A while back I had the opportunity to go to a spa for a special massage and pedicure. After checking in, the attendant escorted me to a big room with a beautiful fountain and lots of comfy chairs. I was told this was “the waiting room” and to make myself comfortable while I waited for someone to come get me. And I’ve thought about that a lot since. Because although this particular waiting room was beautiful and peaceful, the waiting periods in our own lives are usually everything BUT those two words. Especially when you are in a season of waiting in your life for something to happen next.
This “waiting” is basically the place no one wants to be. Yet, it’s actually the place where we spend a lot of our lives. Mountain top experiences? Amazing! But they don’t last forever. Hitting a low in life? That may seem to stick around a little bit longer than those mountain top moments. But still, we eventually move on and find something that pulls us out of those low seasons of life and we keep moving forward. But in the waiting? That’s a tough one. Because that feels like a season in itself. And a long one at that.
We are a people and a society built on convenience. And waiting is NOT convenient. No siree. Whether it’s the drive through line for our favorite coffee, being on hold with customer service or even waiting in line to go the bathroom at your favorite amusement park (talk about torture). There is no mistaking that waiting is no fun. It’s full of too many what ifs, unknowns and time passed where it feels like nothing has been accomplished.
And that just may be waiting for little stuff. But what about when BIG things hit hard? Like major life circumstances? Job loss, relationship issues, medical bills stacking up and you still have no answer as to why it’s all happening. So many uncertainties, but you do know one thing: you need a miracle. A miracle. Even the term turns some people away. I mean, do miracles really still happen? Should we even expect them or pray for them? And if so, how? How do we stay in the waiting and keep a hopeful attitude?
So many questions and honestly, maybe not a whole lot of answers. BUT, I do have some good news for you. Number 1- The waiting season doesn’t last forever (even though it feels that way). Number 2- You are moving forward and making progress even when YOU don’t see it (because, perspective is always more limited coming from ourselves). And number 3- YES! Miracles do happen and yes you can pray for them and YES you’ve probably seen them before but its time to remember them.
Remembering and recounting what God has done in your life is, in my opinion, one of the best kept secrets that shouldn’t be a secret. When we experience something incredible in our lives, we want to tell everyone. But 6 months later when our lives are turned upside down by some circumstance? It’s easy to forget what we know to be true.
So here are my encouragements for when we are in the waiting season and quite possibly waiting on a miracle to happen in our lives whether big or small!
First, REMEMBER! Remember where you’ve come from and the miracles in not only your own life but also those you have seen in other’s lives as well. If you have to say it out loud, then do it. If you need to write them down, what are you waiting for? Recount what God has done in the past and say “do it again Lord!” Because speaking it out, remembering, recounting those mountain top moments helps give us perspective to our current situation and allows us to see past the season of waiting and see into the season of possibility.
In my own life, when I am struggling, I can list out miracles that I’ve personally seen and how God has moved on my or other’s behalf. Want to know a few? A brother with a brain injury in a coma for 1 month. Nothing. No good prognosis. Only prayer. And one day he wakes up and has full brain function and returns to normal life. MIRACLE. A sister birthing her first child at 29 weeks due to a severe complication they had no clue about. Born at 2 lbs15oz. and guaranteed to have long term negative effects. Now a healthy 13 year old boy with no health issues. MIRACLE. Another sister- 3 separate pregnancies, three separate issues. One stuck in birth canal, delivered not breathing and told would most likely have mental delays. The second had multiple complications in the womb including a club foot and kidney problems. The third diagnosed with complete heart block in the womb and predicted not to make it full term. All three? Healthy happy children. All three? MIRACLES. So you see, when I remember all of those- My faith is built up and I am instantly encouraged at what CAN happen even when I don’t see it yet.
Second, SHARE THE LOAD! Do you keep a good thing to yourself? Absolutely not. You tell everyone! Your friends, family, neighbor, coworkers etc. You make sure everyone knows what good things are happening to you because it shares the joy and celebration. Well, same goes for the waiting. Share what you are waiting for. Ask others to pray for you and think of you and join you in what you are hopeful for. Sharing is powerful because it takes the load and weight of a situation, off your shoulders and distributes it to allow others to help you carry it. Others WANT to help you. Because we all have been (or eventually will be) through it at some point. You aren’t alone in your season but no one knows unless you SHARE the load.
