Whether you love the alone time wandering the aisles, value the convenience of grocery pick-up, or like to make it a family affair (that’s us!), read through our 15 best grocery shopping tips to get the most out of your shopping trip and budget.
Grocery shopping is a necessity and stores have marketing down to a science making our grocery shopping tips all the more valuable. Studies show the longer you stay in the store, the more money you will spend. Tactics range from slower music that decreases your heart rate getting you to move slower, rubber mats in front of produce to slow down your cart, carefully placed endcaps, and long check-out lines so you linger longer by those last-minute impulse items. Keep reading to see how you can be a savvy shopper.
Sidenote- check out my Grocery Haul blog post for more details of what I buy and what I spend. Keep in mind it was posted 1 year ago, so costs have definitely gone up a bit. But I know a lot of you want the nitty gritty about cost as well!
Use a List
Keeping a list, either paper, mental, or on your phone, can prevent unnecessary purchases, or making another trip to the store for those few important items you forgot. If you’re a menu planner, look over recipes to make sure you have all the ingredients you need. Also check your pantry to see what staples you may be running low on.
Use store loyalty program and rewards
Loyalty/rewards programs are typically free and will score you the best price available. You may even get gas rewards points, cash back offers, etc.
I love using Fetch Rewards. Just scan your physical receipts, or you can connect digital receipts also- like Amazon. Sign up for Fetch with my affiliate link and you will automatically get 2,000 bonus points which gets your started with a $2 gift card. If the link doesn’t work, my code is: 3RX6Q
The other reward app I use is Ibotta. Ibotta clips coupons for specific products to help you save money and you scan your receipt and earn that cash back. For example, they may have a $2 coupon for a certain brand of ice cream. You ‘clip it’ in the app. Then when you scan your receipt you get the $2 back into your account. Click here to get Ibotta also- I use both!
Pick the best time of day/week to shop
Busy supermarkets are annoying, hard to navigate and could even cause you to overspend. Avoid peak times as much as possible. Hint: Weekday mornings – stores are least busy and shelves are the most stocked.
Buy the Store Brand
There’s a price to pay for shopping name-brand items, and that extra money usually goes towards marketing and advertising. Store brands are often the made by the same name-brand companies so try a few items in the store brand and decide if it’s the quality you like. This may vary by grocery store.
Remember to look up and down
Items at eye level are the most expensive. Look high and/or low to see all the options available.
Grab perishables from the back of the shelf
Nana is the QUEEN of this. Stores stock new inventory behind the older inventory and while expiration dates are often far off anyway, it’s worth reaching to the back for dairy, produce, eggs and other fresh foods to get items with the most-distant expiration date. Plus, items in the back are typically less handled by other shoppers.
Compare prices
A little bit of simple math, or looking closely at those price tags can really help you save. Always look at the price per ounce/pound/unit when comparing products to buy. Looks can be deceiving but comparing costs helps you determine which item or size of the item is the best buy. Many times, a larger item is the better buy, but not always. Hint: Shelf price tags usually show the unit price.
Learn the Dating System
Don’t pass by a good sale because you get confused between the “sell-by” and “use-by” dates. If something is on sale and today is it’s “sell-by” date, chances are it’s still totally fine. Products are safe to use after the sell-by date. Use more discretion with a use-by date, though some items may still last a bit longer.
Plan your route through the store
Have you ever wondered why milk and eggs are in the back corner of the store? Stores know the more aisles you have to walk down to get to a product, the more things will catch your eye and end up in your cart. Consider writing out your list in categories based on location, then don’t walk down aisles you don’t need. Hint: Shop then outer circumference of the store, then the inside. All your fresh foods are typically around the edges, with dry goods in the middle.
Use coupons with caution
If you’ve scored a coupon on something you regularly buy then by all means use it. If you’re clipping coupons and buying items you wouldn’t normally buy just because it’s a good deal, you’re not saving, you’re spending. Shop sales and stock up when it’s a good price.
Ask for a raincheck or swap similar items
If the store is having a great sale on an item, but stock is wiped out, ask for a raincheck. This allows you to get the item when it’s back in stock at the sale price. Don’t be shy to ask if the store will swap out like items. Is a 2lb container of strawberries on sale but there are none left? Bring two 1lb containers to check out and see if they’ll give you the same price.
You’ll pay for pre-packaged convenience
Pre-packaged food or fruit and vegetables are always more expensive. It can be tempting to purchase pre-chopped, pre-sliced, pre-portioned, ingredients because they are so easy, but that convenience will always come with a cost, often double the price! We aren’t saying never buy this way, but consider the value to your budget.
Shop in bulk
If your local store has a bulk section, this can be an economical way to stock up on items since you aren’t paying companies to pre-package your food. Also consider warehouses like Costco and Sam’s Club where you can find items in larger amounts for decent prices. Hint: Don’t overbuy what you won’t be able to use or store away. We love stocking up on pastas, rice, beans, etc., and storing them in containers.
Utilize the Meat department
Butchers in the meat department can split up packs of meat, grind meat, and make quality recommendations, at no extra cost to you. One of our families’ favorite tips is to grab a chunk of ham or turkey pastrami in the meat case, then have them slice it into lunch meat. The cost is much cheaper than buying from the deli department. Is a specific meat on sale and there are no more packages set out? Ask the butcher and he’ll gladly slice up more for you.
Check out with confidence
Watch the checker ring up items then check your receipt before leaving. It’s not uncommon for items to ring up wrong, and if you catch it, they’ll always make it right. A few little mistakes here and there can really add up if you don’t notice.
When checking out, put similar items together so it’s more efficient to unpack at home and easier for the checker to bag. No one likes smashed bread or crumpled chips. Start with heavier items, like cans and jars, then add rigid boxes and containers. Finish with smaller soft or breakable items like fresh produce and eggs.
Bonus Tip: If you like or need to shop with kids, swing by the bakery and see if they offer a free cookie. Or let them hold a box of cereal or other non-breakable items as you shop to keep little hands occupied. Some stores even offer a free piece of fruit for kids.
I hope you picked up a few new grocery shopping tips to put into practice. Comment below if you have a tip of your own. We’d love to hear it!
Rohzjah Colter
Super helpful. I always fall victim to prepackaged things. This will definitely help me stick to my budget.
Rohzjah ColterLists are VERY mandatory! My mom always takes a hand-written list when she goes to the store; otherwise she never knows what to get.
KatieLove the list and mapping the store idea. I make my list by aisle it cuts my shopping time down.
AprilMy tip of choice would be asking for a rain check! So many times the sale items are out of stock but rain checks solve that issue 🙂
Rebeca Nesselrode
AprilI also use a list. Using one prevents me from impulse shopping which could be costly. Mapping your store is also something I do !
Thank you Sarah for the great post 💖
AprilPre packaged cut veggies and fruits can be hard to pass up sometimes! But trying not to get hooked on the convenience of those too often.
Rohzjah ColterI’m the one that compares prices! I’m always curious on what another price is before I buy that item!
Michelle Reyes
Rohzjah ColterI do some of these things already but the one utilizing the meat department I didn’t even know that! Wow! Thanks so much for the tips! It definitely helps! Thanks Sarah! God bless you!
Shannon Willis
Rohzjah ColterOh the apps are so smart.. Thank you so much for sharing..
Dana Acton
Shannon WillisI love these tips! My favorite was reaching behind an item to get the freshest one! Makes total sense! And shopping the outer part of the store and not shopping down isles that you need nothing from!
Thank you!!
Nylene Coponen
Rohzjah ColterYes on the list!
Angie Smith
I always forget to ask for rain checks! Such a great tip!
Great tips! I like the section about picking from the back.
Samantha Thompson
List! List! List!!!!! I have to shop with a list or I forget main ingredients, etc.! Great tips for us! Thank you!
Soraya Peront
What??? I didn’t even know rainchecks were actually a thing! Thanks for this info…that’s my new favorite tip!
Soraya PerontWow! I dodnt know items at eye level are most expensive, now ill be keeping an eye on those tags a little closer. This is such a great blog post, I appreciate all the tips and tricks.
LianaThanks so much for saying that Liana! Those little things can add up for sure!
I like the use the store brands like target had good and gather and love it!
DariaYes, definitely go for the store brands!
Great tips
Erin Crichlow
BrittanyGreat tips!
Taryn Puckett
My favorite tip is making a list!! I tend to not do this, and spend way more money than when I do make a list.
Chelsea Beisner
The utilization of meat department is such a great idea. I forget about it all the time. I often spend too much time cutting or separating it out at home. Also, like Nana, I grab from the back of the shelf. I worked at a grocery store as a teen and this is my #1 tip too!
Love ibotta! Good tip about not buying in bulk JUST to buy in bulk! There’s only two of us and we often forget that- it’s just so tempting.
Linnea Wilhelm
Using a list saves us so much! Especially when I tell my boys we are only getting what’s on the list!
This is so helpful!!! I love the idea to ask for a rain check or to swap out similar items! Also, why have I never thought to grab the items from the back to help with the perishable date?! I do that at home when I “restock” the shelves so it makes sense!!! Thank you!!
Never knew that about the butcher counter!
I didn’t know about using the meat counter that way
Lindsay McCracken
Love the idea of planning your route. I just write things as I think of them and always have to backtrack or forget it before I leave!
I’m adding a tip….eat before you shop! 😄 THIS has gotten me into trouble 😉
I love the reminder about the meat department and getting a rain check!
Erin Distad
Such good tips! I like checking out the markdown sections in stores. Sometimes you can really score a great deal.
I never thought to ask for a raincheck!
Morgan Snurr
Love to tip to see if they offer FREE COOKIES!? This sounds incredible! We do get free fruit though, so I’m guessing not.
The list! Without a list it can be so pointless for me with my scattered mom brain.
Andrea Reid
Thanks for the clarification on the use-by and sell-by dates! I needed that!
We love WINCOs bulk section, especially for spices!
We already do a couple of these things. We use a list in an app and sync it between me and my husband so we add as we run out of things. And before we go to the store we put the list in order based off the layout of the store.
My favorite tip that I’ll definitely try is the meat department by having them slice up lunch meat.
Having a list is SO important!
All very good tips! In a hurry these are still the best way to shop. If you are going to store hop to save a buck or two, add in the cost of gas ⛽️ and your time, IS IT STILL WORTH IT?
Cathy Boulanger
My tips:
1. I have a typed by aisle grocery item list. I do my meal planning, go to my fridge/pantry and then highlight on my list what I still need to buy.
2. If you have kids and you can shop weekday mornings – it is the most relaxed time.
I tried to take my kids to the park or do something fun (craft, outside time together) after grocery shopping and tell them “Thank you for helping me grocery shop, since we got done so quickly now we can do something fun together.” I did not want to give them a “prize” every time. I wanted them to think of us as a team.
