stuff I like with each sweet baby. Would love some swaddles for my sweet girl or onsies! The sound machine has always been on my lost too! Just have never tried it and in a house with seven kids, five boys and two girls it sounds like a great idea!
I love my city select stroller! I use it all the time!
Lisa Saunders
I love the snuggle me !Like you said having a safe space for them is so Amazing!
Sue Haynes
My favorite baby item for my grandkids was the cute little muslin blankets. They’re so light and airy, yet so cuddly
Thanks for the recommendation on a Snuggle Me! I keep looking at them and trying to decide if I actually need one or not since I have gone 5 kids without one 🙂 but I see everyone with them now!
How Do I Choose The Right Baby Carrier For Tall Moms Of Quintuplets? #2023 Güncel Bilgiler
[…] 1 Mar 2023 … I think if I had to pick one it would be my ergo baby carrier or the Frida mom 2 in 1 thermometer! Reply. Tara. Natalie Graveline. March 3, 2023. read more […]
How Do I Choose The Right Baby Carrier For Tall Dads Of Quintuplets? #2023 Updated Information
[…] Mar 1, 2023 … Having the right baby carrier makes all the difference in not throwing … my little people are pandemic babies, so they just slept at home. read more […]
Homemade cheddar mac and cheese with ham!
Here’s a Christian a cappella Lullabies album you could try too. 😃 Troyerlullabies.com
KelsieThank you!