And thirdly, PRAY. I mean honestly this should be the first one because it’s the most important. You may feel like a drop of water in a great big ocean. But the One who created that ocean knows you by name. And He knows what you are going through. And He is just waiting for you to ask Him to be a part of your “waiting”. So let Him in. And one of the easiest ways to let Him be a part of your season (and every season) is by praying. You don’t need to sound formal or use big words, just talk to God like you talk to a friend. Like we are talking now. Because God will rejoice with you, He will mourn with you and He will WAIT with you. He specializes in all of it.
And just to solidify that thought, there is a great Bible verse that I think you’ll like. It’s a popular one so you may know it, but it’s encouraging nonetheless and that’s why people keep turning to it. Because it brings HOPE in the waiting. So go to the middle(ish) of The Bible, and you’ll find a book called Jeremiah. And if you flip to chapter 29:11-13 here’s what you’ll find: “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me’”.
God has a plan for you friend. A plan for you in those mountain top moments, a plan for you in those low seasons of life and a plan for you in the waiting. You aren’t alone. If you look for Him wholeheartedly, you will find Him. That’s a promise! He sees it all, knows it all and is covering you through it all. And that is the best kind of encouragement I could ever give you!
Absolutely beautiful. Well said Sarah.
Lori Lawson
This is VERY encouraging & very helpful to me personally, Sarah. In fact, I struggle in this area a lot. I don’t share when I’m in the waiting & fighting cancer I’m there often. I’m pretty sure it’s about feeling that people have their own things going on & certainly their own struggles so I don’t want to burden them with mine (if that makes sense). You always have very wise words!
@sam_i_am_ct on IG
Lori LawsonHi Lori! Thanks for sharing that! I understand what you are saying totally, and I’m glad this was encouraging- in that no area is too small for us to band together as a community and lift one another up! It’s all important!
Bonnie Gall
Lori LawsonI’m praying for you Lori. You are never alone. Been there, done that and 16 years cancer free.
As I read this I felt like you were speaking directly to me as a friend knowing exactly the encouragement I needed right now!!
EmilyWow I love that Emily! I’m so glad it was so encouraging to you!
Alejandra L Martinez
I needed those words like you don’t know and I will start NOW. Friends and followers of Sarah, PRAY for my little family. that the deal of this new to us home doesn’t fall through and I ask God that we close this coming week for He knows the reasons why we cannot prolong it any longer. I pray that this home also doesn’t bring issues (financially) and that my job keeps me on board because if not then I know God has a better job for me. I pray this and ask all you to pray for me.
Alejandra L MartinezPraying for you and your family Alejandra 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️
Christine Rogerson
Beautifully written, dear Sarah and such precious reminders. Praise our Great Physician and Healer for such mighty encouragement!
Sarah such beautiful encouraging words that brought tears to my eyes and gave me the chills reading then . Thank you 🙏🏻❤️
Thank you Sarah for your encouraging words…so well said. This was something I needed to hear this very day!!! Thank you
Thank you so much for these words! So needed to hear this today.
Thank you Sarah for always lifting me up! Even in your season of waiting, you find away to encourage us. Have a great day and be blessed always.
Mareena Binu
I had uninstalled instagram from my phone as it was taking a lot of my time. Thankful that you started this, I can still read your encouragements and get updates. Take care Sarah. Keeping Laura in prayers.
Mareena BinuI’m so glad this can be a place that you can stay updated too Mareena! Thanks for being here!
Ashley Schranz
I love the waiting room picture this gave me. Sometimes they’re cold, sterile, and lonely places; other times they’re lush, comfortable, and a place of fellowship and celebration. Wait times vary and your feelings/emotions do too. Sometimes it’s best to sit and be still and pray. Yet other times you’re given something to do. Either way, God is there in the midst of it and working on our behalf. He’s offering peace, hope, joy, comfort, strength, wisdom, all of Himself.