Although once a month I let each kid pick a piece of fruit. It was fun to try different things and encouraged healthy eating.
Cathy BoulangerThank you, I’m from Mexico and shopping is very different there, everything was really helpful …..
Christine Mellinkoff
I love the meat department tip! We eat a lot of lunch meat and it gets expensive!
Jordan B
Christine MellinkoffStore loyalty programs and lists are a lifesaver!!
Ashley K
Yes, all really great tips. We have a list on our fridge and items get added as we use up a item,most common items have at least 1 backup in the pantry, so when we use it up pull the one out of the pantry and then it goes on the list. Or someone request I get something on my next trip. I also know the sale cycles. So I will buy a couple of a item to last us hopefully till the next time that comes on sale.
Kaitlyn Davis
Absolutely always have to write down my shopping list, otherwise I leave with more than I needed and forget the important things 😝
Casey McDougall
I didn’t know about looking up and down on a shelf for the lower prices. Such an awesome suggestion!
Katie Rios
I had no idea you could ask for a rain check for items!! Thanks for the tip!
I really love the tip of asking for a rain check and swapping similar items for sale prices. I had never thought of that! So smart!!
Don’t use coupons just to use them!! A lot of people get caught up on this one!
Super helpful. Mom of 2 and I struggle with sticking to a list
Great tips! My parents taught to me to check the price per ounce when I was little and I still do it. I’m constantly pulling my phone out to use the calculator. It’s so worth it!
I always compare products with the unit price on the tags….but for some reason toilet paper math is still so hard to compare!
I always grab stuff from the back-dairy, bread, etc. Hsve to watch those expiration dates. Love all of your tips!
Jennifer Halsey
I honestly like all these tips! I also use 98% of them. My favorite though is to buy in bulk. With a large family this is so important to us. Most of the time buying in bulk is cheaper in the long run.
Shelby Cheshier
Never thought to shop the outer edge first! I’ll have to try that next trip!!
Sara Van Erp
Buying in bulk is a game changer for me!
Vanessa Rhodes
The best thing is the list!!! But doesn’t do good if I forget the list…. But never really thought about planning my route of the store. I’ll have to try that one.
Krista Carter
Using coupons with caution is the best tip! If you don’t need the item, you’re not saving, you’re spending! So important.
I love all these tips. Another thing that helps me is never shop on an empty stomach! Lol
Jennifer Nicolas
I love when stores have a loyalty program!!!
Making sure to look up and down while shopping for perishables makes so much sense and something I need to be more conscious of! 😬 Thank you for all these tips ☺️
I never knew they put the most expensive products right at eye level! Makes total sense. I will be checking that out next time I go shopping!
Great suggestions! Thanks for sharing!
Jennifer Miche
Love the info about the music they play and all the things to slow you down never realized that. Also having lists I do so much better when I have everything written down!!
Jocelyn Groening
So thankful my mom also taught me how to grocery shop. Hopefully I can pass that on to my kidlets, too!
I like the grabbing the perishables from the back of the shelf.
Weekday shopping is the best! Especially with shortages on many items these days….they get snatched up quickly on the weekends
Darlene G
I totally agree with using coupons with coupons. Very seldom are the coupons for things I regularly use.
Lisa Conroy
Def make a list us a great tip since I never seem to do that
Absolutely love this. I utilize the store apps like crazy and come away with sometimes such great savings..
Kasey Kauffman
There are a couple of these tips that I already have in practice but never really thought of them as tips, if that makes sense. Rewards programs can be great, but sometimes I cringe when I see the buy 3 and save $2 type of deals. Sometimes I just want one! Lol
I love the tip about grabbing perishables from the back of the shelf! I always do this and had to teach my husband so he’d stop getting milk that was about to be at its expiration date. 😂
Caitlin Narwold
Yes! I use most of these points… but buying store brand is definitely something I do most often depending on the item.
What great tips, thanks!
Racheal Hanson
Use the meat department is a great tip! Have never thought to have them split or cut a pack of meat.
Kathleen Volpe
I didn’t know you could ask the butcher to break up packs and slice it
Ashley Smith
My favorite tip is utilizing the meat dept I never thought of that
Jackie Lally
I like the bonus tip and that’s why shopping at Costco is great with kids free samples to keep them occupied!
Shonna Todd
Jackie LallyThis is great! I do most of these things. Even more so since I do most of my shopping on the apps for delivery or pick up!
Katie Anthony
My favorite tip it to check the price per unit. Definitely going to start doing this! I also love grabbing from the back of the shelf! I do this all the time!!
Tiffany Bulman
Great reminder about using the meat department! I never thought about that!
Sarah White
Never heard of asking for a raincheck! That’s a great tip! Also, I must use a list!!
Kari McKinley
I had no idea you could split up the meat by asking the butcher. Great idea!
Morgan Sullivan
This was so helpful!! I really love the look up and down method. I will definitely be utilizing that from now on!
Bethany Ashlock
Morgan SullivanGood practical tips! I use most of these already but haven’t ever had to do a rain check
I need to be better about meal planning in order to be more intentional with my list. I tend to just write the staples and then go from there. Plus never even thought about asking for a rain check!
Karen Nunnery
Thanks for the great tips! Sharing with my daughters! 🙂
Sarah White
Never heard of asking for a raincheck! That’s a great tip! Didn’t realize they make eye level items the most expensive. Huh! Had no idea!
Buy in bulk and shop the store brand!!
Love those two because shopping by the store brand is generally cheaper and somewhat healthier 🙂
Chelsea Larson
Ooh what a great thought about looking above or below! That makes so much sense. I will be keeping my eyes peeled for that.
We have Kroger where we live and they have special coupons each week that can be used up to 5 times per shopper account. If there’s something on the coupon list that we know we will use (like shredded cheese, butter, etc.), my husband and I will each swing by and get the maximum amount!
Looking up and down for deals was helpful to read! I didn’t realize most expensive is at eye level! Great helpful tip!
Tara Munn
I forget about rain checks. I need to try the reward apps.
Amber Weber
Shopping outside aisles to inner aisles 🤯 genius!
Lori Harris
Look up and down (since most expensive items are placed at eye level).
Shana D
I loved the meat department tips, I never knew any of them!
Mary Oestrike
Making a list is a game changer for me. It keeps me focused on what we need 🥰. Thanks for the tips🤗
Love this! Giving little ones something to hold is a lifesaver!
Molly Carmack
I always do the list and buy store brand. I’ve always wondered about the lunch meat. I always buy in the containers but would rather have them slice my meat if it was cheaper for sure.
Abby Fellingham
Love the line you’re not saving your spending.
Abby FellinghamLove all the ideas – I am a list shopper and do find it easier to list by category/aisle when possible so it goes quicker.
Christin Komassa
I look online for digital coupons that I attach to my local card. Sometimes you can find really great deals!
Rebecca Kaylor
Comparing prices is such an important and my favorite tip for sure!!
Store brand most of the time but certain items I like to splurge on.
Lindsay Ulmer
Love shopping in bulk! And the tip about taking kiddos to the bakery before you shop 💙
I can always use tips! I only shop for two now. That makes it more difficult sometimes.
Megan Michuad
I always take items from the back so it has a longer shelf life. A list is a must and I always compare my list to several stores to see who has the best overall prices and shop there. Can’t drive to many places with the price of gas.
Jodi Lloyd
I use the store app and clip coupons for items I would normally purchase. Most times I can use both.
Looking up and down! Such a great tip since we’re inclined to just pick the first we see especially when busy with our kiddos!
100% agree with these tips!
I also plan meals around the “big ticket”, usually meats, item. When possible, this means buying the meat that is the weekly sale and formulating meals from there.
We also have a large family. We eat a lot of chicken breasts. We prefer thinner breasts. So, we split the large family packs to stretch the meat further and save a little $.
Lori Farber
Good ideas for everyone to keep in mind while grocery shopping. I need to check into Fetch rewards and Ibotta.
Katharyn Schwalbert
I’ve never thought to get a hunk of (cooked) meat in the meat dept and ask them to slice it into lunch meat for me! We love fresh deli slices, so this was a great tip for me! Thanks!
Use a List!! We buy far less extras when we use a list, but we are not great at it. I also learned to start shopping at WINCO and then Costco for what we coin Costco must purchases such as toilet paper and coffee. We save so much this way!
Deborah Cardenas
Thank you for the tips:)
Allysha Hines
Awesome post!! Definitely don’t use coupons just because you have them! And I always grab a cookie for the kids when we go to Publix it a a huge help!
I love the plan your route tip. I always rearrange my grocery list before going shopping to make sure it’s in order of how I’ll walk through the store. Then you don’t miss that butter is on your list and not remember until your at the produce section.
Kim Cress
I use a lot of those. I use store pick up so I add things to my list throughout the week. I spend much less by not going in the store. I do go in a small local store to get our meat. They have a great butcher and often have meat marked down. I just put it in the freezer and it’s fine. I also buy store brand often. I’m a brand snob about a few things. Haha.
I find doing grocery pickup saves me money because I am not impulse shopping.
Emily Janning.
We love clicklist. Helps us stick to our list and shop via coupons.
Karen G.
Buying store brand has been so helpful since I started doing it the past few months. Most times, there’s no difference between that and the leading brand!
Sydney Dawson
I never thought about asking for a substitution swap! That’s SO smart!!!
Yes to giving the littles something to hold!
My son feels included when I do this 🙌🏼
Jill McDermott
I love the tip to pick from the back of the shelf when buying perishables!! I will definitely use that one. Thank you!
Jenna Mergel
Always use a list!!
I need to utilize the meat department more! Wonderful, helpful tips! Ty!!
Rebecca McReynolds
My fave tip was shopping around the outside of the store ,&planning your strategy !
Sabrina Koch
Cookie from the bakery is a must with kids!!! Never thought to ask the butcher to slice up a ham, thanks for the tip ❤️
Emily Lindsey
We meal plan 2 weeks at a time and lists are a must!!! We also do tons of digital coupons and coupons sent to us! Also we use store brand for most things! It’s definitely helped up save money!
Diana Lee
Great list. We always shop with a list. I knew about the butcher but sometimes forget. Thanks for useful tips
Erica Burt
The butcher! It never occurs to me to Al’s them to help! I will now!
Always make a list and shop the ad
Fav tip is the get the items from the back! Also love the cereal box in a kids hand 🙂
Carolyn Delle Donne
Love the tip to look up and down. I never even thought of that! Makes sense that more expensive things are eye level. Sneaky haha
Amy Y
Super great tips! I’m a fan of using a list & I love the Fetch app!!
Always reaching to the back for furthest milk/dairy to expire. We always use it before it goes bad but makes me feel better that it’s furthest from expiration! 💕
Brittany W
Thanks for the tips! I like the don’t use coupons for things you don’t normally buy.
Favorite tip…make a list! Definitely helps with impulse shopping. So does pickup…no temptations as we walk through the store. Im going to give Fetch a try again!
I’m definitely downloading those apps! Seems like a great way to save! Thanks for all the tips!
Never thought about swapping item! Smart!
Kelsey Busse
List list list! Keeps you on track! It can also help you plan your route through the store and be more efficient.
Samantha N.
Comparing prices is so important! I love shopping at stores that show the ‘price per ounce’ — I’ve learned sometimes the name brand is cheaper and sometimes the ‘bonus’ size isn’t more affordable!
I have heard of some of these tips. But never thought about the highest priced items being at eye level. Great tip on knowing the newer items are toward the back. Some great tips!
I love the bonus one. My daughter hates sitting in the cart. I will have to try giving her something to hold on too.
Lists are a must to keep from impulse buys
Carisia Gandara
All of these are really great tips!! I really love them all! But I never thought to get meat sliced up over buying it prepackaged. I also didn’t know about getting a rain check on items that are out during the sale. Thank you for sharing your tips!
Definitely going to keep in mind about the rain check/ swap items in mind for future trips. Thank you ❤️
Lauren Lawson
Great tips! My mom watched the ring up prices like a hawk… She had no problem with speaking up “um, those 1.99 not 2.99” so now I do the same! LoL
Use a list! If I don’t, I always spend wayyy more!
Not sure about in other countries but in Australia the 2 main supermarkets have apps which you can put your grocery list into and it then splits it into the correct aisles so you save time walking around, skipping aisles etc.
I never think of using the butcher, especially since I do grocery pickup. Need to think on that!!
Thelma Smith
Loved the idea of getting a ham in the meat department and having them slice it up for lunch meat!
I really enjoyed reading this. I loved the coupon idea. I am definitely someone who will pick something up because it’s on sale. You’re right that’s spending money not saving it. I also say don’t shop when you’re hungry or to full. Each will make you buy or not buy things you need!
Agreed about buying the store brands – they are often just as good, if not better!
Marlene Boothe
All great tips and I do lots of them, rightnow I’m REALLY appreciating the discounts I’m getting on gas from using the reward points! Thanks fir sharing this great blog!
Morgan Anderson
These are great tips!! My favorite is to buy store brand items! I try to do this as often as possible. I’ve rarely found an item that I didn’t enjoy.
Bethany Rose
Planning a big “stock-up” grocery trip for tomorrow morning – I enjoyed reading through all the tips and tricks! Thanks for all the time and effort you put into making this space on Instagram (and the blog) SUCH a breath of fresh air!
Loved all the tips, but the reminder to pull from the back of the shelf was my favorite!
Arlene Frankart
I utilize a lot of these strategies but I didn’t know the meat department could/would cut lunch meat
Karlee D
Love your tips !! I definitely need to learn to write down a list when we go – we go twice a month and easily spend 400+ each trip! Which bums me out after the trip because I always wanna try to spend less . Thank you for your amazing tips!!!!
I already do a lot of these, but I hadn’t thought to add the locations of items to my list, so I’ll try that next time. Thanks for taking the time to make this helpful list!
Kimberly Meyers
I have learned to meal plan. I then base my grocery list on my meal plan for the week/two weeks. I write down ingredients for each meal and make my list by section in the grocery store to prevent forgetting items. This has saved time and frustration for me when shopping. I love all of the tips and have printed them for my kitchen cookbook
Great tips!
Great tips! Thank you!
What I’ve never heard the lunch meat tip! Such a good idea.
Great tips! I always use a list. Sometimes I forget to look up and down, but too many times I’m spending time searching for where they’ve moved products from where they used to be. 🤔
Desiree Padia
I’m all about using those rewards! They make such a difference!!
My mom also taught me many of these tips, what a joy to be able to continue to pass them along to my children.
The coupon tip is my favorite, it’s very easy to fall into that trap, but if it’s not already on the list it’s not really saving me money!
Definitely compare prices, shop store brand and shop in bulk!
Great tips ! I use every tip but i dont use a list! I mostly just buy on sale items and store!!
Emily Gabrielsen
I always make a list otherwise I’d buy the store. Lol
Tiffani Cariss
I love the idea of shopping around the outside first and then the inside aisles. I never would have considered that before!
Kathleen Worthen
Such great ideas!! Thank you!
Shelly McCormick
Love the idea of stopping by the bakery for littles! We always make a stop at the deli for a slice of cheese! 🙂
I love the tip about the free bakery item! Our store gives the kids bananas when you walk into the produce section and it is such a great distraction!!
Kate W
I’ve begun using instacart to make my list and set a ballpark budget, that way even if I stray and grab one or 2 things that weren’t on the list, I’m still usually on budget. And definitely planning the route to avoid tempting areas where it’s too easy to splurge
Emily Kane
Love these tips. Definitely try to do a lot of them. And will try to incorporate all! Thank you!
Checking the unit price is a must!!
Kathleen Worthen
I love the tip about having the deli cut up the meat. I didnt know you could do that! We eat a lot of lunch meat. This would be so helpful!
Ellen Burge
Thank you for these recommendations!
Rebecca Brashear
I often buy the store brand and I always use a store loyalty card if they have one.
It has been so much better to shop weekday mornings or even late evening! So many less people. Also, the free cookie for kids at the bakery is a life saver.
Rhonda Gardner
Didn’t know about the meat counter part. That is great to know. Will for sure use that!
Stephanie Linehan
So helpful! Thank you! The tip about the most expensive items being at eye level was so eye-opening for me 😳
Katherine Peschau
These we’re great reminders. I loved the “Check out with confidence!”
Suzanne Correnti
I know buying the store brands has helped me save money throughout the years!
I never knew the meat/butcher tip. Going to need to try that!
Love the tip to grab from the back of the shelf! Also been making lists lately and I think this is the best thing right now. I always had the list in my head but these days by having it written down I see what I really need and I find myself not veering off the list which is saving me money.
I’ve been teaching ny kids to always look at the price per ×××! Makes such a difference!
Heather Samondo
We us apps like Ibotta, Coupon.com, fetch, and Rakuten. We save our cash back and points for the whole year and redeem them at the Christmas to help out with the budget. We also do this with the cash back on our credit cards. It has made such a big difference in our holiday season.
Katie B.
Good reminders! I forget about the eye level thing being the most expensive.
Nicole Jensen
Katie B.My favorite tip is using the stores loyalty/reward program mixed with coupons. I have save a lot with Kroger doing this and stacking. Finding items we normally buy or need on sale, then also seeing the store has a digital coupon on top of the sale. It has helped save a lot!
I forgot about the free cookie thing my mom used to do that!!
Amanda Castle
What you do with sliced meat is genius! Thanks, Sarah!!
Courtney Barkman
I love you game plan in the my head! It keeps me on track and less likely to overbuy! I’m also big on store brands for almost everything!
Rosa Fraki
Love the meat department tip! I never think to do that!
Jamie Jackson
Use a list …. I definitely need to implement this into my shopping!! Thank you for the reminder!
Mel N
Thanks for the tips. Love planning my route through the store. Usually compare prices and end up going to three different stores to get the best prices😊
shopping with little kids is hard! so yes! bakery or even buying a banana or apple for the trip helps a lot! or I let them choose a book to read during the shopping trip!
Brooke Lyons
Yes lists are mandatory!!! I recently started and it saves so much money!
All very good ideas. Thank you 😊 Love you and your sweet family. 💙
Sheila Matten
All good advice. Perishables from the back is so smart.
Brianna Wilson
Love these tips! Thanks, Sarah!
My mom taught me most of these as well! So important with todays rising food costs!!
Brittani V
These are all great tips. I don’t normally grab perishables from the back and I will start doing so. Thanks for all the fun tips 💕
Patricia Marotzke
To look at the top and bottom shelves. 😱
Love all these tips especially shopping on weekday mornings. Thanks for the advice
Sharla Miller
Use coupons with caution!
My favorite tip is buying store brands! Most things are the same thing in store brand versus name brand and I definitely utilize store brand way more! There are a few things that I get that I know the store brand isn’t the same, but for the most part I grab store brand when I can. Thank you for all the other tips too! Some great reminders!
The store rewards program is the best tip!
Look up and down! Never thought of that in my life. I’m also a grab from the back lady ☺️
Amanda Luthi
I love the tip about getting a chunk of ham sliced at the deli. I’m going to try that. Great tips.
Dana Simkins
I never knew you could have the deli slice up different meats for lunches! Going to have to try that one. Also love the suggestion to substitute like items for those sold out items on sale. Thanks for sharing!
These are all fantastic tips! My momma taught me how to shop young and it’s made all the difference. Another point is to shop seasonally. Not just for produce but also many stores have sales on baking items, etc around the holidays. It’s a good time to stock up.
Jessica Orona
Making a list for sure 1000000% helped me. Before I would go in on the fly and just grab at random. I would end up with stuff I didn’t need to make / have for dinner that week. Or forgetting something side, vegetables, ingredient for dinner that week!
Where I am in Canada there a few grocery stores that will price match. I have my list ready on the APP to price match for certain items that are on sale at other nearby stores. We don’t have as great of coupon deals like in the US. I find that I am always able to save some money each week with price matching. So many great tips Sarah and family!
I love the tip to reach for the back- I just started doing this!
Katie Pietrowski
Love these! Once I learned how to compare prices using the tag that lists the price per unit/pound etc it was a total game changer! Thanks for all these tips!
Wanda Calder
I love the idea of using a list, I normally go in and just browse and think about what I need, a list would save me time, Thanks for the gray blog
New tip that I will use, look lower and not at eye level. I never really thought about that but it makes sense!
Vicki VanOverloop
I shop using all these tips- except for the meat counter one. Cashiers are amazed at how much I end up saving!
Erin Fedora
Love these!!! Great ideas. I love the cookie for kids and coupon with caution. I’ve been there.
Amber Legal
Love the idea of letting little ones hold a box of cereal! Also great tip to have a full ham sliced!
Megan Antosiek
I never think to ask for a raincheck! I should because I’m often sad when the store is out if a sale item that I want. I also like the tip about looking up and down. I usually just grab my staple brand but should look to see if something similar is on sale.
Erika Sanferraro
Love using Fetch. Such a great program
Mary Morris
I have used most of these tips my mom taught me. She didn’t teach me about the meat counter and stock up. So my favorite tip is to use the meat counter I had no clue it could be cheaper. I’m going to start stocking up on sale perishable items for sure.