One very powerful moment in my life; God kept pressing on my heart this one word: REMEMBER. As I’ve kept that word through the last several years I do just that. I remember the miracles I’ve witnessed, I remember His Word and His promises. I remember His finished work on the cross. I remember Who He is and what He’s done. I remember His promise to walk through the valleys with me.
Thank you for always being an encouragement, Sarah!
Ashley SchranzWow Ashley! Just reading that was so encouraging to me too! Thanks for sharing that with me too!
Rebecca Wakefield
Very encouraging needed to read thes
Thanks 🥰 xo
Very encouraging needed to read thes
Thanks 🥰 xo
Paula Lucas
Thank you Sarah for your continued positivity and hope. Love to you and your family. P.S. I also love the funny things you share to make us all laugh like the Monkey Bread disaster with hubby! 🙂
Paula Lucashaha, I love that those things are fun for everyone too! Thanks Paula!
Laura Musgrove
You have a gift for words. Thank you for being so faithful in prayer on Sunday evenings. I look forward to them. I’ve been praying for Laura and your family everyday and am so happy she is doing better. My husband had 5 interviews with a company in the last 2 weeks and we are in a season of waiting to see if he got the job. God is so good and has ALWAYS provided for us, so I’m not worried, but hopeful that he gets this job so he will have peace. Thank you again for your kind words always.
Laura MusgroveHi Laura! I love your perspective, and I agree with you in prayer for the RIGHT job for your husband! It will be exciting to hear what avenue God leads you all!
Anna Marie Bettencourt
Thank you for sharing those encouraging words! So true, in God we find so much, unfortunately we often need to be reminded! Again thank you for sharing! Praying for continued miracles for your sister in law!
Anna Marie BettencourtThank you so much Anna!
Amen and amen!!
Thanks for the reminder, but will have to say we saw a miracle with my husband not even a month ago with some health issues. I told God “I need a miracle “, and the next morning it happened.
I did tell many, “God’s still performing miracles”, even in this craziness of our world today.
I love following your family and see how God is using you.
I truly believe God is a miracle worker and can do anything, if we believe. But doubt gets in our way so much.
I choose to trust Jesus.
JoleneWow Jolene! That’s awesome to hear about your husbands miracle! God is so good!
Kim Susands
Wow! I will admit, I started reading & thought, I don’t have time, this is too long but I read it anyways and you have no idea how much I needed to hear this! As tears stream down my face, I know I am not alone & I can do this!! THANK YOU!!!!!
Kim SusandsWow! Kim- that means the world to me to hear that it touched you so much! Thank you for taking the time to share that with me!
Becky Bibee
Thank you Sarah! So well said. Something we could all stand to hear. Thank you for sharing your lives with us and being such a wonderful encouragement!
Becky BibeeI really appreciate that encouragement Becky! Thank you!
Krista Logue
So encouraging! Thank you! And continued prayers for your sister in law and your brother and kiddos!
Krista LogueThank you so much Krista! That means so much to me!
M. Erin Nougaret
I love that this advice is so practical and that it works… cause it is based on the word of God… His promises which are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow🙌
Adriana Murray
Tha k you for these words! I cried while reading it. Amazing way to ilistrate how big our father is. God bless you, your family and all you do.
Carrie Schaible
So beautiful stated Sarah. So encouraging to me. I know God used you in this. 🙏🏻🥰
Thank you for that Sarah. I admire how you can be so faithful and positive in such trying times. I just had my 3rd miscarriage (5 babies lost in total) and have been struggling with what to pray for. I do have a beautiful son, whom has been a light during dark, hard times. If God’s will is going to be done, can my praying change anything? I do believe in God’s timing and that he is working it our for the best for me and my future baby. I do have faith that I will have another child. Trying to fight the fear of that not happening or the same thing happening again, so I really appreciate your words and encouragement! I have seen how God comes through and works things out for us, even when we can’t understand why, so I’m trying to lean into that and trust.