Thanks for the tips.
Tia Vielgut
All great points!! Surprisingly I use quite a few of them!!! 🙂
Using a list is something we need to be better at.
One thing we do because we live near several good places to shop is that we definitely price compare and shop from the current ad at Publix. If something is buy 1 get 1 free at Publix, buying just one will make it half price on this deal.
Loop Sandy
Grab perishable from the back of the shelf.
Nicole Patterson
The meat dept tip is a new one. Thank you!!
Kelli Kelly
I always take from the back and my friends make fun of me 🤪 glad I’m not the only smart one!!
Watching as the cashier rings you up is such a great tip and one I need to work on. I’m always too distracted (five boys)! It’s such a pain when you realize something was rung up wrong when you’re leaving the store 🤦🏼♀️
I’m going to try the apps you mentioned. Sounds like a good way to save money! Thanks for that tip!
I like grabbing perishables from the back! Great tip!
Stephanie Ahlswede
I loved the suggestion of looking both up and down the shelves! Never paid attention to see if lower priced items were on the bottom or too! Definitely will be doing that more often because I’m all about saving money!! Loved every other suggestion as well and will be utilizing all of them! Thank you!!😊
I’m with Nana….. shop from the back 😉
Also a list and meal plan is they way to go !
Thanks for the info 😍
Christine W
Ahh, so many good tips! My favorite all time tip that you have included is to check the price per ounce. I do this every single time and am still amazed by certain items that are more expensive because they’re packaged a certain way!
Swapping similar items! Why have I never thought of this?!
Giving littles something to hold to “help” saves me so much screaming and such with my 15 month old!
Sabrina Caines
We do most of your tips! Had never thought to grab milk from the back so thank you for that idea!
Connie Caudill
Have a list is a must then you won’t randomly buy stuff your not gonna use! Meal plan then make a list of the items you need!
Amanda Ebner
I’m definitely going to check out Ibotta and Fetch! I actually do several things that you all suggested already 😊 so I feel pretty good about that!
I’ll try to next time ask for the price break on 2 single items when the double is on sale & they’re out. I recently did pick up & wanted the double pack of whole chickens. They were out but wouldn’t you think they’d substitute 2 singles? Nope, I had to go into the store & get them!
Also want to try those apps you mentioned.
Thanks for the tips! It’s always helpful to brush up ion ways you can save a little!
Valetta Yoder
Buy in bulk!
All great tips for sure! My mom does the grocery shopping and she definitely has a list then mentally goes through the meals and separately shops for those items.
Yes to generic store brand items!
Never thought of the sliced meat thing. Great idea.
I use to love to get a free cookie shopping with my mom!
Farwell Elementary
Planning the route! I always tend to go up & down every aisle & end up buying things I didn’t really need!
Utilizing the meat dept is such a great suggestion! We raise our own meat so I tend to forget about that but love the idea of going there instead of the deli!!!
Molly Rice
Love the check out with confidence section!!
Best day and time to shop for clearance is Tuesday mornings. They will clear the meat section of soon to be sell by dates or use by dates and mark them down. Most groceries have a designated area these are put. But be sure to go early before they are all gone.
Catherine Asher
Utilize the meat department! I never knew that was a possibility! Great tip
Oops…see below!! It’s JACLYN not JACLYB
I never thought about the look up and down tip! I love that, because it is true that items at eye level draw me in, but it’s not necessarily the most cost effective.
Thanks for the tips!
Dawn Blenden
Lists for sure and remembering to utilize the butchers. Always super helpful!
Nicole Houseal
Great ideas! I know my kids love the fruit or cookie they get and sliced cheese! It definitely makes shopping with littles easier!
Awesome tips! Thanks for sharing!
Bonus Tip for the free cookie! Best memory as a kid and when I do go into the store, our kids love it too! Plus it helps distract from pulling off everything from the shelves. 😂
Loyalty programs and rewards are the best for sure! I love Ibotta.
Madelynn Riney
So helpful, thank you!!!
Stacie Rahlf
Comparing prices for sure! There are so many times, when the smaller package of something is a better price per item and then you can just buy multiple packages! Thankfully the stores usually have it broken down on the price tags at the grocery store.
I like all those but the one I love is look up and down because the Expensive items are at eye level. I never knew that. So next time I go shopping I will be doing just that. I have a hard time planning my plans and making a list. It makes me very stressed but I know if I did make plan and a list I would be saving money.
Jenn London
Great tips!
Utilize the meat department
Mariah Petero
Yesssss if I don’t have a list I’m not going. I’ll forget everything I actually needed and still spend more than normal 😂
I have a brown paper roll that I or kids can write on, on the side panel of the fridge and it definitely helps so you don’t forget those important things! Also, can just unroll and rip off to take with in a hurry! Also, totally check those dates that might be in back or farther under to help you get fresher produce esp. like spring mix! Also, I am trying to eliminate unnecessary added ingredients so check those labels so you don’t get high fructose corn syrup in things like ketchup lol
Madelynn Riney
My favorite tip.. to buy in bulk! I never knew If this was truly cheaper, and now I know! Also, the free cookie/fruit idea is genius, why haven’t I thought of that? Thank you Sarah & Fam 🥰🛒
Alyssa Ryan
I love grabbing food from the back of the rack! My grandmother ALWAYS did this, and it reminds me of her!
Laura Lager
I love the idea of reaching to the back of the shelf for newer inventory! I never thought of that!! Thanks!! 😀
Sarah S
I loved reading about all the different ideas on how to stay on budget.
Amanda Keil
I love using store brands! That’s the best tip!
Tonys Wirtz
Ibotta & Fetch are both great!
Remember to look up and down! I had no idea about eye level being the most expensive—totally going to implement this on our next grocery store trip!
All of these tips are great ones. I use most of them but learned a few new ones too.
Cara Lewis
This is so helpful! Thank you!!!
Ashley Queen
My grandma always taught me to grab from
The back haha 🤗
Molly Ramirez
Love the “check out with confidence” tip. I usually space out honestly and I almost paid for it (literally) when traveling recently! The checker entered a code wrong and I paid $32 for blueberries! Thankfully my hubs caught it when checking the receipt!
I never Put thought into the up and down system !!! It makes sense now that I think about it. Thank you for this !
Maegan Norment
Love these tips! I actually use some of these tips, especially when it comes to writing my list. I write starting from the back to the front, so we can go straight to check out once we get our produce.
Tori Martinez
Love the idea of mapping out your trip in the store & asking about the free goods for kids! With littles almost always with me, I need all the tips to make grocery trips fast & somewhat easier, thank you for this! 👌🏼
Amber Bauman
Love all the tips, but especially the deli meat tip!
Remembering to look up or down for a cheaper price. I never even thought of this!
Love all the tips especially buying in bulk.
Thanks for taking the time and putting this together! ❤️
Shanna Uptergrove
I spend less when I have a grocery list!! And I am going to start grabbing things from the back of the shelf for longer shelf life! I didn’t know about the meat department other than they slice deli meats and cheeses. I’m all for saving money especially on a small budget!
Lisa Koetter
My favorite tip was look up and down! Did not realize most expensive items are eye level. Thanks so much for all of the tips!
I meal plan first and shop for that plan. It helps cut down on extra spending.
Ashley Johnson
Great idea about having the butcher slice into lunch meat. Trying that!
Love your bonus tip! My mom would always get free cookies for my siblings and I. I’ll have to try it with my littles!
Rachael Batta
Love the tip about grabbing from the back for the best dates! Such good info in this blog post!
Angie Grosh
Love the bonus tip! 🍪
Pamela Smith
Great tips! I love using my Fetch and Ibotta app too!
Katie Kohler
Loved the tip to look high and low 👀 Hadn’t thought of that before!
I always grab from the back! So helpful, all these tips. Most I have incorporated over the years, but a couple were great selections (asking butcher to cut meat up without using deli). Thanks for all the tips!
I do a lot of these things already, but haven’t really checked out the bulk section at the stores near me that have it. I need to do that next time and compare the prices to the prepackaged stuff.
Emily Jochim
Buy in bulk! Our family has recently starting doing this a little more, with a goal of shopping less often-staying away from the store will make for fewer impulse buys! I still have a lot to learn with bulk buying, but I’m excited about it!
Thank you for the tips once again!
Joy Hall
Price per pound!!!! We just ground 18 one-pound packs of beef from a brisket that I got for $1.87/lb. Way cheaper than the high ground beef prices.
I agree with your mom on grabbing perishables from the back!! I worked in our local grocery store for years, and since then I’ve always grabbed perishables from the back. Most recently I’ve been also checking expiration dates on items as I’m putting them in the cart.
Ali Dupuis
Deli slicing meat… I always forget that one
Shopping during the week is definitely the way to go! Way less people!
Patty Williams
Grab from the back of the shelf!
This is something I always try to do too.
Rebecca Ruby
I always forget about utilizing the butcher. You can have them cut a roast into steaks and some of our butchers here will sharpen your knives for free as well.
Patricia Arnold
Great tips, most I knew, but a couple were new!
Mary Delgadillo
Having a list and definitely using a rewards program! Fetch and Ibbota are must haves and come in so handy for extras!!
Crystal Brady
My favorite tips are to use a list because if not you buy things you don’t need and also buying store brand saves so much!
I have found that specific times of the week to shop is important because you can catch when the produce is restocked. I’ve found that if I get there too soon, the produce is picked over. My store usually restocks produce on Mondays or Tuesdays.
Justine Murrey
All such great tips! 😊
Great ideas with the the rain check. I’ve never done that before. I’ve also never thought to swap items, either!
Melissa Harris
I love the tip to get perishables from the back of the shelf! My mom taught me this and it really makes a difference 😊
Janice Menjivar
Very useful tips! I love the pick the best time to go grocery shopping tip. We live in a pretty big city and once you go after 12 it’s BUSY. With a toddler and baby in tow it’s important for me to be in and out as quick as possible. 🙂
Leanna Pitcher
Janice MenjivarMy favorites are to always check prices per unit on the price labels. Also to bag like type things together. Thanks for sharing all your tips.
Super helpful tips! Thank you! Especially that one about the coupons.
Katherine Stadt
I love these tips! Some of them I’m good at and others I could improve on! Like looking up and down. I’m a creature of habit but should look at different brands/store brands that are comparable to our usuals! Thanks Sarah!
Maria Lopez
Definitely try and buy store brand as much as possible and use coupons when I go shopping! Been working on trying to figure out the best time to shop because I feel like it fluctuates in my area especially this time of year. Such great tips!!
Ashley Willard
I am guilty of buying what I have couponss right! Or buying a sale item because it’s “a good deal” when I don’t actually need it. I will be trying out your tip for the meat department!
Ashley P.
I loved the “rain check” tip! I have never heard of this! Will definitely be using this from now on!
Taylor Knoll
Bagging of items – seriously makes it so much easier 🤣
Picking the best day of the week to shop seems more important now than ever. With supply chain issues I find if I go on the weekend or evening there is a bigger chance the store is out of some something, while going during the week in the morning usually means I find everything I need! Thanks for the great tips, Sarah and Micah!
Kori L
I have found that our Kroger store tends to have good markdowns on meats and produce (salad kits especially) mid week. They also have a lot of good digital coupons that apply to grocery pickup. I often place an order for pickup, putting all our pantry and regular items such as bread, cheese, yogurt, etc on the order. This saves me time and money by sticking to my list, but then I run into the store to shop the outer perimeter for markdown items. The meats are still good, just close to the sell by date, so I then use right away or freeze.
This is so helpful! I’m downloading these apps and too!
I like to have a list! I’ve learned the hard way so many times too about checking the receipt.
Jordan knox
Love the tip of looking high and low!
Emily Thrasher
A well organized list is so helpful!
Amanda Jensen
I always take a list of what I need when going grocery shopping and depending on what it is i will buy store brand items
Brittney Swanigan
I love the idea of shopping early on a weekday! So doable for me and my girls!
I miss Wednesday morning shopping. Almost makes me want to take a sick day one day a week.
Crystal Troyer
Love all these tips. Especially buying the cheaper store brand. I use fetch to scan receipts when I’m done and add up points towards free gift cards.
I’ve always used a list, just like my mom does, and it’s so helpful in not spending money on things we don’t truly need!
I do a lot of these, because that is how my dad taught me to shop, to save money. But the one I didn’t even think of is to ask for a rain check! Definitely will be trying that one out!! Thanks for all the great tips 😊
Makenzie Moreno
A list is definitely a must for me!! Another one that you mentioned that has really helped me recently is checking those bottom shelves!
I suppose I assumed the best and most popular option was eye level/easy to reach so I’ve always went for it. But, those more affordable deals are definitely tucked away!
Store brand saves my family so much too! Our grocery store (H‑E‑B) includes “store brand savings” on your receipt and some weeks mine is over $20 just by not buying big box brands!
Great tips here!!
So many great tips. To look up and down for cheaper items.
Love how you share such practical advice for moms! Some of these we already do but some of these I hadn’t thought of before! Will have to try them! Thanks for sharing 😊
I love all of these, even when I do grocery pickup I make a list first so I don’t buy extras.
Cassidy Heskett
My favorite tip is choosing the right time to shop! I always seem to go at the busiest times, so this will be so helpful!
Sarah Hammond
Awesome tips!!! Especially as we learn to shop for 5 hungry boys in the future!
I love the ibotta tip! That’s definitely my fave rebate app!
Jessica Fonseca
I never knew you could utilize the meat section to have them make lunch meat or break down meat for you. So helpful!!
Michaela McLean
I love all the tips!! Such great advice! Thankfully I was blessed with a wonderful Nana too and she showed me how to grocery shop at a young age also! My favorite one is the store brand tip though because alot of people dont realize they are the same product just without the name. 😍❤️
Yessi Garcia
So smart. I love these ideas.
Need to be better about shopping.
Amber M
The list! I always spend more if I don’t have my list with me. Also, eat before you shop. You won’t buy as many extras if you’re not hungry.
MaryEllen Raber
Yes to reaching in the back for milk, eggs and other perishable items, I always do this!!
Always grab from the back! Those items also have less temperature fluctuation not being right by the cooler door/opening
Monique Condon
These tips are great and very timely with all the rising prices. Definitely going to start shopping on Wednesday mornings!
Kristin Sparkman
Yes. I love that you take the boys with you. I always took my kids when they were younger so they could read the list and compare prices. I love that they have learned to grocery shop.
Caroline McCoy
Thank you for sharing these wonderful tips! I love the meat tip. Grabbing a ham and asking the butcher to slice it!
Such great tips!!! Didn’t know the one about utilizing the meat department. Will def be using that in the future!
Love the tip about asking them to swap a similar product during a sale– that never occurred to me, but makes sense!
What great tips!
We already do most of them but raincheck is such a great idea! Although I can see myself forgetting by the time I get to the cashier. Haha. So that would be another win-win for the store. 🤪
Amy Basore
Love the bonus tip! We always go grocery shopping on weekday mornings during our typical snack time! Boys get to pick their snack for the week and enjoy it while I shop!
Elizabeth Mock
I love the tip about grabbing perishable inventory from the back of the shelf for a later sell/best-by date. This is a great tip and I’ve always done this for years! This is also a good thing to do when buying any type of bread item!
Ashley S
My Papa, his brothers and dad built the grocery store they owned and ran. My mom and her siblings all worked there; my mom for 31 years! She taught me a lot of these same tips. I bag how/where I’ll unpack and always look at price per ounce/unit. I just started using Ibotta and will have to check out the other one you mentioned.
Holly Bond
I love all of these tips, my two favorite are use a list and get perishables from the back. Going to be using a lot of these !!
We used to have meat sliced for lunch meat like that, and the more kids we’ve had, the later we’ve gotten to the store and the deli/butcher is closed🤣 I need to start getting it that way again though! Thanks for sharing y’all’s tips!💖
Making a list is so important! I used to come home with waaaay more than I intended 😂
Pam Zweifel
I always use a list, but I love the avoid pre-packaged items. This will help me stay on budget!!
My Mom taught me to make my list according to ware things are in the store. It makes shopping supper fast. I hate going down unnecessary isles. The best tip on here is by store brand, most are manufactured at the same places and are the same recipe as name brand
Lisa Rittenhouse
I’ve never heard of getting the butcher to slice up meats etc…that’s a great tip!
Laura Yasko
Great idea re having the deli dept. slice/chop up the meat for you instead of purchasing from the deli (I.e. meat). Love this!
Malia La
I love the tip about rain checks/ swapping products!!
Favorite tip, is to plan the route through the store. I literally never do that and then I meander throughout the store and go here and there. Thank for you for tips!
Shop the perimeter first for fresh food! Love this!
Cynthia Williamson
I love the rain check or swap tip!
Elizabeth Lobdell
I always need the reminder to check the price and weight to see which is the beat option! I also write my list in the order the store is laid out to make it quicker!
Miccah Barton
Remembering to look up and down! I usually do pretty good with the other tips given but I never really thought about this. Going to have to keep this in mind on our next grocery trip!
Martha Kellas
Didn’t realize there were apps for receipts to earn or get money back on! I’ve heard of Ibotta, but never used and didn’t understand the concept. I downloaded both Fetch and Ibotta! Anything to save a few bucks, thank you!
Melissa Miller
My favorite tip and reminder was the one about utilizing the butcher in the meat department. I always forget they will do that.
I love the Ibotta app and the Fetch app. So easy to use and get “free” money!
Mary DiGiacomo
I have to get better about getting rain checks. If I’m in the aisle and they are out of something .. I’ll say I’ll get the rain check at the end and then I’m too tired… and it’s all the way at the end of the market. I also want to utilize the meat butchers better . Loved ALL the tips. Thanks Sarah and Nana!!
Julia Tilghman
very helpful, thank you!!!
Mimi Weiss
Love the rain check option. Thanks for your awesome hacks and all that you share!
Shelby Mcguffee
Pulling from the back!! Great tip!!
Buy store brand and compare prices! This helps so much.
Jill Johansen
I always use a list. With four teenagers at home I would be sunk without it. And I spend less with fewer trips to the store for forgotten items.
Amanda Wallet
My favorite tip is when to go shopping. I tend to go on the weekends and crowds give me anxiety so I end up shopping fast and missing things! I am going to try going during the week next time!
Sarah J.
I always write lists based off my weekly meal plan, compare prices, and do couponing! My favorite new thing I hadn’t thought of is looking up and down, I didn’t think that eye level items are more expensive! Great tips 😀
kaitlin howard
“use coupons with caution”
holy moly! that one got me!! i’m so quick to say “oh man that’s a good deal” when i hardly ever buy that item.. good point! i’m all about a good deal.. but definitely would rather save than spend more and make myself think i’m saving.
I loved when stores offered the free fruit for kids!
Mary Musgrove
Thank you for all the tips and tricks for the grocery store!! Sarah your hair looks so light from all the summer sun!!!
Love this! I never thought about looking above or below my eye level! Makes a lot of sense!
Remembering to look up and down ! It’s so much easier most of the time to grab the first thing you see.
Carmen Tuttle
Love all these helpful tips Sarah! My favorite is the info about the butcher… I would of never thought to ask to have them slice up lunch meat, what a great tip!❤️👌💯
Coupons with caution is a great tip! That will help save on items not truly a necessity. LOVE IT!!
Stephanie Johnston
I love using a store’s rewards program! It always pays off! Also, buying the store brand has been a great way to save money. As a young adult I found a lot of pride in buying the name brand or more expensive item, but now I know that it really doesn’t matter! There are very few items that I can taste a difference between the “knock off” and name brand.
Ashley Pultorak
So helpful!!!
We love Winco for our weekly shopping! Having the cents per item/size was so helpful for me to learn years ago and winco have it clearly marked which makes comparing brands easy.
Rebekah Lang
Don’t go grocery shopping when you are hungry!!
Jackie Sullivan
Asking for a rain check! I honestly had no idea this was a thing and will definitely be utilizing it in the future 🙏🏻
Shannon Anderson
Great tips! I downloaded both apps!
Karysa Luckow
Lists for sure! great tips, easy read!
I think the best tip is “take a list”. I find this makes my trip to the store so much easier. I generally try to put the items in order as to how I go through the store. But ALL those tips are great! Thank you!
Rhonda Harman
The Basket App compares your items at multiple stores so you can decide which store has the best deals for what is on your list. Winco is usually the best option 😜
Toni F
Great tips! I like the one about looking up and down at the options for a product. Sometimes I forget about that when I’m in a rush!
Katie Wilson
I love all the tips but my favorite is use coupons with caution. I use to think if I got a coupon that I was saving money automatically.
Megan Hostetler
Thanks for the info on fetch and ibotta and… j am often skeptical of these types of things. Also a good reminder was noted about coupons. I am guilty of “it’s on sale!” Or “but I have a coupon”… it was all useful! Thanks!
nephateria wright
For me, shopping in bulk is the hardest and would be the best tip for my growing family. Still trying to figure things out but this is very helpful! Picking a day and sticking to it as well. It’s hard some days but I’m sure it will get better as a new mommy. Thanks for sharing!