LeighGoodness Leigh – I am so sorry for your losses! That is just really hard to walk through- I am sure! I am going to pray and believe with you for another sweet baby! I truly believe and have seen prayer moving the hand of God. So I am going to believe that for you in your life!
SarahThank you so much sweet lady! Your faith is inspiring!
Tracie Szakal
Oh Sarah,this is beautifully written and so very encouraging. I have reached out a couple times to you, and you prayed for me (Thank you, my friend) and you have helped me, through our Lord, and that has gotten me through my season. Even though, my waiting season is still sticking around, I am hopeful and know I will be OK. Right now, I am just getting over Covid, a rough month I must add, but I am getting better and I know God is right there holding my hand through it. This past month has been of prayer and reflection and learning in my tuition in the School of Hard Knocks. I am joyful that I CAN go through all these experiences, because I am able to see the good in my life from when it was so bad. It’s life’s balance and gratitude for me. Anyway, you are so wise and spiritual and I am so glad I was referred to you several months ago, because your social media platforms have been so wonderful, and peaceful and encouraging for me, especially going through a hard season. I hope you are always going to be around, your IG stories are the first I look for everyday. God bless you and your beautiful family. Also, prayers for Laura are continuing. God is so good and I see another miracle!
Tracie SzakalTracie- what you said means so much to me! I’m so thankful I get the opportunity to stand with you in prayer for your “Waiting”. I believe God has good things for you! Thank you so much for being here!
Rita Stout
Thank you for these words of encouragement.
Thank you Sarah for this beautiful encouragement.
Thank you Sarah… I’m currently in the waiting room (looking for employment), and requesting prayer please.
Thank you for your page and the loads of employment you give me as a first time mommy (18 months).
Hope you and the family have a great day
Love all the way from South Africa
TrishéThanks for saying that! I’m glad you are here! Hi to South Africa!
Marielle Hoogerbrugge
Needed this! Our oldest daughter is 16 and dealing with mental health problems and no longer wants to live. As a mom I stand with her, love her, want her to see the light, get healthy and enjoy life. But reaching her is hard. I pray to God that she will find him and for him to give her hope and faith. Please, pray with me for her recovery.
Marielle HoogerbruggeYes Marielle! I will stand in prayer with you for your daughter!
Thank you Sarah! So beautifully written and so true, but yet so easy to forget! Thank you for reminding us for God’s miracles and encouraging us trough your texts. God bless you!
SiniThanks so much for saying that Sini! I’m glad it encouraged you!
Thank u dear for this beautiful words n Bible verses I for sure will treasure this n keep in mind always.
Hi I recently started following you on Instagram and just came across your website. I was going through your posts and I read this one. Whoa did it speak volume to me when I needed it the most today. Thank you for this wonderful and very encouraging post 🙏😇
I needed this today
Everyday I pray and always look forward to the extra Sunday prayer with you Sarah I may not see it until Monday but I love it. As we all have a story we are going through and who knows what page or chapter we are on in our lives I know for me personally I try to take a negative from everyday and make it a positive and like you talked about the mountains I feel I can’t stop climbing.
LanaI love that Lana, thanks for sharing and thank you for just being here!
Sarah Thank you, For this. I’ve just started following you. The last couple of weeks. On
IG. Your stories, prayers have been such a blessing. I’m 68 years old Love the Lord.
I’m reading your book. You truly are using
Your God given gifts. I’m in the waiting season my Husband has Cancer it’s sarcoma.
He had surgery in 2021. He lost one kidney.
Gallbladder and one adrenal gland. All they told us is it would turn back the clock.
Now we’re going to try a new not FDA approved. Immunotherapy Therapy.
I’m praying for a miracle!! God willing🙏
Time I’m praying for more time. I’m asking all my prayer Warriors. His name is Chris the love of my life for the last 45 years…
Thank you Sarah for your shining light
In this darkness in this waiting.
BonnieHi Bonnie! Thanks for sharing his name- Chris- Lord we ask for complete healing for Chris! We believe in your power and we stand with Bonnie in faith for all of it! Amen!