I do most of these things too. I’m definitely not a one store shopper either. I’m willing to go to multiple stores to get the best deals. We also just got Kroger delivery in OKC so I’m super excited about that!
TyAnn Cate
Rewards!!! In my town we only have a Safeway and local grocery store so the rewards at Safeway save me!! I’ve never heard of the rain check or swap option though!! I am not brave enough to ask hahaha!!
Kyah Boyd
Great tips! My husband always shops around the perimeter of the store then every aisle. I’m more of a hit my destinations and get out shopper! Online grocery pick up has also saved our budgets!
I’ve NEVER gone to the butcher section to have them slice lunch meat for me!! Definitely going to have to try that tip!! All of these are great!
Marcie J Kostrunek
At our store shopping early in the morning on a weekday is terrific because you score on the reduced price meat that they need to move off their shelves. Then I bring it home separate it and freeze it!
Marcie Kostrunek
At our store shopping early in the morning on a weekday is terrific because you score on the reduced price meat that they need to move off their shelves. Then I bring it home separate it and freeze it!
Love the sandwich meat tip, thanks!
I have always wondered if those reward programs like Ibotta were a scam!! I can’t wait to try them out!
I’m normally a grab day of grocery shopper but the amount of time (and money) I save when I do 1 big shopping trip a week is insane. Definitely taking these tips next time I shop!
Laura Losch
Great tips! I agree that a list is important. Otherwise I wander around buying things I don’t need and forgetting things I do need.
Lacie (Mishyou13)
I pretty much already knew all these shopping tips except for the rain check one!
Always have a list!! I’m lost without one. Also meal plan for the week-when I do this it always goes so quickly and smoothly and helps the budget!
Great tipsI’m I never knew the butcher would slice lunch meat I’ll have to try this!
Shopping in bulk is a great tip! Also recently discovered the fetch app and loving it!
Lindsey L.
Make a list. I know that seems obvious but I’m really bad at this! I’m going to be better though!
Awesome tips!!
All of these are great tips! My top 3 are use rewards, shop in order from 1st round last row of the store, and grab from the back of the shelf!
Lynn Walker
Always use a list and plan your route in store.
Thank you for your good ideas and plan!!
Kayleigh S
Love this. Such practical advice!
Lisa Malabuyo
My favorite tip is MAKE A LIST. I have saved so much money (and trips to the store) by planning out our meals and buying only what’s on my list. Even my kids know, if it’s not on the list, I’m not buying it.
Look up and down is a great tip! I’ve never realized that the most expensive items are at eye level! Thanks for the ideas!
Having a list written in the order of the aisles on the store map has really helped me!
Mandy Hammons
My favorite tip is making a list and then also comparing prices. Thanks for sharing these
melisa barrick
Such great tips! Thank you!!
Emily P
Such good tips!!! I always make a list, and I usually categorize the items on my list based on their placement in the store! Grocery shopping can be so overwhelming, but these tips are super helpful in making it an enjoyable experience. 🙂
Jodi Brown
Lists are so important!!! My husband and I both add items to a shared list on our phones. This is a o whoever is stopping by the grocery store will have an updated list.
Looking up and down the isle! I didn’t realize eye level was the most expensive.
Elizabeth Evans
Great tips… thanks
Love the grab the item from the back. And also make a list. I am bad about that and always end up spending way to much everytime
Ashley Johnson
I love the butcher idea! I NEVER thought of asking the butcher to cut up some ham or Turkey for sandwiches- genius. I’m also going to get those apps ASAP to earn back some of the money spent. Thank you for your helpful tips!
40 years old, been grocery shopping for myself (and now a family) since I was 22, and I had NO IDEA about newer items being pushed to the back of the shelves! Ahhhhhh!! Revolutionizing my shopping experience! Ha!
Dawn Ferguson
“Learn the Dating system”
I feel dumb, lol but I honestly didn’t know this. This is super helpful to me. I just assumed it was expired stuff on sale. So I never buy those things. I’m on disability and a right budget so I’m grateful to have these helpful tips!!!!
Thanks 😊
America Sons
I didn’t know that about the butcher area. I’m so curious now what all they can do!
Kali Wanstrom
I love these tips! I 100% stand by utilize the meat department! Often times an overlooked area but they are so helpful and a great way to save a little money.
Jill Wilson
These are super great tips! My mom has shared some of these with me too and I forgot about them.
Lois Leavengood
Look up and down! I never thought of that!
Brenda Wulterkens
Love the tip about utilizing the meat department! I didn’t even think to have them slice up Lunchmeat! Definitely going to do that next time 🙂
Kayli Sells
fredmeyer has a great app too! So many coupons and discounts on there!
Callie Angeles
Yes! So good! Lists lists lists! Especially with kids! ❤️❤️
Laura Burmeister
This is great. I know we’ve been over spending in stuff lately and have been wanting a better way! Thank you!!
Emily Jones
Always a list or else you end up buying way too much!!
I love all these ideas! My favorite is mapping out your route! This way, you’re less likely to forget something and can move faster because you know you’ve already passed what you do or don’t need. Memorize your store!
Kristy W
Compare the prices is a big one for me!!
Megan Rivera
Asking for a free cookie was my factories when I was a kid 😋
Rita Froese
I will often go the opposite direction that is expected in the store. If the “traffic” automatically feels go to the right, I go to the left and start shopping there. Less people and I get what I really need. If I go with the flow, I’ll be tired by the last aisles and end up throwing stuff in the cart that I don’t need.
Kim Owen
I never even thought about the whole prepackaged things being more expensive! Convenient yes, but if I can save money right now, THAT’S what I need to remember! The past few months have been difficult at the grocery store for us since my husband’s stroke because he’s out of work without pay while recovering but we still have a little mouth to feed. Trying to cut costs where we can but I think THIS specific tip will help us save the most money in our household because I for some reason never even imagined this could be a thing. I just always assumed box stuff was surely cheaper. Thank you so much for these tips! Also, I NEVER check my receipt at checkout because I’m terrified of confrontation and fear I’d be coming off the wrong way to someone…HOWEVER, I also never realized things could really ring up incorrectly! Two favorite tips and I’m sooooo grateful for this blog post!!! Thank you guys!!
Heather Hollis
I love to use Ibotta also. Buying in bulk when I make a trip to Sam’s is also fun.
Taryn Wright
I utilize both a list and planning a route through the store. I make my list in a note on my phone and use the store app to find what aisle each item is located in
Love the tip about the meat department!
Really need to get into the habit of making a list! Every week when my husband and I go grocery shopping we step into the store and ask each other, “What are we going to get?” 🙃
These are such great tips! Love following along and ask your great ideas
Karlee Knab
The bonus tip is my favorite! I remember doing this as a kid. So I got my oldest suckered in on this. He would feel defeated when they’d say no because of the Rona so we’d get him another treat. But are regular Fred Meyers, we pull into the car park barely and he’s already asking for his cookie. He’s 2.5. Costco he’s asking for the hotdog. Haha. Kids are so smart.
Thank you for taking your time to share this tips,very useful😍 I loved the one about using cupons with caution, I’m from Mexico and this made me remember my mom, sales are different here, is sad but stores often raise the cost of items and then give them deep discounts so the final cost does not turn out to be so beneficial, but my mom always falls, doesn’t matter if is something she doesn’t needs, she always says… but look, it has an incredible discount, I cant let it pass, and buys it… but as your tip says is not saving is spending 🤭
Yvette Sanchez
Great tips! The eye level items, grabbing from the back and sell by dates are really helpful. Thank you!
Alissa Whitaker
Such good tips! As a college student, having a list and sticking to it is so important. Also looking forward to using the Fetch and Ibotta apps!
Oh my goodness! Plan a shopping route! I need to do this!!
Love the tip to get a free bakery cookie!
Rachel Kohl
Such great tips. Going to share with my son in college.
I love the tip about getting perishables from the back of the shelf. We have a grocery store nearby that is notorious for not rotating stock. If you grab an item in the front, it’s likely expired, or very near the expiration date.
I had no idea about the rain check system! Seriously, my mind is blown. 🤯 Thank you for sharing such great advice!♥️
Awesome tips! Totally forgot about the free treats from the bakery section! I use to get them with my mom when I went shopping with her as a kid ♥️
A list!! Always have a list or you’ll buy stuff you don’t need
Erica Knapp
Great tips!! I’m not so great on the lists always, but I also do my research before I go and see what items are on Ibotta too that we use/purchase to stack savings! And try to stick to just the needed items or items that are “stock up” price too!
I also use KrogerKrazy’s website. She posts deals on items for sale that week and how to do deal scenarios in their stores and sister stores! Makes my trip and what I’m looking for go so much faster and my list shorter. I will have to try shopping on the edges first! Thank you for sharing!
Marie Vinton
All great tips! I love to buy meat in bulk and have it shipped to our home to get the best price. And I also love to grab frozen fruit- we buy organic and that can usually be much cheaper than fresh. It still tastes great and you can use them for smoothies, pies, homemade fruit roll ups and jam!
Nichole Reed
Our stores stopped giving cookies out, makes me so bummed for the kids! Totally didn’t think about lower prices being lower on the shelves, that’s a great tip!
Love the meat department tip! We often buy deli slices meat because we like the taste better but I would have never thought to have the meat department do it for a better price! Thank you!
Kara Holombo
Seriously love the tip about asking them to cut pre packed meat! I always buy so much lunch meat!
Emily Wuollet
Eat before you shop to eliminate impulsive buying!
Heather Hesgcock
Awesome information
Love the idea of using a rewards program!
Jenna Johnson
The Raincheck or Swap is something I have never even considered! What a great idea!
Debra Pena
I LOVE the idea of checking by the bakery or produce, to keep little hands occupied. I e had to let mine carry non perishable items, just for distractions. Sometimes I let them hold one “inexpensive, small” treat. If they behave, it’s theirs to keep.
Stefanie Vasquez
I love all of these tips and tricks!! I do notice when I make a list I don’t typically over spend! Also want to add DON’T GO SHOPPING HUNGRY 😂😂 that’s my biggest problem 🫣🤦🏼♀️
Great tips!! I just recently started teaching g my boys how to shop so they learn this important life skill!
I always use a list, but I will now be adding reaching to the back of the produce shelves. Absolute genius your Mom is, thanks for sharing Sarah.
great post! lots of helpful tips forsure. I’m only in college but these are great!!
Kathleen Blake
Great tips!!! Especially like the one where you pick items from VBS k of shelf!
Great tips! I usually clip coupons while I am nursing at night since baby is falling asleep. I put items in my cart on the store app as a shopping list to make the trip quicker. Sometimes coupons make pick up free or give me $ off my order to make it worth doing a mobile order. This saves me a lot of time which is also money.
Joanne MacEachern
Thank you so much!!! Definitely a list is a must, but one of my absolute rules is “don’t go shopping hungry”
Megan Cabuena
I love the DONT buy from the front (I never do!) but also I am super intimidated by the use by/sell by dates I understand them tho.
Sarah Foster
Produce from the back!!! Yes!!
My MIL always plans her grocery list by how she walks through the store. Such a good, simple idea to cut down on unnecessary purchases… that and not sending my husband to shop instead of me. He’s prone to impulse buys 🤣
These are great tips. It was nice to see I do most of these.
Here’s one more – never shop hungry!! Lol
Now, this is the info we all need! So helpful!
Jackie Vega
Thanks! A list is a must otherwise I’m clueless 😂
Taylor Salomon
Yes! Weekdays are definitely better to shop. I have found that Wednesday morning is the best for our store. They are always fully stocked and produce is fresh ☺️
Christina Jennings
Great tips! My favorite is making your list in the order of the grocery store aisles, to make shipping smoother & to not forget things too!! 🙂
Denise Candler
I didn’t realize the meat department would slice meat for free. That will save money for my family, great tip!
Patricia Blackwood
Yes! These are so helpful. When my kiddos were little my husband and I did all these. Now that it’s just the two of us we typically go to Costco once a month and pick other items up as needed at our local grocery store.
Jordan S
I definitely should be better at timing. I very often just kinda pick up and go to the store. Could be early weekday morning, could be evening, could be a weekend (ugh). I feel like there’s always something I forget
Stephanie Morgan
Love this! Thank you! I’ll be changing my shopping way for sure lol!
Love all these helpful tips!! I definitely shop better when I have a list! If not then, I’m just putting unnecessary items in the cart!
Stasha Wright
My mom taught me the same thing about grabbing perishables from the back! I love the tip about looking high and looking low. 😊
Jerrilynn Osborne
My best tip is to meal plan from my back stock at home. Then my shopping maximizes all sale items that will be added to my pantry/freezer at home to be used in the future. Second tip is ask for clarification when needed about sale language for a particular store. For example, buy one, get one free is not the same as two for the price of one at Publix if you only want to buy one (like a perishable item that can’t be frozen).
I mostly choose the weekends and end days of month for groceries shopping bcz at that time I mostly get huge discount like buy 2 get one free, 50- 60% discount. sometimes I cut and print the coupons from newspapers and get from family friends which helps me to reduce bill. mostly I do shopping at evening time
Amanda Sikes
Compare prices! Something I do every trip! It makes a difference!
These tips are great! I didn’t know that they sometimes would do a raincheck deal! Thank you!
Ashley Luyk
Favorite tip is to grab from back but really just check the dates! Sometimes stores will actually restock from the aisles/front and the newer dates are actually in the front (I’ve found this with bread a few times!) so don’t assume the things in the back are always newer, read the dates!
Katie Sparks
I have never thought to ask for a rain check or to swap similar items for what’s on sale that they’re out of! I’m curious if our local grocery stores all offer this.
Jill O
Ask for a rain check or ask to swap a similar item. I forget to ask for a rain check, but I have gotten some great deals when I do remember!
These are great tips, thank you! I love the tip about rain checks, I always forget thats an option and these days there always seem to be a shortage of products!
Love the idea to create your list in categories so that you’re not tempted to get more than what you came for!
Ashlee Kenner
Yes CHECK YOU RECEIPT! And watch as they are ringing it up! Sometimes the computer doesn’t catch the sale price and this can cost you more money than you added up. Definitely my favorite tip!
Love the list. This is mandatory in our house, if not I forget stuff, and buy more non essentials
Fetch Reward is the best! I even have my older teens using the app and we fight over who gets the receipts now. 😂
Andrea White
Such helpful tips. I never thought about shopping the outer store first!
Wow, did not know the tip about using the butcher when you pull meat out of a case to slice it! That would help save money on lunch meat!
Joanna S
Plan you’re route through the store is by far my fav tip! Saves a ton of time!
Wonderful tips! Good reminder of some things I have not been doing lately!
My favorite tip is the one about the meat department! I have never thought to ask for a package to be broken up or for slicing. Thank you!
Kelly Behmer
These are all great tips, but something I’ve never thought of is to get perishables from the back of the shelves!
Nicole Floro
Super helpful! I also shop with a list and getting items from the back is a great idea! Thanks!
Sydnie Denny
This is so helpful! I have never been and we have one about 30min away! Sounds like it might be worth the trip!
My tip is to eat before going shopping! If you are hungry, you tend to buy more.
Fave tip from this post is to have the butcher slice up your meat. I remember my mom doing this growing up but I have yet to do it myself!
Love the tip to grab perishables from the top/back! Good to remember!
Alicia Sellers
I didn’t know about the butcher section, that is definitely good to know and will check it out next week when I do my shopping!!
I always shop with a list. I’m going to start grabbing things from the back and planing more my trips around the store. Thank you
I love to go shop when the stores are less busy, weekday mornings mostly!
Erica Davenport
We don’t shop much in person now because of free grocery pickup, but definitely going to remember to look up and down when I head into the store next!
These are some good tips! Some I already implementing but can benefit from some of the others (ex: using Nanas tip on getting perishables from the back AND trying to shop in bulk at Costco/Sams). Thanks for sharing!
Melody S.
I picked up a few new ideas, thank you! Great idea to sort your list by section! Although it’s good exercise walking around, you don’t want to be backtracking or going down the same aisle three times for three different items!
Lexi Mabes
Oooh great tip about the meat department! I always shy away from the butcher & never thought to get lunch meat there.
Beth S
Buying the store brand helps me save a lot of money! We even prefer the taste of some of the store brand items to the name brand!
Bethany Martin
Using a list is certainly the most useful tip. Keeps me from ending up with so many things that I don’t need.
Grab perishables from the back of the shelf! Such a key at Aldi since their produce especially can go bad quickly.
Cavelle Gilby
I’ve never even thought that eye level prices are the more expensive lol, but from now on I will definitely be looking all over !
Jamie Kerkvliet
Lists! And meal planning. Saves so much money and time.
Lauren Hill
Making a list is a must! I always end up forgetting things if I don’t have a list then have to make another trip to the store and inevitably buy more than I need to.
Amanda Goodman
Great tips! Thanks for the advice!
Elaine M
Love these tips. Shopping with a 1 and 3 year old means I definitely need a list. I try to get in and out as quickly as possible, which also means I always forget something. 🤦🏼♀️
Use the grocery pickup if available. Saves time and money. And if you have kids, some have to fight them in the store either😄
I like the idea of having a piece of meat cut up for lunch meat. I’ve heard of it before but never tried it, I think I will next time especially with school starting.
Lydia Wiley
I liked the reminder to shop from the back of the perishables. Something I forget to do. Great tips!
Deni Morgan
Great ideas!! Thanks for sharing
Sheila Brunker
These are some pretty good tips
Donna Clark
I always look for the latest expiration date for milk, but hadn’t thought to do that for other items like eggs! Thanks for all the great tips!
Bev B
Utilizing the meat dept, having the butcher slice a ham into lunch meat! Never thought of that. Deli lunch meatbis so expensive!
I’m always crunching numbers to see what is the best value! My kids get annoyed but buying bigger doesn’t always mean the better deal!
I’ve been huge into couponing and rebate apps recently, but I LOVE your advice about not buying something you normally wouldn’t just because it’s a good deal.
Christina Clapp
My favorite tip is definitely using loyalty rewards. It’s nice to feel like I’m getting something back if I was planning to buy it anyway.
Lauren Bowen
Using coupons with caution! I have been so guilty of this 😳😳😳
Stephanie Scott
Shopping in bulk!! I love the bulk section and always try to avoid pre packaged foods, especially fruits and veggies.
We love shopping as a family, too! My husband is good about making a list that follows the order of the store, and I’m the one checking the per unit price tags. I never knew you could ask for a rain check or have the butcher counter slice lunch meat!
Natasha Thorlaksen
Thanks for all the tips. I used to work at a grocery store so yes please check dates. And yes pick your date carefully. A random week night if possible is less busy than the weekends.
Peggy Hartman
Lists are a must for me! And I usually map out the items on the list so I don’t have to backtrack! Love using apps for rewards also! Anything to save time & money!
Carolina De la Luz
The best thing is make a List. A list because that way you know exactly what you going for. Also you won’t add more things that you don’t need. The time of day and the day you go too. Very important too. You don’t want to shop for a very big family when it’s busy. We are a family of 10. I bring a lot weekly.
I do the list but need to add the map to help with time and roaming! Great ideas!
Liz H
Shopping at the right time of day makes a big difference! So much easier to price compare, plus the shelves are a little better stocked. I don’t like having to make return trips, so going at the rift time of day in the first place helps a lot!
Jennifer M
I never thought about asking the butcher to slice product for me. Great tip!
I do most of these things already. My best tip to avoid impulse buys is to do a grocery pick up. It’s easier for me to stick to my list and not buy extras!
These are awesome tips! Definitely going to utilize them on my next shopping trip.
Melissa McCormick
Yay! I think I do most of these, which makes me feel like I’m doing something right! But the slicing the big chunks of meat 🤯
Andrea Arant
Oh man a list…. Shopping chaos without one!
Brandi Fryman
All wonderful tips ❤️ I always take a picture of a price if it’s really marked down, then if it doesn’t ring up can show them picture and the price saves a lot of hassle
Megan Hyser
Always say something before you pay if you think something is wrong. It’s easier to fix in a transaction than returning and rebuying
Megan Megan
I use the “pick the best day to shop” all the time. Wednesday is senior citizen day and beyond packed at our supermarket. I love Tuesday and Thursday mornings when it’s dead! Every time I pull in on a Wednesday I sigh lol.
Shopping with a list is KEY!
My kids love stopping by the bakery for a cookie. The produce department also has a basket with clementines and bananas for the kids!
Susan susanstanleyks
My fav tip is shop in bulk!
I love grabbing things from the back of the shelf, especially milk! I always try to get the one that will last the longest. Thank you for sharing!
Shopping lists are a must. Keeps me on track and prevents me from impulse shopping. Plus who doesn’t love to cross things off a list? Feels like I’m getting so much done in one trip lol
I love the tip about using loyalty card and alsoappimg out the store so you don’t buy unnecessary things.
I’m agreeing with all of the tips! Especially, using Fetch and Ibotta, those apps are great! Grocery shopping is fun and one of my favorite errands to run!
Sarah Angles
Yes!!! Love using fetch. I always go through digital coupons and fetch rewards when making my list. I also like doing pick up to help stay on budget!
Stephanie B
Shopping from the back of the shelf for perishables is a smart plan.
Shelly Kirgiss
Using the store brand is such a great tip. It’s usually the same as a name brand just minus the fancy advertising :).
Erin Dempster
My top tip is planning your route! Even going in not knowing what you are going to grab, if you go straight to the meat section and pick your meats for the week based on sales then you can figure out produce that will compliment those meats and boom you have your meals for the week!
Emily Hodge
I love your idea about asking to swap like the strawberries! I never even thought about it. I live and breathe my grocery list, my 2 year old even makes her own fake list to shop. She’s a huge helper!!
Desiree Dorsey
Love all the tips! We use to shop in bulk at Costco and they would last a month or so for our family! But now costs has gone up we haven’t gone to Costco in a while. I definitely appreciate your tips, especially the perishable tip on the shelf! I didn’t think about that!
All great tips! I’ve never considered reaching to the back for perishable items to get a date that is further out.
Courtney Angel
I knew most of these but the one about the coupons was very helpful! I am just now using coupons and I am grateful to come across this blog! I never thought of it in that perspective before! Thank you! I will definitely be more cautious about not using coupons on things I normally don’t buy or wouldn’t buy!
Tracy Opera
Great tips. I wish we had coupons in Australia. I like the butcher helps. Thanks Sarah 🙌🙏💖
Don’t go hungry!
Rebekah Welch
I love the tip about asking for a raincheck! My mama is a shopping expert but I haven’t heard about that one yet! Thank you!
Sarah Wilson
Love the ibotta and fetch rewards tip! I’ve scored multiple gift cards just by scanning my receipts after the fact. And I dont have to buy extra products just to get the rewards…it is usually just what I normally buy that I get Rewards for. 🙂
Laura Neufeld
Sarah WilsonPlanning a route through the store is so smart! I do most of the other tips but I’d never thought of this
Great tips! Thanks!
Erika blanco
Buy the store brand. I’m so used to brand name items, but I recently got my boys cereal from Aldi’s and they had no idea it was not brand.
Fantastic grocery tips, I use all of these! 🙂
Clara Criswell
Always shop the store brand 😊
Making a list is my top tip. I’m able to remember all the ingredients I need and save some money at the same time since I don’t impulse buy as many things. As a college student who loves to cook, I really appreciate the extra savings!
Natalie Wood
I definitely need to use the butcher more & buying in bulk is so helpful for our family.
simona m walters
Shopping in the right time of the day/we’re really matters. Not only saving you for the amount of time you’ll spend in the store but also not having to go to another store to get the item that isn’t on a fully stocked shelf.
Melissa H
Love the asking for a rain check idea or buying in bulk and storing. We live in a rural area and have mice, so we store a lot in containers anyway. Thanks for the tips!!
Lisa Ange
Love these tips and I already do many of them. Thanks for sharing.
Nicole Delcid
I never even knew that about items at eye level Vs high/low! Definitely going to use this trick! We also shop store brand unless we absolutely can’t. Definitely a money saver
I didn’t know about the meat department tip — might have to try it sometime!
Christina Sheldon
Don’t go to the store hungry-you’ll end up buying more than you need!
Always make a list. That way you don’t stray from what you really need. You can easily spend too much and end up throwing things away.
Sarah Calderon
I definitely need to be more intentional about checking the receipt! I have not been very good about that.
Katie Smith
I’m so glad to see that I already do a lot of these! My favorite one is to pick the best day/time to shop, it makes all the difference! Totally agree!!
Jess Linscott
I do often go without a list & u really do spent so much more money! Definitely using a list every time now
Nancy Hall
Such great tips. Love your blog.❤️
Ashley McLaughlin
The meat department tip and grabbing from the back of the shelf are my fav! I love this blog post!!
Also, NEVER go grocery shopping when you’re hungry. That ALWAYS gets me in trouble 😆
Thanks for sharing 😊
Amanda Gerber
I used Ibotta in the past but need to get back to using it! And I keep hearing about fetch. I need to get on that! Thanks for all your tips. Greet reminders and even learned a few new tips!
Reba Calderone
Download an app called Fetch and you scan all your receipts and you add points up and get bonuses too. After so many you can get gift cards for so many places it’s so awesome to get that extra perk from already shopping!
Angela Anderson
Thanks for all the tips. I am such a list person. I also go the same route in the store each week, and write the food in the order 1 purchase it. I can save so much time that way. I always forget about getting a rain check if the item on sale is out. I also love to buy in bulk, and have more than one meal, and its cheaper 🥰
Amberlynn Swaine
I love the tip about picking the best time! Weekend shopping with all 5 of my kids while expecting our 6th, can get a bit crazy! 🤪 This will save me on dealing with the crowds and honestly its’s something I didn’t even think about before!
I used to struggle with using as many coupons as I could find. Spent so much money on foods my kids didn’t end up liking or we had too much at once and things would go bad. Such a good tip!
Allison Boothe
Defiantly shopping store brand has saved us so much!
Breanna Funke
I struggle so much with coupons!!! I Need to remember that coupon is not synonymous with saving!
Teresa Meeker
I never thought to use the meat department like that! Definitely going to switch to that. Also I remember shopping with my mom and getting the free cookie from the baker!!
Hannah Kaniewski
A list!!!! It’s a must for me or I am all over the place!
Lauren W
I also Love the Fetch app! And love your tip about looking up and down… so easy to skip that!!
Bekki Rogers
I love the tip about using coupons wisely, only buying things we actually need and use. There is a great temptation to by things at a discount whether we need them or not, and you’re right…if we don’t need them we’re just spending anyway, not saving. Thanks for this post! God bless you, ladies.
Joan Bullington
I do much better when I use a list!! Thanks for all the tips!
Jessica Spears
Great suggestions. I’m the worst about coupons!
Lorna Kekes
So many great ideas to choose from but watching at the check out is always a good idea. In Ontario we have the law that if it rings up at a different price than advertised that you get the first item free (up to $10) so it’s always a bonus if it is not programmed in the computer correctly. I always feel bad for those that don’t watch when they are checking out though and for those that don’t use the reward program the store has. They miss out on lots of $$$ every year.
Lorna KekesOh wow that’s a pretty good incentive to watch!
Maria A
Yes! I’m a list and buy as much raw, Whole Foods as you can person!
Shop the outside of aisle to avoid a lot of processed food. Shop sales ads.
MelissaGreat ones!
Nathalia Arico
These 15 best grocery tips are awesome 🤩 I practice many of them, but I’ve never thought of looking up & down the shelf. I didn’t know items more expensive are placed at eye level most of the time. Going to practice this 💯 Soooooo REMEMBER TO LOOK UP AND DOWN!!
Nathalia AricoThey get us!!!! haha, love that you found 1 tip to try!
You’ve posted about fetch before and I definitely utilize that app! Pays for Christmas time gift cards!! I certainly need to be better about comparing prices though and never thought about looking up and down!! These stores have some clever tricks to get ya! Thanks for the tips!
Brittany Powers
I am looking forward to utilizing the look up and down tip. I also am going to see about the rain check tip!
Barb Rampton
Great ideas and I’m pretty proud that I do most of them….it just shows that I’m old and have been around awhile!! 😄
Barb RamptonHaha, and smart! Go you!
amanda pitts
Store brands and lists! Can’t do shopping for 8 without both things!
Courtney Hawbaker
Thanks for the reminder about pulling produce/dairy from the back. I used to do this but have gotten out of the habit!
Great tips. I’ve been shopping my pantry for the summer, I work at a camp, and most of my days and meals are spend there, but this is our last week, so I will need to do a full shopping trip to restock soon, and these are good reminders.
Thank you for the tips. Always nice to hear how other moms make the most of grocery shopping and thanks for reminder about fetch and Ibotta. I really need to use those more!
SavannahYa I feel like it’s a slow add up- but it’s still free gift cards!
I like having my list in order of the store too. And I have separate lists for separate stores (ie Costco vs Walmart) all as bullet lists I can check off in iPhone’s reminder lists. Or I’ll just scan and add to cart for my next online order pickup.
Teri Holland
I love the “GRAB PERISHABLES FROM THE BACK OF THE SHELF” tip. I do this not just with dairy, but with most things! I also love the tip on the butcher…which I didn’t know, but will definitely try!
Chelsee Scott
Look up and down was my favorite tip! I never knew that!
Kerri Willoughby
Great ideas! Thanks for sharing!
I didn’t realize how helpful planning your route could be ! I always have to go back and forth in the store and it’s so frustrating !
I learned much of the same from my mom too. Love that our moms are so thrifty and lead by good examples!
Ashley M.
Favorite tip remember to look up and down I always forget this!!
Love the mapping my route through the store tip!!
Jennifer A
Use a list! I’ve been doing this since I got married nearly 11 years ago and it’s so essential.
I love the tip about coupons! I have been sucked in to buying something with a coupon that I wouldn’t normally buy and you’re right! It’s spending instead of saving. Trying to prioritize shopping sales of regular items that you buy is so important!
Jennifer DePuydt-Saari
I do most of these already however, you reminded me of a couple, so thank you. I really like the one about stabbing from the back. My kids used to think I was dumb for always doing this but I always thought I was smart for doing so🤓 So thank you. We are both smart😆
Jennifer DePuydt-SaariHaha, yes- we’re both smart!
I always remember my mom utilizing the meat department growing up, but I haven’t since I’ve been married and shopping on my own. Thanks for the reminder!
Missy Sneed
Great tips!
Especially helpful with the fetch app tip.
Love these! So thankful my mom taught me most of these while growing up, too. However, I’ve never heard of the rain check! Good idea!
Hannah Stoll
Look up, look down!! Great tip.
Jennifer Testerman
I love the comment about coupons. If you’re not going to use it or even like it, you are wasting money.
Sarah P
Grocery shopping is one of my favorite “me” times! I usually try to go alone because if the kids come, the cart is usually a little more full because they “just neeeeeed this one thing” haha! Sometimes is just hard to resist those requests!
Great ideas! Especially love the top of getting perishable items from the back. I try to do this with milk!
Ashlea Culotta
Thanks for this list! It’s super helpful. Never thought about switching out and out of stock item for another item to see if they’d sell it that way. Some stores near me have stopped doing rain checks thanks to “supply issues”.
Ashlea CulottaThat’s interesting that they’ve stopped doing rain checks- I guess that doesn’t surprise me.
Dawn Mehler
My girls are in college now, but when I saw your tips I had to laugh… everything you have written is what I have done for years and my dear hubby has begged me to write it out. I showed him your post and said “Here it is, all written out!”. He rolled his eyes and said “You could have done that!”. You are doing great things in HIS name. Carry on… good and faithful servant!